2019-12-02 04:48:26

And what if I saved after taking the item because I didn't know it was freaking temporary? ARG!

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

2019-12-02 04:52:37

So pardon me for being dumb, but if you use only mightauras to tank Pierre, and you run out of UP for protect, how do you finish out the rest of the fight? Do you just get lucky and he doesn't use final oblivion or something? When I fought him I had a full team and had to revive and heal a lot after protect ran out. I almost felt like I should have had protect on one or two others.

2019-12-02 04:55:29

If you leave the general area where the lazer protection is, then come back, it will have reappeared. He wouldn't make it so you could accidentally screw yourself out of being able to complete the game.

2019-12-02 05:23:39

heh. did'nt know that.

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-12-02 05:38:59

Now that VGStorm is down, I can't get the update of the game at the moment.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2019-12-02 06:38:43

Hi friends! Where  can I find that person which will allow us to transport manamons from old manamon 1 file in to this game?

2019-12-02 07:01:50

chek in the embassy

I am a divine being. I can be called a primordial deity, but that might be pushing it, a smidge. I am the only one of my kind to have ten tails, with others having nine. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I have ascended my own race.

2019-12-02 09:08:33

Actually, funny as it is, you can spend UP boosts on Protect even if you're using a Protector. And, I may be wrong on this, but Mightauras actually might have Protect in its movelist somewhere. I'd have to check.

Yeah, the laser protection thing is temporary, but it will respawn.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-02 09:40:03

That's kind of iffy I'd think. You really shouldn't be able to spend UP boosts on skills you have because of an item. I assume that would mean as soon as you switched out the item and the move went away, the spent UP would be gone too, wouldn't it? That would be kind of mean considering those things aren't sold. At least, I don't think they're ever sold.

2019-12-02 09:45:10

If they're sold, I've never seen them.
It might be because Mightauras has it in his moveset, like I said. I will have to check this and confirm. So it's entirely possible that the game will remember the move I spent them on and provide those extra use points. But yes, I did spend a lot of them on protect, because the base amount of use points you get is not enough to tank Pierre all by itself without some insane luck.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-02 10:11:18

is it just me or is vgstorm.com down

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2019-12-02 10:22:06

If you would've looked at the recent posts here, you'd know that, no, it's not just you.

Mightauras does definitely get protect in his movelist btw. Around level 27 or so.

I literally had to only level Donammer once, from 26 to 27, for him to transform again. I've been training Mutmo from level 20 to 30, or at least almost, and he hasn't transformed yet.

I'm wondering if for Rescumo and Frostond, you need to walk them around in the snow, or slide on ice or something? Some people seem to have transformed Salvahound super quickly, and some haven't. It would at least be more interesting than just walking 4 million steps, or waiting till the RNG hits that 1 in 1 million chance.

2019-12-02 10:43:00

It would be nice if things were just a touch more transparent for these walk-around-till-hell-freezes-over manamon. In fact, I had thought of doing an all-Mutmo-evolutions team, except for Frostond. I do still have to give Rythmond and Irond fair shakes to see how they turn out. Rythmond looks like a sweeper and Irond looks like a tank.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-02 10:55:25

Didn't someone say you need to walk everything around for an hour in total? That seems to be the gold standard, until it isn't. Maybe you need to level them up while you walk around? That only works until it, doesn't. Perhaps you need to walk through different areas? Some people have had success with this, while others are still waiting for something cool to happen. It's really not supposed to take that long at all. If it does, you're doing it wrong. Yes, even if you're doing it word for word, step for step exactly the same way as everyone else. Maybe it has to be the first manamon in your party? Or possibly the last? Yeah, I think a little more transparency would be a wonderful thing. That way everyone would know and what works for one should work for all. Or not... Hell just make an autohotkey macro and put all the walking transformations in your party. Let it do the work while you sleep. One hour, eight hours, who gives a shit. You'll wake up the next morning and level them all up in turn and watch them grow!

2019-12-02 11:06:57

Apparently that... Didn't work either, according to some people. Heh.

Donammer definitely wasn't the first manamon in my party when he transformed that quickly. It does kind of lead me to believe that there are different mechanics for each one.

2019-12-02 11:30:21

Righto. I've done some testing with Irond and Rythmond.
Irond has decent attack and meh special attack, the latter of which it doesn't use. Its speed is also meh. Its HP is average. Its defenses are both quite good. It appears to get Iron Tackle, Polish, Iron Maiden and a move I can't remember right off the top of my head as far as movesets go, so it's not all that overwhelming.
Rythmond, on the other hand, has average HP, average attack, defenses that are both slightly above average, excellent speed and great special attack. It gets Amplify Voice, Combat Sonata, Sonic Missile, Sonic Force and then Quicken, in case you want to be any faster. It's the fastest sound type there is, I think (Fowliture might give it a run for its money). Anyway, this one looks like it might be a winner, with the only issue being that it doesn't have a whole lot of type coverage outside of sound, and apart from Amplify Voice can't boost its special attack. Blaizond still looks like Mutmo's champion, overall, since it can use Sharpen and Slash for secondary coverage to jack its already high attack even higher. Still, 124 speed, untrained, at level 51 on Rythmond is nothing to sneeze at. Now if I could only get a Frostond to test with...

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-02 12:24:50

Postgame mythical spoilers ahead:

James wrote:

Hi All,
S. P. O. I. L. E. R. S.
So I have all 7 stadium keys, and went through the time machine in Tradale, made my way to the second floor of Requiem Castle, but no princess to be found there. Am I missing something?

Jayde wrote:

Try actually beating the game first.

Can someone confirm that or are you sure Jayde that you need to finish the master stadium first? I would need to update my guide in that case because I assumed beating the Requia storyline would suffice.

2019-12-02 12:48:30 (edited by The Imaginatrix 2019-12-02 12:49:12)

I think someone said they transformed the walking mons faster by ... not using encounter downs and doing lots of fighting while running around. That's what I'm gonna do when I aim to evolve those mons.

Contemplating diving into the Catacombs again for the remaining game discs I haven't picked up yet. Wish you could move those around so you could have them in the order of preference rather than the order you picked them up in.
Where's' the Treadmill game I heard about, btw?

2019-12-02 12:58:45

Pretty sure you have to have beaten the master stadium in order to start doing the postgame stuff.

2019-12-02 13:15:23

I've been battling plenty with 3 walking transformers so far. Mutmo hasn't transformed yet, but the others transformed literally a single level after going into secondn transformation. Got a Rescumo now, sa well. Going to box it again now that I have it, even though the defences seem really nice. Might mess around with it more eventually.

2019-12-02 13:50:59

Regarding Rescumo and the other defensive manamon:
Yes, the manamon meta is extremely offensive and a stalling manamon won't be able to go against a sweeper one on one. But there might be synergetic tactics possible to make it work in conjuction with others.
If you somehow can manage to build a team with strong enough defenses to survive a couple hits, some type of recovery and a couple ways to cause residual damage you might even be able to annoy the strongest offensive team.

Possible ways are
- stacking implant and desoul
- stacking rehydrate and healing light (or however it's called)
- using hibernate or moonshine blessing + rearmband to shrug off hard hits
- stacking residual damage from toxic, scorch and sandstorm / acid rain / snowstorm
- stacking crippling statuses like paralyze, horrify, restrict / forbid / restrain, confusion
- stacking attack statdrops, that holy cat for example gets one with -2 on both attack stats

So if you are able to set up some or all of those your wall manamon doesn't need to hit at all, just needs to wait and heal from time to time.
This however demands way more careful play and every mistake would result in a certain defeat. Also if you lose a single manamon your setup chain is broken and you also lose. Given the switching mechanics in manamon this might happen way to easily.
This type of team might be possible to build, even though it might not be the most consistent. But for people who have fun with more subtle styles of play it could be an interessting alternative.

I actually would love to tinker with some stalling team ideas but I'm way to lazy to grind up the mons needed for that... Also I fear the disapointment if it doesn't work tongue

2019-12-02 15:39:07

I'll try and give it a go when this playthrough reaches its end. Which could take a very, very long time, as I'm basically going to be working full time starting tomorrow. Thing is, slow manamon are probably at a ridiculous disadvantage either. If you can't restrain before your opponent kills you, you lose. Same for, pretty much, every other tactic. And Myaneko might have a bit more defence than he used to, but I still tore him apart without even trying.

2019-12-02 16:07:57 (edited by Loxias 2019-12-02 16:15:31)

Those walking transformations take a while. I just slap a master Scroll on them and a couple others and level up against feral Manamon. I get steps, levels which also get some train points as opposed to just dragging them along to hyper fights, it helps my banked gold gain interest, and when they get to the appropriate level, I took my training to the rainforest and collected some Glarie Flowers while I did all that. Killing several birds with one stone, if you will.
Frostond has beefy special attack, meh attack, above average defenses, and pretty reasonable speed (faster than Blazond and Duskond, not as fast as Elvond or Rythmond). Unfortunately its coverage, like this whole family, is pretty one-dimensional, and since it's special-based, Slash doesn't help it. Neither does Black Ice, which would offer some interesting coverage if it used it better. Still, if you need good ice damage, Frostond dishes it out fine.
Speaking of Elvond, it's probably the worst of the bunch now. All these new moves, including things like Energy Pulse... and it gets none of them. It still relies on a 60 power move for STAB, and it doesn't even get perfect accuracy on it. I doubt even Miracle Adrenaline would allow that to sweep. Inner Healing is nice, or it would be on something a bit bulkier.

2019-12-02 16:10:30

Yeah, I saw the thing with Elvond, and that's just a shame. My next try is gonna be Duskond, honestly. Want to see how it ends up and what coverage it gets. Wonder if it still gets Fear Feed at like level 49, the way it used to. lol
Also wondering if Escargma is a lot like Sponginate (i.e., only a very slight stat boost, no change of types, no new moves, etc).

Stall won't work. Most mons who can stall are slow, and will have to take hits even before setting up. If you are unlucky enough to have a bad type matchup before getting the whole chain going, you will die. Many stall-oriented mons have double weaknesses they can't really account for. One of the most essential parts of stall is healing, and most of these mons don't have reliable healing. This is where teachable moves and things like Hibernate (which should be available to far more mons than it is) would come in handy.

I mean, try it if you want, by all means. I personally have no desire to, because I can see that it won't work. I know the ingredients of a good stall meta, and we just don't have it here. We're not even close. Healing, diversity, multiple ways to deal consistent damage, ways to force switches, ways to switch somewhat safely, ways to force the foe to switch, ways to partially control stats. We need all of these things, and we only have one or two pieces. Building a metagame that does stall properly is really difficult though. It should be possible to make the Manamon metagame more stall-friendly without too much difficulty, but it may not be perfect.
But none of this will happen. That's pretty much confirmed.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-02 16:53:33

Hehehehe, pretty sure the fire slug evolution tries to learn the fire overdrive move.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.