2018-11-10 10:05:28

ok, so i agree that i might have been kind of a dick to the moderators, but still, that gave them no reason to do what they did.
so here's my story:
me and a cupple of my friends were chillin on a free table, being bored, and suddenly one of them proposed, "hay, le'ts chalenge the operators (if there are any online) for a reversi match" so he did so, and so did we, one by one.
now, i agree it was sorta not the best of things to do with a mod, when so many people ask him/her to play, but i dont think that's a reason to directly ban you. but he did. and here's another problem with that, how did they figure out  that we were friends? because that's what they exactly said, "stop spamming, you and your friends". then, when we tried to ask him/her the reason of them being so pissed off at a small game request, all of us, got banned one by one, first me, then when my friends asked the reason of me being banned, all of them were too, one by one. and wanna hear what message i was given? alert, you have been kicked and banned from the server for 30 minutes for the reason: boring. same with all the other guys. ok. well. fine. We got banned, and we came back on after 30 mins. We were kinda all pissed sorta, so we started saying stuff like hay, since we were banned for no reason, time to totally troll them and make them repay or something like that. and bam. the bann hammer comes down on us again. all of us. reason, "alert you have been banned for the reason: any attempt to insult, or troll, and you will be permanently banned". so, that implies that the mods can spy on what you are saying, at any point of time. and that is what they were doing. now isn't that a bit erm, insecure if you ask me if they can just evade your privacy and see what you are doing without you even noticing? well anyway so now all of us are banned for one week and idk whether posting here would solve anything, just wanted to share my views, because i'm, well, er, rather disappointed? smile

Abay chal.

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2018-11-10 11:03:09

not everyone appreciates trolling. and since you guys were banned before yet you guys continued to do the same thing after the ban timer was finished. so the ban seems perfectly justifiable to me in this case. and how did they figure out you guys are friends? i'm assuming you all were on a same table? if not then I don't know.

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2018-11-10 11:34:15 (edited by sunshine 2018-11-10 11:38:41)

warning: rant incoming!
dude. they snooped on our free table. it's not about being banned for 30 minutes for "being boring". when we were discussing about it after coming back, they were spying on our table. that means, free tables out there are not really free after all, operators can spy whenever they like without you knowing. that means, "free-tables" as the name suggests are not really places for free speech after all. if you talk anything against operators and they happen to be monitoring your communication which is wrong, in any case, you will get ban hammer on your head. if they can do this, how many times they must've done this with us, and with others, I wonder? isn't there anything called privacy on playroom's so-called "free tables"? if we, being good friends, communicate anything about  our real lives, and they happen to be spying on us that way, won't that give them chance to know more about our personal lives and gossip over it? ok, reporting history when somebody trolls gives them a right to ban people, or maybe we were wrong telling them to play with us for a while and have some fun with them, but that doesn't actually give them right to snoop in a private free table that way! there are privacy issues with free table, I'm stressing this again and again; and qc, howeer good it's interface might be, isn't an ideal place for communication.
all I can say is, playroom is good as a gaming platform, but the free tables on there are not really free.
*end of rant*

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2018-11-10 11:57:07

Lol, what a topic. Troll and complain that somebody is spying on your chat? Must wonder why. In any case, no they do not spy on each random public table out there, however I must say that public tables are exactly as the name says, public. If you want a private chat, you make it private with ctrl h, or simply use private messages. By the way, no admins cannot spy on each and every chat. However, admins can join tables without you seeing them, though I highly doubt that's what happened here. You might have just gotten another ban warning without them even seeing your chat. Honestly, with what you said on that table you should instead be glad you were not banned for much much longer time rather than complaining on a public forum and admitting you were going to troll them.

Thumbs up +1

2018-11-10 12:00:17

well yeah, that's an entirely different debate weather you should take those free tables as a platform for free speech or not. however you should know that nearly every game logs the messages for 1 reason or an other. the point here is though, you guys were banned for spamming pretty much.

Aarush wrote:

on after 30 mins. We were kinda all pissed sorta, so we started saying stuff like hay, since we were banned for no reason, time to totally troll them and make them repay or something like that. and bam. the bann hammer comes down on us again.

I don't get it. you guys were banned for this already so what made you guys think you will not be banned again for this very same behavior in more aggressive manner? though I do agree the reason given on first ban was lame. .

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2018-11-10 12:02:13

our table was private

2018-11-10 12:02:33 (edited by Nikola 2018-11-10 13:35:51)

You should keep in mmind how many users possibly message them each day asking to be friends, to play games, to ban x y or z without any reason. F4 is used precisely to ask questions about the platform and get some help, not for random chatting. 30 minutes ban is really not a big deal. As to how did they know you were friends? Isn't it a bit too obvious if you all asked them to play the game?
Edit: @6 if they were private, then nothing to say except that one of you most likely already had past bans and you were recognised as potential spammers.

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2018-11-10 12:12:14 (edited by JoWier 2018-11-10 12:13:50)

*rant*(i dont do these very often, so please dont feel bad lol)
it was private, heck i mostly always hit ctrl h when i create a free table or any other game table for that matter unless its random chatter, which most of the times, its not.
hello, have you guys hurd about something known as "joke, " that's what that was. if we were banned for such a lame reason obviously we had the brains to know that we wouldn't really do something like troll them mods.  otherwise what, they might send an army of clones with high powerred machineguns after us smile?
and even if for a second, let's say it wans't a joke, and we were pissed and got a bit out of control and said that, isn't it kinda justified given the sircumstances?
lol, idk why people are so in love with passing comments and judging people without even knowing the whole story
and i totally agree with post 3
and lastly, ok, so they hated trolls, is that reason enough to exercise their powers like this?
that reminds me, i was preparing a history lesson on nazis and the rise of hitler, coincidences anyone? lol!

*end of rant*
and no, i haven't had a ban on the playroom before.
but then again, i'd never experienced such stupid operators on the pr as well tongue

Abay chal.

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2018-11-10 12:17:15 (edited by Nikola 2018-11-10 13:36:30)

Sorry, but what is justified? Have you read my posts? Imagine yourself being a mod. You think it is easy? Well, think again. Every day, you would get a bunch of messages. Sometimes valid questions you normally answer to, other times just useless things like somebody reporting someone which is by the way useless on f4 since you must send your history using the option on f9, people asking to be admins, to be friends with admins or whatever somebody comes up with. Why would you  ever joke with a function normally used to get support? Even worse, say that trolling them is later justified, no words. They should not have used their powers, for such a short time that is.

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2018-11-10 12:26:44

If y'all weren't starting trouble to begin with, especially after the first bann hammer was just lifted none of this would have happened. Consider this analogy: a man's house burns down so he decides to vacate the property. Maybe sometime later he decides to come back with some equipment and assess the damage. If he sees smoldering flames, isn't it natural for him to want to put it out? Well, thats just what happened here. Moderators are the man, playroom is the house and you were the flames. Have you stopped to consider that just maybe the admins just wanted to make sure you guys weren't starting more trouble and just so happened to see you talking smack and threatening to troll them, so they took appropriate measures to keep the fire from starting again. So I will leave y'all with some advice. 1: This is their service provided free of charge. Don't abuse it. And if you do, prepare to face the consequences. 2: Where their is smoke, their is fire, so if you don't want to be treated like a fire, stop sending smoke signals. That is all.


Thumbs up +2

2018-11-10 12:57:37

what i mean is, i understand its not easy but that still doesn't justify them taking actions for no reason. if some people are up to no good, doesn't mean that they'll form an impression of the whole playerbase and take such rash actions
as i said in post8, we were just joking, and if they had sence enough to spy on our chats, they would have sence enough to understand that cause we were laughing it all off and stuff.

Abay chal.

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2018-11-10 13:10:38

i asked them if they don't like reversi and we could play 1000 miles there's no reason to ban us 30 minutes, and then they answered me as it was like they were joking, not sure about aarush and flash because after the 30 min ban i didn't go to table again and went to sleep

2018-11-10 13:13:47 (edited by sunshine 2018-11-10 13:16:04)

they were snooping on our private table. and that's what I'm pissed about. I'm not pissed about the matter that I was banned for 30 minutes. heck I agree that was totally justified. it is like the operators out there are iron-fisted dictators, who would use force to smash the seeds of descent against them in the soil. if such a thing happened in audiogames forum, we'd seen a  massive uproar of public outrage against the perpetrater of the act.

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2018-11-10 13:20:06

i didn't get upset by what they did, and i don't hate them for that, but they should know that when you are moderating you shouldn't joke around with people you should, moderate, eg tell them hey stop spamming, this is your last warning and  if you don't stop i'll ban you, not you and your friend are borring,   and like you have time to play reversi for next 30 minutes

2018-11-10 13:20:24 (edited by Nikola 2018-11-10 13:37:10)

Sorry, but you being pissed off about that is not justified. They will not spy on a random table, that never happened and it wont ever happen. If you were banned, they saw you all on a table and watched your chats. Perfectly normal in any community that a mod after giving you a warning watches your behaviour. Also @11, I don't understand you. Actions against the entire playerbase? Not sure what do you mean by that. Sorry, but mods are not supposed to ask you hey are you joking or will you really troll us. You played with an admin and lost the game, too bad.

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2018-11-10 13:23:41 (edited by sunshine 2018-11-10 13:26:11)

Ok, then why the second ban, then? are we not supposed to question the actions of the operators in a reasonable and constructive way? what gives them right to actually ban us when we were discussing about the reasons they gave for banning us the first time?
edit: for  a fact, and for the record, let me tell you that the table we were on was totally private. this shows, that even the private tables are not free of operators' scrutany, when in fact they should be, owing to them "private".

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2018-11-10 13:30:31 (edited by Nikola 2018-11-10 13:37:49)

As I have said, normally yes, private tables are private, however your situation is different. You were banned, thus moderators watched your behaviour. This topic is in my opinion useless because nobody can prove anything. I am not saying you did this, but you could make up this entire story simply due to the fact there is no definitive history. Admins on the other hand have access to your ban history, and we do not. If you were previously banned, it is expected that admins react that way to your messages.

Thumbs up +2

2018-11-10 13:59:49


warning, Aarush we are spying on this topic, so if you and your little boring friends come on here and troll this forum, you will be band for 31minutes and 22seconds. remember you have been warned

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

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2018-11-10 14:05:52

O I wasn't referring to the entire player base. But yeah as a mod I'd want to make sure no one was starting more trouble too. I think that the 30 minute bann was in fact the last warnning and the mods wanted the perps to take it seriously. I know that if as a kid I joked about getting into trouble and pretended to plot revenge, especially after having just gotten in trouble that I was just asking for more. So I learned that rather than laughing it off sometimes its just better to lay low for a while.

Personally I used to be really big into playroom, spending most of every day there, and neighter I or my mates ever got into trouble or had administration abuse their powers against us. But we didn't use the client's admin contact to challenge them to a game.

This might sound a little farfetched but I think its applicable here, so I will propose  question
How many of us here would call 911 to ask the person on the other end out to dinner? For those outside the states, 911 is strictly for emergency situations, and in case the person calling is unable to speak, the opperater is allowed to trace your call and send authorities to your location, in case their is any foul play. It would be ridiculous of me to accuse the opperater of invading my privacy if in fact I called first. They're just doing their job and I would just be wasting their time by being a nusence, so of course their would be consequenses against whoever abused that service.

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2018-11-10 14:17:18

the first ban, claiming that they are boring, is indeed not a reason. the rest, however, in my book, are justified. but banning people just because they invited you to play with them, well, that's kinda... at any rate, yet another reason to stay far far away from those people.

Thumbs up +1

2018-11-10 14:29:26

@19 it sounded like a joke than a warning to me

2018-11-10 14:45:19 (edited by ernie 2018-11-10 14:48:47)

I agree with post 10 and post 15. I have known aarush's group of friends for a long time and sometimes they joke but umm, others don't know they are jokeing. I guess, well, its one way certin people lose there adiction to qc anyway. smile Now, before the flaims of the godfather come down on me, I will go to hide in a million towels
I am glad i wasn't hanging out with them anyway. Cause i, can, still, log on! smile

I like my uptime down low and my servers all hacked. Can see me droppin' twenty-fours with a router in the rack.
Ya like ya Switch-Ports hot and ya servers all hacked. If ya pings real high and ya networks pitch black.

2018-11-10 14:54:47

The comparison in post 19 is quite nice. Oh well, if that makes you not want to play QC, your choice after all. A claim that they were boring is probably based on the previous history of their behaviour with the administration. Considering that admins are humans just like you or me, yes they do play games. In fact, if you invited one of their accounts privately you most likely would not get a ban, unless of course you spam them with invitations. F4 is an official channel for legit questions, not those jokes or game invitations.

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2018-11-10 14:57:23

aarush says:
if such a thing happened in audiogames forum, we'd seen a  massive uproar of public outrage against the perpetrater of the act.
it just seems they want to have a good reaction from this forum to get simpathy to me.

I like my uptime down low and my servers all hacked. Can see me droppin' twenty-fours with a router in the rack.
Ya like ya Switch-Ports hot and ya servers all hacked. If ya pings real high and ya networks pitch black.

2018-11-10 15:25:52

Well, I'm on Playroom most of the time, and I never had problems with the moderators on there. If you just go on there and play games, or having some fun in the free table, nothing should happen. But if I'm not mistaken, post 1 said he and his friends also trolling them, I'm sorry to say that you guys deserved the ban.

It's like I owned a house, and if someone wants to come for good intentions, for having some coffee or whatever, I would let them stay as long as they want to. But if bad guys come for trolling me in my own house, I also have my own rights to dismiss them anytimes. No one appreciate trolling anyway.

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