2019-03-12 05:25:07 (edited by greensatellite 2019-03-12 05:26:09)

The button to the right of combat is the message config button. I'll make sure to toss a title label on that, as the picture of a cog gear to indicate configurable settings certainly doesn't translate well to a screen reader!

If you do click it, it opens up a small menu in a tooltip, with checkboxes to toggle off message types. For example, if you uncheck "repeated" under "Unlocks" in this menu, and then save your settings by hitting confirm at the bottom of the tooltip, you'll stop seeing messages for things like Coordination, and only see them for unique non-repeated upgrades, like Shieldblock or UberHut!

2019-03-12 06:19:25

So I just portaled for the first time earlier today.  I spent all of my helium for this last run on loot.  I'm thinking 100% greater drops will make reaching level 20 easier, then I can focus on something a little more substantial next time around.  I also went for the disciplined challenge; Having 0 minimum attack is making me a little nervous, but I'm sure I'll manage.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-03-12 06:25:30

Yeah I did the discipline challenge, I'll probably go with the metal challenge soon, but it seems really hard.

I'm building at 1,64M%, but it's sad that traps cannot build faster than 0.1s each... Waiting to get the hoarder achievement.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 07:17:00

@Aaron77,  I personally wouldn't recommend spending everything in one place, since all of the first level perks just cost a couple of helium you might as well try them out (all accept agility anyway).

One thing I rather like is that there aren't clearly useless things in this game, for example in my first portal I made the mistake of not spending on pheromones or bates, but then when your getting several thousand trimps knocked out in a single wollop and you have to go through five or six rounds to kill off an enemy, breeding and traps become much more a concern.

@Origine, the metal challenge isn't actually half as bad as it sounds, particularly if you  have loot, power and range to fall back on, you just have to occasionally run mountain maps to get extra metal for upgrades, but as I've had to do that a lot anyway  and so it didn't make much practical difference.
Btw, I will encourage everyone to check out The trimps wiki, it is very handy for looking things up and getting tips, though obviously you have to browse carefully so as to avoid spoilers, also when reading guides to remember that not everything in the guides is absolutely optimum all of the time.

I am now having problems with the size challenge, but  wasn't so much about finishing the challenge itself, as finishing the challenge with far fewer trimps  than I might've done, which made me start missing coordination upgrades around level 30.

I am currently struggling with level 36 and having to do lots of farming but I don't want to bail out before level 40, I also think I might try a run without a challenge next just to get some more helium and perhaps progress a bit further without too much by way of restrictions at the start, plus the balance challenge looks rather scary big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-12 07:36:31 (edited by Origine 2019-03-12 07:38:37)

@Dark, I'm not sure why you don't recommend the agility perk? It speeds up combat, right? Why is it a bad thing, because it logs too much? You can hide the combat logging. And yeah I figured pheromones and bait are useful so I took them right away. In fact, just by reading the perks tooltip, I thought that bait was the best one out there, because it scales really fast in the first few levels, you can trap 2, 3, 4, 5 times faster.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 08:18:40

@Origine, firstly when i originally used the portal that was before the log fixes, and with the logg displaying on multiple lines it was a  bit difficult to keep up with, both in  of display and of buying upgrades.

Secondly however, basically agility doesn't actually give you any specific advantage over your enemies, it doesn't mean your trimps breed faster or hit more often, it just  speeds up combat hits and therefore makes the hole game faster over all.

That was why I decided to concentrate on perks that actually gave combat advantages.

maybe I will experiment with Agility later when I  have a bit more helium, but with a limited supply I didn't see it to be as important as the other perks.

I did make the mistake originally of not tending to use traps and relying on breeding rate, but the further you get in the game and the more coordination upgrades you buy,  less effective that becomes, though I suspect once I finish the size challenge that will change again since the reward from the size challenge is a pretty important perk.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-12 16:00:56

While agility doesn't give a combat advantage, it does speeds up combat thus speeding up looting and farming on maps.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 16:43:21 (edited by Origine 2019-03-12 19:49:51)

Omg, I'm at 940k traps, it's soooooooooooooooooooo long sigh

EDIT: Hurray! Hooray! Hueray! Houray! Yippers!

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 17:05:16

Hi, I'm wondering how do I know the current price of something? I'm using the screen reader version, and it says something like trap, 2, can buy but I don't know how much to grind for.
Also, is there a way to adjust the FPS? I like to lower it.
Thanks for this game!

2019-03-12 18:09:01 (edited by Origine 2019-03-12 18:10:19)

@keithwipf1, You cannot lower the fps, but you can filter out some log messages. If you cycle through buttons, you will get to "Story", "Loot", "Unlocks", "Combat". pressing those buttons will toggle filtering on those message types in the log.

To see the price of something, you currently have to read tooltips. If you use jaws, press JAWS + NumPad minus to move jaws cursor to PC. You can also press enter on it sometimes, but it will make you purchase it if available. If you use NVDA, press NVDA + Numpad slash, though for it to work properly you need to be in full-screen.

Tooltips will be shown at the end of the page if you use jaws. If you use NVDA, press S to go to the separator of the tooltip then read down. The tooltip contains flavor text, the price is at the end of the tooltip, it lists the price of each resource and in parenthesis, you will see how many of that resource it's gonna cost in percentage or if you don't have enough, it will tell you in how much time you will have enough resource. Note that this only takes into account  production rates, it doesn't take into account loots obviously for instance.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 18:25:35 (edited by Origine 2019-03-12 18:55:21)

@greensatellite, jaws is a paid screen-reader. However, I got you a testing licence for 45 days after which it will expire. I sent you the licence via e-mail through the site. Tell me if you didn't receive it.

EDIT: I had a 400 bad request while trying to send the e-mail, so I sent you a PM in case the e-mail didn't work. On forum.audiogames.net, there is a private messages link.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 20:06:55

Loot speed would be an advantage for agility,  I'm not sure how that stacks as compared to the advantages of other perks given limited helium, though now that the layout is a bit more friendly I might have to try some levels in agility to see if its generally helpful or not.

I'll try  one million traps achievement first though, since extra damage is always appreciated and while it will take some time, at least with all my efficiency upgrades it should work out, and might make this rather dysmal run a bit more successful before I portal and restart.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-12 20:33:28

two questions first, how do you see achievements I guess you have to beat zone one first? it just shows all as locked, so I'm confused. second what does science do? I'm researching but the number just goes up, doesn't seem to be doing anything

2019-03-12 20:34:42

Yeah.  I probably shouldn't have spent all of my helium on loot.  I was in the middle of class and kinda just wanted to go through the portaling process to see what it was like.
I'm hesitant to look at the wiki and the reddit community because of spoilers.  Usually, I like looking at guides to figure out the optimal builds, but I want to figure things out on my own here as opposed to putting my save file on that one site that recommends builds.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-03-12 21:29:43

@Valmorian, the achievements are  in categories, with NVdA you can navigate using the keys to navigate around a table, EG alt, control and the arrows. Up and down will take you between categories, left and right will show you achievements, what is locked and what you need to do for the next in line.

You will likely have earned at least a couple of achievements fairly quickly, since some are based on things like building your first house and having 100 trimps.

As to science, its needed for upgrades. When you look at the mouseover of an upgrade, you'll see the cost lists science along with wood, food metal etc.

Generally with science its better to have a few scientists and research yourself, rather than try and get as many workers as possible as with food wood and metal.

@aaron77  The wiki does have the perk calculator which recommends builds, but I'm not using that either, since for a start I'm not %100 sure what the boxes mean anyway. That doesn't involve your save file though, just your perk configuration code.
There's a lot of other more basic stuff on the wiki though, since Trimps is a complex game, and as long as you just read up on the bits of the game your currently on your likely okay.
There are also a couple of new player guides which are good if you take their advice with a graine or two of salt.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-12 21:58:55 (edited by Dragonlee 2019-03-12 22:02:14)


dont forget for  adding labels  to elements you can just use the aria-label attribute.

Also, I don't know how others feel about it, but I feel like there are a lot of elements on the page that semantically are buttons, but arent marked as button objects for the SR, so pressing B doesnt jump to them. I am talking about the various resource gathering buttons eg gather, chop, check traps. and some others like create and run map. For me it would be convenient if they were marked as buttons so I could get to them faster.

For that you don't have to even make them into <button> elements, but just set role="button" and everything else can change the same. role is an attribute part of the WAI-ARIA suite.

as for the issue with JAWS ignoring blank headings. isnt a simple solution to place some text  into them? such as "end of log" and "trimp stats" "enemy stats". I personally wouldnt mind, since the first thing I do when I jump to those headings is just navigate off ofthem immediatly anyway, so it doesnt make it more cluttered for me or anything.

2019-03-12 22:08:34 (edited by Origine 2019-03-12 22:13:41)

@Dark, agility give a 5% faster combat speed. This means that after 20 levels, you will loot, if not dieing that is, 1/0.95^20 = 2.79 times faster looting.

Currently doing the metal challenge, but I did invest quite some helium in agility and looting to make it less painful.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-12 22:40:51

Also the 1M trap thing takes forever, because you cannot build faster than 10 traps per second (0.1s build time), even if you build at 13M%. I did it but it's long.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-13 01:11:23

I'll have a closer look around currently I've only got 30 trimps, so clearly I need more

2019-03-13 01:15:31 (edited by Valmorian 2019-03-13 01:59:14)

is there a way to see what books need? like speedminor it says 0, and that I can't afford it I don't see anything when I click on it either, also I thought clicking on it would tell me what it did then I can buy it, but it just bought it so, uh confused

2019-03-13 02:29:21

Just look at post 110, I explained there how you can check the price of anything, it's currently with tooltips. When it says "Speed miner, 0", it means that you are currently at level 0 of speed mining, basically, that book gives you 25% faster mining and you will get more and more of them and they stack, so the number tells you which level you're at.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-13 02:31:43 (edited by Valmorian 2019-03-13 02:56:00)

thank you for that, I'll go back and look I assume traps give you more food, kind of like farming? I haven't noticed anything really going up all it says is each trap can catch one thing

2019-03-13 02:56:26

sure, just tell me if it's still not clear. I think greensatellite will eventually get rid of tooltips for the screen-reader version, but for now you can do it like that.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket

2019-03-13 03:26:39

One trap traps a single trimp, I believe.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2019-03-13 05:01:55

Yeah traps are consumables. You build them and you can use a trap to catch trimps. There is a "Check traps" on the page, if you click it, you will start trapping and this will consume your traps to catch more trimps. You need to catch trimps because when they fight, they die eventually and you need to replace fallen trimps to full population before you can attack again. Note that if you are not trapping, trimps breed to make new trimps on their own, but it's usually slower than trapping.

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. ― Lemony Snicket