2017-10-10 21:53:22

hmmm, depends what Sam calls strong afenders. I think that inpersination falls into that kind of category.
How ever, storm is back on it, And I know that he was banned. also someone knowen as juliantheaudiogamer also got unbanned.
Personally, as sadly with all updates, this also got boring. And sadly it seems that redspot still has, and will always, have that stupid player base who eather are immature so they cant stand dying, or have to take use of all o there power. No, I am afrade that nobody cant help it.
And, thanks for adding this newbie system, only one who is angry is someone from uka, btw suicide bombs can kill newbies, and I think that other types of bombs work on them as well.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-11 02:11:20

Yes, any kind of items that are not the normal control key to fire will get past the newbie timer. Sam might want to have a look at it.

2017-10-11 03:27:39

I agree. Change it. I had to take a break for a while because I kept dying and hearing that awfull noise.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2017-10-11 04:13:03

Even though I agree if you have the newbie flag you shouldn't be able to use bombs unless you wanna turn that off, or forfit your 20 minutes. But things that are useable like spring boots and various items that can still be acted upon should remain that way.
And heh, I don't care about the dieing sound, you shouldn't be hearing it that often to get that sick of it.
but anyway, what I was referring to was the death messages when someone else dies, its just pretty lengthy and spammy.  That'd be great, and much appreciated if you  can set up a toggle for gagging that. Maybe have it as a slash command like, /deathgag.

Also, why are some people not trackable? I hit T then enter on the first player for example, then hit W and I get the message that that player isn't trackable. is that because of their newbie flag? If so, maybe they shouldn't be in the tracking menu at all? Not sure what that was about.


2017-10-11 10:04:13

guys, this system will get fixes but just got to be pationt. and the reason that newbies can et killed with bombs is cuz otherwise they would keep blowing up bombs and noone would be able to stop them until it's too late.
this isn't a perfect system guys and i'm the first one to agree that it needs serious fixing and it iwll be fixed

2017-10-11 12:41:00 (edited by BigGun 2017-10-11 15:39:23)

maybe things like baracade bombs can hert them, but things like suicide bombs, timebombs, hand grenades, etc. I think that those things shouldn't effect the newbies in the leest.About the dying sound, just press enter and it should be skipped, and about death messages, just press ctrl to silence them, and anyway they aren't 100000 chars so they crash your sinf. And, I manage to dy a haph an hour and heering that over and over again, over all it sometimes gives me the settisfaction like I didn't dy, but Sam did. lol

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-11 14:41:41

@biggun if newbies would be protected against those bombs, how would people with a base be able to defend their base? If we can't defend a base because of the newbie protection, that would not make much sence at al. This could be abused very much.
Think about it closely. People with newbie flags could just be like hey, a base with bombs, lets blow them into bits for another none more healthier player and there you go. BOOM.

kind regards and have a nice day,

2017-10-11 14:48:26

this is exactly why the placed explosives which are barricade bombs, missiles and dynamite should be able to bypass the newbie flag, but items you normally place during a fight such as time bombs or grenades or whatever shouldn't work on them.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-10-11 15:00:34

and if they by passes those bombs. those newbs would be able to walk right to a base and start lockpicking when noone is online with no efford. woul'd that be better? would you like that more?
nope. in my opinion this system isn't going to work at all as redspot is right now. the only way it could work is if you make it so people with the newbie flag on won't be able to use certain items and walk up to a base

2017-10-11 15:38:03

oops, did I say that baracade obmbs shouldn't effect them? well, read the post again. Sorry for the inkonviniences.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-11 15:53:18

I sort of think the map is too big now. I think it was too big in the last version. Granted more people are playing now, but I think there's far too much room and at times there are only like ten players online. Another thing: I propose bringing the old item sound back. I can barely hear the new one, and even if you're right on top of it, it sounds as though it's still a while away.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-10-11 18:24:10

One thing that I'm seeing as a problem is that shields spawn less often anywhere on the map. Even if they were to spawn in the sky life vessel along with the health upgrades, that'd be fine.  But it's very hard to protect yourself when sshields aren't spawning.

2017-10-11 21:15:37

How do I switch to fists or feet? Don't see them in the inventory.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2017-10-12 01:31:50

I agree about the shields. Maybe instead of upping the percentage of shields make bullet proof vest that do basically the same thing as an alternate way to protect yourself. Then we could have both, and I think vests seem more in line with this FPS anyway, but whichever. lol

2017-10-12 02:38:10

MikeFont wrote:

I agree about the shields. Maybe instead of upping the percentage of shields make bullet proof vest that do basically the same thing as an alternate way to protect yourself. Then we could have both, and I think vests seem more in line with this FPS anyway, but whichever. lol

Yeah, I like that idea!

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

2017-10-12 03:59:59

the death sound needs to be changed, also grunting in pain sounds should be added when you get shot or shoot someone, makes it cooler.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2017-10-12 05:29:32

oh ah yeah, that's should be an armor or a vest, not a shield, haha
shield is the one you hold on your hand, not wearing it. so it's wierd to wield a shield and a gun, right? . well except that futuristic/scifi/magic type of shield.
stw too, the shield more sounds like  an armor big_smile

2017-10-12 08:55:01

While playing a bit, I noticed some  things that I would like to see added or modified, or maybe you already have those things on your list?
I personally think that the inventory needs a filtering system, when you hit I to open it, you have a lot of things like weapons, ammo and such and you have to look through everything to find an item.
I would like to have a system like in manamon where you have different categories of items which you can switch between with the left and right arrow and move through the categories with the up and down arrow.
As I said in a previous post, I would like to see certain messages beeing able to turn them off or on, like death messages, online or offline messages, chat, you no what I mean.
BTW, do you guys use the 3D sound system or the original one? I have huge problems locating the others on the map when they are near me.
Also, I know, this sounds noobish of some sorts, but do you have some tips for evading? I try jumping away, but it seams that the other player is always hitting me and upon me in seconds, without me beeing able to react. This is especially bad with weapons like that long bareled machinegun, which apparently takes over 2000 health in a fraction of a second, happened to me yesturday.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2017-10-12 13:09:11

I had one thought while playing the game last night: If you're going to have a map that big... make bikes a starting item.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-10-12 13:47:57

I have all reddy said the disadvantages of starting items. People will then ask, Heym ket's start with 5000 health, 20 shielded shots, x storred aer etc. Bullet vests sound cool, that's what I have suggested in this same topic I think. About the long barreled machinegun, I just try to get out of it's path. And yeah, it's quite powerfull. ANd, is this just me or do item grabbers spawn all most never? I can hardly find any of them some times.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-12 15:07:50

I found onli one from the last update and it gaved me onli 2 or 3 items.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2017-10-12 15:17:59

Come to think of it, I think the map itself is what's lagging the sergher. I think it takes almost ten seconds or more to log in and when I'm coming out of my base it's the same way, but when going into a base, it's just like that. (Insert finger snap here.) So if you could divide the map into whole separate ones, I feel it would go faster. Then again, I'm no coder so I know nothing.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-10-12 18:05:10

nope, the map has nothing to do with it it's rather the client loading sounds. It takes time cause it's using lav. If you want it to go a bit faster turn off hrtf.

My twitter

2017-10-12 20:38:49 (edited by User100 2017-10-12 20:44:12)

Hi all and Sam.
Is it possible to add langpacks like in STW? I know some people who would like to play Redspot but problems with English have stopped them.
About the newbie system: this is a progressive reform, nevertheless it needs to be fixed. A newbie is a player who wants to raise his params to a playible level, but not to become an unkillable diversant. So:
   1. The newbie flag would no longer be vanished automatically in consequance of this newbie's shot. Only if out of timer. Newbie simply will can't shoot while he has such status.
   2. To reset the flag manually, the newbie would have to type /newbie (or another special chat command). When the command entered, the newbie flag vanishes and a loud sound plays, warning nearby players that some newbie in there neighborhood just became adult and dangerous.
   3. Placed explosives (barricades, mines etc) would not be wasted for newbies. They will not explode, but will simple stop a newbie instead, preventing him from getting in there defeat zome. Stop, but NOT STAND like tasers do. Example: there is a base called X and a newbie player called P. X is defended by 4 barricade bombs: one on the north, one on the east, one on the south and one on the west direction. This bombs are installed so that there activation zones (circles of radius 15) overlap. P comes from the north side. The distance between him and the northen bomb is reducing: 18, 17, 16... Next, P try to get closer, at the distance of 15, but the program does not allow him to do this. P now can move left, right and backward, but not forward, cause he haven't the right to enter into the activation zone of the northen bomb. P goes to the goal from other directions, but fails again by same reason. Even decimal directions does not make result, because the activation zones are overlapping.
   4. Look closely at the example in point 3. What if P would attack X from the air using a concussive grenade or simply jumping from any nearby tower if there is such one? I propose to solve this problem radically: forbid newbies to climb up anywhere using PageUp. There is a logic: they are newbies, so additional territories (towers, mountains, sky
islands) are closed for them. Please note that jumping from the ground must be allowed, because jumps are speeding up the moving. But concussive grenades must be forbidden too (see point 5).
   5. Block for newbies all items that can be used as a weapon or a diversion tool (all bombs, lockpicks, concussive grenades etc). Bikes would not be blocked cause newbies have the right to move fast and a problem with avoiding barricade bombs have been solved in point 3.
I also share the idea of buildings, but this is a topic for a separate post.
In conclusion, I want to talk about a strange bug, witch I detected recently (but before the last update, so it has a probability to be already solved). Imagine the next situation:
Player A is located at coordinates (200;490;0). Player B is at (200;502;0). They are separated by a wall of the mountain, but player A shoots and hit player B. The wall is shootable? Completely stupid assumption. Next, player B moves north for several steps. Player A shoots again, but B haven't been damaged now, though A's weapon range allows him to hit B at such distance. I don't know certainly, but it seems to be a floating point rounding error. If that's the case, it wouldn't take a long time to solve this problem.

2017-10-12 22:02:20

I have 3d sound system turned off, and it takes loads of time to load, even if the pingg when I logg on is about 80 ms, witch normal in my country.
Some points are good, but not allowing them to go up towers just because they can fall from them to get to a base? Sounds stupid. And, only things like timebombs, suicide bombs, mines, etc are not damaging newbies, because there are webbens them selvs.
But, baracade bombs, base machinegun, etc can be used to kill newbies, because those things are defencive items witch are not used to kill, just to get someone off the teratory. And, they can use all items accept, well, items that cant hit them, ferr deel.
I have to agree. Map is to big, and it’s better to have menny smaller maps then having 1 huge map, witch makes you wait about 10 seconds to log on.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.