2014-10-17 08:04:04

I'm at the practice shooting range thing. What do I do here?
I hold down my mack mouse button, which is strange and one of the reasons I'm going back to  and will get a windows laptop, anyway I hold it down here the aiming sound but don't know what to do after that. I can shoot but it doesn't do anything.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-10-17 09:06:13

@Brad, you have to turn your body the same way you do in swamp. It's aiming practice... you aren't aiming at anything in particular.

Liking the game so far, though...
slight spoilers ahead! Repeat! Slight spoilers!
The main character goes blind at the beginning of the game, which is why the walking and movement seem so clunky and why your partner is constantly directing you. I like the feel of it, but at the same time it frustrates me a little since I feel like even someone who just went blind would move a little more smoothly than that. But I like it more than I don't, if that makes sense. Great atmosphere, and really does convey how it might feel to be suddenly blinded and having to rely on someone else and slow, careful movement. Kinda reminds me of silent hill, one of the most famous games in this genre. Your main character is not a military man, but an ordinary civilian... so they can't handle weapons as well as the characters of other such games like, say, Resident Evil where every character has some sort of military or police training so would be able to run fast and handle weapons well. This sort of gives the same vibe... a police officer, sure, but one who was blinded by an unknown something and now is totally disoriented and has to learn how to navigate, shoot, etc simply relying on sound. There's a reason for the awkward, clunky feeling...

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-10-17 10:03:04

Arabic two thousand > The spanish version is on the way.

brad> The pratice shooting is divided into three steps:
1/ Aim at door (aim for a long time, 5 seconds)
2/ Shoot one virtual target
3/ Shoot the second virtual target.

assault_freak> Thanks for that feedback. Glad you like the atmosphere.
The second police officer is hurt at hands, so he can not handle the gun himself. He can only help by saying what he is seeing.

2014-10-17 10:28:53

I speak a good bit of French, so was able to understand at least some of what was going on... but man it's been a long time! My French is so bad now... I haven't used it for so long! hahaha A few years ago I probably would've been able to understand at least 70% of the story. Now it's closer to 40. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-10-17 10:47:15

This is a really good game.

I'm gone for real :)

2014-10-17 10:48:09

assault_freak > French is like bicycle, you never forget it smile

brad > Thanks

2014-10-17 11:10:46

I think any language is like that... and I haven't forgotten it, just not used it a long time. The one thing that you can forget though is vocabulary. hahaha But this'll be a good reason for me to use my french again.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-10-17 16:52:32

you talk about rusty. mine's really rusty... lol.
Question: can this game be played without a mouse? If not, i'm afraid i'll have to pass because i don't have a mouse.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2014-10-17 16:56:59

and i can help with english translation. my french reading is still good.  I can't voice act though since i don't have the right voice or mic

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2014-10-17 17:41:36

No, this game cannot be played without a mouse. Unfortunately... though getting one shouldn't be that expensive.

Discord: clemchowder633

2014-10-17 17:52:36

Thanks harrylst

In some times (two weeks at least), I'll share a google excel localisation file. So the translation could be collaborative. I only need some time to type all the texts in there. Google documents is a nice way to share to kind of tasks. The texts can also be linked with the voices audio file.

2014-10-17 19:57:27 (edited by Naruto 2014-10-17 19:59:24)

It's kind of awesome playing a game that's in another language. it's fun to see how far you can get without understanding anything. however, still looking forward to the english translation. sorry forgot to say, keep up the good work.

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2014-10-17 20:00:49

Thanks Naruto

2014-10-17 20:10:10

the problem is that google drive is not accessible to blind people. might i suggest dropbox for a more collaborative experience? Since a lot of the people will be blind.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2014-10-17 20:54:03


I'm a french guy, and it's one of the games I played in French.

My trackpad is really poor or did you limit the speed of the mouse to turn?

I'm nearly to the end, will finish soon.

Thanks for that game,


2014-10-17 21:07:04

harrylst wrote:

the problem is that google drive is not accessible to blind people. might i suggest dropbox for a more collaborative experience? Since a lot of the people will be blind.

Not really. Over the last few months google made some impressive progress with docs accessibility. With Dropbox I can imagine that there could be a lot of conflicts, and if someone randomly decides they need to cut the folder out and move it somewhere else, well, that won't be fun.

2014-10-17 22:24:46

what's different about the french and english layout?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2014-10-18 09:49:11

Hi. I'm fluent at French and can help you translating it, but haven't tried it to see how big it is.

2014-10-18 11:42:04

gregorz > Yes the mouse have low sensitivity. This is because most people playing the game are casual gamers. I'm planning adding a setup with higher sensibility.

flame_elchemist > French keybaord have different position of some keys, like A Z Q W.

Thanks roro.

I've setup a google spreadsheet for testing translation file. Anyone who want to access it can give me their emails. I'll add them in the share list. You are right, I'm not sure that google spreadsheet are accessible. Let's have a try.

My mail : [email protected]

2014-10-18 15:43:31

Hi. I arrived at the cave where I should go to my right. I did, and my friend still tells me: à ta droite, and I still walk in front and to the right. But I fell. What to do here?

2014-10-18 18:53:03 (edited by Lirin 2014-10-18 18:54:10)

Well, I discovered a bug or... kinda like a bug.

I'm in the place where are a lot of monsters around after a cutscene and after a room filled with a gas.

I tried to kill everyone but I lost my ammo, everytime when i am restarting / reloading the game I am completely without any bullet. As far I can explore there are 2 rooms only one door leading from one to second are opened, everything else is blocked and one room is filled with a monsters.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2014-10-19 00:58:36

Thanks for report. So many rooms, can you send me your SaveData.bin file. So Ill be able to locate you.

When you are out of ammo, you can Fight with your knife. Same use as gun, you have to be near monsters to hit them.

2014-10-19 04:41:22

Could someone explain to me how to edit excel files in google docs? thanks.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2014-10-19 05:47:53

Wow! Just went home from 3 days of holliday out of the town, and then, so epic news here on the forum! big_smile
It's so great to see more games in other languages than english. I'm not great at learning new languages, not at all, but when games are released in other languages than english, I'll consider learning enough of the language to understand the story.
I haven't tried the game yet, but I look so much forward to check it out. I might skip the other plans I had today. Lol.
Well, two people in my family speaks french fluently. They are not blind and not into audiogaming at all, but they might be able to help with translation into english. But it seems you have got help with that if you needs it.
A suggestion: It would be great if the puzzles and important explanations in the game could be written in english in a document. Not to spoil what you have to do, but so people who don't understand any french at all at leased have a chance on understanding what to do. That will keep people from asking the same questions over and over again. smile
I know a blind woman who are interested in audiogames. She likes the French language a lot, and I'm sure she'll check this out as soon as I tell her about this awesome release.
I'll try the game as soon as possible and give feedback aftwrwards.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2014-10-19 11:15:23

Thanks SLJ,
Any help with translation will be welcomed. Send me email of the people you know and I'll give them access the the google excel sheet. Seems there are some problem of accessibility. Guess only seeing people will be able to edit it.
My mail : [email protected]
Your idea of writing a text with important info in english is good. If anyone have time to write it, then this would help (I'm really out of time these days working on translation for the few free free time I got)