2020-11-13 21:24:01

Hello! I have a Lenovo computer( Lenovo ThinkPad P15s Gen 1. I can't find the applications key, which is used to open a menu in an application. I think in all keyboards there is a button like that. But in my computer, i just can't find it. What to do? Support page offers no help.

Best regards: Marco

2020-11-13 21:26:49

The key exists, but whether it'll be on your compact computer keyboard is the question. If there's a separate function key, try holding that along with some modifiers if you're sure that the applications key doesn't have a dedicated key.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-13 21:48:16

Ok, so my computer does have an FN-key, but when i hold it with shift, alt or ctrl, nothing happens.

Best regards: Marco

2020-11-13 21:55:29


If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2020-11-13 22:00:47

Nuno wrote:



Best regards: Marco

2020-11-13 22:07:36

Again, there's also a chance the computer manufacturer has a specific key. It's usually function, in combination with a modifier on the right-hand side.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2020-11-13 22:17:54

Thanks to you all, now i found the key!

Best regards: Marco

2020-11-13 22:46:37

Shift+F10 is a windows shortcut for emulating that functionality, but it is not universal.

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2020-11-14 00:48:22

What you want for these problems is Sharpkeys.  If your keyboard doesn't have Applications, pick a key you don't use, map it, problem solved.

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