2019-07-04 23:08:17

It ain't gonna blow over when Mr. I have a college degree but I can't communicate worth a fuck continually pisses people off every day. That's why this has kept on like it is.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-07-05 00:02:49

It will blow over when people stop fanning the flames.
let me preface this next message by pointing out I'm in a really bad mood so I'm going to go no filter for a moment.
There are a set of rules that you are all asked to follow. instead of bitching about how waaah waaah waaah life isnt fair tha tthe rules are being enforced waaah waaah. Do one of three things.
1. Follow the rules you actually agreed to, and accept the fact that people for once are doing their jobs.
2. Create your own forum where you can discuss what ever you want.
or my favorite.
3. Just shut the f*ck up. God. I'm so tired of all the pointless whining and bitchery. There are so many ungreatful entitled blind people out there that it sickens me. You want a place to discuss games. you want a place to help try to bridge the gap between blind and mainstream games.
you're given this and you complain because you're not allowed to post links to audio described episodes of All in the Family and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. You then throw a sh*t fit because you're not allowed to pass around copies of mainstream games. By companies who actually read this f*cking forum in the first place! Step back and take a look at how ridiculous and sad that makes us look as a community. The sighted community has dozens if not hundreds of outlets in which to go discuss games. We have. Hold on. let me count here. I need to carry the seven. Refactor the reciprocal value of x, oh and divide that by pi. Oh. That's right. We have one forum! One! Single! Place! Where! We! Can! Interface! With! each! Other! and! Developers!
I don't care if this message ruins my chances of ever moderating again. The whole thing sickens me, and there are a lot of people who should be ashamed of themselves. There is wrong on both sides here by staff and users a like. As far as I'm concerned, noone including myself is immune from taking on part of the blame. This is an issue that should have never been an issue but it was never properly addressed in the first place. Finally someone is doing something about trying to make this a legitimate place for discussion. You wanna pass around roms with your friends? You wanna share described episodes of Alf on your own private forum? go for it on your own time, but you're being asked not to do it here. How hard is that to understand?
Eddie Murphy said it best.
"and if you don't like it. You can get the f*ck out."

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2019-07-05 00:18:32

I agree with Liam on this one. If you don't like it, you are free to leave.

2019-07-05 00:26:51

I hate to tell you, Liam, but you are the only one bitching as of now. Have you ever played A mainstreme game on an emulator with OCR? Let me tell you something, sir, those, companys, that you are speaking of, Give me one form, Just one form, of evidence, where A company actualy came here and said these things are rong? And let me tell you a nother thing sir, these, eleegal, games, are what brings us closer to mainstreme comunity. And one last thing, the only ones who are doing this are the ones who have and don't want to share with others. Mister I have Scramble and i'm constantly showing that off to everyone that I have it and noone elce has it I meen what?

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-07-05 00:29:24

juan reina wrote:

And one last thing, the only ones who are doing this are the ones who have and don't want to share with others. Mister I have Scramble and i'm constantly showing that off to everyone that I have it and noone elce has it I meen what?

Ooph. I'm gonna need some ice for that burn.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2019-07-05 00:33:00

Interestingly enough, there's this topic from last year that talks about the Blind Mice Movie Vault. That topic also raises some interesting points.

2019-07-05 00:37:18

Oh come on liam, its true ma man.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-07-05 00:48:03

Liam nailed the problem on the head perfectly.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-07-05 00:49:57

So I figured I'd address the points given here. Dunno why I'm wasting my time, but.. Mmeh.

juan reina wrote:

I hate to tell you, Liam, but you are the only one bitching as of now. Have you ever played A mainstreme game on an emulator with OCR? Let me tell you something, sir, those, companys, that you are speaking of, Give me one form, Just one form, of evidence, where A company actualy came here and said these things are rong?

I have played emulated games along with video games using OCR. yes. What that has to do with anything I don't know. Your whole post is so disjointed and rambly anyways. there is no need for evidence. The fact is. You agreed to a set of rules. So follow them. Not sure how that is hard to understand. Also. Want examples of where companies have said the pirating of roms is wrong or illegal?

https://www.nintendoenthusiast.com/2018 … complaint/

https://www.tomshardware.com/news/why-m … 37512.html

https://www.kitguru.net/tech-news/featu … tor-sites/

juan reina wrote:

And let me tell you a nother thing sir, these, eleegal, games, are what brings us closer to mainstreme comunity.

I'm not sure what world you live in, but I reject your reality and substitute my own. All distributing pirated games does is hurt the community. It doesn't bring us closer. Again. You wanna do that on your own time on your own skype group or forum? Knock your socks off, but you're being asked not to do it here.

juan reina wrote:

And one last thing, the only ones who are doing this are the ones who have and don't want to share with others. Mister I have Scramble and i'm constantly showing that off to everyone that I have it and noone elce has it I meen what?

Jealousy doesn't look very good on you. I was asked by the developer to help advertise the game. Thanks for trying to take a swing at me though. I needed a good laugh today.

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Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-07-05 00:57:37 (edited by defender 2019-07-05 01:00:51)

Wow Juan, really?  This is just pathetic.
So you say he keeps things to him self and can't share, yet he's produced several free games for the community, and then made a couple of his previously paid games free as well.
And is he supposed to give you the pre release copy of Scramble and go against the dev's wishes then?  I mean how absurd is this statement that he's keeping it from you, how would he even do that when he isn't the one making it!
If you truly want someone to take your opinions seriously, try not sprinkling them with insults and nonsensical speculation.

The fact that you agree with him is depressing, yet not particularly surprising...

2019-07-05 01:03:00

Wait how's that nonsense? The fact that he's showing it off? I mean, you should watch liam's 2 may 28th and 29th stream, not to mention his marathon one as well. Just sayin'

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-07-05 01:13:47

The things Liam does on his streams or youtube channel and whatnot are totally irrelevant. I am tempted to leverage a caution against you for that, Juan, but I'm not going to. Tempers are high today, apparently, and so I'm just going to ask you to reread Liam's rebuttal a couple of times more. He did a pretty good job.

The main point I have been trying to get at, first by closing the one thread and then by actively supporting the other one (at least on a limited basis) is to give you guys time to become accustomed to a rule that's been there for years and is now going to be enforced a bit better. It's new, it's annoying, it's maybe even upsetting, but it's not unreasonable. Go discuss whatever you want wherever else you want, but when you came here, you agreed to rules, so if you don't like them, no one is forcing you at gunpoint to stay.
But iff you're thinking about leaving, just stack up all the good things this forum has, against the few things that you maybe don't like. Ask yourself if leaving is really what you want. And hey, if it is, then happy trails, and I hope you find what you're after elsewhere. But if you come to think about it, and realize that you'd rather stay, please understand that, while we value and appreciate your input, at the end of the day we have a responsibility to make sure this place runs smoothly. If you must protest, consider doing it a little more politely. The amount of bitchery I've seen today has been nothing short of jaw-dropping.

That said, I am sorry to have been a part of it...the drama itself, not the bitchery. I definitely wasn't at my worst today, but I was right there ready to respond to whatever showed up. I tried to keep my temper, mostly succeeded I think, but some people (self included at times) have trouble with that whole getting-the-last-word thing. If any of you feel that my conduct today has contributed in part to the current state of affairs, you have my apology, as well as a promise to be as diplomatic as I'm able during troubled times.

Liam, as far as I'm concerned, you are still a good candidate for being a mod if that's what you're still after. Your tone just tells me you're done to death with this whole business; frankly, so am I. So are most people, I expect. I appreciate that we don't see eye to eye on everything but still generally get along, and I also appreciate the vote of support. From you, it means a lot.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 01:21:09

is bitchery a word? I figured I made it up.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2019-07-05 01:22:27

Well it might be a slang word, but you definitely didn't make it up. lol First time I heard that word was maybe 2002 or so, and that was before I knew you existed.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 01:38:03

bitchery. : malicious, spiteful, or overbearing behavior
It is a word! Wow!

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-07-05 01:55:52

Liam, there's just as much bitchiness in your comments as anyone else's. You're trying to make out that anyone opposed to this decision is a whiny bitch, when your own posts contain way more snarkiness and sniping than lots of people who argued against this. And tons of sighted people indulge in piracy and are out for all they can grab, so let's stop with the negative stereotyping of blind people like we're all one entity. We have enough prejudice to deal with from outside, without people on the inside pissing inwards too.

2019-07-05 02:00:58

Liam was definitely snarky, but after reading this shit-show from a few pages back, I bet just about anyone would. I'm not going to paint him as this paragon of virtue - he admitted himself that he was annoyed - but I think he's largely on point.
Of course there are tons of sighted people trying to take stuff that isn't theirs. That isn't the point. The point is that there is a stereotype, a really unfortunate one, that suggests that people with disabilities are often walking around with their hands out hoping for free stuff, and it follows that these individuals with disabilities get really, really upset when you take away what they've been used to. Sometimes they have every right to get pissed (when SSI goes down, when some government funding that helps them live a full life is snatched, etc.), but sometimes, as in cases like this, what happens is that the worst among them just make the rest of the group look bad. This absolutely happens in other communities as well, but given that we are one fairly large forum about gaming, do we really want to show our face this way in an arena where we're trying to make headway, and have been trying to do so for years?
Some of the points raised were brought up politely, or if not politely, then at least not rudely. I'm fine with that; disagree all you like.
But some of the people in the last few pages absolutely did not cover themselves in glory today. As an outsider, I would read these posts and sort of shake my head at the whole mess, and probably think something uncharitable like "it's people like these which make me wonder why I should even bother". And that's not wholly fair, but it's where my head goes. And if that's where my head goes, imagine how it would come across to someone who actually believes the "disabled people want handouts and free stuff" stigma. Much worse, right?
So you loudest of howlers, you malcontents who decided to attack, attack, attack, you who decided to hurl insults instead of debating or just protesting loudly and firmly...congratulations. You are now part of the problem.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 02:05:05

Any bitchyness I harbor is due to the fact that this issue is an issue which really should be a non-issue.
You would be correct in saying that among the sighted community there are people who are out to priate and grab what they can. the problem is that in multiple instances I have seen people ry to justify in this community their piracy by cliaming that because we don't have equal access to things it makes it okay for us to steal them. That is the issue I have. I made a generalization because the fact is that we all bare some responsibility for changing this.
This should have been stopped from the beginning, but it never was. I'm reminded of that adage of the bear in the forest. If you don't deal with the bear when you first spot him, he just grows bigger and bigger.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-07-05 02:08:55 (edited by flackers 2019-07-05 02:14:46)

The thing is Jade and Liam, every bit of software I have is either paid for or freeware. Every album in my music collection is shop-bought, though I'll happily download something to see if it's any good first. I pay the outrageous price for jaws even though I know I can get a working cracked version for free. I donate to NVDA, hotspotclicker, and have paid for reaper twice, even though none of these is my primary choice. I donated three copies of heroes call to a giveaway. I do it because I believe in paying good creators for their content. I'm just getting sick of people like me who were opposed to this being branded as whiny leeches. I'm not a leech, and try hard to stay reasonable, so these attacks are hard to stomach.

2019-07-05 02:10:41

Agreed. I am totally not claiming innocence here. I sat by for a long, long time and just let this go, didn't go chasing it. I let my own personal morals about capitalism and the like cloud my judgment, and that's no Bueno. We all have responsibility to some extent, so this is the step we have to take to make good on what we did wrong. Also also? Yes, I've seen that old argument, the "we have it rough so it's okay to steal" thing, used so many times it sickens me. Because here's the thing. If you're starving, and you steal a loaf of bread or something, then arguably it's keeping you alive, so okay, that is definitely not the same deal. But as far as movies, TV shows, games, audio books (most audio books, some textbooks might be exceptions here, depending on what's going on, and even that's flaky)...you don't -need any of those things to live. You don't get to claim you have it rough, then do whatever the heck you want. It sucks that we have less access, and I'm 100% in favour of changing that however we can. But the answer isn't just to straight-up steal stuff. And even if you, personally speaking, think it's okay, we as a forum can't condone it. We can't have this beast of a topic floating around where people are offering free things that shouldn't be free. Even if it won't get us in insane legal trouble right away (and fine, maybe it won't), it sets a terrible moral precedent. And that, at the end of the day, is really what this comes down to. Moral precedent.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 02:13:29

No, Flackers, you are not a leech. But if you attack and whine and shout about entitlement the same way the leeches do, then you're going to get lumped in with them.
For the record, I don't like that you think I was targeting you - it doesn't make sense, logically - but other than that, I actually don't have much quarrel with you. You personally are not one of the bad ones. I recognize that the choice made upsets you and I'm okay with that. Basically, it's all in  how you present. The more you insult, or the more you make grandiose demands and pronouncements about how the forum is going to hell, or the more you make snide insinuations, the worse you're going to look. And on those grounds, one who acts that way has no one to blame but oneself.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 02:13:40

Excuse me?

I've been progressively calming down today, from calling the mods a bunch of fucking cowards to offering reasons why maybe, just maybe, engaging with the community is a good idea...but that last post did it for me.

Jayde, people who cannot access audio described content due to their country or the idiotic licensing restrictions that companies have placed on such content in certain markets are not 'part of the problem.' When content is available for one market, and when blind people are excluded in another market from obtaining that product (when sighted people are not), the companies blocking that are the entirety of the problem.

I don't support cracking or cloaning games from small developers, or downloading free audio books from authors, because I know how little audio game developers tend to make and, knowing a few authors I know how difficult that business is right now. What I cannot accept however, and never will, is that companies that deliberately lock out particular markets, or have such a lax attitude to disability rights that they commission/produce audio description only for one or two, deserve a single shred of sympathy.

If you produce something, and refuse to make it available legally, don't go crying when people go get it illegally.

2019-07-05 02:22:32 (edited by flackers 2019-07-05 02:26:31)

Jade you must have missed the post earlier where I explained that I never thought you were targeting me on a personal level. I felt it could have been any poster that posted what I did. I never thought for one minute that I thought it was specifically because it was my post. I don't know what gave you that idea. And again, my objections have been pretty reasonable. Not whiny. I haven't made grandiose demands or claimed the forum is going to hell, so I don't know why you're levelling those accusations at me. This is exactly the sort of thing I'm getting a bit sick of. Making out people who use the vault are no better than thieves. I'm not going to go over it again, I've said all I'm going to say on that. All I'll add is that I've had full sight and full blindness, so I know we're not getting anything like the same content when we sign up for netflix that the sighted enjoy, so I have no problem grabbing those audio vault things for free. Just as I have no problem downloading audio books from the RNIB for free. I agree with the RNIB's stance on free audiobooks for the blind. I'll pay my way, but I'm not going to be too desperate to prove how noble I am by cutting off my nose to spite my face.

2019-07-05 02:26:17

I wish people would stop thinking that only blind people find excuses for piracy. Ever heard of people who say that it's okay to crack because they live in a poor country? Ever heard of sites offering cracks and saying that it is just for demonstrational purposes and that you should by the program afterwards? What about people who, just like some of us here think that it's a big company so a few cracks would not hurt them? So many unnecessary generalizations about blind people it's crazy. This stuff happens everywhere, and users of pretty much any forum don't like rule changes. There are a number of exceptions to this stuff, but so are there in the blind community. For an example, blind mice became a US only thing about a year ago, there was only one topic complaining about it. So no, it's not blind winy people complaining about it, not to mention that this is a really good personal attack for which some people got warnings in the past.

2019-07-05 03:02:23


What about thos of us who live in a country where said material isn't locked and we can easily obtain audio described content?