2019-11-20 20:20:43

You get one in requea. You don't even catch it. It literally just happens to fall into your party, if memory serves.
That storm Jimitron is gotten when you complete the manapedia

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-11-20 20:52:48

I thought that one was just in shadow canyon, in the same place where you fight the other ones?

2019-11-20 21:05:56

ok new question, I completed the music mix tapes both 1 and two, but now when I go in there and complete anything I can't manamon to transform, particularly quartantula and the other one wink
Anyone know am I missing something, or do I need to go through each game again and complete them all while they're in my party?

don't look back, cause you'll loose the road ahead.

2019-11-20 21:34:00

lol damn i died up the tree. i thought i was going to be put back all the way to the last hotel. thank goodness i'm only in the tent i can live with that!

2019-11-20 22:24:34

@2334: Did you get 80% on the music game? Someone said earlier that 80% was the cutoff for these to transform. I transformed my quartantula by getting 95% on the first game, which I had already completed.
If that doesn't work, then you may well have encountered a bug that Aaron needs to know about. I'm quite sure that Quartantula, at least, doesn't need any other item. Not sure about the other one.
On a random side note, does anyone else find it weird that Gronk and possibly its transformations are described as being stone spirits, but being neither stone nor ghost type? I guess a spirit isn't quite the same as a ghost, but still...
Not that we really need one now that we have Gargarram, I suppose.

I heard some people talk about the holy cow, but did someone already try the poisonous bull, or is someone trying now? I don't know all the final transformation names by heart

2019-11-20 22:36:56

80% and they have to be in your party. You'll see it when you exit out of the music games I think.

2019-11-20 22:39:48

So an interesting discovery.
I was playing back through manamon1, and I remember talking to tough guy Bruno. He says, and I quote.
"When my family moved here from Kiarre, it was because we felt we would be safer here.
But I'll be honest, I'd rather have faced the drought than this."
Is it a coincidence? I love it either way. That was some good foreshadowing... I don't even think it was intentional. But look at the manamon2 world and the drought overtaking it.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-20 23:24:24

Perhaps it was intentional.
A third country appears to be mentioned in Manamon 2, and actually more than just once, so who knows, perhaps someday we'll get a part 3.

2019-11-20 23:31:02

That is probably exactly what Aaron was aiming for. Ditto the mention of Picsor from a random trainer. We weren't told what it was or how it worked or anything, but as soon as I saw it in Manamon 2, I knew. And I recognized Kiarre right away. I should, after all; I wrote the guide for the first Manamon, and that means there isn't a lot about that game that I don't know. lol

Team is ranging from 34-44 right now and I just hit the rainforest, but quitting for now.
Reflorin does not completely suck. It's a little boring, but it doesn't suck anymore. Screen Shatter, but so few manamon use those screens that it's near useless. Speaking of which, the Pokémon version of this is Brick Break, a 75-power fighting move that breaks reflect or lightscreen. Can we, uh, have Screen Shatter actually do damage? Maybe make it a fighting/magic/sound attack so that it hits some sort of damage, instead of just being a situation non-damage moveslot that won't get used 98% of the time? To be clear, Brick Break works even if there are no screens to break, it just does the damage.
Clubbull got Thunder Hammer when it evolved, so I'm enjoying the coverage even if that move always drops your def. It also gets Tunnel naturally, so that's helpful.
Limewyrm is just...slow. And I mean that in every sense of the word. It hits last. It's hard to level since it's relying on bad moves. I know it gets better later, and that's the only reason I'm sticking with it.
Venomander can hold its own now with Toxic Tail, Sting Ray and Geowhack. And it gets Plague next level for better coverage. When I get access to trading again, I'm going to be seeking someone to trade with in order to evolve this thing.
Ursinearator is a freaking monster. I do hope he gets a fire move better than Blaze Punch or Chemical Blaze. Blaze Rampage or even Torch would be nice. I know he gets Ooze Blast, but this is tricky since he's already got Toxic Storm. He's fast and has a truckload of attack/special attack.
Ditto Paranite, who now has the Sing+Night Terror combo. I know from my crystal ball that it gets Gammadrain soon, then Eclipse Rocket, which I don't really want since it's kind of random for a fragile sweeper. Ursinearator and Urainaman are built very similarly, very squishy but extremely quick and with high attack stats.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-20 23:37:33

Honestly I ditched Electrist because he was not doing much damage. One would assume since he's a hammer that he'd hbetter physical attack than magical attack (at least mine), but his physical attack is not very good.
I've replaced him with Thornub, Skellitten, and Houndourf (mostly because it's a puppy!!). Houndourf isn't looking too well right now at level 17 with only standard moves, but Skellitten and Thornub just need some levels pumped into them. MMy Shadina is looking way better after I transformed her (a strength of 66). Now to fight Master Dyaz.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2019-11-20 23:40:45

I'm just finding out about this now, but the gravity magnet, which was among the best pieces of equipment in the first game doesn't hit for effective damage now. So does that mean neutral or ineffective? I wonder how many more of these there are that weren't mentioned? Guess I'm not surprised, and maybe this needed to happen.

2019-11-21 01:01:55

Okay all Manamon 2 players, I'm not asking about what I'd asked about previously, but rather a mundane thing.
How do you access the epologues in the music studio.
I saw Liam do it on stream, but nothing I press in the music menu works.
Was that feature deprecated?
And are their any other commands in that menu that aren't super obvious?
By the way, shift plus enter or space will skip the tutorial...

2019-11-21 01:12:19

Linewyrm or pebbledash? I'd prefer not to have 2 stone types in my party.
I'm also debating for later on between the holy cow or unicloud's line because I don't want 2 holy types either.
Looking for a solid shadow, ghost, or magic type.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-11-21 01:50:39

The Gravity Magnet was way too disgustingly OP in Manamon 1, I'm not at all surprised it got downgraded to cause regular damage. It still eliminates an immunity, which is well worth the price of admission, and unlike the Lightning Rod (has anyone found one? I haven't), you aren't weak to the type the equipment is designed to fight. Well unless you're a Banyardan or something, but you know what I mean.

@Jaide: Clubbull keeps getting better and better, and at least your limewurm is getting close to transforming now. Feel free to poke me with a PM if/when you want to do that trade if you don't already have someone else. Just don't expect a response if it's the middle of the night or something.

2019-11-21 03:01:30 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-11-21 03:02:56)

Yeah, there seem to be plenty of parallels between glimmeroto and volamteral. They're both dragons that take forever to evolve and take even longer to actually be any good....
Still, I'd say limewyrm is hands down better than glimmeroto.
And holy cow is probably better than uniclad, though uniclad isn't awful I guess.
Pebbledash kind of feels very one trick pony territory to me but at least it's very good at its gimmick of Indiana Jones boulder-trapping everything in its way.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-21 03:27:03

I’m sorry to ask, but can someone please give me a save file with the player being at the power plant or somewhere near it, thank you

2019-11-21 03:39:00

hi guys. ok so am stuck in the forest. i got the swimming gear which is cool. however do i have to get down from the tree to find my way out?

2019-11-21 03:42:48

Hi guys, I've never posted before, but quick question. I've tried to search for this, but can't find the answer. I'm lost in the rainforest after old cave, got the guy his flower, and now can't figure out where to go from here, any hints would be appreciated.

Michael Evans
(573) 8734340
[email protected]

2019-11-21 03:43:38 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-11-21 03:45:14)

read the post above yours.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-21 04:08:40

A few spoilery notes about some Manamon:

Thank the light and everything in it, Ninjarkin gets Fury Power! Now the mad speed and Hone Blades can fulfill the promise they always had. Its ability grants a 40% boost to special attacks and that stat is surprisingly high, so moves like Mighty Shuriken, Cloud Surge or even Poison Dart could do some decent damage. As could anything unknown possibly learned after level 60 or so.

Good and bad news for Craggallem. The good: You're no longer limited to Stone Throw for Stone damage. Assault Gem and Stone Crash are welcome additions, though the former is better, what with being 100% accurate and speed already being a lost cause. There's also Stone Fist for niche part-Fighting coverage. The bad: The only new Earth move seems to be Land Power... which is special. Oops. So you're still stuck with Quake or Mudslide.

Dormanoid gets some coverage moves in Chilly Wind and Conjure Sword, along with some improved Undead options. And of course, Unshackle. At level 60 with untrained stats, Unshackle seems to have given a boost of about 25 points to strength, magic attack and speed. Defenses weren't touched, nor was the type and ability. If Unshackle's boosts are proportional to the stats Dormanoid originally had, I could see it being decently good.

2019-11-21 04:29:52

I need flame, shadow, ghost, and magic coverage. Does coaleer or something transform into ursineator?? Jayde's posts make him out to be quite the badass

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-11-21 06:00:00

hmm I traveled with slugma through the entirety of ascendence path.  with an exp share on it. no transformation.
but salvahound once it transformed  at, 30 I believe, transformed again at 34.  but I was fighting with it.  and knocking stuff out with it.  so maybe  it's not so much the walking but it's walking and actually battling  without the use of an exp pal.
I'm going for manapedia completion myself though I fear I'm going to have mega trouble  since music is not my fortey  my one time playing that first game where you need to roll the drumbs I got a 17 score.  so think I'm a bit mehh
oh and I have cow god.  and  the catacombs are indeed evil  got to floor 3 somehow, found the spacemon disc.  then pretty sure I was going in circles.  and after 3 hours of running around said screw and will try tomorrow.
didn't find the third husk.  kind of want it  but

oh and for some reason pegasin works nice for me.
with the 4 haths  that and tabulus were a big help.  nom to magic wave.  magic wave hit right box good hit wrong box,  used peg's turn to toss a revive tab's way.  that was long but I finally have cow harpy god thing.

I'm a blue eyed, pale pink, kitten.
A blue-eyed, pale pink, kitten that can smash the smashing out of people.
I'm mew, and you're going to get smashed.

2019-11-21 07:13:55

You know, the airport really is such a letdown in design. It could've been a port of call to so many areas, including flying back to Tangeria if you have Manamon 1, allowing you to capture the creatures and find the equipment from there. If nothing else, it would've been a great transfer point between the two countries that are available in Manamon 2 (yes, I know you can get there by walking, but that seems even stranger than flying there).  Would've been great, too, as an access point for an air mythical, or any number of other cool interactions. Instead, you can only use it once to fly to a scripted event, and that's it.


Spill chuck you spots!

2019-11-21 07:17:32 (edited by threeblacknoises 2019-11-21 07:19:19)

Okay all, I just got owned by the last resort protocol, but I think, it might have been mostly my fault, so I'm posting this here before I hit the hay in hopes that some advice will await me in the morning when I have a clear head.
First question, was I supposed to destroy that stupid bomb box?
In the last fight with them, hitting the wrong one would instakill your team, so I just left it be, got the protocol down to like 7 percent health, an boom!
F*** all dead!
Andromeda  told me to use that light thing but I was waiting until I only had one last manamon on the field before I used it.
Also, how do I actually destroy the merer shield thing.
Do I just damage the last resort protocol?
I'm working off the theory that that's what I did, but am not sure.
And, if I do get owned again and don't reset, will I still have to do the entire thing over again or can I just start at the last resort protocol?
And one final question, but I fear only Aaron Baker or Trojectory can answer it.
Does this battle scale with my levels?

2019-11-21 07:27:11

I believe Aaron has said there is no scaling in Manamon 2. I'm not sure about the rest of your question though. I somehow beat the last resort thing on my first try. Probably got a little lucky or something.