2022-08-21 20:05:49

Hi all,

A redesigned Vandettacrime.net is launched today. Not in the term of a new core-release, but a drastic attempt at rebalancing the systems. A list will be provided below which mention a large portion of what we did change which hopefully guaranties a fairer playing-field then what it has been from the start in 2015.
Note: This round is for us to see if any corrections need to be made before an official round is launched. You can help us by playing and to voice any strange behaviour in the game. No prizes will be handed out at the end of this period.
Note 2: Please give the tos & rules a careful readthrough again.

- One of the drastic changes is that a system of energy is being introduced. It won't be possible anymore to keep stacking up activities indefinately all day. Every player will have an amount of 20 base-energy points which can be spent by doing the game's activities. Every 5 real-world minutes an energy-point will be recovered. This also will happen while being offline. This system will ensure a more laid-back atmosphere in which the game can be enjoyed as it should be according to our views for the game.
- The waiting-times are somewhat changed to be more in line with the system of energy. There won't be hyperactive-clicking between activities anymore. In the past a few players left the community cause the game was to time-consuming which in turn led to be bad for their health. With the longer waiting times in addition to the energy-bar we hope the game will be more healthy for everyone to play again.
- The red-light district for the upcoming time will be deactivated and is replaced by robberies. The robberies can reward you cash as well as bags of drugs. But failing this activitie can yield not only in prison-time, but also in a slight decrease of your health. Keep a close eye on your healthbar and visit a hospital frequently. We don't want you to die during a robbery.
- There has been some swapping between activities for every player and activities specially reserved for vip-players. For example: The gym was an activitie which was free for all. Right now it is preserved for vip-players. There are some other advantages which became vip-related and i invite anyone to message me to obtain the full list.
- The activitie known as: "mysterious packages", is relocated from the eiffeltower in France to the Empire State building in the USA.
- The rewards in the form of free credits is drastically brought back and the credit-currency is now a donator-currency again. Not a second currency in addition to the game-euro.
- The pound-currency is changed to the euro-currency.
- Prices in the exchange-office are brought more in line with the credit-economy we have in mind.
- The external Mafia-shop is recreated and offers fairer credit-packages then before. The manual addition of these packages to your account is still required by us.
- A drastic alteration of the game's countries toke place. All countries (The max of 50 are in place) do have a special activitie or are aligned with europe in some way.
- The available prizes which can be won by spinning the wheel of fortune are changed so they are more in line with the new game.
- Families got a drastic change. Right now multiple ways of playing are available. Surface won't be the soul-way of ensuring your victory anymore. Currently observing results.
- My username is changed from pelantas to halpharilium
- The adclicks got a resolute fix as well. When you click one of the buttons labled: "1 button" up till "5 button" you'll be linked to one of the toplists vandettacrime.net is listed. These toplists now provide a way of completing your vote for the game that is blind accessible. I certainly would like to request you completing the vote-process cause this will make the game more known. And this in turn leads more new players to our doorstep giving more fun.
- The domain is corrected from Vandettacrime.com to Vandettacrime.net:

I would like to wish anyone a warm welcome back again, and of course, endless hours of fun.

Greetings, pelantas

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2022-08-21 20:49:04

Like the look of this so far with the energy system and the aim to make the game more relaxed, since this one always had fun quests and activities, aside from the attacking of other players.

had you considered perhaps having say npcs players could battle? Say maybe make them interpol agents posing as criminals, so obviously they need to get wacked as soon as possible, or maybe operatives working for a rogue family or despised organisation?

That was always the problem I had with the game, I'd progress so far doing the quests and such, but get to a point where either there were no other players to fight, or nobody I'd overly wish to fight, and yet the missions and quests would require me to do so.

I also found the way you could equip about 5000000 of the same item for attack and defence a bit nuts as well, especially with the amount of cash in the game letting you buy high level items straight away.

not sure if the balance needs looking at there.

Either way, I'll give this a try, and be interested to see where it goes.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-21 20:53:21



i see what you're aiming at i think. In the last year Vandettacrime was live before it went dodown Dunkelfeuer did create a battle-arena in which several dummy accounts could be wacked for a reward. Not sure if it will be hard to edit but when possible i will reïntroduce the battlearena once more. It is still limited by the limited amount of attacks you have daily and the daily attacks to one and the same player though. So you probably will need a few days to put him or her six feet under.

Greetings, pelantas

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2022-08-21 22:08:00 (edited by Dark 2022-08-21 22:23:14)

Limited daily attacks etc make sense, but having some npcs to fight would be nice, either for those who don't want to fight other players, or indeed if there are no other players around to fight, especially because some missions and daily quests require it, so nice to here that was being looked into.

Also, I'd be interested to see the weapons and protection changed, since right now, you can buy pretty much the strongest gear when you like, especially with the voting rewards being so high, and even more especially because you can buy as many as you like, with no need to upgrade.

It'd make more sense imho if you were limited in either items or quantity by level, which would also give you more to work for as you climb the ranks of the game.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-21 22:55:30


I have been toying around with the page provided by dunkelfeuer but i don't seem to be able to give it head nor tail. The code is html but it involves pages and links to vandettacrime and kriegerhd, which was his server back in the days. Instead though, i will be looking in creating a few npc-characters which at some point can serve in community-driven killfests. With the current attack limitations in place it will require the community to work together to bring down a common foe which in turn will grand a mass-donation. I am still thinking in through though. They also can take part treasurehunt events by simply being part of the vandettacrime-world and, indeed, as dummies to be attacked when the daily quest requires it. wink

With regard to the weapons i do think that pushing back the profits of so many things from the past the weapons are already somewhat harder to acquire. But i must admit i haven't changed anything with regard to the weapons. I will give it a lookover and make adjustments where necessary. With the vandettacrime game based upon the core from mafiacreator.com there sadly isn't much i can do with regard to the coding side of things, but i pride myself on finding a way to achieve the desired end none the less.

As for the voting links in the past they earned a total of 250.000 pound and 10 credits, right now clicking and completing the 5 votes will earn you 200.000 daily. Probably something to nerve down when the earnings are still somewhat to high. But for this i am not entirely certain yet.

Greetings, pelantas

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2022-08-21 23:05:46

I don't mind the attack limitations, there are after all other things to do, I'd just like some npcs to attack, both for daily quest and mission requirements, and for playing in a generally less intensive way over all.

I would like to see the weapons fixed though, since even at a rate of getting about 6k euroes from the lowest level crime, it's comparatively easy to afford high level weapons, not to mention own as many as you want which seems a bit crazy.

Don't know if the weapons could be set to rank requirements or similar, but it would be nice to actually work through owning weapons.

I also don't seem to be able to find options either for buying drug upgrades to produce more drugs (though its possible the info on the drugs page is just out of date, since I've not yet carried out a successful robbery), or for buying bullets from the ammo factory.

the marksman thing also looks a bit weird at the moment.

Btw, I also was able to go and play sport in the gym, even though I haven't yet purchiced VIP time, so not sure if there is something going on there.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-21 23:54:39


I did do some playing around with the weapons, but despite the fact the pricing isn't easy to solve without increasing the power they give i hopefully did make a good affort for a first template. I am curious to your oppinion and of all players of course so careful adjustments can be made within the boarders of the platform.

With regard to the limiting them to ranks and such that's sadly not possible ... The only limitations i can put upon them is mainly the price and the power they give. Problem is that the lower the power they give the lower the maximum pricetag can be set to. It also works vice versa, the higher the power they give the higher the pricetag can be. This will mean however that the minimum price that can be attached to it also increases.

in short, the more power the higher the pricerange, the lower the power the lower the pricerange ...

As for the drug upgrades there is a 'upgrade shop' link just above the drugs heading of the page. Through this page you'll be able to purchase drug upgrades. The higher your rank the more upgrades you can buy.

For example: On the rank of empty-suit you'll be able to maintain 30 of the mushrooms, when you become follower this will increase to 60 and so on.

For the marksmanship we did have some contact in game, will it be helpful when i place the instructions in this topic as well? I mean, for all to read. smile

Greetings, pelantas

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2022-08-22 00:04:45

The prices look a little less insane now, though it'll be easier to tell when there are some npcs to fight to test ourselves against.

Thanks for the marksmanship instructions, but yes, having them in this topic might help, I found the drug upgrade shop, so it'll be interesting to get a good supply going there.

Its also nice to work through the various types of crimes, though obviously getting good at them takes a lot of jail time big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-22 01:39:23

Hi there,


Glad to learn that the prices do seem to look like less insane. I will see if i can get around creating 3 or 4 npc's tomorrow afternoon/evening. They will require a slight building up and attention every so often. I mean, they'll require a bit of power themself. I was thinking of an easy mark, a medium mark, hard mark and a very hard mark. Translating it easier this will mean for example 80.000 power, 200.000 power, 500.000 power & 1.000.000 power.

Glad to read you did find the upgrade shop. Producing drugs is intended to be a nice side-income in addition to the daily activities. The earnings can be adjusted a bit depending on what the testing results tell us.

Oh yes, expect to be in jail quite often. big_smile The thing is, when you increase in rank, getting used to the more difficult crimes will gradually gets easier. I mean, stealing art from the national museum will be way harder as an empty-suit then as a godfather. Building up the chance-bar will be easier when your rank is higher.

I forgot to answer your question with regard to the gym. Don't worrie, nothing went wrong. The gym is a vip-activitie indeed, but after the reset each account received 7 vipdays to begin with. As well as 25 credits a hand full of cash and bankmoney + 10 lockpicks which are in fact a free breakout from prison.

I will post the instructions for the marksmanship in the next post. For sake of overview. wink

Greetings, Mike

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2022-08-22 01:41:22

Hi all,

Below will follow the instructions on how to perform the marksmanship minigame should you receive this as a daily quest:
1. Open up the marksmanship page located under the criminal-acts heading.
2. scroll down to the start option, this one is located some arrows up from the minichat heading.
3. When you hitted enter on the start option, a countdown will start counting down from 30 seconds to 0. After pressing this start option you can navigate some more upward to find this counter.
4. When the counter reaches zero it will remain at zero. What another player from the past adviced me was pressing the hotkey Insert + Escape which is the hotkey for jaws to refresh the screen. I don't know if this is equivalent to f5, but i guess not. I presume it to be the f5 for jaws terminology.
5. After pressing this hotkey or the equivalent for your screenreader you can navigate to the home screen and if all went well you'll notice that you increased your marksmanship quest by +1.

hope this helps. smile

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
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2022-08-22 02:20:53 (edited by Dark 2022-08-22 02:29:19)

That makes sense regarding the gym, though is there a way to check the amount of VIP time on your account?

For the npcs you battle, I'm not sure how the power ratings work since I never got into the fighting system of the game, but how about a system of ranks to vary their power.
Like perhaps if they were said to be interpol agents, they could have police ranks like constable, sergeant, detective inspector, chief inspector, and super-intendent, while if they're a rival crime syndicate they might have ranks like thug, boss fixer etc.

Just as long as there are plenty of them round the world to bash big_smile.

I also like the idea of different crimes being associated with different countries, that could actually be really interesting, EG I'd love to kidnap a member of parliament in the UK, or rob a buss full of tourists in Aruba big_smile.

You could even have higher level crimes associated with specific countries too.

All in all, like the direction this is going.

Oh btw, any idea why I can neither buy amunition nor heal at the hospital?
I have the option to buy a factory or hospital for 500 credits, but not to actually use their services, or can you only heal or buy ammo when a player actually owns the property? that would be weerd.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-22 07:27:49

when I do all the steps for the account, or rather the first 11, it says re type this code, I cant figure out what code is that

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2022-08-22 08:55:16 (edited by pelantas 2022-08-22 09:02:58)

Hi @dark,
To be honest, i sadly can't build in crimes associated with different countries. The special activities like the stocks exchange and soccer betting can be relocated easely enough, while the mysterious packages and human smuggling are somewhat limited in their relocation possibilities. But perhaps a nice middle-way to edit the crimes you commit during event-periods and changing them back afterwards?

With regard to the npc's. I am intending to prepare the first 4 this afternoon. I got a suggestion from another player to perhaps make them known names from real-world drug-cartels. Like Escobar, El_Chapo, Simbada (don't know if i spell his name correctly), Migal_R and Gilberto_R for example. These will fit in perfectly with the different mafia ranks there are in the game since creating the police-ranks will require the mafia-ranks to be exterminated or the free choice of gender to be eliminated, allthough, i think this last one can be a solution ... Not 100% sure though.

For the buildings. I made a few quick adjustments. I found a select_box on my controlpanel which allows the buildings to be used despite the fact they aren't managed by players. In exchange i did make the price of bullets 2000 euro's each. Cause there should be a downside to buy from gouverment-run shops and an advantage for buying from player-run shops.

Also, i brought up limitations on how many buildings a player can pocess. It will make the way of things more fair. In this case anyone is able to manage a building except players owning 90% while the rest owns nothing. You are able to own 1 building times your rank.

For checking your remaining amount of vipdays you can visit the home-page. There is a heading with personal details and one of these details is your current vip-status. If i recall correctly it should show the date on which your vip-status ends.

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2022-08-22 08:57:14

Hi again,

This is one of the drawbacks from using this platform. The captcha for registration can't be eliminated. There is a solution though. Please send me an email at:
[email protected]

With your desired information and i will set up your account this afternoon as well.

Hope this helps.

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
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2022-08-22 14:30:25

nice fixes there, I might even look at buying a building myself too.

I thought the crimes might be  possible to make country specific, since some of the robberies are, though again, more roberies might be fun, EG rob a stately home in the UK or rob a dance club in spain.

I'll be interested to see more npcs in the game, though perhaps a page should list them for people who aren't as up on real world criminals.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-22 15:39:23

Hi there,


Glad you like the fixes. Regarding the robberies these can be relocated easely. Thing is that the limitation is us not being able to correct the rewards, or not as far as i notice ... But the text can be easely changed, the result texts can't ... Meh ...

I was able to create 1 npc for now, i will do the others tonight as well as the account for filips. But they'll be located on the crewpage known as npc's. There are still a few listed there but for those the account details are lost. That's why new ones will be created.

During events it can be fun to log in on a few of those and engage the players in some roleplay. wink

For the different crimes the ones you mention can also be included on the regular crimes page, i only can't add new ones to the list. It is a fixed amount sadly ... But none the less, creativity can always serve a purpose.

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2022-08-22 15:52:21

hello, at 14, I have sent you a mail containing the information for my account, hope you look into it

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2022-08-22 16:46:05

Hi there,

I did just create your account with the information provided. For al clarity i will send you a reply through email as well.

5 Cartelboss accounts are created which will be adjusted tonight to serve as npc's for events and as punchingbags wink

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2022-08-22 19:08:43

oh, thanks, I got your reply, I cant wait for this weekend when I can freely play this

if you buy a king sized bed, you're left with more bed room, but less bedroom!

2022-08-22 20:00:18 (edited by Dark 2022-08-22 20:03:47)

Glad to here about the npcs, it'll be nice to have someone to fight without worrying about someone else's game.

Feel free to create plenty of them, the more the better imho.

One thing I wonder, is about the max possible success levels of the various crimes, since robbing a candy store seems to cap out at %90, while the next crime, copying media, seems to cap out at 85.

With robberies and car thefts things are slightly different as well.

Is  it possible to know when you've reached the max success level at doing one crime and should move on to something else?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-22 20:30:35

this game have sounds?

2022-08-22 20:47:19

Hi all,

Vandettacrime.net is a browser mmorpg. It doesn't have sounds sadly.

I have created 5 at the moment of which 4 are listed on the crewpage as NPC. I am currently preparing a treasurehunt which will start this friday. These NPC's will be part of the story i am having in mind. Slight roleplaying is the role they will fulfill in this case.
Note: That they will try to communicate with the players as roleplay-characters won't mean they couldn't use a good smack in the face. wink

With regard to the success ratings, when a percentage doesn't increase any further it is the indication that it won't increase any further. Mostly they will cap at the amounts of 10, 20, 30 and so on, or 15, 25, 35 etc. The more difficult the crime the lower the final percentage will be.

Very glad you received my email. And you are most welcome. We hope you'll enjoy the game as much as we do. smile

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
Or the following English marketplace to see what retrogames and game merchandise I am selling:

2022-08-22 22:04:08

Hi all,

For anyone wishing the find out details about the first treasure hunt that is scheduled for upcoming friday make sure to read the first story on the following page:
N.B: Make sure to be logged in to be able to read this page.

Alternatively there is a TREASURE HUNT page located under the general heading when logged in.

For any questions please don't hesitate to ask tem.

Greetings, Mike

Visit the following website to see what games we have:
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2022-08-22 23:27:36


Seen the treasure hunt page, sounds interesting, I'll be interested to see how these people interact with me and other players, and of course how I can pound them once my protection runs out tomorrow.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2022-08-23 10:53:39

Hi all,

When the first event starts on Friday the 26th of August players should keep an eye out for vaguely labled links. This links show up between de heading of the minichat and the main content of the page you're on. When you click that link a screen will open up informing you on what you discovered. The gift will be added to your account directly.

Thank you. It was fun to write. The names are actually the 4 men that started the mexican Sinaloa Cartel which is still active today. The men will speak for the most part and probably here and there attack someone lightly. Attempt to bribe players for information and such. It all will be through minichat so stuff is publicly readable. At the end logs will be placed on the treasure hunt page as completely as possible. I invite anyone to hit them back and sneer at them as well, cause they will sneer as well. Think of them as the greatest druglords that roam the world today.
Note: This all is roleplaying.

Greetings, Mike

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