2019-11-08 18:30:19

@800, Yeh, I was. You should be given it as well when
you help move the battle from master stadium to Brightenburg.
I'm still looking for any additional types/manamon I should add to my team, as I would like to have all 6 in my party. My types are listed in post 799

2019-11-08 18:35:54

how do i go to Kikini bridge?

2019-11-08 18:52:36


802: That's Water/Shadow, not Ice.

@Jaide: Interesting that you're not having a good time with Golovath. Sure pure Flame isn't the greatest, but Manatize and Torch is all I really needed with him most of the time. Sure it can't handle everything, but that's what having a team of 6 is for. Your team may cover what he already handles more than mine did though.

So, here's a list of things I'm still trying to find/discover at the moment.
1. The High Low game disk. Assuming it was brought over like the rest of the old games and is in the same area as them. I did find Anagrams, thanks Jaide.
2. That chest with the dragon aura that I can't loot.
3. Can you rematch the Desert Dragon? If yes, does that have something to do with above?
4. At least one area I don't seem to have visited yet. So far I've seen Terruffalo, Rhinodyo, and Blade Dodderator listed in the Manapedia as being found in a location I haven't yet visited.

2019-11-08 18:59:28

bah, having a hell of a time grabbing that second fourth floor disk. Located it again and i"m due left of it, with the noise playing to my right. however, for the life of me, I cannot find any path tha take sme to it. All paths I can locate following the walls take me to a dead end, or lead far away from the disk.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-08 19:06:12

I'm assuming you're talking about the catacombs in the fake world? I can't navigate to the next floor, it's such a maze. Is there any methodology to it?

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2019-11-08 19:13:34

Right, that's the zone. I can end up with the disk right of me, or the disk left of me. but no path that actually takes me to said disk. Considering I snaked around the upper end to reach both sides, I'm assuming the path to it comes from below it. but Don't see any path that goes there.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-08 19:14:46

hello guys, i am stuck in Requia Gallery.
should i use that strange thingy or should i return to his house?
i used that thingy and i warped to a great catacombs.
what should i do?

hi. i am a dark matter miner. yeah, i am setting mines that when something steps on it, it will explode and release huge amount of dark matters. oh sorry... i am a slave miner, i am mining dark matters...

2019-11-08 19:20:22

Ha Vazbol, I think I just came into range of that same disk. Trying to figure out how to get to it now.

2019-11-08 19:33:20

Bah, the dead end after dead end is driving me mad. Why is that disk so stupidly hard to get to.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-08 19:39:17

Hello those looking for the game disk. It appears it is inside of a wall, so I'll have to release an update to fix this. Sorry for the lost hair!

2019-11-08 19:40:19 (edited by Jason SW 2019-11-09 00:13:32)

Hi all,

Does anyone know if rubber gloves are available somewhere?
I just got to the big Hathorilian fight, but I had to go back for some equipment. I got a broomstick to cover Ursinearator's double weakness to earth, but I'd also like to get rubber gloves to cover Colovaird. The rest of my manamon aren't having too much trouble handling the damage, but those are the two big issues.


2019-11-08 19:43:33

Oh thanks, and here I thought I was going mad wondering why I just kept finding walls. Well, might as well play mathman a bit for some credit farming.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-08 19:53:41

@Aaron, at this point it's almost a matter of principles. There doesn't appear to be anything broken in my game. I don't get any weird errors. And hey, I may want to use the Divebomb combo. When I say "principle" in this sense, what I mean is that it seems as if you are very willing to nerf (even lightly) but not nearly so willing to improve things (full moon blessing, hibernate, the adrenaline moves, etc). People said they were having a great time with Divebomb, so you knocked it down a little. All I can really say is that I've never used the combo and I'm still not happy about this. Not everything that is good and that works and that players enjoy needs to be nerfed. Now, if it was 140 power or higher, then sure, knock it down. But 110 power, requiring you to use very specific gear? That did not and does not seem broken to me. Because your equip slot is being taken up by one of only a few pieces of gear, meaning your customization is limited if you want that move to work. And it's not as if Colovaird is a monster in all respects; its defenses are frail, so unless there's some other user of Divebomb who would do far better, and for whom 110 power wrecks the game while 99 does not, I simply fail to see why this needed to be done.

I've essentially decided to mount a personal protest of sorts. My not upgrading doesn't hurt you and it does help me. It's just a statement that I'm not on board with your "improvement" philosophy at this point. I do recognize that the game is still new to the public, and I appreciate that you've done a lot of work squashing bugs, including one that I experienced myself. I will consider updating either if I encounter something glitchy, or if I notice that moves/abilities/whatever are actually being improved as well in relation to player feedback. Because so far, the only thing I've heard mention of are nerfs. Underwater boss and another boss now give less exp, instead of, say, just jacking up the master stadium levels. Your solution puts a larger gap between the real game and the postgame; my solution helps players by lowering, if only a little, the amount of grinding necessary to participate in postgame.

So I'm sort of at a point where, since I don't care too much about battling or trading right now, I think I'll just stick with what I have, thanks. If something breaks, I will upgrade before posting a bug log or attempting to contact you, as to do otherwise would simply be unfair.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-08 19:57:47 (edited by Loxias 2019-11-08 19:59:44)

I was just starting to wonder if there was a mistake in the map that made the item unobtainable when I saw this. I can stop messing around trying to find it now.

@Jaide: The latest update apparently fixes some abilities that didn't work properly, so if you stay on that version you might run into them. Also, Dive Bomb went from doubling the power to raising it by 80%, which takes it from 110 to 99. It's not that bad. He didn't cut it in half or anything like that. It's still good.

2019-11-08 20:13:11

One of the people actually acknowledged that Dive Bomb was a bit over powered. It barely, and when I say barely, I mean barely, got knocked down a little to make it more even with other parts of the game.
As for your feedback regarding Full Moon Blessing, the Adrenaline moves, etc., I've considered side effect of these moves carefully, and I believe that the moves are balanced within the parameters of the game, in as much as balancing is a subjective art. I can see where you are coming from, and I appreciate the feedback, but I think in this case I personally feel that is left as is.

2019-11-08 20:15:48

I just taught my Gowater takedown...regretting it now but saved right after. Blah. Is there any way to go back to a previous save? If not, does he learn another standard type move I can replace takedown with at a later point? The backlash is like 10 hp, which seems a little high to me considering that it does about 40 average currently.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2019-11-08 20:24:41

Oh, it was strong, no doubt about that. But too strong? That's subjective. I think no. You think yes. You call the shots, obviously. But you're proving my point.
It takes one person telling you a move is a bit too strong, and you tweak it down by about 20% overall. Yet it's a matter of pulling teeth to get you to improve stuff. I have not forgotten Power Punch on the Palador line, and can only hope that dim, bad memory is not indicative of what is to come.

And we're reversed regarding Full Moon Blessing. No one in their right mind is going to heal to full with a move that gives you three stages of dropped defenses when they could just use an item. And no one in an online battle (where hopefully healing items are unavailable) is going to waste time trying to heal and lose a ton of defenses  when the next hit will probably just kill them where it wouldn't have before. The only, and I do mean only, way this might work is if the three-stage def drop was only in play until the manamon got its next turn; if it's permanent (i.e., like all other stat drops) then it's busted.

How much experience do you have with metagames of this nature? Honest question here. I'm not talking your own creation. I mean stuff like pokemon, off of which Manamon is most closely based. Because that's what I'm using for reference. I have spent off and on two decades understanding, dissecting and even playing games like this. I used to battle competitively way back in the day, and if I had the inclination I probably still could. The reason I point this out is because I feel that this experience grants me more than just an average user's understanding of how a metagame (either in game or out) is going to shake down. Almost every single one of my original manamon predictions ended up being true, and from memory I can't think of a single time where I said something was busted and then came back and went "Oh no, I was completely wrong". I found that a couple of manamon grew on me (went from meh to good), and that's it. The closest example is Snowmonno (I maintained that it's busted because its defenses combined with its typing are just awful, and I stand by that). The only mitigating factor is that Snowmonno gets a lot of good moves, and can be fairly fast, so as long as you can hit stuff, you might kill it. After using Snowmonno extensively, I had to be sure to train a lot more speed in order to ensure that I went first. And let's also not forget the fact that one of Snowmonno's selling points is that he gets Spirit Force, a good ghost move, where things like Ghoperto get, uh, Tricky Gaze, so that makes Snowmonno look more usable than he is; in a metagame more like that emerging for this new game, Snowmonno, as he was in the first game, does not look at all remarkable. So yeah...I can't think of a single instance where after you or someone else presented a point, I came back and openly admitted "hey, yeah, that's a good point. I hadn't thought of that". Because when I come out and say stuff, critical as I know you think it is, it's because I've thought a lot about it. It's because I'm putting it in a larger framework. My brain has essentially been trained to do this for almost two decades, give or take. So that's why I ask what your points of reference are. Feel free to disregard me if you wish; I'm just one player, so I suppose you can always say to yourself, "he's one player; what can he possibly know when I designed the game?".

Tell you what though. When my holy cow gets Full Moon Blessing, I'll try using it and see what happens. I don't have Pegastorm and don't plan to use it this run, but it gets it too; we'll see how that turns out, since I believe it's got a double weakness to magic as well. I obviously won't consider turns where the AI derps around and uses an ineffective move, or targets another manamon in a multi battle; I'll be considering it through the lens of "my opponent just healed to full but shattered his defenses, so what would a competent player do?". And I'm pretty confident I know exactly what's going to happen. Be prepared for rage and failure. I know I am.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-11-08 20:29:24

@812: check out Brytonburg Super store, i'm pretty sure that they sell Rubber Gloves there. If not, they are deffinitely available in some store.
@817: in one of the towns you can find the move tutor, who will allow you to learn moves your Manamon already knew or could have known at the current level, so no problem going back by using him.

2019-11-08 20:35:18

can someone give some hints on where the second elder is_ I found the one on the validation path.

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2019-11-08 20:54:58

Anyone have any tips for the Brytanburg Wilderness? I feel like I've explored every inch of this place.

2019-11-08 20:56:48

Hello guys
I am having difficulty with a few things. I defeated the third stadiu,. I did the cafeteria story line with the sick woman, I encountered the nurse. my problem now is I'm having difficulty getting to the eastern side of the city. how do I go about fixing that? also how do I get to the water container for the desert. I know I am supposed to go to the market but nothing happens.

2019-11-08 20:57:09

Have you ever used the Dive Bomb combo? Do I understand correctly that you think a 110 power move with no penalty whatsoever is a balanced move when compared to the similarly damaging moves in the game?

Concerning the Palador line, I believe you are absolutely correct about Power Punch when viewed on its own. However, boosting moves like Hoan Blade, not available to many other creatures, plus holy coverage, makes it a balanced creature in my opinion.
I agree that it would be crazy to use Full Moon Blessing in a context where using healing items is viable, but this is not always the case. There are strategies you could use with the move. For example, the holy cow learns restoration, allowing you to get those defense back your next turn, with the understanding, of course, that you lose anextra turn.
It could also be a useful tool when traning against ferals, as you could heal to full health and then immediately flee, thereby restoring your defense.
Also, the defense drop is only 2 stages, not 3. That was a misprint that was rectified a couple version ago. It only drops defense by 2 stages.

For my own part, as someone who only has moderate experience with metagames, your feedback is incredibly valuable. However, that does not mean that I will agree with each and every point you bring up. As we have both acknowledged, the process of balancing is a highly subjective one.
Ultimately, I have to make a decision based on the world and the experience I would like to create.

2019-11-08 21:13:45

You know, those Adrenalin buffs might be usable with that item that restores 50 hp on a knock out. When one gets their attack stat boosted by 5 stages and is fast enough, one will probably be able to keep healing long enough to do a giant chunk of damage to a team before the self damage gets too high.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2019-11-08 21:18:06

Nvm, I found the second elder. I forgot where I need to go to get the last key. I have the corpse key, and about to get the key at this druidic place. Where do I go next_ I think swimming or is that only for the corpse key stadium_
Also that soul weapon thing you find over there is neat.

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2019-11-08 21:18:10

So I ended up playing a little bit with a fire type as my starter manamon and decided to start over. When starting over I wanted to save and I found out that there is only one save slot. Can we please have away to save more than one game?