2018-02-08 04:50:01

i hope so, i want to see it finished so i can buy everything related to this game.
i managed to go very far in chapter one, and if every chapter has the same lenght, my dear god, the game will be very long, entertaining and the perfect example for other story driven games to follow.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
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bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2018-02-08 08:35:12

I hope to see the game being made accessible as Would love to play this...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-02-08 19:56:51

People, I am very sorry, but this game is not accessible. Why is this game still here? I have buyed it, but I can't play it. get it out. People will buy it, and throw theyr money to trash, like me.

2018-02-08 20:48:23

they have said multiple times that there will be an accessibility mode. hear mode, if i remember correctly.
but for now, i'm more interested in the story.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2018-02-08 22:52:15

they are active both on twitter, and over on applevis.com. as for the person that bought it and is upset, the accessibility mode is currently in progress, but not here yet. I'm sure this game is going to be amazing, all we need to give is money, feedback, and time. They are a very small studio of two people.

2018-02-13 10:46:27

wow! wow! wow! wow! just, wow! what ausumn kind of games comin out these days, these are the games we as audiogamers, need! some thing which doesn't make us unequal from the other gamers, i think in the near future there shall be no type of game which a blind guy can't play and you guys have sure helped in the cause i will definately do anything to help, i know i am a bit late in here but, i will still help ya all. just email me through forom email or use this: [email protected] (even though they both are same) big_smile anyways, i wanna thank you again people like you guys are the one who will lift this community to another extent. regards.

Abay chal.

2018-02-14 03:27:17 (edited by jack 2018-02-14 04:13:10)

kratos wrote:

People, I am very sorry, but this game is not accessible. Why is this game still here? I have buyed it, but I can't play it. get it out. People will buy it, and throw theyr money to trash, like me.

*sigh* There's always one. Always has to be one to come out and bring the momentum to a screeching halt. NO offense man, but if you're gonna come in late to the party to complain, kindly read the thread first and mind your tone, will ya? This whole thread talks about how ear mode is going to be implemented into the game. If you spent money on this game, surely you didn't spend it for nothing. You are supporting this duo of developers who are trying to get the game as accessible as possible, but goodness knows that a little friggin patience can go a long way.

2018-08-09 15:19:02

So, it's been a long while. It still seems to be inaccessible. Does anyone know if they are still planning to bring in the accessibility or did they give up or what?

It would be such a shame, as the audio quality seems really great and it could be a very immersive experience.

2018-08-09 20:18:45

wonder why they disappeared
maybe they doesn't have experience with accessibility? don't take me wrong,   alot of times passed still nothing from them
people will buy and how they can get to know it's not accessible?
shortly if you cannot make accessible the game,  please come and tell us the reason why you guys disappeared been awhile
that is known pretty clear making the completed game needs to be rewritten again,  maybe that is your reason here?
best regards

2018-08-10 13:55:54

I hope the best, but... Since we haven't heard from the developers for so long, I start to think this is never going to happen. Well, I'm glad the game wasn't more expensive. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-08-10 21:42:48

I just reached out to them on Twitter so hopefully we'll see what they have to say. I'd like to think they haven't disappeared, after all this being a pretty epic game I wouldn't be surprised if it's just taking more time than we may think.

2018-08-10 22:06:39

is it availeble for android?

Yours kindly

2018-08-12 12:55:36

hello guys i downloaded the game and opened it but i can't here any thing. i think this isn't a game for blinds people when the here moad is released?

2018-08-12 15:27:11

masroor.rahmani wrote:

hello guys i downloaded the game and opened it but i can't here any thing. i think this isn't a game for blinds people when the here moad is released?

OMG, dude! If you had read the previous posts more carefully, you would have known that this game is not accessible, and does not work with Voiceover.
Then you are asking about when the hear mode is released. Just, no comment!

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-08-12 18:34:18

It's topics like these that really show the short attention span of some people. Or laziness. Or both. Back to your 6 second vines then, I guess. Lol!
Seriously! Even the first few posts should be enough to tell you that the game hasn't been made accessible yet, they are working on it but do realize they are a 2person studio that has a difficult game to market (think of all the voiceover work that went into the game, as well as the game development itself.) What they are actually doing is quite an endeavor. This is not just some parlor trick that involves a text to speech mode or something like that. It's a reworking of the game, the script, and everything of the sort to actually make the ear mode a part of the game not just some afterthought extra-fluff play mode. Remember, games like A Hero's Call took 5 years, granted we haven't heard from the folks behind tGWSTW in a while but how long's it been, not even a year? You really should cut them some slack. And for the love of all that's good - read the whole goddamn thread! Or at least more than a few posts.

2018-09-10 02:27:18

seriously this is really sad. I would like to know if they are even active on twitter at all? like have they even posted?

2018-09-12 01:05:09

I herd nothing at all from their twitter or hear.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2018-09-17 11:56:25

Hey folks!
I'm Art - the other steady half of the development team behind TGWSTW. I understand that some of you got a bit frustrated. But believe me 1 year is nothing if you are struggling to survive. Literally. What an omen in relation to the game smile.
As my wife Barbara is extremely busy now, please allow me to paste here my last update which I posted recently on the Applevis forum.

@jack Thank you so much! You nailed it.

------------------------------------------PASTED POST FROM THE APPLEVIS FORUM-----------------------

TGWSTW is not dead and of course we are still working on it, alongside our daily jobs/operations. It's funny how people who never had an own business give you advice how to turn theory into reality quickly (Not talking about anyone of this forum here) Sorry, but that's life. Most people give a sh... about your life and what you are doing until you get huge. So we are mostly on our own.

I know that 1 year passed already, and if we were working on TGWSTW 14 hours a day it probably would be finished, with all 21 episodes. But that was not the case. We have to find ways to finance further development  BUT ALSO our living costs. Although many of you who played TGWSTW think it is perfect already, we have to optimize it to make it stand out and attract more players who have different expectations.

We have to focus on the market that is easy to access for us, and that is Germany at the moment (we are living here) So we are going to make a german voice over to market it here and that will hopefully generate enough income to finance the english version, which is much more expensive for us. Why? Because the german voice over artist is a friend of ours smile

Also technically TGWSTW is moving forward:
• I'm rewriting the whole code to assure a fast production pipeline for all upcoming episodes. This will guaranty that upcoming episodes will be published within a timespan of 3-5 weeks.
• I've thrown out all the mini games and came up with the P.A.D. system (Plan and Do). The puzzles will be seamlessly entangled in the story, no disruption. You'll be presented verbs like: GO, EXAMINE, TAKE/PUT DOWN, USE, OPEN, PUSH, PULL, DISMANTLE, SHAKE, TURN, TALK, and GIVE, which you then can combine with a location or an item or a person to execute actions. You'll be able to solve puzzles in different spots, in a non-linear manner. Like in a small open world so if you don't move forward with one puzzle you can try another. That should reduce possible frustration.
• Another new gameplay element which will regularly appear is the XONAR (kind of next gen Sonar). It gives us a bit more action and anxiety when we hear strangers trying to track down Frances. The goal here is to listen carefully and guide Frances away from the Danger.
• Last but not least: N.E.R.S. (Neurons reconditioning stimulator) You'll be able to read/listen to Frances' brain activity in order to examine her thoughts/emotions/fears/memories and manipulate them. This will help you to understand the past, to plan or change the future and to make appropriate decisions.
• Plus all the other things like a smooth auto-save, including cloud saving, in-app purchase etc.

So as you see there is a lot going on. Please be assured that I won't give up - never ever. TGWSTW is my project of a lifetime.
See it that way. For now, it just costs you a little bit of patience - please don't loose it. It's worth it. Spread the word where you can. That helps a lot.

Big thanks to all of our supporters! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

2018-09-18 08:38:05

@LyorahStudios thanks for the new updates, but...
Whats appends about the in-ear mode for the accessibility and playstyle for completeli blind people? How is the debelopment of that feature?

¡thanks for the news!

2018-09-18 12:47:44

@sanslash332 Thanks, for your question. The ear-mode will be a separate module, which will be implemented pretty much at the end of the development. That's why I have to set the structure and the functionality first, polished enough that it can stay until the very last chapter.
Also we need to have the complete story written with all its puzzles to be able to start recording the system voice which will be your guide throughout the ear mode. And that's unfortunately very time consuming. But I think it's worth it. If you listen to our trailer you'll get an idea in which direction it will head and how the quality of a recorded voice guide builds a much better atmosphere than it would be in the case of a simple voice over reader.

I know, that's a hell of work...but we'll get there smile

2018-09-18 18:25:40

Hello everyone. I just want to make the general comment that I have tried the game, but eeit is completely in accessible for iOS

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2018-09-19 08:04:30

Thanks @LyorahStudios for your sincerely answer.

Well, the majority of the users will have to wait to near of the end of the development to give a good try to the game, but various can wait tongue
TSo the only to ask, is keep telling to us the new updates about the game :t
Thanks for all!

2019-05-01 14:08:29

Hey guys,

I hope you're doing well.

Small news here for all interested and those who didn't get an email from us.
We've started a blog where we're going to share the creation progress, story and audio related content and polls.

You can check our first post here:
https://thegirlwhosoldtheworld.com/welc … community/

Although there's nothing new there for you yet, I'd appreciate if you would create an account there, so we get an actual number of currently interested people.

There is also a first poll available, but marked as "visual poll", so you know immediately which poll is interesting for you and which one is obviously not.

I went with a screen reader over our website and everything seems to be working fine. Please let me know when you find any issues.

See you!

2019-05-01 14:47:57

Awesome, great news. Welcome back!

2019-05-02 18:24:31

Great news. I'll register when you post something about accessibility. We were a few members here on the forum who got so excited that we bought the game. Keep up the great job.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen