2019-03-04 07:51:17

This is going to be a very long and drawn out post, and quite a controversial topic. Below I will describe the situation, the solutions so far, and then messages at the end.

Before I begin, I want to point out that yes, I do have a personal opinion about which solution I prefer, but I asked her what she prefers and she does not know. I also asked her for permission to post this, and sent her the whole post before submitting, so do not think I am  posting this without checking with her, or trying to give a solution that I did not talk to her about. I have an opinion, she is not completely sure about which solution she likes best and that is ok.

I have a friend who is in middle school. She is completely blind. There is a boy at school who enjoys hurting people due to family issues. Sometimes when she is walking to the bus after school he targets her. He has hurt her twice, and now has her phone number and has been sending threatening texts. So far her brother and I are the only ones who know, her brother is in high school, I am in high school and a different state. Her parents do not know yet, We haven't told them yet, but now that the boy has her number and is sending threatening messages we are considering telling them. Here are the solutions we have thought of.

Solution 1: tell her mom or dad and have them talk to the school about getting a police officer to walk my friend to the bus everyday, and maybe keep a distant eye on her in other parts of the day, but not enough to violate her space. My analysis, I don't think the school would take it seriously enough unless they saw the messages, but I do not know what would happen beyond that.
Solution 2: have her parents get one of his parent's contact info and talk to them about his behavior. My analysis, I was informed by my friend that his parents wouldn't care since they have a few problems.
Solution 3: Here is where the controversy starts. Before you immediately reject this solution, think about the next paragraph, and the messages at the end.
Gather a bunch of people together to spam and say basic negative things. My friend found out that the simplest phrases make him pouty. So getting like 10 or 20 people to text him simple phrases and spam him will teach him to leave her alone.

Why I choose solution 3.
I don’t care what his problems are. Ok? I don’t care. If he wants to be irresponsible and not control his problems and wants to hurt people and bully them then there is no shame in pushing him down ourselves. There is no shame in making him hate himself. There is no shame in teaching him not to fight fire with fire. There is no excuse. I don’t care what problems, if he does not control himself then he deserves to pay for it so he does learn. He deserves it. There are limits to someone’s responsibility and actions, and this is beyond those limits, this goes passed them. So I do not have any shame in fighting fire against fire if that's what he wants to do.
And some may argue, he can't help it. He has issues that he can't deal with properly. And I call complete bullshit on that, you know why? Because I know a woman who has had nothing but problem after problem, with more problems, and more problems pile and pile on top of her, but she is one of the most loving and caring people on this earth. She is still fighting every challenge with a strong mind and healthy heart. I will not describe the issues here but they are absolutely devastating. So if she could stay strong from battling teenage years to her 40s, then what excuse does this boy have? Tell me, what excuse does this boy have to hurt people, if that woman has struggled all her life with multiple situations at once but she has never had the thought of hurting another human? Parents guidance or not, there is no excuse, and, sometimes the only way to learn is to be treated the way you want to treat other people. I'm sorry, but sometimes there is only one way out, and it is the way they came in.
If you think he doesn't want to act this way, that he doesn't know how to act differently, then this will open his eyes and make him realize it hurts to hurt people. And that will give him a chance to turn himself around, and my friend despite being hurt and bullied would not mind helping him recognize it is an opportunity to change. If he does not actually want to act this way, then good, but this does not make his actions justified or ok at all. He will have to learn the hard way that it is not ok, like I had to learn the hard way to let go of my sight. Sometimes there is no easy way, and when that lesson hits hard, it opens your eyes and gives you the opportunity to turn around. I chose to, so he might want to. I will say it one more time, that does not make these texts ok to send, that does not make hurting people ok, just because he has trouble acting differently than he wants to.
If you still want to reject this solution, read the following messages. If you like my solution, let me know.

Blind people don't know what to do with sanity

You don't deserve the right to live in earth you little bitch

You'd be better off putting a bullet through your head

Just looking at your face gives me cancer. And you can't say otherwise because you can't see it

And I know you won't do anything about it because you're too fucking scared to do anything about it

And you know honey you won't survive life of if you're just going to sit there on your ass and be all sweet to everyone

I quite enjoyed hurting you. I can't wait to do it again. You'd make a grate stress reliever after all that testing.

I still remember your adorable little cries of pain.

I hate you. I hate you and your friends. You don't deserve friends.

Just wait. One day, you will be punished for your lack of strength.

Why do you even try? All of your friends will be to sick to do anything for you. Go ahead. Give me your best shot. But just know, the results will hurt you much more than what I did to you. Send your best friend over to text me. I'll be waiting, my friend.

Why aren't you answering? Are you being the weakling and hiding in your little corner? You're a chicken. I absolutely love hurthing you. It's fun to see you suffer.
That just shows how weak you are. You're too scared to , what a joke.

Last message sent on March 3 at 10:29 PM

2019-03-04 10:36:58

While it might be tempting to go with solution three, there is the possibility that it won't help things at all. It may in fact just make things worse. There's every chance that he doesn't care what people say to him, and he could just use it as an excuse to keep bullying. If you feel that this girl is truly in danger, then fighting fire with fire could increase that danger. You can't fix a psychological problem simply by subjecting someone to what they're doing to other people in most cases. This guy sounds like he needs some serious professional help.

So what should you do? I would recommend both solutions one and two. The school needs to know about this, and even if the parents have problems, they need to know too.

2019-03-04 11:05:49 (edited by Pineapple Pizza 2019-03-04 15:49:20)

Fighting fire with fire may make a bigger fire,  and someone else might just get swept up in the  process. Is that really worth the risk?  I don’t think so. The easy way is not usually the right way.  Go with both one and two as post 2 said. If parents don’t care, no harm done from what I can see, although this may be mistaken. If they do, that helps.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2019-03-04 11:12:59

@Zarvox firstly, yes, I gather your annoyed about this, and want to do something, but unfortunately the situation needs looking at in a logical way, since going off half cocked or trying something out that doesn't work is likely to have the opposite effect.

Its common in the media and other places to portray bullies as cowards and give the idea that if people just stand up to them they will run away. This however isn't true. Most people who do vile things do so simply   are convinced of their own rightness. This isn't to say people can't change or be made to change, just that you can't "fight fire with fire" as you put it and expect anything  come of it but a doubling down from the other side.

What is likely to happen if you got a bunch of people to send threatening text to this scuzbag or victimise him in another way, is that either he will get his friends together and retaliate in kind, escalate his intimidation tactics towards  girl your friends with, or indeed go to the authorities himself and  claim that he is the victim.

Believe me, I have experience of this sort of thing myself.

The best thing your friend can do is make a log of the texts and present them to the school with an account of this boy's other behaviour, and if the school refuse to act go to the police, indeed there has been a recent crackdown generally on cyber bullying and stalking which should go in her favour.

I know its not exactly the most dramatic thing to do or the solution you want to hear, but in terms of actually stopping the situation its got the most chance of working and actually stopping things, rather than just causing further trouble.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-04 11:18:57

I empathize with your anger and frustration. Those texts are sickening.
But solutions 1 and 2 are the best way to go. Notify every authority figure you can about this situation, and don't stop talking until someone listens.
Thank you for standing up for your friend. That takes courage and character. Just don't let this bully pull you down to his level.

2019-03-04 11:25:15 (edited by afrim 2019-03-04 11:31:41)

While I understand the situation very well as we’ve had similar cases in our school which occurred with sighted people as opposed to blind counterparts, there is one quite important thing to be pointed out:
1.    Taking harsh decisions on a hard offender will not make him a defender, which in tern will drive him to stop, but will turn him into a greater offender and he’ll start doing the same with other people.
The solution I would propose here is collaboration. At this stage, it is vital to have a close collaboration of all the components that make up the school such as the head teacher whom you call a principal in primary school, the students and a trained psychologist who will manage and supervise this case. Also, the parents of the student who is a bully should be notified about what is happening, despite their family issues. If they choose not to collaborate, then all the job will pass onto the other components  I mentioned above. Communication and collaboration are the two key elements which will help to resolve this issue. If you decide to go directly to punishment and harsh solutions, you will successfully turn that person into a threat to society. I know you and your friends don’t care, also the community does not give a damn at all about what is happening with the guy, but you and the whole community will have to, very soon if you do not act in the right way. And why will you care, by the way?
Remember that the person in question has commited a crime punishable by law. He has insulted, disturbed, and threatened another person by using electronic/virtual means of communication. This, by definition, is called bullying and based on the severity of the actions, the case could be taken as a criminal offence and the bully could be arrested. Another quick solution could be suspending the person from school. None of the above solutions will help the bully stop his behavior. In fact, if you as a community choose to proceed this way, you will immediately contribute to the person experiencing increased level of stress, anxiety, and a persistent desire to revenge on his target who in this case is your friend. The guy will not have the opportunity to do that, so he will choose another path: smoking, taking drugs, drinking, speading up on the road, and most likely passing that revenge onto another person. That’s why you have to collaborate as a school. If you allow a problem to continue without any attempt of challenging it, you will contribute to its growth and measure for measure (fire for fire) is not the right direction.
Hope this helps.

2019-03-04 11:31:40

He's not a f**king man May I please post this story and maybe we could rally support behind this girl. those texts are sick and there is some things I would like to say but I'm not going to say them lets just say if he was a little older I know of many persons who would teach him a lesson about picking on a girl. Reading those text really did make me have a little tear in my eye because I know what it was like to be bullied in middle school.

Bitcoin Address:

2019-03-04 11:32:26

The school is useless.

Bitcoin Address:

2019-03-04 13:05:12 (edited by flackers 2019-03-04 13:14:12)

If you know someone who could knock seven shades of shit out of this guy, he would very likely stop picking on your friend immediately. But as others have said, the trouble is he'll likely transfer his malice to someone else who doesn't have friends and make their lives even worse. He may even transfer his nastiness to a defenseless animal or something of that nature. If those texts are genuine and not dramatisations, show them to all authorities: teachers, parents, police. The authority figures are better placed to keep this guy in line in a more effective way than just bullying him back. If the authorities prove to be ineffective, as they sometimes do, then sure, go for plan B, and do whatever it takes. Though I don't think just sending him texts will work. He'll probably just revel in the attention like all trolls.

2019-03-04 13:10:48

you might want to go combine and salutions 1 and 2, and go with it
as others says fighting fire with fire, creates a bigger fire, and that burns evrything around it

2019-03-04 13:57:19

As a person who unfortunately used to be bullied like that before, I can see where you're coming from when you say you want to go with solution 3. But as most people said, fighting fire with fire only creates bigger fire. I'd probably do that if I was little and got stuck in the same situation (I used to solve things by fighting back physically). But I don't think it would make him stop no matter how hard you try. In turn, he may want to bully her more, even though what you say may make him pout. He need professional help, sure and fast. If you can't get his family to do shit then go for solution 1 and 2, then inform teachers and even better, school counselors if the school has any.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2019-03-04 13:58:12

If you go with plan #3, you are feeding the problem. You may be the difference between bullying texts and your friend in the hospital. Let's be clear: it will not be your fault if that happens, the bully is the perpetrator and he is responsible for his own actions. But if you truly don't want your friend hurt, then you need to do the things that are most likely to result in positive progress. This means informing her family and the school, and perhaps the local police. This guy might just be having his jollies, but he also might be a physical threat. This is a serious matter, and fighting fire with fire doesn't work. It almost never does in cases like this. It usually just makes everything much, much worse.

You will note, I hope, that I am not making excuses for the bully. He's doing these things and needs to answer for them. But you don't do that by trying to get him to feel the same way your friend feels. Inasmuch as that seems like poetic justice, it's really just a matter of you and yours stooping to his level. Were I you, I'd be disgusted by that prospect. At that point, he's making you act like him, and while you might think you have a righteous reason - and maybe you even do - the ends don't justify the means in my opinion. Not here. There are better ways to make this dude answer for the shit he's pulling on your friend, or on anyone else he may be victimizing. Set those things in motion and see if that doesn't help first.

Many, albeit not all, people who deal with this sort of thing, who decide to bully others, have far bigger problems going on, and this guy may be no exception. Your friend does not deserve to be bullied, but the bully does deserve to be treated as a human being. This means that if intervention means he is psychologically assessed and given, say, anger management strategies, I think he deserves those things. He's doing some pretty awful stuff, but he is still a person and still deserving of help, if not sympathy for what he's doing. Put another way, it's totally okay to be utterly rock-solid sufirous about what he's doing while simultaneously wondering about his reasons for acting that way in the first place. And that's where I'm at.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-03-04 15:28:06

Ok we will try 1 and 2. Any other solutions?

2019-03-04 15:33:48

Woah! Some people are just... horrible! Picking on someone who is actually less fortunate than you? What a fucker!

If you haven't already, contact everyone and get them working together on this. What the hell are his parents doing? Are his parents the reason he's like this? Is mom or dad not present? YOu know, I've noticed a pattern with people like this. Those who are neglected, abused, or have one or both parents not in the picture turn out to be criminals and assholes. Maybe some form of therapy might help, but maybe having a meaningful  conversation with his parents might be the best solution here.

I don't know what else to say on this as I've never really been physically bullied. If it's a case of sending these truly sickening text messages, just block the asshole and move on.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-03-04 16:22:47

There are 2 cases of physical violence this was before the prick got her number yesterday. His parents smoke and drink a lot. Also he has a twin sister who doesn’t act like this. All this info comes from my friend, not me.

2019-03-04 16:22:53

While I see Chris's point about blocking texts, at the same time having a log might help.

You might have to go through different authorities. Some schools are better about these things than others, likewise if his parents aren't that bothered talking to them might not help.
The thing is, don't accept the situation until there is some resolution, even if you need to get the police involved for it to work out.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-03-04 16:45:22

My problem is not that the school won’t take it seriously. My concern is the school won’t take it seriously enough

2019-03-04 16:48:25

I am very much with everyone whose saying to take this to the appropriate authorities, since attacking this individual directly will likely get them to escalate, and unless your friend is (a) a trained fighter, or (b) able to keep someone (or multiple someones) around them 24/7 as backup, they're going to get hurt, possibly badly.
That's obviously not what you want to have happen, so going against the attacker directly isn't your best option. Taking the texts to as many people as possible is. This includes parents, school officials, police, and maybe even the media if the issue persists.
Also, you probably want to make sure that multiple groups see the messages at once. If the school ignores you, your (or your friend's) parents may not.
Additionally, presuming this is in the U.S (other countries are probably similar), I feel it important to point out that at least one, and likely multiple crimes *have* been committed here. Assault and battery (two different things) for sure. If a weapon was involved (I sincerely hope not), it could even be aggravated battery, which is a felony. I'm not as up on my digital crimes and hate speech law, but both of those are possibilities.
No matter what you decide to do, do it carefully. Your friend is definitely in physical danger, and you and your other friends may be as well. Think before you act, and make sure you're prepared to handle the consequences of whatever action you take.

2019-03-04 16:55:31 (edited by john 2019-03-04 16:56:12)

I'm going to double post here because this topic is pretty active, and I don't want this to be lost in an edit.
This attacker has done your friend a favor by contacting them via text message. Save every one of those messages, because they are evidence you will need. Keep records of the texts, and if it can be done safely, record other interactions with the individual (keeping in mind that recording can get you into some sketchy legal areas yourself).

2019-03-04 18:07:03 (edited by Zarvox 2019-03-04 18:11:15)

Yeah, I'm an idiot, because I already had her delete the conversation from her phone because I knew she would look at the texts and dwell on them. So yes, I kind of fucked myself over for that. However she sent them to me, but I had her delete some of those too. So if we were to try using these texts so far, athorities would think I made them up since I am the main carrier of them. Yes, I know, I fucked up. I did a lot. I even told her that doing this would delete primary evidence, but made her delete them anyway. I'm sorry. I don't want to be in this stress because I made that decision. It put her and me in a bad place. Do you know how hard it will be to convince them I did not write these texts? Or she didn't? There is message recovery software, but she does not have a mac or windows, so we need to get her to someone who does, and try restoring the original messages, so that way the evidence can be there again, because I've seriously fucked up. And it's decisions like this that make me horrible with helping. We could have them on her phone logged starting now, but that would not look good on me still, because they would think that I started it. But she did give me his number, so that is proof that it is not a secondary number I could have used. I guess you could say I have tampered with the evidence, fuck me for it, but do you think I am convince them I or she did not write these? She might have the last 2 or few messages from his conversation still, I hope so, but the first 5 for sure are lost on the original conversation.

2019-03-04 18:26:14 (edited by Zarvox 2019-03-04 18:28:15)

I am so nervous. I shouldn't have made her delete them, even if I knew she was going to dwell on them. And even worse, she can look at them, from this topic, so there was no point in the first place, I didn't think I would post about it. If we can get them recovered, then we will do our best. But, if we can not, I hope to justice that I can be proven innocent and these texts can be used as evidence against him. I directly copied and pasted these messages from her, and she directly forwarded them to me. So no characters have been aded or removed to the texts. Also, I still have all of the messages she sent to me backed up, so it does show on my end the first 5 that she sent to me. I think she still has the rest in our conversation, and maybe the rest in his conversation. I am really nervous that I have destroyed this evidence and that I might be considered a suspect. I know this is selfish thinking and this problem isn't about me, but I am worried about my part in this situation too.

2019-03-04 18:51:28

You still need to help your friend open this up to the appropriate people (parents, school, authorities, etc). The best thing you can do, if this happens, is to own your part in it. Mention that you deleted the texts (or had her do it, rather). Ask about message recovery software, which will hopefully exonerate you.

That being said, there is one thing I have to say here, and you aren't going to like it. I'm not saying I believe this next bit, but it bears consideration:
On the very, very outside chance that any or all of this is some sort of scam to screw over an innocent, you're going to be in a world of hurt if it gets out, and so is she. If that ends up being the case (either because you already know, or because you find out about it), the best thing you can do is get the hell away from it and -not escalate it. But if it only comes out as a scam after you make it public - in other words, she's hoodwinked you and you fell for it - you need to just tell the straight truth.
Again, I am not saying this is what I believe. I don't believe this at all at this point, in fact. I'm bringing it up because it is a possibility. I don't know you or your friend and I do not want this to be the case for either of you. But accusing someone of stuff in order to get them in trouble, when they're either wholly innocent or have dodged punishment before, is really not the way to go about things. That's literally all I'm saying here.

I hope, for everyone's sake, that this is taken seriously and that everything comes out in the end. If the dude messages her again, try and get your friend -NOT to delete any of that message history. Ask her not to look at it, maybe, or to not dwell on it, but deleting it was a bad mistake in a case where you may very well require that information for action to be taken.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-03-04 19:04:41

I don't think you can blame yourself for having her delete the messages. It's not your fault for just innately knowing how to deal with a problem like this. Yes, you could very well have screwed up the chance for direct evidence, but just tell them everything that happened, your involvement in it, your reasoning for doing what you did. They're going to find it all out at some point anyway, so just be 100% straight with everything you tell them.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-03-04 19:07:21 (edited by Zarvox 2019-03-04 19:15:13)

I am aware it might be a scam, but I know my friend very well, and she knows me very well. But I have taken that possibility into account. There is one person who has done it to me before, but it was outragiously false and I was too dumb to realize. I'm not dumb anymore. It is very hard to move on after making a big mistake like this, but I need to. Was it big? Yes. Have I put things at risk because of it? Yes. But should I give up from a mistake? No. I need to reach out, even though it is difficult. I wil also mention to her to start recording her trips to the bus. I hope she does not get asulted again, never would I wish that. But if it does, it needs to be on recording. She just needs to have her phone out of her pocket when he does it. At this point, I can only hope the texts can still be used as evidence. I think the thing I need to realize is that in a lot of cases, perfect evidence does nto exist. I think I am trying to tell myself that evidence has to be perfect or it doesn't count. The good old, all or nothing attitude. So I am going to change that attitude, and continue to help with what I can, asking some people along the way, maybe even reaching out to y'all on the forum some more too. Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this issue thus far.

2019-03-04 19:10:33

@post 23 I would never lie. I would never give them anything but 100% truth. And I was aware at the time that having her delete them would tamper the evidence, I was aware. And telling them that will help me a lot. I would never anything but 100% truth, even if it is a big mistake like this one. I am working with her, and that requires truth and truth only, and lying to a police officer is something you never want to do, even if it is a white lie. I am well aware of that.