2015-05-23 13:42:34

@geovani this seems to currently be a bug for some players. I've not experienced this myself yet though.

2015-05-23 14:49:12

hi. i have a question. how can i delete my beat star conviguration file?

2015-05-23 15:57:36

@Vlad, what do you mean? If you mean delete all your progress, beatcoins earned, soundpacsk unlocked etc, then the file you want is called beatstar.dat and is in my documents.

If you mean just configuring options in the game, I'm a little unsure why you'd need to, but just redownload the game as it's quite small.

I have a rather odd  bug as well with downloading soundpacks which actually has existed before Beatstar pro, though sinse it causes no problem at all I haven't bothered about it.

For some reason there is a pack called pack double dragon 1 which is always listed in the directory to download, but when I hit enter to download it I get an instant ping and am deposited back in the main menu. The odd thing is I've already downloaded both the double dragon 1 and double dragon 2 packs, which are listed according to their propper names, eg, "double dragon 1" rather than "pack double dragon 1"

to be honest though as I do have the double dragon 1 pack I don't particularly care anyway, in the scheme of things it's hardly an evil bug, however if anyone is experiencing supposedly undownloadable packs it might be the same thing, and certainly doesn't mean the packs haven't downloaded.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-05-23 16:07:59

By the same token, if you are on windows 7 or 8 you can go to c:\users\your username\documents and dleete beatstar.dat

2015-05-23 18:59:28

yeah, I noticed that getting beatcoins is rather easy right now, especially if you get lucky when playing the minigames. There is hardly any need to play soundpacks for coins at all as soon as you got the minigames. So, maybe the prize for new soundpacks should indeed be raised, but I don't know if it would make a huge difference now, since everyone who has so many beatcoins available probably has all the packs already purchased anyway. So, I really have no idea how to fix that. But just for your information, I certainly don't have millions of beatcoins. In fact, I have close to none right now since I bought a new pack and quite a number of saveguards with the coins I had. But I only had something like 30000 coins and not a million or more.

2015-05-23 23:14:31

Hi guise, I really love this game, but i tried to download the  WWE  soundpack, however when i download it, and press buy, and select it, and press enter? nothing happens, any idea why? and thank you, smile

Hi, my Skype name is, anr1235, feel free to add me if you wish, i love to make new friends, and thanks.

2015-05-23 23:37:30

I have a suggestion for an achievement, since beatcoins are currently so easy to come by.
And yes, as a side note, when you win at Beat Slots, you can get sometimes nearly a million beatcoins. It's cool, but slightly ridiculous.
Now for my suggestion. I once bought about 200 safeguards, sat back, and let a pack play itself. So, what about including an achievement that if you do that, you'll get something like the lazy player? I'm sure there would be a much more creative name for it, but I think it would be a cool thing to be able to unlock anyway.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-05-24 07:43:13

I have a suggestion regarding the soundpack browser screen. When I'm browsing soundpacks to change, I would like to know if the selected soundpack is completed. Is it possible?

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2015-05-24 07:52:48

One thing about beatcoins: I have also played beat slots a lot, but i alwayslose or win about 300000 and then lose again, so i will  never make it upto a nmmilion again.
As for my new pack, i will try to upload it when my other computer starts working again.

2015-05-24 09:18:40

Lol. You realize I gotta bust your chops a bit for ripping off the trophies thing right? Other than that this game is a lot of fun.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2015-05-24 10:44:44

@ the best in the world that is a bug in beatstar download game.exe from post 25 and replace it in your beatstar folder than it will start working

2015-05-24 15:26:35 (edited by grryfindore 2015-05-24 16:20:45)

I haven't tried the pro version of Beatstar yet but I did played around with the normal older beatstar
Its fun although I am not quite good at it. but as long as I'm having fun I don't mind
There's this niggleing little issue that I haven't been able to figure out,though.
When I select the download soundpack option, I'm told to arrow and then press enter on the pack I want to download. but when I press arrow keys nothing seem to happen. or at least I here no sounds, no clicks or sounds to indicate which pack I'm about to press enter on and download
so what I have to do is press enter wait for a pack to download and then go to the buy soundpack option to see what pack I have downloaded
Is there something I'm doing wrong or we can't here the pack we are downloading before we download it?

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, β€˜It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2015-05-24 17:06:14

Your screen reader reads the packs that are downloading. It supports NVDA, I don't know about jaws because of it's silly keyhook.

2015-05-24 17:24:28

lol Liam... I don't think you can get on his case for ripping off trophies, since console games have been doing that since the late 2000s... but audio messages before trophies, that's something else. lol Unless you're specifically refering to the audiogames market.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-05-24 21:05:31

at aaron:
yeah it  suports  the  jaws.  i'm using only the  jaws whilei  play the beat star and it worksperfectly

2015-05-27 10:48:39

I don't know, this is bug or what, but when I selected another pack, I'll hear a number after selection.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-05-27 15:48:23

Sorry about te  buying and changing bug, its been resolved in the latest version.

I'lll come up with more minigames in the near future smile
And beatslots has been rebalanced  a bit, though I guess i can't do much about the people who already obtained so many beatcoins lol.

Liam sure, I guess audio trophies was your idea wasn't it? Though games have been doing that for ages. I went against adding date based trophies however, like christmas day and so on because I don't see the point in people having to wait until christmas or having to change the date to get a trophy *smile*

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-05-28 01:48:59

I have figured ot what the number is when you select a pack. Let's ssay you've got 97 packs in your diectory and you select the first pack, it will say 0. So, it's basically saying what number soundpack it is you've selected.
I think it's a bug, however this is actually quite interesting, although if there's a way it could be made into a keystroke for those who want it, I think that could be cool just as a statistic. For example in the mainstream game Rock Band according to some sighted folks, on the screen there is a little number in the corner telling you how many songs you have in total in the menu.

2015-05-28 15:25:41


2015-05-29 13:07:52

Yes ofcourse Aaron, this is interesting bug.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-05-29 13:16:03

I tried playing beatbox yesterday but then I had to go, and tried pressing escape and nothing happened, so I had to let the computer kill my character, at level 2.

2015-05-29 16:18:17

Yes, ofcourse and same is in a football game. But, maybe it must be, like that. I don't know, why, but I think It.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-05-29 19:08:04

Sometimes I can't change my soundpack, but as far as I know that this thing depends on my level, but how can I know how many soundpacks I can unlock or the like, uhm, don't know how to explain because I didn't understand the new idea very well.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
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2015-05-31 08:50:06

yes well
I made it like that so you can't avoid losing
If this is a problem I will make it escapeable. tongue

Anyway guys I finished exams last week and I'll be able to work on more minigames!

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-06-01 01:19:54

well, you could make it so that you can escape to get out, but you lose if you do it. After all, if you now  just wait around to die in beat boxing for example the result is just the same, but when you are able to press escape you don't have to wait until the game ends by itself. I don't really have another idea to prevent escaping out of a minigame to being used as a cheating method. big_smile