2018-06-07 21:41:52

Hi all,

I used to play alteraeon and I plan to do it again as I've started a new mage and have gotten going again. I admittedly rage quit last time because I kept getting killed in that link to the air plane on sloe in that tower. The lightning guys kept getting me. and I was a druid who couldn't use the skills I was actually really good at because of some issues with that zone not allowing me to summon animals and the weather-related spells I had access to being a bit temperamental and hard for me to use.. Hence why I'm trying a mage this time.

For some inside info, I know there are lore skills that give you more info on monsters around you when you use consider.. However, I never have time to consider in real life. I am usually attacked immediately upon entering a room with monsters in it so much so that it is usually a fraction of a second between getting in a room and being attacked, often not even knowing for sure what is after me until several seconds into the fight. As I have a whole bunch of attack options as a mage, I'd like to take advantage of weaknesses monsters have.

My question to you Alteraeon veterans is the best way to make these lore skills and the consider command useful.

and since I'm going to that air region again and they want you to use those scrolls, some easy ways to use scrolls quickly and easily.

2018-06-08 15:59:27

Having a decent amount of charisma and thief's sneak skill will greatly decrease your chances of being attacked on the spot, thus giving you a chance to consider. Remember that if you cant call an animal in 1 location you can always switch locations to call them and bring em back with you

2018-06-08 18:46:09

FYI, the consider command can be used in the middle of combat. If you flee immediately after, you can review the information to help you plan your counter attack.

Would reducing the amount of information be helpful? For creatures with no vulnerabilities or resistances listing each one individually as "Definitely not resistant to" is rather spammy.

A.K.A. Draak - talk to me about any Alter Aeon questions or concerns!

2018-06-08 20:21:13

Yeah, I want to know what works and what doesn't, I don't really care about what works normally.

2018-06-09 00:30:13

usually, I did consider them in combat and retreat. there, I can review the info while eating some chips

good day
sorry for my bad english

2018-06-09 01:44:48 (edited by defender 2018-06-09 01:45:27)

I think you can tie a command to a  key combination if you want for scrolls... Or just use a short alias, possibly with a sound trigger for if it fails so that you know your out in the thick of battle.
And doesn't the invisibility spell help with aggro mobs? didn't even realize that their were so many of them especially at the lower and even mid levels...
I think their are also invisibility potions and scrolls if you can't use the spell.

2018-06-09 17:06:48

Okay. I'll see about condensing the output. At the very, least if a mob is not vulnerable or resistant to anything I'll make it return one line instead of seven

A.K.A. Draak - talk to me about any Alter Aeon questions or concerns!

2018-06-10 08:04:50

Condensing the consider output would be nice. How about, instead of listing each kind of damage separately, can you make it say probably vulnerable to and then the damage types, definitely resistant to and the damage types, etc. It would also help because if you're for example only interested in vulnerabilities then you can just go to and read those lines.

2018-06-10 18:57:39

For quick one time scrolls useage, I'll have the command line such as, rec <scroll name> copied to my clipboard so I can paste and spam it. Of course you have to have a number of the same scrolls in your inventory to be able to spamm the command successfully.

If its a scroll I keep stocked in my weightless, I will create a multiple command line alias to get the scroll out and recite it on either myself like a healing scroll, or a mob such as fire web scrolls.


2018-06-17 02:58:01

A new version of the consider code, with reduced output, is now active in Alter Aeon. Feel free to direct constructive criticism to Draak in-game.

A.K.A. Draak - talk to me about any Alter Aeon questions or concerns!