2015-07-02 16:34:22 (edited by the terminator 2015-07-04 04:53:45)

hey all...
I've recently developed a serie called masons death.
Our known developer mason is in danger!
the link to download the serie is under this.
currently I have developed chapters 1, 2 and 3, and hope black humor doesn't lead me to a bann.
the main story of why I made this thing was:
I made mason angry, and I was angry too. So I decided, hey! why not laugh at mason with a scene, with a stupid audio file?
then masons death appeared.
it was very very short i have to admit, but for some reason mason liked that.
actually... it was to make him angry not to make him smile hahaha.
with the time, it has been progressing, of course with masons help too, and it has became an awesome serie!
you can download it from:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhnk5e3bedymi … h.rar?dl=0
then tell me if I should stop developing bullshit, or if I shall keep up the good work.
hope you enjoy it folks.

also, please +1 it, share it giving credit to me and stuff.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-02 17:31:12


It's not a game so shouldn't be hear. It's also quite childish in my opinion.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-02 17:56:14

You're a little late, because April fools day was 3 months and 1 day ago...

2015-07-02 17:59:36


Firstly Brad is correct this isn't a game so doesn't belong here.

Secondly, there is a fine line between micky taking and actual attacks, particularly when your creating stuff just to cause havoc. whether this does constitute a personal attack or attempt to be offensive at Mason I don't know sinse 7zip told me it couldn't open the archive, however bare in mind the Forum rules here prohibit personal attacks on other members, whatever you say they've said they might be fine with, sinse it's very easy to disguise an insult and say "oh it's fine he knows I'm joking", indeed a lot of bad stuff goes on under that guise.

Lastly, (and this is a point without my moderation hat), "Anime" is simply the Japanese term for any animated program. Unless you have a studio of artists drawing for you, I doubt this is animated!

I presume this is some sort of audio production, in which case it cannot be anime.

"anime style" is sometimes used as a term by people to indicate a lot of themes common to series like Dragonball, naruto, lots of action and ninjas and robots and crazy long fights, however this is just as inaccurate as "anime audio" is, sinse in japan animated programs come in all genres from soap operas, to comedy, action, to detective, horror, historical drama, romance  scifi etc. More properly things like Naruto, Dragonball or Bleach are a sub genre of Anime referd to as "shonan" or youth, generally aimed at young boys, however it does always irritate me a bit when people get this definition wrong sinse I personally have seen a lot of good anime that is in no way Shonan.

For example,one of my brother's favourites is Kids on the slope, which is a pure drama series set in the 1960's all about a jaz band.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 18:33:11

hi again...
hmm, yep You are in reason dark and brad.
and kinda no, my obj is not to attack mason, even he was helping me in this project.
masons death3 was sensered, the original episode, because it contained private info and insults off.
it had masons private life info and it has been sensered.
and yes dark, about the anime termination thing, yes. I might call it anime when it grows more, when I receive some more bit of maddness and creativity on my brain, and stuff.
so far, apology for posting in wrong forum, but I thought this might be in off topik.
mean, so far, a part from the childish thing it needs to be because it's not as i'm childish; but the serie needs to be childish so it can be interpreted as a joke or as an inportant talent too, what you think of it?
and dark, can you please move it to any room you think it's adequate?
thanks for warnings and help, and i'm not offended. I learned a lot off of this. Thanks!

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-02 23:39:57

So I can't help but notice that the Acid Stage fatality at the beginning of the first episode is the exact one I made about a year ago. Also so was the blood squirting sound. So was the sound of the X-Ray in Mortal Kombat. Well I didn't make it but I did the mixing. Anyways, that being said, I thought this was an ok but juvenille project. The concept is derogatory and even with his consent I fail to see the necessity. But if you enjoy make it, I am not by any means telling you to stop. I just do not agree with it.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2015-07-03 00:42:53

I understand ghost, that's why I stopped mortal kombatting in masons death.
now I guess it'll be pure tts bassed.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-03 05:50:01

hi all followers of masons death...
masons death part4, has been released!
grab it from:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/gysm2t1j1usxr … 4.wav?dl=0
leave your comments, suggestions, criticisms and stuff.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-03 12:37:41

Anyone's death, even fictional, is not, in my opinion, a laughing matter, so, I'm not even going to listen to these. And if anyone asks, I disapprove.

2015-07-03 14:09:24

I know some persons wouldn't try yes, it's black humor. Then, the serie is interesting. Over all chapter4.
I wont offend, it's normal someone gives it a try. Masons death was a mainly first title for it.
Mason personally likes it, and that's why I do continue developing this.
I wont force anyone to try the thing. It's totally optional.
I know also some persons wouldn't like black humor, so if I get a lot like a spambot you guys please tell me and i promise I wont talk of this anymore

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-03 18:19:07

Greetings terminator.

My apologies for there being only negative comments about this so allow me to put a positive spin on this. As of this post, I've checked out 3 episodes and am about to check out the fourth. Although it seems to be somewhat cartoonish, there is a very powerful message in the story and that is to value life and the afterlife. friendship and love can get us through the toughest of times; even through death. I doubt however I can change over night to be more accepting of those around me because I've never experienced such love and devotion to another except for my creator nor have I experienced receiving such although I know there are those who would 'lay down their life for me'. I could have experienced it if my love interests returned my feelings a few years ago but now my heart has hardened and the very thing I sought is the very thing I can no longer stand. What happens if you starve someone for long enough? They reject the food that they've been given and that applies to love to. Maybe black humour is what I need to open up once more and like with any death, you don't just stop; you either move on to another existence or you rise again like the phoenix.

To everyone else and this isn't directed to anyone on the forum but it is directed to the western world. I'm actually very angry when it comes to this topic but maybe you can help me to understand the western mentality. Death to most is considered to be a very distressing event but I must ask why? Back before the 3 major religions came into being, death was in fact a joyous occasion and it was widely celebrated by all because you get to talk to your loved ones in another form and they get to train you in your development in life by introducing an extra dimensional, spiritual aspect. What happened to people freely talking about the end of this adventure and moving on to the next great adventure to death being something so taboo and so painful and so private that to make a joke or play a light hearted song at a funeral of someone wishing for such will not only get people angry at you but they'll most likely kick you out of the funeral. Such a thing is quite disgusting in my opinion and I hope once I go onto the next great adventure that my funeral will either be a quiet affair or a joyous one. I would be very displeased if people mourned my death because I wouldn't be there in the grave but either enjoying myself somewhere or facing my demons and coming out of spirit school stronger than before. We all have the right, not only a privilege to live and die with dignity and I always get very angry when I hear about those who're terminally ill being ridiculed for accepting calmly their demise. If I had my way, I would personally educate each and every being who ridicules the terminally ill being on how hurtful their words are and what harm they're causing. I'm not sure what I'd do if they did not desist but at the very least, I would dissociate from them and reject them for I cannot tolerate their inequity, their calumny, their callas disregard of someone's free will.

My apologies to all because I don't usually write in this manor but today, after reading this topic and listening to the series, I was moved by it and it invoked a very powerful emotional response from me. I'm not simply talking about anger at the western mentality but an all consuming black rage that I'm currently trying to dispel. I have no words to describe the depth, the magnitude, the strength, the heat of the rage. It is like a monster trying to claw out of my chest! Also, when I'm angered and to such an extent, I can no longer be dishonest in any way and I mean everything I state so even when I calm down and people ask did you mean what you said, I cannot retract it it because rather than my outbursts being out of controlled, they're always calculated and measured. It is why I'm not cursing anyone because to curse now would be to say something not true and I cannot lie when angry. Nobody has actually said anything harmful so there is nobody I can direct my anger to except maybe in this way. I applaud the terminator for giving us this series he created and I wish he'd done this sooner. I'd also request a new series be made with me dyeing or continue with this one and let mason rescue me from my grizzly demise. I love the voices in the series, the sapi voices I think, the first American man with the deep voice; I'd love to know what voice that is so I can buy it. So, to wrap this up, I'd love to go back to the days where death was spoken about like it was an every day part of life, just as the tribes in the jungles, deserts and in the other remote regions of the planet viewed death because although they had their problems, they were considered to be the happiest people ever, just like the Eskimos before we got to them.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2015-07-03 18:53:20


I will admit I found the first part a bit childish. I haven't listened to the second one. The Third one how ever was really good. Sure there were spelling mistakes but I found the music to be really nice and the message, from the girls to be very true. We should stick by people no matter what. Even if they're going to bring us back from the dead, just to kill someone, that doesn't matter, what matters is we stick by them. Even when our arms are falling off due to body rot, stick by them!
Lol, this is an an interestingsieries. Although you can't call it an anime, since as dark said, anime means animated and this is not animated. Animated means that the pictures and so on are drawn, at least that's what it means to me.

Great job for making this.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-03 19:08:56

Greetings all.

I agree with Brad about part 3. It was definitely moving and the voices were brilliant. I'd love to know what the voices were called so I can buy them. Keep up the good work Terminator, I'm looking forward to what comes next.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2015-07-03 20:52:30

Hey Terminator can I act for the next part?

73 Wj3u

2015-07-04 02:48:24

hi all.
I was about to throw the project out off of my recicle bin actually.
thanks for the good comments in here.
also, what you mean by the first voice of the american man?
and chapter 3 I acted it myself.
my english is not that developed, or known, but I apologize for it.
here is the deal from the other guy who commented he wont even try it.
look! I am not even forcing you to try, nor pointing with a machinegun off to your head and saying try that! hell!
it's completely optional.
you can decide if you don't want black humor, or if you actually do like it and say hey bro, nice serie!
do you wanna suggest ideas for chapter5 before I make it?
you can freely do it by private contacting me at sbskype90 on skype.
about luis carlos offering himself as a voiceactor.
I apreciate it, sincerely; but no dude, from now on all the chapters will be tts's.
thanks anyways for your offer, it's nice, but even I am no longer voiceacting for it. I stopped because I am sick, and my throat and voice are both a complete mess.
also, and if you allow me to say this, you're considered a spammer in the spannish community forum.
I am not trying to be mean, in any concept, but just saying true. When I had you on skype I was receiving a lot of chats from you joining me to your chat groups without even consulting me.
that's off topik. You can add me at skype if you wish, but don't, please, add me to your chats with out consulting me.
I'm busy programming some stuff with friends via skype, and I sincerely ask to not add me to any chat group.
that, however doesn't mean you guys shouldn't add me. You can.
About to make masons death5. Please suggest!
see ya,

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-04 04:15:15

Greetings terminator.

The American man I was referring to was in the introduction of part 3. I think the first line goes 'first, a word to the followers of Mason's death'. The last line goes 'and now, on with the show. That guy along with the other tts voices I'd love to get a hold of them. I'd rather not dwell on what was previously said on this topic or I'll never be able to cool my anger at the western viewpoint regarding death. I do believe that it's their concept of death that has made people react so harshly toward you and the series. If I could somehow find a way to give objective evidence, something that people can believe in to get people around to my way of thinking regarding death then I'd present it in a heartbeat. Alas, I cannot do that and as much as I detest the western mentality surrounding death, people are entitled to their views be it their own or whether such views have been programmed into them by society as a whole but especially by the generations before this one. One man be they wombed or not cannot fight an entire nation and hope to win but that being can start a revolution provided that they can find like-minded individuals and create a front.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2015-07-04 04:33:48

those voices are not purchasseable at this time.
they were loquendo crap. All loquendo voices.
other voices I used are microsoft built in voices and neospeech ones.
I should cut my hair and thus I couldn't work in part5, but I will start just now.
starting to think of adding new characters.
Anyways, hope you enjoy it!
thanks for the good comments!

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-04 08:10:55

Hey can I act for the next chapter?
This animey is fantastic!
Can I act?

73 Wj3u

2015-07-04 12:50:09

Greetings luiscarlosgm.

Unfortunately no. The terminator is going to do all future chapters in tts so no human acting I'm afraid. Unfortunate this is but ask once more if he decides to go down a more human root for acting.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2015-07-04 22:13:04

hey all.
sorry, I couldn't finish chapter5 still, because i'm out of ideas and I want something that rocks, and yes bashu sorry if I miss spelled your name, but currently no voiceacting from human beings.
will try to finish this just now, however I still don't promise anything.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-05 00:40:00

hey all.
masons death5 is released!
download it from:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvdbpcoqcbowf … 5.wav?dl=0

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-05 04:28:49

Greetings Terminator.

Okay let's get the criticism out of the way so we can concentrate on the good stuff. No worries, it isn't really bad.

The only thing wrong in my opinion with part 5 is the way the music cut off abruptly instead of letting it build up to the climax. In most if not all Disney movies, once the tragedy ends and all is well once more, the music itself sounds triumphant and the ending is long. So even when you stop talking, let the music play out and I also recommend you get people cheering, clapping, jumping for joy. That would make an already good story epic in my opinion.

Okay now for the good stuff.

If I thought parts 3 and 4 were moving, part 5 definitely moved me. I don't know of anyone who would willingly resurrect someone because they wanted to be with them. I only wish such love and devotion can be found in this world but alas, I know of none who are that good or that willing to give of themselves. It's quite sad really that love is slowly dyeing out of this world; I can feel it day by day and especially in me. I guess, the only way I can truly love is through books, movies and audio dramas like this one. Yes there is far more death in the fictional world but that's why I like the series; there is no time to mess about in that world, you have to come to terms with who and what you are, and how you feel toward those closest to you. There is no deception and nobody doing anything 'for your own good' or 'for the greater good', they do because they love! Death teaches us to love and to look at the world as it really is, not as we want to see it.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2015-07-05 04:45:43

hi. Thanks for motivating me to keep with this!
it's nice to do it and yes I might cut abruptly the music in some special parts.
I am preashuring myself to make more and more chapters of this thing.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-05 23:28:55

hey all.
I'm looking up off on this and it looks I don't have too much followers.
anyways, hope when the chapters continue developing I might get some.
interesting posts in this website, including this one!

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-07-06 03:46:05

Unfortunately, I have to say that this is slightly immature. While it might be funny to some of you, it is certainly not. It's funny at first, but after a while, it gets boring; the same goes for anything else. Here's the question I want to ask all of you: would you be happy if someone made something like this about your death and how you would die? Because, in my opinion, it sounds liek that is what this is: Methods for mason to die. and while it isn't totally focused on it, and it does move to other topics like in part 3, it still sounds to me like what I jsut said it sounds like: Methods for masons death. I'm surprised Mason ahsn't gotten pissed at you guys for making this project and even encouraging it. Again, I ask you: How would you feel and what would you do if someone made a trilogy about your death and how your in danger?

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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