2016-05-23 21:39:08

Well done Sam you just made my new favorite game

2016-05-23 22:50:14

The game is really, really, fun.  A couple things that drive me nuts about it, though:
1.  I don't care who killed who, especially since, when I press P, I lose sight of who I was following because 4 people died.  I want to turn that off or have it interruptable.
2.  The whole top-down thing doesn't make sense for a game like this.  I can only turn 45 degrees, have to fiddle with left and right anyway, and up and down?  I suggest having a shades of dume style turning system (I want to be able to turn towards someone to line up -- this feels clunky and whacked unfamiliar to me.  Especially with no hints as to how far "a little ways off," "somewhat off to the," and "very slightly to the," are.  A little means maybe five steps -- not so it seems.  Also, if I step to the left and it says "in front and slightly off to the right," I step to the right and it jumps to "in front of and slightly off to the left,"  bwuh?  I guess what I'm saying is there has to be a better way of aiming, it doesn't feel very smooth.
3.  When I walk to an item, I have to make funky dance moves to pick it up.  I lose people, get shot at, and still don't get items too well.  I feel it's more of a pain than it should be -- either that or I just suck, which is possible, too.
4.  Sounds.  Oh my god I think that item grabber sound is making me go deaf (no offense to those who are hard of hearing).  I understand there is a timelimit to using it and moving, but do my ears have to be blasted with so much?  Turn it down or change it please!  Also, I'm playing an audiogame.  this means I hear people moving.  A bit difficult to do that hearing so many sounds at such varying volumes.  Please fix the background sounds.
5.  Often times, rifle excluded, I'll be blazing away, no idea if I hit someone.  can we get a sound to signify they are in the weapon's range, or a sound that registers we've hit?  Some of those guns, plus background sounds, are loud.  Tough to tell.
6.  Less useless items.  A horn?  ALl it does is cause people to blow it and has no purpose from what I can tell.  same with the stat pinger.  I understand those may be useful some day, but they're not and taking up valuble ammunition items or other items I want/need.
7.  Maximum shielded shots.  I've had 60 shielded shots.  a little overkill, I think, especially since shields seem to be kinda rare.
8.  Farther reporting of who's close.  I often times have to track someone to get range, especially to use the rifle.  My suggestion is, depending on the weapon, you see them at that weapons maximum range.  if a rifle is 60 squares, I better be able to see people 60 squares from me with P.
9.  When I'm close and press P, it pings.  Can this be made constant for those within range?  would eliminate aiming time due to tracking.  If I could se, I'd look for them.  since I use my ears, I'd better be able to hear them
10.  A way to see if someone is behind me (sound?).  often times I'll think I'm shooting at something in front of me, only to be shot in the back.  With better audio queues, i'd know better.

Great work thus far.  I really enjoy it.

2016-05-23 23:01:33

Can not get how to avoid rockets

2016-05-23 23:48:18

The rockets are ridiculous I can't avoid them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2016-05-24 00:31:24

Another thing to add is a ducking and dodging system, which I wrote in the suggestions log. This would help duck incoming shots, which would be faster than having to constantly jump. I also agree about the aiming needing to be fixed. In STW, you can hear a description regarding the location of a bear or rabbit, but in a fast-paced game like this, there is no time for NVDA to keep reading the location of players to you. That of course could be an option, but a better 3d sound panning system, or a radar would help a lot. In RTR and Swamp, it is much easier to tell where a player is in relation to you than it is here.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2016-05-24 00:33:38

yeah, my biggest game play complaint is the rockets too. they are so overpowered with the combo of major damage and auto aiming. i've been told different ways to avoid them, tried all the ways, and none of them work. having a weapon that will give someone an instant kill in what, 2 shots is just a real drain in how fun the game could be. you can stay alive for awhile just to run into someone with an invisibility shield and a rocket and you die, nothing you can do 90% of the time. they are way way to overpowered, to the point to where they take allot of the fun out of the game.

2016-05-24 01:00:52

If you hear a rocket coming at you from, say, left, jump and hold up, twice.  that usualy does it.

2016-05-24 01:41:41

So making a quick update to kill a couple of the biggest issues. Your suggestions sill be listened to, but by far, the biggest turn off scemes to be the background sounds. They are no directional, and much quieter at least if your far away. To avoid a rocket, as soon as you hear it's woosh sound, jump in any direction away from it and it will explode behind you. Update will be out in a couple minutes. Not to much but the sounds and a couple small things have been fixed, but it's being worked on. This is the first udpate of many.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-05-24 01:53:20

Also stat pinggers can be a very useful item. Basicly, aim at someone even if there like 200 feet away, and fire it. You will then be able to if it hits, see the stats of the player you wanna fight. So therefor you know how to prepare.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-05-24 02:13:04

Does redspot have an updater

2016-05-24 02:14:53

don't think so. your gonna have to get it from the first page.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-05-24 05:50:39

wow, another game to try? sounds awesome! will download it now!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-05-24 07:19:09

hey folks, can you stope crying about the rockets? please? i, just, can dodge, fine.
Sam, thanks for that cool fps.
Folks, don't be lost! please! it's only, a beta!

2016-05-24 09:41:56

uh dude, didn't you saw how over power the rocket is? , that's why we   complain about it...
yes, I can dodge it sometime, but well, I think that's  because i'm lucky that time, big_smile

2016-05-24 11:01:21

rocket is rocket, dude.
it's not overpowered, you just need to practice that dodging.
I'm happy with the rockets, i can dodge it with chance of 60 percent already.

2016-05-24 11:06:11

A slight bug I found, for some reason the draw sound for weapons is panning.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-05-24 11:17:39

I think I know the problem with rockets
If you do not move and someone fire a rocket and you jump to avoid it the server do not register your jump and you will be hitted

2016-05-24 12:10:55 (edited by stargate 2016-05-24 15:36:13)

It's extremely easy to dodge rockets when things are working as they should. The problem starts when the server has lag spikes. This makes it considerably more difficult. I'm guessing it would also be hardest for people to dodge who have slower connections or slow ping times to your server. My ping time stays around 30 to 60 MS when the lag isn't spiking, so maybe that's why I can dodge them without issue. I don't mind rockets as they are. I hope something can be done about the random spikes of lag though. Also, I've noticed that voice chat can create lag. I don't think anyone actually uses the voice chat since it's such a fast game. Maybe disabling it would help with the lag.

2016-05-24 12:11:38 (edited by JasonBlaze 2016-05-24 12:15:04)

meh, I already try to jump and try to avoid it, and bla
think my connection is very slow...
yeah, you right, though, rockets is rockets, haha

2016-05-24 15:33:55 (edited by Mayana 2016-05-24 16:48:05)

I'm having a lot of lag on this thing. when it isn't lagging I can have a normal fast ping of 200 ms usually, but when ti is, it just stops working, sometimes for more than 30 seconds, it's imposible to play. Rockets are nearly imposible to avoid, yes. I can do it when my net is fast, and even then only sometimes.
I don't know if the voice chat makes any diference if it's there, but I see no reason why anyone would use voice chat in redspot. in stw, I can understand, but redspot is a game where if you talk to much, you die. So yeah, Sam can remove it, it would probably be better.
Jets are really buggy. shift +, or . don't work, you can't track anybody, you can't use items, you can't even check your ping, basicly all you can do is press p all the time and just hold space when you see a player and hope you hit, because amming is nearly imposible. avoiding shots is imposible as well, you can turn but it's still not good enough when somebody is shooting you with a rifal. and you can't do anything because you can't see them or track them.

Edit: sam, please, do something about the lag. anything. the game is not playable, I keep getting more than 5000 ping, or often also ping lost. and no, it's not my internet, other multiplayer games are fine. I can't play like this, I jump away from a rocket but it hits me even though it's far far away. I can't kill anything because I get killed before my first shot even registers.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-05-24 17:21:01

yeah I've experienced huge lag today aswell, I think that something is wrong with jumping and moving at the same time, after I do 2 or 3 jumps the server takes like 10 or more seconds to respond, I would appreciate if you could look into it when you can.
have a good day.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2016-05-24 17:31:17

After playing for awhile last night I for sure figured out the problem with the rockets. it is the lag causing us to be killed by them. you can jump and move away from the rocket and be no where  near to where you were when it hits you . then if you listen you are being hit where you were standing before you jumped. this has to be because when we jump the game lags out. so even though you did avoid it the server hasn't gotten the message and as far as the server is considered you never moved so you get blasted standing still. No idea what causes it but STW has the same exact issue with jumping. when you jump the game lags out and you are just a sitting duck. when my ping was below 100 I was avoiding every rocket with no issues. but once it went up to around 250 I got hit by every one. for some reason when my average ping is around 200 jumping then causes a ping over 1000ms at the lowest. and my normal ping is between 50 and 90, so I notice the huge difference when it goes to 250.

2016-05-24 17:33:52

will their be a huge update soon?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-05-24 19:26:02

hi, can just agree with smoke, just plaied redspot and the server lagged out,
but in stw the lagg is better now i think, that jumping issue is fixed if i'm not rong.
also the horn are lagging the server when people spamming them, they are useless so please sam remove them.
an other thing is also that the robots don't beeing removed from the map when they di and you can't destroy a robot if that robot is dead and don't moving. that thing need to be fixed
@meyana the getts are now fixed, sam did that in the last update

2016-05-24 19:57:32

This is not a problem that Sam can fix. The lag is caused because Sam writes all of his games in BGT--even his multiplayer ones--and Phillip did note that the network object was extremely unreliable and overly complicated. If Sam were to, say, write this in Python or another programming language that would be more optimized, and have much better networking support, this wouldn't happen. This is exactly the reason why I tell people not to use BGT. BGT is a scripting language, and if your making games in BGT, your a scripter, and not a true developer or a real programmer. You can only become a true developer if you learn the complications behind BGT's simplicity, and the only way to do that is to write the same thing, or something similar, in another programming language. Plus, learning the deeper complexities of BGT, or anything else, by writing it in another programming language, teaches you many things, and I guarantee that you'll be greatful for it. Yes, it's much, much harder to do things in actual programming languages, which is why you guys choose BGT, but you will never be able to do practically anything you want unless you learn how to write real programs in real programming languages.
So, the only real methods of fixing the actual lag are these:

  1. Reduce the number of event transmissions.

  2. Change all packet transmissions to unreliable (which, as it's name suggests, is unrealiable). (This is unreliable because it uses UDP instead of TCP, which will not retransmit packets when they are lost.)

  3. Rewrite the game in another programming language, such as PureBASIC or C++.

  4. Disable all unnecessary transmissions.

That is the only methods that I can see that would work.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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