2016-01-30 04:59:28

Does anyone know how to compile the github build of soundRTS on OSX?  What packages are required?  Or better yet, what packages are required to just run the game without compiling?

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-01-31 13:03:28

Well, I have tried to do that for years, but I give up, since the developer can't be at much help, since he don't have a Mac. sad

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-01-31 21:54:57 (edited by magurp244 2016-01-31 22:00:34)

Hm, didn't realize SoundRTS was built with python. I've had a look at the github repository, you'd need to install Python 2.7.x and Pygame 1.7.1 or later to run the script, both have OSX versions so thats not an issue. A problem might be Sound RTS's dependency on win32com, OSX doesn't seem to have any straight forward compatibility with it so it would have to be re-written using something like AppScript perhaps, and it may need a little further tweaking because of differences between OS functions too. I can't test it out myself as I don't have a mac either.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer

2016-02-18 15:36:01

wincom32 is not needed. On OSX this file is used for speech:
https://github.com/soundmud/soundrts/bl … sspytts.py
I'm not sure but it might be necessary to install pyobjc so the program can import a module called AppKit. This page might help, but I didn't test it:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1276 … med-appkit

2016-02-20 04:08:27

Hyep, installing pyobjc fixed it.  I can't compile it, at least I haven't tried, and don't plan on it, but I can run the soundrts.py script, which was exactly what I wanted.  Thanks! smile

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-02-20 06:08:00

okay so that issue is fixed, but now I have an even weirder one.  The game runs perfectly fine, all of it seems to function perfectly, but the audio of the game is extremely broken.  I'm not getting sounds, just this weird and painful audio staticy/high pitched thing on certain squares.  It's hard to explain, especially for me being terrible at describing sounds, so I made a really short recording demonstrating the weirdness.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/641 … rdness.mp3

I feel like I have seen this issue before.  Does anyone have any idea what could be causing it?

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-02-20 18:48:42

I have no idea, but I hope someone would be able to compile a working version for Mac soon.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-02-20 23:50:58 (edited by magurp244 2016-02-21 00:13:00)

Edit: Bleh, I got a little confused, its not the problem I was thinking of. I've tried searching around but can't quite find any leads on it, it likely has something to do with how the sound files are loaded/played.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer

2016-02-21 20:35:47

It seems that pygame isn't decoding the sound files correctly. The speech is OK though.

I don't remember a report of this problem. According to the Internet, it seems that pygame on OSX have or used to have trouble reading ogg files less than 8k.
http://pygame-users.seul.narkive.com/t1 … p3-support

Try the example 3 of the following tutorial, and eventually replace the ogg file with an ogg file bigger than 8k.

2016-02-22 00:30:00

Thankfully, a 2 mb file did not work properly.  I say thankfully because if the issue wasn't fixed in 10 years, it never will. smile
I wish this thing would at least give an error.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-02-22 15:59:02

It sounds that pygame is playing the file at the wrong rate, or doesn't detect the ogg format and plays some random sound.

Did you install this version of pygame from http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml ? This version is for the python.org version of Python.
http://pygame.org/ftp/pygame-1.9.1relea … sx10.3.dmg

2016-02-22 16:09:55

Hmm.  I don't think I installed that one.  I just tried now, and it was complaining about me not having python 2.7, but I do, it's built in.

Is there a command to view information on the version of pygame I have installed?  Would that help?

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-02-25 19:50:21

Maybe this version of pygame from http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml would work, I don't know.

Lion apple supplied python:
http://www.pygame.org/ftp/pygame-1.9.2p … 7.mpkg.zip

2016-02-25 21:32:11

that installer didn't work either.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-02-26 02:37:33

Hm, i've dug up a few threads that seem to have a similar issue, not sure if they'll work. One suggests reinstalling the SDL dependancies for pygame, though the threads for Python 3 and is dated two years ago so the links may be out of date, found here. The other one here hit a similar no sound problem, they didn't find a solution but noted that wav files seemed to work but ogg didn't. So you could possibly try editing soundRTS's clientmediasound.py, line 413: in the "_load" function so it loads wav instead of ogg, then convert the audio files into wavs. Not sure if sounds loaded or such elsewhere in the code.

-BrushTone v1.3.3: Accessible Paint Tool
-AudiMesh3D v1.0.0: Accessible 3D Model Viewer

2016-02-27 16:06:51

SoundRTS used to work on Mac OS X, so maybe pygame has become more difficult to install, I don't know.

2016-05-13 12:54:31

Maybe there is still a way to open ogg files on Mac OS X with pygame after all.  Could somebody try this:

brew install libogg
brew install libvorbis
brew install sdl_mixer --with-libvorbis

If the computer replies "Warning: sdl_mixer already installed.", try this next:

brew reinstall sdl_mixer --with-libvorbis

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pygame/comment … _on_a_mac/

2016-05-14 17:15:56

I'm not a terminal geek, so I have no clue on how to do this. I don't know how to fix it if I brake anything while trying this, so I hope a more experienced terminal user wanna try it out.
It would be awesome if the game would work on the Mac though, because it haven't worked for very long time, which is a shame.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-05-15 15:01:37

hmm.  Where should I get an uncompiled copy of alpha 10?  Should I just clone from git?

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-05-15 17:56:27

aaron77 wrote:

hmm.  Where should I get an uncompiled copy of alpha 10?  Should I just clone from git?

There is a link in the website: http://jlpo.free.fr/soundrts/
The URL is: http://jlpo.free.fr/soundrts/soundrts-1.2-a10.zip