2019-11-10 09:04:59

Can someone tell me what I need to do at Baren underground? I walk around casually and find the underground key 3. I don't know what it is. There are too many roads here. I can't find it. What should I do?

My discord:
magical boy 卢毅#6383
Haha, I can't speak English or Japanese, so I always use translation to speak English and Japanese. I like to make friends very much. My Skype: luyi2013312,

2019-11-10 09:16:41

@1097, how did you reach there? did you mean galary?

hi. i am a dark matter miner. yeah, i am setting mines that when something steps on it, it will explode and release huge amount of dark matters. oh sorry... i am a slave miner, i am mining dark matters...

2019-11-10 09:32:44

for anyone interested, this is the list of manamon that can't be found in manamon dos, so you have to import them from the first game to complete the manapedia. Some of them you can breed anyway.
Eagala, eaghauk, martiagle.
Wormar, globular, skyrial
chindle, bellaard
Larbae (labalan can be found at Tradale Coast )
Leonrra (lonar can be found at cave of fates and at old cave)
Autoson, Titomaton (you can trade something for autoson, but I don't remember where)
Boibul, Bayowoof
Jakanaipe, enchanditol
Hidrobird (dramegon can be found, but I have not visited that location)
Loonish, Sacroloon
Teddyburn, merembear
Palador can only be obtained in a trade at the power plant city.
Drabao, Dragetull, Dragomier
Tarba, tarboo
There may be mistakes, I did it based on the ones I imported and says location information unabailable

2019-11-10 09:33:49

imported? what do you mean imported

2019-11-10 09:43:10

Update in the Shadow Cannion. In the Pleasure Chainber, I heard a windy noise. To the South. So I went into the windy noise and found two ghost lonar and I killed them. Now It leaves me in the treasury with no way out. The only other thing is a ladder to a lonar pit with absolutely nothing in it. Thankfully I did not save my game otherwise I would be screwed. Anyone have any ideas about this?

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2019-11-10 10:14:05

I did the first Music game in Brytanburg and i found special honey. But my problem is, there is only one exit and thats blocked from a log. Is there another way to go or i missed some Items?

2019-11-10 10:34:58

Take the honey back to the person near the water who doesn't want to fight you, but does want the honey.

2019-11-10 10:35:47

Ugh, no. You would not be screwed. This is the way you're supposed to go.

Follow walls. Please, please, please. Follow walls. If you do this, you will find your way through almost every area in the game.


I just caught Hathorilian for the second time. Long, annoying fight, but overall not all that bad. Took me three tries. And it rolled bad attack/special attack for the second time in a row, so mleh. Goodbye, Golovath. Nice knowing you.

Still only have eight level-up herbs. Can't think of the three I'm missing. Also finally went back and got the eighth freaking coin I'd been forgetting for god knows how long for that girl. So I've been playing the whole game without the golden medal.

Symphonid: Keep it away from its weaknesses, and it can nuke. Insect is surprisingly effective, and Attack Concerto is yummy. Equip Hard Shell/Polar Bug if you're afraid of being hit by a particular weakness.
Fowlusion: I was pretty sure this one would be good, and it is. A little frail, but it's the definition of a fast sweeper. Does everything right. Also survives ice attacks if equipped with the Resister.
Golovath: One-trick pony. And Terramagma sounds great on paper, but then you go last on the next turn, which means you might have to eat two hits in a row. Not something Golovath really wants to do most of the time. Not bad, but Bamboustica was considerably better.
Wavotamus: Seriously, this thing saved my bacon more than once. Stay away from grass attacks, or again, use the resister item. Don't be fooled by all the special attacks he learns; he's best used as a physical attacker. There are manamon who get overall better moves (although Contained Quake is nice for a nuke if you know Wavotamus has to switch or is going to die soon) but he has decent bulk, good HP and is just an overall well-balanced manamon.
Maustadon: I really, really want to like this thing, but there are very, very few types it resists on its own, and when you have mid-low speed, this can be a death sentence. What's more, it's weak to a lot, so all those big strong moves it gets (including a very nice Earthquake, by the way) come with some heavy penalties. This thing isn't awful, but it could do with a little better survivability. I still say I'd like to see ice become resistant to water, ice, plant and insect. I don't think this would buff the ice type too hard because it still has weaknesses in some very commonly occurring types.
Kamadeir: Again, saved my bacon a few times. Nukes, mostly, but has a lot of HP and low defenses, so it tends to stick around a bit. Sky-high attack, plus Rearmband-Full-Moon-Blessing combo may be worthwhile. I was able to set up Healing Light in a couple of boss fights against hyper forms and whatnot, and the passive healing kept it alive a few times. Definitely good.

So overall, I'm fairly pleased. You won't pick a winner every time, and I'm still limiting myself to new things as opposed to revisiting old ones. I don't know when my next playthrough will be, but here are a few I have my eye on.
Penguilum: Ice-air type is going to get wrecked by rocks, but does it make up for it somehow?
Urainaman: grass-ghost type...I think it's built as a glass-cannon sweeper; does it get the moves and the stats to do the job?
Gubballine: Very defensive, but does it get enough attack, and attacking stats, to work as a physical tank that can still put out damage?
Chimerus: Magic-sound type...oh boy. Weak to a couple of really common types, but does it have the stats or moveset to offset its weaknesses?
Pegastorm: Appears to have some accuracy issues with some of its moves; does it work as a holy type, given that it's a bit frailer, or are we better off sticking to a safer electric type?
Volanteril (sp): Rock-dragon; we have a mythical one of those, so does Volanteril stand up in any way? I know it can do enormous damage with stone moves, but hopefully its speed stat isn't too big a liability.
Skeletone: Undead-sound, and looks very decidedly average except the move Death Thrash. Will it stand out as being worthwhile? It's actually weak to undead (since undead does not resist undead, and I actually think it should).
Angorge: Looks like one-trick-pony territory, but it does get Mud Blast to screw with electric types. Short testing tells me this thing's special stats are quite high. Does it work?
Marlaunt: Is there any reason to use a pure ghost over all the hybrids out there?
Bulderdash: Crazy, crazy fast, and a nice ability. Does it stand up, or does it just croak in two hits, and act in essence as a revenge killer?
Dormanoid: What's up with Unshackle? Also, what does the move Ceremonial Whisper (or something like that) do? Bram's Dormanoid used it, then promptly died, so I have no idea.
Slothegor: Is there any way at all to make this thing viable in a battle that lasts more than two rounds?
Ursinerator: Really scary typing. Does it hit hard enough to justify putting it on a team, or does low speed and low defenses get it killed?
Arachnite: Another scary bad typing; it's going to have to make up for that if it wants to be competitive. Can it do so?
Sylphantom: Can this thing overcome mediocre-looking stats in its final form to be worth using?

And I still wanna know what comes before Waspunch in the manapedia. Heh.

I also discovered something neat. Embird gets Divebomb. This means no more being stuck with Suicide Dive to take advantage of Vultair's crazy attack stat. If it gets a reliable flame move that isn't Flame Blizzard, we might have a really excellent bird.
Which brings me to something else. It's obviously good that there are new manamon and new moves. It's also good that old manamon don't necessarily suck as much, and in some cases have gone from zero to hero, so to speak. Aaron, for some of the things I truly feel you haven't gotten right (and there are a few, I'm picky like that) there is lots you've done well, and please don't think that I've lost sight of this. As a player, I am critical. This is not an attempt to tear you down; it's the way I play these sorts of games. Use, test, discard or put on the short list. I am trying to be positive where it counts, and only critical where I feel it makes sense. That said, you've made solid strides here. I still don't want to upgrade, as I still think you're far too eager to tone things down than to correct upward, and we're just gonna have to agree to disagree there. But I like much of what you're doing.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 11:38:56

Spoilers below.
... Right. I've reached the dragon. Yaaaaaay. #Sarcasm.
I can't hit it, but it can hit me. I don't think I brought enough herbs for this. I know the quake machine has to die first, but the stupid dragon's not attacking it! It's attacking my bird! Should I run back and grind up a Zintrobat? Or buy broomsticks and more herbs so I can keep my team alive long enough? They're not dying in one hit but I don't have any stalling moves and I'm starting to think Parrot was a mistake... I know I'm rambling but honestly I don't know what I should do here or how to make the stupid dragon attack the machine.

2019-11-10 11:52:08 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-11-10 12:02:52)

I hope you're as pleasantly surprised with arachnite as I am.
Give it a little bit and it'll grow into its own. And earth fire isn't as terrible as it might seem at first, at least, not when something has decent defenses to tank a few super effective hits from anything but water. And honestly, even water with a resistor, but I'd play to its strengths, rather than trying to cover for that single weakness. That's what other manamon are for. You might find a gravity magnet invaluable on it, though. Meta might be a lot different where people invest training points in speed for this kind of thing, but it's got an excellent moveset and some tricks to make terramagma a little more viable.
That being said, terramagma has its place. I like to reserve it for group fights, where going last is not so much of a liability because you won't necessarily take two hits, or if you're going last anyway. It's why I think it's a beautiful counter to speed builds, because then it's just a free base 100something fire move with your strongest attack stat. Or switching in on a sleep or similar status condition. And when a fire move with ridiculous base power will almost certainly crush whatever you're fighting. Then you can switch out if you don't want to go last next turn.
Have you given sirennea or that mandisteel insect/steel thing a try?
Wait, where can you catch a dormanoid? Or does it need importing?
And there's a guy in the island undead gym area that will offer to trade a bayowoof for a symphonid. Gross trade. 0/10.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-10 11:54:31

I'm also in need of some help; though not about the dragon... oops, I shouldn't have read that...
I just finished the hole deal with Ishcon in brightenburg then did the hole deal with mursila, and now I have no idea where to go.
The game just said that the main character was now focused on getting the fourth stadium key, and that's it.
I already went to the thunder prairie and found the tree that someone on this forum said you could tunnel under with the move Tunnel, raised some pig mamamon all the way to lv 27 to get the move and... nothing...
So, help?

2019-11-10 12:06:05

Spoilers Below:

If you haven't done this already, go back to the entrance in Mechamo that the guy wouldn't let you through, and he'll tell you to go to the Superstore for a Thermos. Next time you shop at the Superstore, your character will automagically ask about it before you leave and you'll get it for free. Then you'll be able to enter the Desert.
As for Tunneling, I don't know when Diroink gets it, but I leveled my Hilimer until it turned into Molandon and she got it at Level 26 or 27. Can't remember which. Thunder Prairie is a great place for leveling Earth types, but have someone else on hand to deal with the Friggles.

2019-11-10 12:13:36

As I pointed out in a previous post, wild Dirroink at levels 30-32 have Tunnel. Cave of Fates f2, after you climb the pillar. So this needs the rope.

Sirenea is actually pretty good. Lots of variety on its attacks.

Arachnite sounds like it might be fun, so I'll have to take it for a spin.

dragon/quake machine

To make the dragon hit the machine, wait till the dragon uses Tunnel. While it's underground, hit the machine; this will make the machine immediately counter with a fairly weak Earthquake. Do this as much as you can stand, but again, only while the dragon is underground. Eventually the dragon will trash the machine, and you can wail on it. This was one of those bosses that gave me fits the first time I tried it, and then I crushed it the second time because I figured out the gimmick.

Symphonid for Bayowoof is not actually a god-awful trade. Aaron has done a pretty good job here, in fact, of making it so that the trades are semi-worthwhile. Example: do Palador naturally get Tactical Rush at level 9? Because the traded one has it. Regarding Bayowoof, it has its Underdog ability (when you hit with a not-very-effective attack, you get a boost). Also, Rex (the guy who does the trade) gives you an item called "Consume Item", which is weird, but gives the ability Consume. I'm not quite sure how this works, but it appears to let you automatically use status items to heal status conditions when inflicted with them, so that's neat. Now, I'm not sure if said status item actually has to be held, or if it's just going to pull from your bag, or what, but still. Not a dead loss. I'd get a throwaway Symphonid just for the item.
Still gotta catch a Jiminar to see if the level 20 Slothing on Helatia Walkway is worth it, or unique in some way.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 12:14:00

Hi. where do you find key 1 in the barren underground? I'm already gotten the second key, in the room with the water and the dead tamers. I already got the third key with the stupid music web puzzel but where do I go now? I'm asking this because I'm getting quite frustrated with just w=wandering around trying to find somewhere I haven't gone before, meanwhile my ultra encounter downs are slowly running out. Any help would be welcomed.


fantasy world creationist

2019-11-10 12:20:20

hi all,

i'm wanting to install and run the full game on a secondary machine. i'm assuming that i can do this? also, i'be been trying to locate the save file. i can't see anywhere obvious in the manamon folder where the file for my savegame would be located. any ideas?

2019-11-10 12:23:39

so my question got barried again
anyone how to evolve sluggeg?

2019-11-10 12:41:55

I think it was mentioned a while back. You have to trade it, I think. Or maybe I'm way off but I seem to remember someone saying as much. I'm missing a stadium and don't feel like walking around anymore trying to find it. Did the undead one and the dragon. I thought it said it was east of one of the first cities you go through? That would mean I've got to go through the swamp to get there? That can't be right. I'm sure that's not right. But I'll hand-wave it and ask anyway. Hurrrrrr. I don't have to go through that swamp to get to the stadium, do I?

2019-11-10 12:49:34

No. Go east of the starting village onto the walkway that leads to the city where Alaza's lab is. Instead of travelling that path, immediately go south. New water!

Penguilum is confusing me. It's getting a lot of special ice moves, has great special attack and speed, and then it goes and learns Hone Blade, a two-stage physical attack boost. Its best STAB at level 40 is Chilly Wind, which is dual ice and air type, which probably means it'll hit like a truck on Penguilum.
Oh, and fun fact: you know how the Pebbledash line has some moves that do damage as calculated by your speed stat? Well I have a really neat idea for a gimick. Because at least one Bulderdash I've seen gets Rev Up.
Step 1: Get the Protector item, and equip it.
Step 2: Use Rev up on turn 1. You're gonna have to take a hit or hope your opponent derps around, but thanks to Shields Up, Bulderdash takes less damage than it otherwise would.
Step 3: If you're still alive, use Protect. Rev Up will boost your speed some more.
Step 4: Hit with something, heal, do whatever you gotta do. The aim here is to stall while Rev Up jacks your speed.
Step 5: Sweep with Stone Spin+Swift Slam. Absolutely nothing straight-up resists the combo of rock+standard except steel types. I'm pretty sure Bulderdash doesn't get Earthquake or anything, but if it does and the steel type doesn't have a broomstick, it's GG.
Bulderdash is a little bit frail, and its raw attack isn't anything crazy, but this looks like a very fun combo if you set it up properly.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 13:11:52

Can I not go to Baren heart first? I can't fight that battle. Can I choose to go to other stadiums first?

My discord:
magical boy 卢毅#6383
Haha, I can't speak English or Japanese, so I always use translation to speak English and Japanese. I like to make friends very much. My Skype: luyi2013312,

2019-11-10 13:13:20

Holy crap, I haven't tried it yet, but at least stats-wise, hathorilian is a beast. And they get better with weather, and it's attacks change the weather beyond doing damage? Almost tempted to break my usual never use mythics/legendaries in actual gameplay rule against the second round of statium leaders for this.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-10 13:16:12

Right, done that fight! Thanks Jayde!

Now, I'm treading extremely carefully in the new city so I don't get myself into trouble I'm not ready for. How much should I grind before I try the Stadium and what comes after? Which Manamon should I have/which types should I be covering with my team before spoiler happens?
Current Team that I got through the Desert with:
Usagi: Chillardent, Level 46.
Sweetheart: Colovaird, Level 34.
Hulda: Molandon, Level 34.
Zoe: Kaboerain, Level 35.
Shade: Wolfsyre, Level 34.
Gloria: Wavotamus, Level 34.

I have others in reserve I can raise if need be.

2019-11-10 13:21:22

You're very well prepared. Probably overprepared, quite frankly. You should have no difficulty as long as you're careful.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-10 13:22:51 (edited by Soul Keeper 2019-11-10 13:27:18)

I guess my issue with cowgod is what stats to focus on, beyond special attack. Attack? I mean it has some physical stuff, but I don't know. Speed doesn't look overwhelming, but it might be worth it if it's the only one not boosted by weather.

The level difference hurts me, but the next gym is...
wait for it...
dark type. Doesn't seem like you have anything that will struggle, but not too much type advantage either. You should probably be more than fine, but there's a route west of the city you can use to even out your levels a bit. If you have difficulties with the trainer battles, just get the rest of your team to like 40 and it should be a walk in the park.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2019-11-10 13:30:36

Okay, cool.

Sorry, I tend to overlevel just in case.

Spoilers below:
I have at least one fighting type I can pull out of reserve for extra coverage. It's not the Stadium itself I'm worried about, but what comes after. I read upthread that the fight is interupted and then you're thrown into a (somewhat early) climax, lose your copter and get stuck in a new area. I don't want to be stranded with an inefficient team for when that happens. Of course, I could be grossly misunderstanding the course of events.

2019-11-10 13:34:12

Oh, yeah. You're more than fine for that. Might even be able to even out the level of all your manamon while you're there tongue

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.