2017-03-10 19:27:11

hello everyone.  the title says it all.  from the devs that brought audio game hub comes, blind cricket for android and IOS.  hears discription.   
Ever dreamt of representing your country at the Blind Cricket World Cup? Close your eyes and imagine yourself on the big stage. Your time has come...

Play "The Blind Cricket Game" and find yourself immersed in an audio-rich world. Play on your own or with teammates to make it to the top from school level to international cricket. Or you could play against each other to see who finishes on top.

Blind Cricket is first accessible cricket simulator with realistic sounds, easy user interface and accessibility features.

this title has google play games entergration so i would presume that it also has IOS's game center addings as well.  just put in blind cricket in app or play store.

2017-03-10 23:59:59

Well sonnar has not officially released it but then I havn't checked with sonnar for a few weeks on progress of things.
The last official news post from them says that game centre support for apple was being put in though originally google play wavers were allowed by apple though it took some time to get them.
But as I said I havn't poled sonnar management for some time well ever since I got back on status of various things.
Though sonnar has shown that they don't need me for major release news, if they need to they will do it themselves.
However, I do need to touch base on public and private matters on such things as the new hub on the cards, the transition from the free version which has been the original version released to the new comercial model which is still up in the air but which has been hinted at earlier on, to what exactly is going on.
However with them doing the release news themselves this time round there is no need for me to rush into seeing what they are doing immediately.
My plan is to wait either till may or june or if nothing has happened to wait till august some time because during august and september a lot of the family will be away so I should have some time to work.
Life depending.
Right now, I am doing off and on work with rockywaters, who are close to a release well an upgrade of one of their old games.
I am trying to get more work to, but things are slow.
Actually my main thrust gaming wise has been to try to complete eurofly this month, I have 8 more really hard tasks to battle through then, I can save my profile and just be done with the game entirely.

2017-03-11 19:09:01

i was hoping for some news on whispering tunnels as keen to play that title. i know that the february was only an estimate, for all of the kick-starter funding being used for the 5 games and whispering tunnels, but it is a shame that more dates in the future were not estimated at, so as maybe more funding could have been gained to support sonar

2017-03-11 19:16:07

Hi will.
I am just as in the dark as you.
If sonnar want to answer this themselves and give their reasons thats their problem.
I know more of them exist on here than me.
I don't get notification all the time, and I assume they are working on whatever it is.
I have never commented on release dates, however if anyone wants to comment I'll leave it up to those on here and see.

2017-03-12 03:56:12

this no pc program,and don't have an earphone to play it.haha

2017-03-12 04:46:39

I can't seem to get past the support us page and it's rather infuriating.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-03-12 05:07:55

yes,i don't have money to support,so,can not play.

2017-03-12 06:29:45

Sadly it seems to have issues on my nexus 6p, it won't let me double tap. It just, does nothing when I double tap.

2017-03-12 07:32:54

6p,wow,chinese phone,huawei phone,yes,can't use this.but the game is can not play any more.

2017-03-12 09:33:03

can not support,so,no one can play for out support.

2017-03-12 09:39:11

O, nice game!

Regards, Adil.

2017-03-12 15:21:21

my question is,how to begin to play,can not skeep the support,if really,this is only buy.

2017-03-12 18:17:19

I'm thinking I may just uninstall then reinstall the game. It kinda irks me I even have to do that, but hey.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-03-12 18:20:46

well I can't play mutch, 1 game then must support.

2017-03-12 19:24:08

Snow, well the fact that it's a Chinese phone doesn't mean much, what matters is that it's a good phone nonetheless, and just for the record the iphone is technically made in China too. No offense, just be careful when dissing phones. But I don't even think it's a problem with the phone. Blind Cricket just doesn't want to double tap, and it happens on audio game hub too.

2017-03-13 19:36:01

several have questioned or have had the issue of not being able to play with out giving basicly.  i learned this myself but after i posted but, all  worked ok and sorry for those who, have had issues on nexus p on android.   i've given and the game is quite awesome.  this is an awesome game to say the least and am happy i helped them out.  even if its alittle.  i do wish that the game was more online interms of verses mode etc.  but it appears that its only to compare scores. etc.   i do know this is on ios for being on there website, it shows it for both platforms.

2017-03-13 23:21:35

Um, wow, slow down guys.
1.  unless something has changed you shouldn't need to bother about a support page.
Yes, eventually when the new hub comes out we will have some sort of payment plan but as far as I know that thing is still not being shared so its not happening till it does.
Till it does audiogamehub, the cricket game, etc are fully free for all time that is till the game is intergrated to the hub.
I havn't even seen the upgrade so if I havn't seen the upgrade chances are you havn't either.
You shouldn't get stuck on the support page.
You shouldn't need to click support at all its a menu option unless my version is quite old which it may be.
How many android users are effected with double click issues, are you sure you need to double click, have you read the tutorial to make sure you are in deed doing the right things.
Are apple users getting the same issue.

2017-03-14 00:41:12

Alright. So, Crashmaster, what happens, you'll get one free game to play. Then you can click career mode and it shows that support page. And this is on Apple.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-03-14 03:05:13

For those on Android, you now have an option to watch an add, to play  "career" mode.

2017-03-14 04:17:31

The ad does nothing. You cannot get out of it for some reason and it's irritating.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-03-14 08:34:37

After the ads finished playing, press the back button on the phone itself. Referring to android users of course.

2017-03-14 12:19:54

Ahh. I'm using iOS so I cannot do that.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-03-14 12:40:12

I am using ios and when I am tapping on watch advertisement it doesnt works.
I can not click on this button.

2017-03-14 18:34:41

This could be more serious then just noting and emailing which I may still do.
I will have to ask about this behaviour.
Unless I am not notified which is probably totally possible the last time I checked we were not close to a plan.
And as a double dose of bad luck its not conducive to working at all.
I am in the process of helping a friend who has just lost her husband, this involves getting rid of his stuff and one of these schedualed things is going on.
The day or at least most of it is gone, I'm only up now so I can try to push as much of the updates, training and extras into a small window so I can leave at 9, I will note your issue with the email log, but I think its time I talk to sonnar bosses, and yet again push the fact I need a fucking assistant on the forums and the like.
I shouldn't be the only one answering questions like this.
Its ok generally but I am only 1 guy.

2017-03-15 05:05:14

I just got the game. Looks promising, though I haven't actually tried the main mode yet, hitting the ball is just so hard. I feel like the audio cue to hit it just too short and I don't hear the ball coming till it's already right there.