2016-10-22 03:18:11 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2016-10-22 03:32:36)

Hi guys. So first before we begin, I'm not doing this for a cash grab or to be greedy. I basicly want your input. What would you guys think of me charging for redspot? Currently, I am getting all of the new sound libraries for the game and paying for the server with only money I am getting from stw, which will only get me so far. Also, as redspot grows, it is deserving of players who are dedicated to the game and really want to put up a fight, rather than some dedicated players, and some really horrible cheaters. There is soon going to be a massive update for redspot, and the redspot we know will be way way different. I am considering charging anywhere from $10 to $15. Of course there would continue to be updated for the game. I am thinking of keeping redspot as it is for free on 1 server, but releasing updates for the paid version on another server thus no paid vs free discrimination. Any input on weather I should do this or not is greatly appreciated, and would help redspot along greatly. Please read all of my posts and/or arguements before voting if possible. Feel free to leave a vote. One thing though, please, if I shouldn't do this, please respond with a constructed answer with reasons for me to actually consider. If you just respond with "No you shouldn't do this and if you do I will never play your game again..." I get nothing out of that, and those kind of answers will probably be completely ignored by me. However if you provide reasoning as to why I should/shouldn't do this, I'll be more than happy to consider your words. Also, keep in mind that some of you really love redspot, and for some of you, it just ain't your type of game. But for those of you that get any enjoyment from redspot, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Keep in mind also that what is here will stay here for free to play. However an update is soon coming out for redspot that is so massive, it alone would possibly change your mind about paying or not. Sadly I can't say much about it so that it can pleasantly surprise all of you, but just keep it in mind.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 03:27:24

Absolutely not. The whole reason I stopped playing STW was because it was paid. I don't mind paying for a game, but STW got to the point where it became pay to play. I wouldn't mind paying a one time fee, the game is very much worth it, but paying for 10000 grenades or whatever takes the whole point out of the game. The only way I would be okay with paid REdspot is if it didn't give an unfair advantage over those who are unable to pay.

2016-10-22 03:30:50

Hi. @ross, the 2 servers would be seperated. There would be the free version as kind of a demo on 1 server, and the paid version on another server, thus no paid/non paid issues.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 03:34:14

Also guys, based on peoples complaints and suggestions etc, the first post will be reflected to answer some of them as well as a reply. So it may be a good idea to check back every so often.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 03:34:19 (edited by btman16 2016-10-22 03:39:14)


If we were to do this:

Would a player have to pay for each new update to the paid version if we go the paid route?



2016-10-22 03:35:45


It looks like you posted after I started typing. Sorry about that.

If we're keeping the servers separate, that's good.



2016-10-22 03:52:21

why 2 server?demo is bad.

2016-10-22 03:57:21

if i have pay account,what i get?free server can't update?if that,is can't update,demo is unlk

2016-10-22 04:04:40

The free server is for the people who can't pay containing the game as it is, right now. The other server contains all of the paid players, who from now on will all begin getting new features, no spam, ryv.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 04:33:52 (edited by tysonsylvester123 2016-10-22 04:35:17)

I would pay my reasoning is the following 1 it would cut down on spam it would also cut down on people trying to use cheating software to gain an unfair advantage  2  I understand that sound libraries can be  expensive so original sounds for red spot would be cool

“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” —

2016-10-22 04:37:11

the free server can't update?

2016-10-22 04:40:15

the game is great,i have STW pay account,but,i don
't have any money to pay,so,can you have STW account plus this account?

2016-10-22 04:53:36

@snow, the free server will receive maintenance updates and the occasional  feature, but the paid version would start getting all the features. For those of you voting if there was a change in price/the game, explanations would be wonderful!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 04:58:36

So... If I understand this right, everything we have now would continue to be free, however the content of this new update will not be added for those who don't pay. But what happens after this? Your gonna need to update the free version sometime. Or is it supposed to just stay this way forever?

2016-10-22 05:08:25

hi sam and others.
I would love to say make it paid, but i would also like some of the new features, and i don't think my mom would let me pay for this. I've already asked her about Chicken nugget, and she said no, so I don't think I'll be able to pay. and even though I can't pay, doesn't mean others can. so, sure. I don't mind having two servers. yes! make it paid!

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. -Willie Nelson

2016-10-22 05:19:33

@cartertemm, as stated, the old free server may get the occasional update, but not really much. It's just there for people who can't pay/want a good demo of the game.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 05:21:21

I pay STW,can you make account in the red spot?

2016-10-22 05:24:24

I mean, account can play all games

2016-10-22 05:29:19

No snow, it will be a separate payment. Remember, i'm doing this mostly to get propper sounds for the game and to help with server costs sence i'm gonna need an upgrade soon running so many servers on this box, etc etc etc. And there is the smaller fact that I have been breaking my back for this game, and getting absolutely nothing for it.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 05:31:05

Hey Sam, one suggestion. If the game were to be paid that's fine. Could you possibly make it let's say 10/15 dollars anually? That way people wouldn't get so exasperated about paying. Good luck with whatever you do.

2016-10-22 05:48:28

i can't pay this game,most students can't pay games i think

2016-10-22 05:49:31

so,i want a free game,it work now.

2016-10-22 06:17:36

Hi. @superb, it's a 1 time payment, so it shouldn't be that stressful. Also, if you like the game enough guys, you will manage to get it somehow, just like every other game including swamp, stw, etc etc.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-10-22 06:47:59

We can play the game less and less, are free to paying, we don't have the ability to buy any one

2016-10-22 06:49:10

I hope everyone don't cheat, let free games stick to it