2016-09-30 00:04:48

For the sake of completion, here is the order of the manamon the person asks for on the mutmo quest. Why you can't just get this all in one list is something of a mystery to me but there it is. I think this might be listed in a post much, much earlier in the thread, but here it is again for anyone looking to complete their manapedia or to try something new.

Spoilers or something

This will hopefully save some people a little bit of running back and forth storing and retrieving manamon just to get what they need.

murkit, lavalan, zintrabat, feefeye, jiminar, embird, autoson, drabao, erroir, pandourbit

Again, for the sake of less running around to store and retrieve manamon, you'll want the mutmo with you, plus 2 free slots. breed the mutmo twice. You should have three now. Use a smoke element on one, a star element on one, and a soulless heartstone on the last one you have left. The order in which you use the transformation items here doesn't matter. That's how you turn one caught manamon into four.

2016-09-30 11:43:49

I'm reading but I'm not understand. because your language it not my main language. I ask all person, but if you don't want answer me. you can igno my question. If you not intend answer me. Sorry for my question. tongue

2016-10-01 02:34:14

Unless there's an easter egg that nobody has found, the gate is just a decoration; there's nothing behind it.
If you've completed your manapedia, you're more or less finished. If you haven't rematched the Hazeldale, SanCott or Brightwater stadiums yet you can do that. You can make the master's stadium harder by talking to the person who has appeared there. If you have friends who also play, now's the time to build a team to challenge them. Otherwise you've seen it all, congratulations.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-10-01 03:12:11

Looks like all the interest in the game has dried up. Now all that's left are going to be the dumb questions that have been asked and answered repeatedly, but are still being asked. Where's the engagement ring? How do I beat irroadium? How do I open the gate in the space center? Where do I get placebot? What do you do with the statues in mineruff tunnel? And other gems that are either in Jayde's guide, searchable on the forum, or both.

2016-10-01 04:05:28

Did discover that Martiagle and Fowliture are actually kind of similar, stat-wise. But Martiagle gets a nice coverage move with Batter Branch (even if it's pitifully weak) and gets Fly, which is just better than Suicide Dive. But otherwise, the stat profiles are kind of similar. The reason Fowliture sucks isn't because of his stats, it's because of his moves. You can't get away with stuff like Sing and Magic Lights when you have double-digit defenses on both sides at level 60. You just die. That's why Martiagle works. It plays to its strengths, and even if it's frail as hell, it hits pretty hard.

Also discovered that Ninjarkon really isn't that attack-oriented. It's all speed...too much speed, really, since it will probably take 2-3 hits to kill anything with the moves it gets. And of course, its defenses aren't really hot (special defense isn't bad), so it dies in 1-2 hits. I'd rather take Tenshaino than Ninjarkon; at least Tenshaino has excellent defense and some really hard-hitting moves not named freaking Blind Rush.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-01 04:46:13

I know I've been playing this for a while now and have seen this dozens of times, but... "I sat next to Dustin's grave in the Avalette Graveyard." Where? I mean, when the story said the tangeria tower was destroyed, it was replaced with rubble where it used to be. When the story said amica town was destroyed, the map was replaced with all rubble. Same with the snowstar stadium. So it would be kinda neat if dustin did in fact have a grave in the graveyard, since the story says he does.

2016-10-01 05:39:19

So, I just completed my third and final playthrough of this game, and I gotta say it's been great! I hope that the developer continues to update and improve it with new content and such, because I'd love to see this one live up to it's full potential.
I think my favorite manamon is teruffalo. It just runs down everything in it's path haha it's a lot of fun to use. I also ended up really liking mitarozier. Once it gets going it's pretty epic.

2016-10-01 08:16:43

Is there anything that inflicts that death plague directly like toxic spray for poison or ash rain for scorch? Or is black bite the only way to put that on an enemy?

2016-10-01 11:27:05

Hi guys. Greetings.
Just want to ask 1 question. How do i go to orianda village? I am at San-cot beach. And i don't see any way to go to the city.

2016-10-01 15:25:22

a note on berran and grizzlord. If you accept the traded grizzlord, you will miss out on powerfang.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-10-01 15:57:25

Regarding that "Gotcha" cut scene as you enter San-Cott for the first time. I know Jade mentions it'll make sense in the guide, but I'm still curious about it. Is that supposed to be Octoross capturing Irroadium? Maybe I'm just dense! This is an awesome game, and teruffalo is definitely one of my favorites. I've also found a few hidden items missed in the guide. There's a level up herb in the jungle somewhere to the west of the revive tree. There's also a ton of gold along the west wall when you come out of the Rune tunnel's north house. Sorry if these are already mentioned; there's a lot of thread to search through here.

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

2016-10-01 18:58:57


It's actually Ross capturing Peggisen, whose blood he uses as part of the sacrifice for Irroadium.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-02 16:43:01

hi all,
does anyone know what moves duskond gets?

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-10-02 21:08:46

I can't remember them all, or at exactly what levels, but here are a few that stand out:

Night Stick (70 power physical shadow move)
Scourge Tail (another 70 power physical shadow move)
Night Stick has a slightly higher critical rate, Scourge Tail can raise Duskond's attack stat
Fear Feed at level 49 (yeah, if you were expecting an amazing attack around level 50, think again)
Sandy Wind (I'm pretty sure all of Mutmo's transformations get this
Now, an important note, that was brought to my attention by someone else on the forum (Loxias, I think), is that Mutmo itself gets things like Takedown, Sharpen and Daring Comeback, which might add to Duskond or Blazond's effectiveness. Personally though, I think I'd take even Deciced over Duskond; at least it gets a secondary typing with a good move, even if that secondary typing makes it horribly weak to fighting.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-02 23:27:16

I've asked this question earlier but don't recall seeing it answered. Is there a direct way to inflict the death plague or is black bite the only place it comes from? Also, for Jayde, I put the whole mutmo quest in a previous message if you want to include that in your guide. I figured it might save someone some time running back and forth storing and retrieving and switching out and such to have the whole list in the order they appear. Also, holy ninny! I checked out some of the arcade equipment for grins and giggles. The heavy blade is hilarious. Your speed is cut back to a tenth of what it would normally be. i.e. I had a mon with 240 speed or something, that was taken down to 24. It looks like both your defense stats are cut by half, and you get half again as much strength as you would normally have. This one is a huge fail. Just, no! Honestly, when you see the bonuses and penalties of some of the equipment, you'll find it to be worse than laughable. Maybe someone should post the stats for the rapid cloak for a table-pounding good time.

2016-10-02 23:50:38

Hi everyone,

My Manamon has evolved from Aquav to Gereny! If I'm spelling these names incorrectly, could someone give me the correct spelling of the Manamon names, please?
I would like to ask you a question. Where's the first battle stadium located? Do I need to reach a certain experience level in order to defeat its master or not? What is the difference between a skill and an ability in this game?

2016-10-03 01:46:24

The first battle Stadium located in Hazeldale City.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2016-10-03 02:14:47

There are no other ways to inflict Death Plague.

Thanks for the Mutmo stuff, I'll stick it in the guide soon.

Heavy Blade is without a doubt the worse piece of equipment I have ever seen in any game. period. And that's saying a lot. If it jacked attack by 500% with all those downsides, it would still be bad (no speed, halved defenses, you pretty much die in one hit). So yeah, utter fail I'm afraid.

If you want to know how a manamon name is spelled or pronounced, please check the manual. You can find a keystroke for that, as well as keystrokes for many other things. I've had some pretty silly spelling errors in the guide up till fairly recently because I've gotten lazy, but really, none of us has any excuse there when it comes to manamon names. The info is all there in the manual, and the keystrokes do work.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-03 03:23:14

How about ranking the good equipment in the guide or on here or something? i.e. power bracelet or bone dagger? I mean, bone dagger I don't think is gonna do much if you have special attacks, but for the ones that use strength and have physical attacks. Does the extra added attack stats equate to 20% more damage? Like the ice dagger on an ice type. The description says the dagger ups ice damage by 20%. how about the yellow star? I think that's 30%. better that or the power bracelet, or power dagger? Are there diminishing returns on the points in there somewhere such that you're just better taking something that gives a percentage increase to the damage you do rather than adding some bonus points to attack stats? Am I being a ninny about this? lol

2016-10-03 09:38:18

Here's how I understand it.

If you use something to boost the attack/special attack stat, then any move using that stat will get a bit of a boost.
Example: If you boost attack by 5 points (from 10 to 15) then the attack is 50% greater for all moves that use this stat.
Now, if instead you have a piece of gear like the Yellow Star, I believe it adds 30% to the power of any electric moves, physical or special.
Example: Sparking Tail is 90 power I believe; a 30% boost would make it effectively 117 power (30% of 90 = 27, 90+27 = 117).
Now as for figuring out which is better in any given instance, that will depend on the point of the game you're at.
Early on, Bone Dagger and Bone Dagger V2.0 rock, because they can boost attack by nearly 50%, and if you stick it on the right manamon, that's an enormous increase. Murkit benefits really well from this, as do Eagala and Leonra.
Later on, the percentage vs. the stat being raised is really the kicker. If I know that my Frenrir is only going to be using ice attacks most of the time, I'll give him an Ice Dagger. If, on the other hand, I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna be in for but just want to jack my physical attack up across the board, I'll use a different item.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-03 18:57:00

Also might think about adding all the rewards you get from the doctor as you catch manamon. I think I remember but I'm probably wrong, the following:
100: super guardian cuts power of 60 power moves or less by 20%
70 or 80 is power hit bracer
50 life tonic
30 something: revives maybe
10 or 20: strong herb and gold?

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2016-10-03 20:20:54

Thing is, I don't know the exact thresholds there. I know the Super Guardian is 100, but I thought I should've got Mt. Cinder Torch already, and I haven't. I do know that the Golden Medal is at the 75 threshold.
Super Guardian is...not very good, in my opinion. Moves that are already weak get much weaker when they target you. Plus it does penalize the speed stat a bit, no thanks. I think to earn the name "Super Guardian" it should raise both defenses by 15%-20% and lower the damage of critical hits slightly, while still penalizing the speed stat a bit...but that's just me.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-10-03 20:27:39

You won't get the torch until you've literally done everything there is to do. Well, I guess that's not strictly accurate. You'll get it when you have 157 caught and seen, when it'll be most useful to you, or something...

2016-10-04 00:34:52

I guys, I have a question: how to I advance to the next stadium? I'm on hansha billage, something like that; you know, where you are pulvericed by dr toros, then you collect other manamons and you get the original ones back. After you find a man who lost a ring that he was going to give to his gf, it's time to look for it. Unfortunately, I haven't found it yet. Can at least someone give me an int or something to get out of here and advance to what comes next? Thanks a lot!

2016-10-04 05:02:06

Head to the Mineruff Tunnel. Use the ladder you've came out from, then continue your journey from there. Head east until you find another ladder that leads back to Sqien Path. Go south from there.

Kind regards!

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