2019-12-01 11:27:27

In this playthrough I'm listening to, I saw Byron do screen shatter and holy smoke and I think the last resort protocol did them as well. I don't get to see those things because I don't tend to devote much attention at all to setting up. I just get much levels, try to hit first, try to hit hard, kill, kill, kill! Enemy, bad! Destroy! Destroy! Or something. Maybe I'm thinking of holy goat's most powerful water move being bubble burst? At least, this guy in his playthrough has his at level 60 now and he's still rocking bubble burst and holy light. Though I think he just got lunar cannon so I guess there's that.

2019-12-01 11:44:41

i love the iturnity studios! my question though is how to get past those insanly fast lasers when your on a convayor

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2019-12-01 12:02:03

Holy goat gets aquatic blitz, and definitely way, way before level 60. The playthrougher you mentioned must not have taken it, or at least not use it. I don't remember what the stat spread on that Manamon is, but either way, aquatic blitz is far, far superior to bubble burst.

There are definitely more than 3 poison types with mons secondary type. Unless you're talking only about new ones.

Poison bull is one I definitely want to try at some point, since I don't think anyone's really messed around with it. I'm training up a bunch of other stuff first though.

It seems to be opposite of holy cow in a lot of respects though, not just gender. Cow seems to have tons of hp and low defences, and the bull has high defence but not too much hp to play with. Also with its ability, where one doesn't care for attack stat reductions, and the other has the same ability but then for defence stats. I just hope high attack stats on the holy cow doesn't mean the bull has low ones.

2019-12-01 12:26:21

@3,178 Blind-Gamer:

Look here for all advantages/disadvantages of all single typings. When you have a multi-typing
- two susceptibilities add up to a quadruple weakness
- two resistances add up to a quadruple resistance
- a susceptibility cancels out a resistance and vice versa
- an immunity overwrites resistances or susceptibilities

There are a couple manamon with the ability levitate btw which grants immunity to earth. For example the vipesslar line, the cofena line and the venomander line.

2019-12-01 12:34:05

Is it still quadruple weakness now? Asking because in the changelog I see this.

Reworked the damage formula such that having multiple simultaneous type advantages, while still being advantageous, is not as overwhelmingly so.

Unfortunately, no numbers here either... But this was at least discussed on the forum previously.

2019-12-01 13:06:27 (edited by Honk 2019-12-01 13:08:34)

@3,209 Arjan:

I understand it that Aaron reworked the formular on multi-typing attacks, not multi-typing defense. So for example blaze punch used to do quadruple damage on steel types even though steel does not have a quadruple weakness to anything. The single weaknesses to fire and fighting added up there. Aaron reworked that afaik.
I don't think he touched the way weakness to a single type adds up with the manamons typing though. Just how multi-type-attacks work. Might however be mistaken here. As stated before Aarons change notes leave a lot to be desired.

2019-12-01 13:30:27

You might be right... It is a little ambiguous now you mention it.

2019-12-01 13:57:50

Just ran Thundron into the mid-60s for fun. Good news: its stats, bar speed, are pretty good, and the Mechanical Snake equipment gives him good staying power. Also has decent HP and not-too-bad attacking stats. Bad news: his best poison attacking move is Toxic Storm. This is a problem because if you want to hit with your secondary typing, you have to dump train points into a second attacking stat. Why this manamon doesn't have Toxic Tail is far, far beyond me. It did get Chomp and Tunnel though; I remember it getting Tunnel in the first game, so there's that. It's not a total write-off, since you're likely not gonna go first anyway, so arguably you can put all your train points into both attack stats. It's just a shame, though, since with Toxic Tail you could pretty much ignore special attack completely if you wanted. I think Viprolt just beats poor Thundron as far as dangerous snakes go.

I'm gonna go take the bull for a spin now, tell you what I find.

Update: Okay, so here's the verdict on the bull.
His HP is mid-high, not as high as Kamadeir but still serviceable, more than just okay. Attack stats are both meh. Not awful, not great. Defense stats are through the roof (like 145 at level 50 or thereabouts). This thing is a bona fide wall. Speed is average going on slow.
As for moves, here is an incomplete list: Takedown, Toxic Tail, Pollution Solution, Call to Arms, Defense Prayer, Sludge Guard, Jumplets, Aura Guard, Soothing Symphony, Poison Dart, Growl, Viscism, Headbutt, Smite. This is obviously not in order.
I think my final moveset was Toxic Tail, Jumplets, Pollution Solution, Call to Arms and Aura Guard. Let this thing set up on you and it will chip you to death. Problem: it's hard walled by any steel type worth its salt, who resists Jumplets and is immune to Toxic Tail/Pollution Solution. Also, Jumplets and Pollution Solution get in one another's way because one paralyzes and the other relies on stall to do chip damage over time.

The TL>DR version is this: in a more stall-oriented metagame, or with slightly more coverage moves/a healing move at its disposal, this thing would be great, great fun. As it stands, it's hard-walled by anything that can't be poisoned, it only attacks meaningfully in two types (standard and poison) and it's not all that fast. Nice idea, wrong metagame.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-01 14:45:34

has anyone contacted aaron baker mentioning his server is down?

2019-12-01 14:46:39 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-12-01 14:46:57)

Meeeh, so the ureinaman conundrum isn't an isolated issue. Unsurprising, but lame.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-12-01 15:12:58

Yeah, it's a common problem from what I hear. Wavotamus has the same issue.

Also, Aaron said yesterday that his server would be down a little while in order to fix things up, and he said he didn't know exactly when it would be back, but he'd work as fast as he could. This is not something you should've known necessarily with the search feature, but now it's here, so please make note of it.

Was hoping the bull would get Poison Pressure as its last move, but unless it gets something crazy at like level 70, it's not the case. That, at least, would've let it do much bigger damage from a meh attacking type and with meh stats, no accuracy penalty, after poisoning something. The sort of thing which can clean stuff up, really slowly, but Poison Pressure doubles if the foe is inflicted with poison. Ah well. Another one on the scrap-heap at this point, sadly.

The good news is that said scrap-heap is not nearly as big or as easy to land on as in the previous game. A lot of mons are decent instead of straight-up being unusable. This thing falls into that category, which for me means it's on the pile of stuff I'll never use because I'm not really interested in mediocrity when other options are available.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-01 15:45:36 (edited by derekedit 2019-12-01 15:47:03)

I'd be curious how this dream team of yours ends up looking. And you mentioned swift slam on bulderdash. Doesn't that have a bit of an accuracy penalty? I remember looking at that or maybe some other moves and thinking it looked gross. And I also wonder if it can take a few hits if it has to or does it just die in one or two hits of pretty much everything.

2019-12-01 15:55:44

Bulderdash gets Shields Up, so it will take less damage from super-effective attacks at full health. I plan to actually stick an Angel Pendant or Chrono Core on it, so that it's always healing.
Swift Slam isn't super gross. I wish it didn't have an accuracy penalty, but it's not super serious. I expect to be using Stone Spin far more often, as it gets STAB...but for like fighting or earth types who resist Stone Spin, Swift Slam will do the job.

Considering Sirenea because it's faster than Dussocket, and fulfills the role of a shadow type. But then I run into overlapping coverage with Arctana. And as far as dream teams go, this might not be the best for in-game, it might just be the best for online battle, barring legendaries of course. An in-game dream team would just about have to have Mightauras on it. Seriously, that thing is a monster.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-01 15:57:44

90 accuracy. It feels like it's lower, though. Not sure if stone spin has the same issue.

It also has shields up, so that should at least help prevent it from getting one shotted. The defences weren't horrible either from what I could gather.

2019-12-01 16:06:18

90 accuracy? I'm thinking of something else then. I thought it was like 75. Clearly I fail. It sounds like I need to try mightauras at some point. I thought it was one of those that was really super slow. Mantasteel is another one I've seen tossed around on here, but one I don't remember having too much difficulty in killing when they come up.

2019-12-01 16:36:37

Mightauras is medium-slow, not super-slow. It's in roughly the same tier as stuff like Mondevol, Titomaton and the like. Things like Garganchan, Simulon, Magmazire and Volanteril are still slower by a fair margin. This thing is not a speed demon by any means, but it tanks a crapton of hits. It's only weak to earth, water, flame and fighting I believe, and it can handle fighting types to some extent with Conjure sword, as well as flame types with Earthquake, water types with Thunder Hammer. It is hard to kill this thing in one hit unless you wail it with Blaze Punch or have some insane stats and get a crit or something. And the types it resists are huge: standard, magic, ghost, undead, insect, holy, stone, air, plus it's immune to poison, and I'm sure I'm missing some types, too. It's also neutral to ice and plant instead of being weak, as a pure earth type would.
I can't stress this enough; played properly around level 90-ish, this thing can solo Pierre. All by itself. No help from other mons. I definitely don't recommend it, but it can be done. That's how good this thing is. So for me, its mediocre speed and HP stats are a fair price to pay.

Apparently Autoson gets Magic Lights now. That's random. So it can do parafuse, sort of, and it's tanky. Good stuff.

Also, Dark Gift is a completely busted move. Sac one stage of physical attack in order to gain one stage of magic attack. Dark Gift, meet Oblivion Dance, which boosts both attack stats for no penalty. GG Mortrex gets both within twelve levels of each other. That made me laugh out loud.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-01 17:03:23

righto. I will take note of that. I seem to be stuck on making a team on manamon2. I began with the plant starter, and I will report my manamon if someone will tell me what started a decent team. I am currently at the peninsula. this is where I am stuck.

2019-12-01 17:04:50

guys i need an answer, and yes i searched but did not find anything, how to destroy barron byron, he is so hard

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2019-12-01 17:12:08

I happen to be one of those people who just took out Byron the first time I tried. It's mostly just important to find out what his mons are weak to so you can destroy them all in one hit. This should be very doable unless all of your moves are of one type or something.
Byron by himself really isn't much of a threat, unless you are very underlevelled.

2019-12-01 17:18:31

Thinking about mightauras with like
50% attack and 25% hp/speed point spread.
Lol yeah, mortrex was good first game and only got better. I think it even got some stat boosts. Great stuff.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-12-01 17:30:11

Are there any others of different types that really stand out as clear winners? I played wavotamus this playthrough and it seemed to do alright, but, plant! Oof!

2019-12-01 17:32:40

Pity the gift manamon in the game, i.e., the ones you get in trades, kind of suck. The list is Bayowoof, Autoson and Slothing, in case anyone's curious. You have to give up Symphonid, Aperishian and Jiminite, respectively. No thanks. The only one that's even remotely worth it is the one for Bayowoof since you also get a unique item this way.
It would be neat if instead of asking for your Aperishian for his Autoson, the guy asked for your Autoson in exchange for his Aperishian. And would be neat if the guy asking for Jiminite gave you Sheepit, not freaking Slothing. Slothing is just...disgusting, really. Great attack, decent defenses, good bulk, meh speed, and an ability that cripples it. Here's some hail with a side of nope.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-12-01 17:33:39

I am looking for Manamon that corresponds to No.261, No.301, and No.303 of Manapedia.

2019-12-01 17:37:17

I do wonder something... when if ever do you put train points into HP, and when do you put points into defenses? Like, which is better? Or does it depend. I know that obviously, if you've already got somewhat low health, jacking that up wouldn't really do much. But are there any times when it's not so clear cut?

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-12-01 17:56:06 (edited by threeblacknoises 2019-12-01 18:13:44)

Okay all, I just defeated Pierre in the death dimention, so is that it?
I mean, do I now have to track him down in the manamon world or something?
It just, kind of, ended, without much fanfare; except the 1.5 milion gold, a gomanet, and a cruel claw, before dimping me back out in the dragon's place from before.
Also, vgstorm is down for some reason, so I can't ask for trades or anything...
grryfindore, I got your PM, and have sent you a reply.