2024-05-21 18:36:04

Greetings everyone, yesterday Microsoft unveiled some more of their plans for their Microsoft Copilot AI. In the video they have integrated Copilot into Minecraft. This sounds very impressive and I cannot wait to try it even though I know nothing about playing Minecraft! Lol. I would love to see this type of AI integrated into other video games that require navigational assistance. This would be awesome!
Would love to hear what you guys think. :-)
https://www.sportskeeda.com/minecraft/m … -minecraft

2024-05-21 18:37:44

its not actually integrated in minecraft, but windows its self, i coculd see this helping with alot of games, could make the mario and luigi games playable

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2024-05-21 19:25:13

na. for past paced situations I don't think it will help, however it can be useful tell you on some puntual situations if you have some path at your left and things like that

Sorry for my english

2024-05-22 18:21:16

While this sounds thoroughly exciting judging from the short video I watched, unless this will help us actually move around and navigate in the world, I'm not sure exactly how helpful this will truly be for a totally blind gamer like me, although it's a heck of a leap in the right direction I must say. That's pretty neat that it'll tell you what you've got in your inventory and what you need to gather.

2024-05-22 18:28:47

Yeah. I'm a bit skeptical but hopeful as well.

2024-05-22 21:16:00

As has been said elsewhere, this will not help with fast paced situations like perrying or fighting multiple enemies in souls likes and such. But if there are objective markers on the screen, or even a map, there's no reason it shouldn't be able to guide you, provided you're willing to pause every now and then and wait for it to catch up. In any event, it'll be a game changer for sure, especially since it's integrated into copilot which means you could probably get it to describe and navigate any screen, including games output by capture cards or remotely streamed. Definitely excited to try this!

Discord: clemchowder633

2024-05-23 12:47:23

minecraft. One aincient game by my young standards. I remember in 2012 or maybe 2013 when it started becoming popular. Remember us kids in groups of 4 or 5 playing it, you enter the publicroom. Forgot what's called in english, and you find 6 people playing minecraft, from ipads to stolen from parrents iphones smile

2024-05-23 12:57:49

Oh god yeah. I remember when my cousin first got it on his... I want to say XBox360, but that may well be wrong, ours is not a rich family, so he probably wouldn't have had the XBoX1 until quite awhile after it came out. It always intrigued me. I truly hope this does end up being worthwhile for us.

2024-05-23 13:16:11

Given all the controversy over Copilot taking screenshots, I wonder how that'll affect it though. On paper...it sounds useful. On the other hand, I get the legit privacy concerns over it too though, if it takes a screenshot of you typing in your email or card info that can be a problem though, or is the Copilot for consoles an entirely seperate thing?

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2024-05-23 13:26:33

I mean, it'll presumably only take a screen shot if you use the keyboard shortcut, so if you do feed it something sensitive, that's kind of you're problem. Adding a confirmation dialog would probably just hinder it's overall function. Ideally we'll have locally run models which are just as powerful as this someday, but that day certainly isn't right now unfortunately.

2024-05-23 14:06:25 (edited by JaceK 2024-05-23 14:10:00)


Not so sure, all the articles I've found say it takes a shot automatically every few seconds and there's not a notification or anything and stores the shots locally, at least on Windows however. That's the bit that has me and other people worried though

EDIT: Okay found the article I was after, or one of them. Bing you go down and break a dozen search engines, thanks...

https://www.silicon.co.uk/e-innovation/ … tor-565041

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2024-05-23 14:53:01

I don't know about minecraft, but I already use be my eyes for windows in some situations while playing Hades. It is far better than just OCR and it can describe what option is selected at the moment, what are the comments and additional text for every option, etc.
If it be a bit faster would be cool. But even now it helps a lot.

Regarding co-pilot, anyways it is not available in Russia and it is very uncomfortable to use VPN every day to just have access to some AI. So I'm not sure if I will use it.

2024-05-23 15:04:33

Oh, this actually doesn’t seem so bad, and the tone of that article is weirdly alarmist given what this actually proposes. Assuming I’m not missing something here, what this will essentially do is take screenshots and store them locally, and then only send them to the AI as and when they are needed, so in other words, only if you search for something and your search reveals an image Containing the keywords, or something related to the keywords you searched for. In other words, it’s not just going to be sending things off to the AI indiscriminately, quite apart from anything else they simply couldn’t afford to do that, it would cost far too much money. my main concern with that would be storage, this has got to come with a pretty heavy penalty unless the images are recycled past a certain point automatically. If they are encrypted, you don’t even really need to worry about bad actors getting hold of them, said bad actors would need to have access to your machine, be it physically or remotely, in which case you’d have more serious problems anyway.

2024-05-23 15:55:03

So people are kinda mixing up two things here. The thing where screen shots are saved is part of co-pilots recall feature. And yeah that can feel bit suspect even if the screen shots are stored and processed locally and encrypted which is the case here.

Then the minecraft thing is using Openai's GPT4 O multimodal AI model which can do real time conversation based on what it sees. So in this case the user opened co-pilot shared their screen to it and started a conversation. And that stuff is processed remotely.

2024-05-23 16:36:04

Copilot recall is extremely sus and their best add for linux yet. Who the fuck asked for this.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2024-05-23 16:39:09

If recall takes screenshots without consent that's very concerning. But I highly doubt they would do that.

2024-05-23 16:57:47

So far from what we've been able to tell:
It's on by default.
It may not be encrypted on windows home.
Every screenshot has to go through the AI to build the searchable timeline.
The part where they say they won't record your browser may only apply to Microsoft edge.
It'll eat up to 50GB of your drive to do all of this.
They're downplaying everything for now, but this is a big tech company with the rapist mentality to go with it. This will only get worse.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2024-05-24 03:27:11

Why wait for AI? Just get Mindcraft Access!

2024-05-24 03:44:45

I wouldnt trust anything that Microsoft do these day. Everythings they touch it's crash.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2024-05-24 04:10:04

I don't get the intense negativity here, honestly. I think it's at least worth a look when it finally releases, whenever that is. I doubt it wil solve most gaming problems by any means but could at least be fun to play around with.

2024-05-25 02:52:32

Hello there everyone. I would actually love to try out the Mindcraft mods, however, I would need a lot of extra help with setting it all up. I don't even own a copy of Mindcraft yet. Would I be able to play with other people with the mod? I know that you're playing in a single player world, however that seems a bit isolating and I'd really rather play with other folks to cooperate on building buildings and other things. I've even heard of people building entire cities inside of mindcraft along with real working machines too. Is this accurate? if so, my goodness, what an awesome game where anything seems possible within its worlds.

2024-05-25 11:22:51

This goes beyond Minecraft. If the efficiency of the models continues to increase, there's absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be able to do continuous video processing, which means you could make some sort of tool that figures out menus, maps, and interactable elements in (slower paced) games, allowing it to kinda build a screen reader on top of it. I'm mostly seeing this work in turn-based or choice-based games, but that alone would already be crazy good.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2024-05-25 15:42:38

It's really good that the use and development of AI to process the environment in ways that I imagined is moving forward.So I hope to be able to use the tool to play the first generation final fantasy role-playing games. It's a shame I didn't play with them when I had the chance.

Language barriers will be the limit of human beings in communication.
But those who open their arms to learning, expand their knowledge and minds beyond language.

2024-05-25 16:38:11 (edited by Samuel Farrugia 2024-05-25 16:44:42)

I do wonder how far the video processing AI will be able to recognise and help with turn-based games, or games in general. As a curiosity, I dug out my copy of Resident Evil 7 that I’d bought Donkey’s years ago and tried to give it a shot with the new Be My Eyes desktop app. It didn’t go particularly well; the fact that it can’t continually track what you’re doing to point out if you, say, left a path and crashed into a wall, or even have the capability to upload further pictures to it as you can do on the mobile app, really hurts in its utility, but I got further than I ever had before. Obviously, that isn’t even video processing and just a single still image, but the fact that you have a form of companion to point out things was still helpful.
Ultimately, it comes down to the fun versus investment side of things, in my eyes. If I’d persisted, I could likely get through Resident Evil 7, for example, by my own using dumb luck and bruit-forced things, but it’d take years. That, however, isn’t fun and just a waste of time for me. With Be My Eyes, I could likely do the same in a shorter time span, but, ultimately, the fact that it’s only pictures being fed in and recognised one at a time still doesn’t make the experience enjoyable. I hope the video processing will now narrow the gap where things start actually becoming fun.
I’m cautiously optimistic about this new development in AI. I mean, screw Minecraft, if it’ll let me poke at the original Fallout games or Caves of Cud, I’ll happily welcome our new AI overlords. I don’t know how much it’ll be able to help with clicking on things when mouse usage is required, though, so perhaps they’re still a ways off.

Hit up my YouTube Channel at
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC9wWO … R85ILY1VQ/
Their you'll find some gaming videos, and what ever els my confused mess of a brain decides to upload. Hope you enjoy it and Stay safe, folks.

2024-05-26 05:12:01 (edited by Ethin 2024-05-26 05:17:35)

The copilot recall is crazy sus. I could see it being used to harm people by domestic abusers, corporations being far too invasive in their monitoring, etc. MS says that it's all processed locally but let's be real: how much time do you think it'll be before MS wants to move this into the cloud to make more money? Given that it takes screenshots every few seconds (and yes, without your consent, because I highly doubt it'll go in setup "Hey would you like us to turn this on for you?"), it can get all kinds of information -- passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, you name it. It'll be a wet dream for pretty much any kind of criminal activity: a free spy, right in the operating system, happily storing screenshots of all of your activity, all the time, unless you turn it off. And given that most people are NOT technically literate, the majority will suffer under this incredibly horrible use of AI when the rest of us can turn it off and be happy. And the only way you can hide information from it (mind you, you supposedly can hide info, they're being quiet about how it works) is to, you guessed it, use Microsoft Edge! Yeah, maybe if this wasn't so invasive and I could turn it on and off for specific apps this would be insanely useful. But IMO the negatives far, far outweigh the positives here.
Mind you, this is assuming that the EU doesn't get all over MS for it and fine them hundreds of billions for even trying something so blatantly invasive that clearly violates any and all kinds of privacy laws in existence. And I hope they do get fined for it, like 80 percent of their global turnover. MS needs a super-massive kick in the ass because this mindset of "we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us" needs to go.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
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