2021-04-13 01:31:30

in bk1, what's the cheat  to navigate around flame mountain? I don't want to have to fight the death robot. What do I  write when I press control tab?

2021-04-13 09:15:04

you will be fighting it.

2021-04-13 11:43:39

The death robot is unavoidable, but...

Spoilers from here onwards! Use your h key to skip them.

While in the mountain, you can switch to your pachinko (the 2 key) and press ctrl+space.
This will fire a pachinko ball ofcourse, but if there's a pile of broken ground in the direction you're facing, and also if you're close enough to it, it will be sealed and you'll no longer die by walking through this spot.

2021-04-13 20:24:25

wanting to skip a part of the plot is tense.  just set the speed to 12 and collect iron balls, you can defeat him without any problems.  is that the difficulty of the bk series is super screwed or everyone who plays becomes a super god of side scrolling games.  because when I played a game like that, it took a long time until someone hit me, they even thought I was cheating.  rofl

once upon a time, a beautiful little girl who wore a beautiful red hood.  while she was passing through a forest, she was killed by Captain America.  The end...

2021-04-14 08:35:19

I don't know if this holds true for bk1 as well since I only finished it once, but in games 2 and 3 at least, the only real difficulty you face is on your first playthrough. Once you've gone through that, even with the higher difficulties of bk3, it's quite possible to essentially become a bk god with the right postgame weapons and/or stats.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-04-14 11:25:49

BK1 is the best game in the series, but only for the first playthrough. Of course, this is the single player game, so cheat to your hearts content, but this is a reason why todays games are so fucking easy, even the mainstream ones.

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