2022-01-01 18:43:42 (edited by Diego 2022-01-01 18:44:21)

Hello guys!
I have 2 questions:
My lion addon unexpectedly stopped working.
I uninstalled, restored the conguration but nothing changes.
How I can fix this?
2: It is possible to read subtitles with jieshuo automaticaly in apps like hbo max, disney plus, etc? I found the subttitles using the touch exploration, but I want to read automaticaly.

2022-01-01 19:41:15 (edited by Minionslayer 2022-01-01 19:43:42)

Regarding your first question, can you verify that your screen is at an optimal brightness and resolution? Then, check that NVDA's Screen Curtain feature is off. The other thing would be to check if the text is actually plainly visible on screen, in that it's not being cut off at one side or something like that. When did you last change your LION settings? You said you uninstalled the add-on but reinstalled it and restored your configuration. Might that mean that a setting is hampering its ability to perform OCR? Finally, what is the window size that you're trying to OCR? Is it tiled or taking up the entire screen? Perhaps making the windoe full screen will aid OCR.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2022-01-02 02:42:56 (edited by Diego 2022-01-02 02:44:27)

The strange thing is last time I tried to use, lion was working normaly.
The screen curtain is turned off, resolution and brightness is normal, and same as I changed the programm, lion don't read automaticaly the screen.
It turned on has the same behavior as turned off.

2022-01-02 06:48:36

Hi guys!
I found the problem:
I do'nt know the relation betwin this 2 add-ons, but the problem was in a update of bluetooth audio.
I returned to the version 1.3.1  and lion returned to normal