2019-04-12 21:50:14

hello all, I play a mud called Geas. The reason that that even matters is because they want to do a discord group. However, I have heard it is unaccessible, is this still the case, and if some people use it all the same, how do they deal with it. thanks

Why didn't the Romans find algebra difficult?
because x is always 10!

2019-04-12 22:40:47

it's ah uh, well, I wouldn't call it accessible, but it is usable if you have a bit of patience.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-13 00:14:39

Discord's CVAA deadline was 2012. I'm surprised they haven't been taken to task over it. I have warned then that they're only one angry consumer away from the FCC coming down on them.

2019-04-13 00:30:42

it's not that bad or the web version of it isn't. it's not what it should be but it is usable.

2019-04-13 00:38:43

they could not possibly give a fuck. I'm serious. We've been on them and on them and on them. I've written two very polite emails to them, and the person who responded seemed like they wanted to help, but nothing came of it. There was a Reddit thread where people raised a ruckus about it, the staff was like oh yeah we're on it, expect things soon. That's all we ever get from them, fucking god damned lip service. Yet, they have people writing these memes and stuff for their updater and page and Twitter and shit like that. The types of things we screen reader users need are not that complicated. It's not like we're demanding they rewrite the app or anything, just label a few fucking buttons, stop redirecting our focus to the edit button on keypress like shift which we use to go backward through headings and messages, and focus on context menus and dialogs. That's literally it. They added colorblind mode, which is great, and they added some text scaling stuff, again great, but that's been where it stopped. Then they say to us blind people to use the magnification options? What the hell? What part of blind do you not underfuckingstand? I mean I know there could be confusion when dealing with terms like legally blind, and visually impaired, but when people specifically mention screen readers, that's their methodology of using the computer, so don't just try to shove their concerns away and say use the magnification. That's ignorant as fuck and shows they don't give two shits. They could at least try to understand or ask questions about someone's particular situation. Yeah I'm fucking pissed about it, it's fucking shit, because it's the perfect fucking platform for so many things. Skype, for instance, allows virtually no moderation of groups, Discord allows multi-tiered approaches, and channels on their servers. Stop paying us lip service, either work on it, or don't, and tell us as much, but it's like, they claim to have been working on accessibility since 2016? Yeah bull. SO I use it for certain things, but I don't love it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-13 00:57:17 (edited by ianhamilton_ 2019-04-13 01:00:40)

@5 have you spoken to FCC? They're there specifically to stop that kind of situation

Also claiming to have started working on it in 2016 four years after the deadline isn't great. I doubt they've never had a significant update in the time since 2012, and any significant update brings you within CVAAs remit

2019-04-13 02:14:12

No, that's not something I would do lol. I don't like the FCC.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-13 04:47:51

Sounds like 5 totally flew off the handle there.

I got it to mostly work on my android phone but I don't have anyone else to test it with.

Apparently there are bots that enable you to play pokemon in text form but I can't seem to add it to my group.

2019-04-13 08:11:51

just posted in the r/discordapp community. lets see what happens.

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2019-04-13 10:17:37 (edited by LordLuceus 2019-04-13 10:19:47)

Discord is fine. I run a server and I have no problem using it for everything I need it for. The Windows client has some unlabelled buttons, but you can just use keyboard shortcuts to get around that. All it takes is a bit of patience and getting used to how it works. But to say they haven't made any improvements is just wrong. A year ago it was nigh on unusable. Now it's totally fine for everyday use. The Android app is practically fully accessible, the only problem being inaccessible volume/mic sensitivity  sliders. The iOS app, however, is a complete mess, I'll give you that.
@ianhamilton_ How is it possible Discord's deadline was 2012? Discord wasn't even a thing until 2015.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

2019-04-13 10:33:20

Discord is usable but they have a feature where  if you press any key it will focus on the edit box. this is annoying as hell, I don't know why they don't make this an option.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
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2019-04-13 11:12:28

@LordLuceus well why did they not just label everything to make our lives easier? so that we don't have to memorize every keyboard short cut.

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2019-04-13 11:47:46

There is no excuse for unlabeled buttons when it's not that hard of a thing to fix. I also don't know that the CVAA really applies to Discord at any rate. My thing is, if they have like zero interest in accessibility, then be straight up and say so, don't give us BS for so long keeping us hopeful for the day it drops and is fully accessible like the carrot just close enough to your nose, or well, the twinkie in most cases.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-13 18:31:15

I agree with posts 5 and 13. Labeling unlabeled buttons is extremely easy. I'm also not a fan of the term "legally blind" because you're not really blind.

What is Discord anyway? Isn't it some kind of VoIP service? Does it support stereo audio and the ability to send uncompressed audio like Zoom and TeamTalk?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-04-13 20:52:24

It's a chat client for gamers.

2019-04-14 02:44:59

It's a chat client for gamers, which just about every gamer uses, besides us because <sarcasm>blind people can't play games, don't'cha know?</sarcasm>

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2019-04-14 03:53:31 (edited by Chris 2019-04-14 03:53:52)

I installed the Windows client and I'm extremely confused. All it is is a web page with a search box to find servers? How is the audio quality? How many participants can you have? Does it support stereo sound?

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-04-14 04:49:19

@Chris, it only supports mono audio.
As for audio quality, I've heard reports that users get distorted voice qualities in voice calls. I haven't been on any voice calls as of yet so I can't confirm, but some Twitch/YouTubers that I'm friends with have Discord and the people in the call sometimes sound distorted.
As for server participant limits, let me copy/paste what's on the Discord Wiki:
◾ A user cannot be on more than 100 servers. Once this limit is hit, any server invite will display as "Invite Expired".
◾ Servers have no theoretical member limit - there are servers with tens of thousands of users (75k+ in once instance).
◾ Servers reaching 5,000 simultaneous online members will need to contact Support to be moved to hardware supporting larger servers - this is when members start getting "Server Unavailable" errors.
◾ A server can have at most 500 channels - text, voice, and categories combined. Once 500 channels are reached, no more channels can be created.
◾ A server can have at most 250 roles.
◾ A server can have at most 50 regular and 50 animated emojis.
◾ Servers reaching 1,000 members have the offline members list removed.
◾ Message limit: 2,000 characters. (note: user/channel/role mentions and emojis contain more characters than are shown)
◾ TTS message limit: 200 characters.
◾ Pinned messages limit: 50 messages
◾ Reactions per message: 20 reactions.
◾ Maximum attachment size: 8 MB (or 8388608 bytes to be exact).
◾ Maximum attachment size with Nitro: 50 MB (or 52428800 bytes to be exact).
◾ Minimum time for idling: 10 minutes.
◾ Username/nickname: 32 characters.
◾ Channel topic size: 1,024 characters.

2019-04-14 14:29:29 (edited by ianhamilton_ 2019-04-14 14:40:29)

@13 "also don't know that the CVAA really applies to Discord at any rate"

CVAA is not industry specific. It applies to voice chat, video chat and text chat across the board. Discord is a text chat and voice chat provider.

@10 "How is it possible Discord's deadline was 2012? Discord wasn't even a thing until 2015."

CVAA's compliance deadline was 2012, meaning that any advanced communication service provider either developed or updated after 2012 is required by law to be blind accessible, under threat of fines of up to a million dollars per infraction. It is really serious stuff.

I mentioned 2012 in contrast to games, which had a series of extensions through to Dec 31st 2018. But Discord is not a game.

@7 "No, that's not something I would do lol. I don't like the FCC."

I don't know what I can say in response to that.

"Hey, you have legally protected rights, we are here to ensure that they are protected, if you come up against any problems let us know and we'll make sure they are fixed"
"I won't, because I don't like you

What do you dislike more, the FCC or inaccessibility?

2019-04-14 19:36:21

The FCC really aren't the good guys here swooping down and stomping out injustices with their capes on.

Another annoyance with Discord is when someone uploads a pic, there is absolutely no indication that there's even anything there. It's almost as if the person typed in a blank message lol.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-14 19:50:57

Ooo i used to play geas i wana play again give me the info?

2019-04-14 19:53:20

so did I, except, the big players, like the masters who would teach students and mentors and stuff were never active so it kind of became uninteresting for me, but not because of anything the MUD does or did, just the lack of teachers and stuff.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-15 00:22:19

will download the windows app and see for myself then. as for geas, here is the info, ont here a lot myself, actually the packmaster for the rangers, so for sure, at least that one is active:) Also, there has been quite the flow in of new players, so rp is picking up, and like always, those interested in combat, I can say, this mud, has quite the beauty system for that:) but of course, I understand if some don't have the patience for rp or if one sought for masters to be around all the time, though what I have heard is that, they pop in here and there, and if you send them an in game mail, or leave a note in the guild hall, they do their best to pop in for what you need. With nothing more, the info is:
port: 3333

Why didn't the Romans find algebra difficult?
because x is always 10!

2019-04-15 00:50:15

I remember when I explored enough and found snowpine lodge by myself, I was proud of that moment but told no one.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-04-15 14:48:10

I remember i used to have a female friend who played a ranger. an't remember her name though would love to get in touch with her again. whats the best class to start out with?