2019-04-18 12:30:01

A few updates
Along with searching for terms, the vault now has the capability to search by date added.
use the format mm/dd/yyyy and select the type of listing you want, that is either shows or movies.
press search and it should display the movies or shows that have been added on or after that date.
should make it easier for people to locate movies and tv shows if they miss added movies and tv shows..

Star wars episode 4 added along with a few movies

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-04-18 14:03:12

You're a star.  Personally I feel the British guy who does those and most of the marvel films is one of, if not the best describer out there.

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2019-04-18 22:27:47

One thing I don't really like about some of the UK descriptive content is they duck the crap out of the movie or show when they describe. You can miss sounds and dialogue that way.

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2019-04-19 00:14:48


I know this is a longshot,  but does anybody have an audio described copy of My Cousin Vinny?



The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

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2019-04-19 20:29:40

Long post ahead.
I agree about some of the UK content ducking like mad.
By the way, from a mod standpoint we haven't exactly come to a decision on this. What we've said is we don't want people sharing links publicly, although that's already happening which I'm happy about, as the only link here in this topic seems to be to the vault itself.
None (0) of the staff have said close this topic. Three of the staff think it's great as a community project. SLJ's even chimed in on this topic now too offering to help.
However I do wonder if there could be some sort of about page being added to the vault, and on that page an explanation of why it exists, maybe some thoughts for companies to consider. Heck, maybe that page could be an almost blog section with stuff related to the audio description scene, perhaps thoughts and reviews of certain describers and their styles, we don't have that sort of thing yet. Also, perhaps on that page, put some links to allow people to support the companies such as the iTunes category of audio described content, or Netflic's audio described category. Who knows, if a company does spot this part of the page, and sees that they might not be making all audio described content available legally, they might start doing something about it, and maybe within the next 10 or 20 years we won't need a vault and can just enjoy things like everyone else. However, I will not be the one to pass the page onto companies, lest they just want to shut it down.
note: if this particular page is done, it should *not* replace the vault, but be added as part of it until something is done, if, something is ever done and companies take even more notice of audio description. For instance on Amazon if I buy a dvd it sometimes will just refuse to extract, so I can't keep a copy for myself and for convenience. Yet, I've got no idea if the digital version is audio described, plus the digital versions usually have gigantic file sizes.
Disney's coming up with a streaming service soon. I wonder if that will have audio described content, or rather, how soon it'll be added? I think Disney does care about this sort of thing.
Also, I've got some news on some shows, and I'm sorry I can't help. I was watching ITV in the UK once, and they had a show called Marvel's Avengers: Ultron Revolutions, and it was audio described. It was also really cool because the describer was American, and he really referenced things from Marvel, such as the names of their weapons, he was incredible. I got to see five episodes throughout a week, it was mid-series but it was awesome. I don't know if there's a way to retreave this as it was around a year ago now. This is, exactly what I mean by preservation.

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2019-04-19 22:45:46

grryfindore, thanks for the expanse series! i can't wait for season 3, i might bug you later about it, but thanks a lot for adding them as they are a must watch for sci fi / space exploration fans.
Regarding the links on this forum, I think mentioning audio vault itself poses no problem for audio games.net at all. even linking to the main url. If there are no direct download links or direct links to content then literally no law can say anything to audio games.net
If grryfindore gets warned to take his site down, i'm pretty sure we can find a way to decentralize his content without him having to pay any further. I think that audio vault can face legal issues down the road but only if grryfindore doesn't implement an open registration system for it, or like an open  invite sign up process.
and also if someone actually opens some sort of complaint or case against him.
I really, really suggest some sort of user account management because public access, as in a directory which can be accessed without any requirement to enter credentials is just asking for trouble, specially because big companies such as X and X, which i'm sure you know who i'm talking about, have written bots to crawl  the internet and find anything that they could find.
This is my personal opinion, but an about page will not help this website to survive copyright strikes. If they wanted to, they've got the lawyers, and the money.
then again, the less we talk about these things the better.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

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2019-04-19 23:08:50

Have you guys considered putting everything in 7zip format with max compression instead of zips?  It could save a fair amount of space.
It'd obviously take some time but I'm sure their are programs that could manage the batch extraction and recompression.
I don't think audio quality would be effected in any meaningful way either.

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2019-04-20 01:50:43

@256, decentralization would only delay the inevitable. If a company has enough money and enough lawyers they can take anything down.
@257, no, compression of audio files does not reduce audio quality in any form.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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2019-04-20 07:14:13

Aaron, yes a blog of sorts or an about page where we describe why we exactly have Audiovault and a way to support companys like Netflix that do a lot for audiodescription even though those descriptions mostly stay in the US or some other specific country for example. That's sad but that's how things work right now, is something I have considered, and will implement given time.
As for companys cracking down on us, lets hope it doesn't happen and if it does, well shit happens. big_smile
But as I have said previously, its very unlikely to happen I'll point out jeffs page and ray's page along with bmmv that have been doing the same thing for years without a single meep as a way to demonstrate what I am trying to say here.
Its not gonna be a problem, unless we want there to be one. lol
At Aaron again, that sounds fasinating and I will see if I can get my hands on it
@Defender, that is what was suggested to me by one of our main contributors, but the thing is zips can be opened anywhere without using a specific software I.E windows can open zip files without having any software installed where as 7z requires 7z.
Its mainly for ease of use for everyone even though getting 7z isn't exactly an everest climb, but many people aren't that good with computers and new to them and may not know how to download install things.
So yeah.
@hadi, I will look into season 3 too, things are just a bit too busy for me atm. But yes the best way to protect things would be to have a torrent btsync etc instead of a website but that way people would need to grab a shit load of stuff they don't want need or pay for things like btsync

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-04-20 12:40:56

Is it possible to get the last season of "The Americans"? I looked on the vault, you only have up to season 3, so if you can let me know how to do it, I'll share seasons 4 and 5 as I have those, but season 6 came out earlier this year and I would love to know how that thing ended.

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2019-04-20 13:36:03 (edited by BrendanGriesel1 2019-04-22 15:06:55)

Is there any way we can get our hands on NCIS LA season 10,?

Ask, and you will receive.
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, And the door will be opened for you
Mat. 7:7

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2019-04-20 14:04:20


For sorting purposes I think it would b a good idea to have a combo box where you can sort the movies or shows by letter, just like the blind mice had or still has, would make searching a bit more easier if you wouldn#t know the full title of a movie.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

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2019-04-20 20:20:42

I mean, if they can figure out how to doget to the audio vault, downlaod files, and extract them, then you'd figure they could also install a program, particularly if you gave them a link to the download for it.
And winrar can now use 7zips as far as I know, plus so can the built in extractor on modern versions of Windows, 8 onward I think.

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2019-04-21 03:32:55

I wish I could find the original turtles trilogy and spaceballs.  I heard the first turtles movie from 1990 and Spaceballs was described somewhere but could never find it.

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2019-04-21 05:01:13

The first turtles movie is on Sero.

I think the only way to get that one would be to record it, because everything on there is encrypted.

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2019-04-21 13:02:51

Does anyone have the second season of the handmaid's tale?

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2019-04-22 13:24:40

Wow, episode 2 of Game of Thrones season 8 is already up on the Vault. Well done, did not expect it there so soon.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

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2019-04-22 13:26:46 (edited by grryfindore 2019-04-22 13:49:23)

Hi again,
I would like to begin this post with huge thanks at Rebecca Wong for her donation.
You and others who have donated so far and continue to do so make all this possible for not just you, but for many others who couldn't get access to ADV otherwise.
Its that day yes, yes you know which, and you can stop refreshing the page wink
The second episode is up on the vault, now.
I'll wait for you to start the download, go on, I am not going anywhere big_smile

@G-Rad, I did try looking for them, but very unfortunately haven't been able to locate it yet, but will keep an eye out.
@ryok, that's one series I am not into, but if its out there, hopefully one of us is able to get it.
I am off to watch game of thrones, all these episodes act as an climb on a roller coaster getting me even more hiped for the others to come lol

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-04-22 13:28:33 (edited by grryfindore 2019-04-22 13:29:07)

lol, LordLuceus yes, you beat me to it, guess we know who can stop refreshing the page now.
jokes aside, all Thanks to our contributors.
Hope you enjoy.
Valar morghulis

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

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2019-04-22 15:10:55

@ryok: I would also like to see The Handmaid's Tale season 2 especially after the way season 1 ended.

Ask, and you will receive.
Seek, and you will find.
Knock, And the door will be opened for you
Mat. 7:7

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2019-04-22 15:15:29 (edited by ryok 2019-04-22 15:17:31)

According to ACB's website, its audio described on hulu. You can watch it with the web player for now, since you can't access shows with audio description using the app. However, , what really sucks is that their web player is inaccessible at all.

Now, off to watch Game of thrones!
Thanks to awesome gryff and to the amazing contributors.
Best regards.

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2019-04-22 15:41:34

Speaking of archive formats, I strongly advise against moving to 7z for two reasons. First, the audio is already compressed to mp3 which gives us way more than any lossy compression could, so it shouldn't matter that much. Second, zip is the only audio format you can directly load into Voice Dream Reader, without the need to download with a PC, unpack, repack and transfer via iTunes.

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2019-04-22 20:40:23

Wait but they aren't hosting audio books or EText are they?
And when your talking terabytes, a few MB on each archive can add up.

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2019-04-23 12:27:48

Hi, We're missing Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 1. I got Part 2 from the vault.

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2019-04-23 13:54:01

Hmm, I thought we already had part one, apparently not.

I'll see if any of the other uploaders has it, it may have been overlooked.

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