2019-05-02 15:07:54

there is an add slot button or whatever, click on that. but it costs you about 40 nullifiums though, you can get nullifium by recycling airlooms you no longer need

good day
sorry for my bad english

2019-05-02 15:30:18

ah so i have to recycle stuff then? does this include what i can carry? can i carry multiple airlooms?

2019-05-02 20:44:28

hi guys,

i have a question on nurseries. i'm wondering just how many of them you have to buy/construct before you start to notice any real difference? i'm having trouble trying to work this one out because whilst i'm building them at any given oppertunity i'm also getting the coordination upgrades as well. the way i'm seeing it at the moment, it's almost as if 1 is offsetting the other. but without knowing how to put the numbers more in my favour i've noticed that slowly with the increase in coordination upgrades the longer it seems to be taking between fights. i haven't yet managed to reach z40 yet, that's my next milestone although i'm not sure if i'll make it on this run. now i've done the size challenge, i'm trying to build up a bit of helium to make use of it. so any ideas/suggestions would be welcome here.

2019-05-03 01:59:35

It takes longer between fights with more coordinations because your army is bigger, so you need to wait longer to breed enough trimps to send out another army. I'm not sure just how great nurseries really are, as I still have to rely on well-baited traps if I want my trimps to repopulate fast enough.

I'm currently on z63, and proceeding at a crawl, but at least I am proceeding. And I can still run maps. I'm going to press on at least until z65, which is the next point at which stuff is unlocked. I will be investing all the helium I currently have into non-carpentry perks, including getting relentlessness up a bit. I'm not sure if I should do the next Scientist challenge next run or not. Those challenges are hard, and I don't like my chances for getting this high if I'm not doing a balance challenge as of yet...

One more question before I submit. Can you buy multiples of the same exotic import? Like, could I get more than one flutimp and would it be worth the bones?

2019-05-03 02:30:25

Nurseries are great.  Right now I'm having trouble balancing nurseries with geneticists and keeping my breeding timer around 30 seconds to max my anticipation boost but it's proving to be really difficult.  I should try to math everything out but that seems like it would take some of the fun out of the game.
I just realized, at zone 79, that I completely forgot to complete the wall.  I'm so mad at myself right now!
Anyway, part of the reason carpentry is so nice is that it indirectly raises breeding rate.  More trimps means faster breeding speeds, but also faster production and faster pretty much everything, I guess.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-03 04:35:17

Imaginatrix, I believe the breeding speed will be doubled if you have about 70 nurseries or so, according to the wiki. About the imp ort I am not sure, probably not.

Aaron, how do you see the seconds on that breeding speed? I am only get something like 30/s or something, do I have to calculate it? I don't understand about that artickle on the Wiki, that stuff about the settings

good day
sorry for my bad english

2019-05-03 05:07:26

@Dark, remember when I documented the jaws behaviour to move between headings? Well, with the new update, it finally changed, here's the text you can read on the update website:

Improved Heading Navigation When Using the Numbers Row

For years, users have been able to use 1 through 6 on the numbers row to move to specific heading levels on web pages. For instance, 1 for level 1 headings,
2 for level 2 headings, 3 for level 3 headings, and so on. However, this type of navigation only allowed you to move to headings equal or lower than the
level you were trying to move by. For example, if you attempted to move to a level 3 heading, but the very next heading was a level 2, JAWS would announce:
"No more headings at level 3 in this section," and would not move past the level 2 heading.

Beginning with the April 2019 update, you can now move to any given heading level on a page and if it is under a different higher precedence heading, the
immediately higher precedence heading will be read so you know that the new heading belongs to a different section. For example, if you attempt to move
to a level 3 heading which causes you to jump past a level 2 heading, JAWS will announce the level 2 heading prior to announcing the level 3 heading so
you know you have moved into a new section. You can also choose to have JAWS play a sound to indicate when you move into a new section or you can switch
back to the prior behavior which restricted heading navigation to the current section.

Source (See april 2019 update): https://support.freedomscientific.com/d … WSWhatsNew

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-05-03 08:01:08

Yeah.  I saw that!  Did you request that?  It seemed like such an odd coincidence that we'd see that change now.
Maybe one of the devs plays Trimps? lol
I still can't really play the game with Jaws.  It bounces around too much.
Also, the breed timer is only visible after you have the anticipation perk, which makes sense, as it's not needed before then.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-03 13:56:26 (edited by Origine 2019-05-03 13:58:09)

I didn't request it, such a coincidence. I did ask a dev key for green satellite mentioning he was working on trimps, perhaps they went ahead to see what it was and they were trapped into this addicting world tongue.

Meh I got used to the bouncing, I've got my strategy about it. Since I know the UI, I make quick series of key actions even if I don't hear the feedback immediately, because I know what to expect. I also turn off all logging. And if you really want it not to bounce, just go in the map chamber, there nothing happens and there is no bouncing, you can calmly make purchases.

I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm just telling the way I go about it.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-05-03 14:17:44

i must admit i use NVDA and i don't get any of these issues that you are mentioning.

2019-05-03 16:39:38

Wow! I just realized, I just forgot bounty too!
It's funny that I managed to do without it until I broke the planet.
Shows how powerful I became heh.
I left my game repeating a map and trying to generate as much food as possible all night, and well, if anyone finds a dead dragimp, it was probably mine.
I'm really not sure if they can handle 130qa food at once without exploding, or starting to produce 1T gems.
I'd love to get to zone 70, and so far, I have only 1 missing coordination upgrade!
Maybe I'll finish this void map that I have.
Any suggestions?

2019-05-03 17:48:48

So guys, can you make the map keep being rerun while we close the windows and turn off the client? Also how do you paus the game? I seem never able to found the paus button or something like that.

good day
sorry for my bad english

2019-05-03 20:58:54

i think once the window closes the maps/zones don't run but you still keep gathering res.

2019-05-03 22:24:02

Let's just say, there are afew other challenges I'd rather do.Ugh, I'm doing the trapper challenge now,

2019-05-03 23:32:52

lol and how high up is that one?

2019-05-04 06:13:47

Trapper really isn't that bad.  It's a little slow but once you have the auto-trap upgrade it's not really a problem.  Also, don't forget to assign a bunch of levels to your bate perk.  Anticipation will make all of the struggle worth it.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-04 06:16:09

ok guys, it seems I accidentally press the paus button, the game isn't doing anything. How do I start it again? lol

good day
sorry for my bad english

2019-05-04 20:13:57 (edited by keithwipf1 2019-05-04 20:16:00)

I managed to complete it and tried decay.
I decided to abandon that.
Instead of helping me to clear the 50 to 60 part, it simply increased the time I have to wait for each enemy to die.
Maybe this was my faut for going to sleep, but I don't like that I can't loot as much as I want to.

To unpause try pressing space

2019-05-05 16:11:31

wow so am at z37 and i want to get to z40. this is somewhat tough. well it is for me at this moment in time. yes i want to unlock balance. but also i want to put a ton more in carpentry. i've already seen how useful that is just by putting some in on my first run after unlocking it. yes i can see this being so far one of the most useful unlocks ever especially for increasing main res output.

2019-05-05 23:52:38

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get enough trimps to keep up with coordination upgrades without using wormholes, or is that the only way?


2019-05-06 09:39:15

if you have done the size challenge then the carpentry pirk really will make that easier. before i unlocked that i had problems keeping up with them i do have to admit.

2019-05-06 12:29:25

well i got to z40 again upgraded carpentry and wow what an affect! it's amazing the difference it's made to my game! for the first 10 or so zones i didn't have to use any huts or houses at all i was just upgrading normally without them. then when i did eventually upgrade i managed to get over 400 work spaces. a fantastic pirk certainly one of the best so far.

2019-05-06 16:08:07

Yeah, it's from zones 40 on that I start to fall behind even with carpentry.


2019-05-06 16:18:18

just keep upping it. that's what i'll do myself.

2019-05-06 16:46:28

I by 25 wormholes at zone 42 or so, then never buy more.
If you can get to z 60, you'll start getting tons of helium, and if you can clear just one zone or 2, you'll almost certainly get back at least 2x the helium you spent on wormholes.
Getting to zone 60 is hard though.
I'm at z72 now, I'd like to get zone 75 this time around.