2015-04-16 03:43:12

People in STW killed you because:
1. You have a good stuff like  weapon and ect.
2. Because if they killed you,and if you die, they leave your corpse there, and you see useful stuff is gone.
like Rockgun, Revolvers, maps, bullets, and lots of item , that you normally can't get in the game, only in events. And they wanted those thing, So they uses there advantage to killed you guy, like Vlad, maks or known as Makxim.
Because those people got Banned from Death Match a new beginning (DMNB), or get sent to jail, And they uses Survive The Wiled (STW) to avenge whatever people is in there.

2015-04-16 06:01:27

well. I think the admins there don't treet the people too nice. admin must make a rools. for example, can't kill any players except with their permission. that's all. again. don't be too nice with players. if you treet them like this, they will take advantage to attack the surver or something like that. thanks

2015-04-16 07:55:05

I wish there were player kill areas, and player killing shouldn't be allowed everywhere.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-16 10:27:42

I think killing everywhere  is great, because in fact, this is a survival game. And it reminds very much of "The Hunger Games", where the characters had to survive, and to kill each other.

2015-04-16 15:33:40

Server doesn't work.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-04-16 15:46:05

aha?, so you like to get kill 20 times in 1 day?
so you like make 1000 pots in one day?
and you like surch back your item, and when you find it someone kill you again?
please think guys, that was suck or not?
i hope the pvp arena will be add,so like my suggestion before the damn killer guy  don't kill you 20 time in 1 day

2015-04-16 17:27:03

hi all, i agree with ronal. want pvp arena too! because this just sucks. if you want to kil, come to arena if not, you just not joining. grate idea! sam, please add this. if anyone agrees, please, don't be shy.

2015-04-16 18:34:26

stefan_ilioaica wrote:

I think killing everywhere  is great, because in fact, this is a survival game. And it reminds very much of "The Hunger Games", where the characters had to survive, and to kill each other.

AND server don't working

2015-04-16 18:48:55

I was challenge to kill people, because even though I tried my very best to kill someone but they keep on beating me. Hahahaha! At first when I died I'm very angry but I realize what's the point of being angry? This is just a game, right? So I promise to myself that I will train hard, in order to survive, in order to defend myself and my stuffs.
And also, I have a question... How to target a player when he/she's above the tree? When I press the shift and page up to sight and to target my opponent, instead of hitting them my attack will be the one to end my life and I really wonder. People above the tree will just easily hit me while I can't hit them because I don't know how to target them. Please help me. Thanks.

2015-04-16 19:51:47

emm, you just can use fist to attack guy on the tree

2015-04-16 20:46:33

If anyone cared to read my post, I said that after a while the only thing that is some fun is killing others, and I, as Laeg, has done a bit of killing myself, and of course gotten killed too.
The difference between the hunger games and survive the wild is that dead people can't come back really, unless there was some secret necromancy involved big_smile

This game's headed to be as realistic as possible, well if that, you'd not start at a beach completely vulnerable, if you woke up unconscious you'd probably have to climb from piles of beach trash or w/e or if you were conscious all the time you'd not just get into the situation practically begging to get shot.
However, what is realism really? If you want realism, go out in the real World. You want to have fun, compete, kill time, socialize? WHatever your need or reason is.
I thought I had some honor, but I slaughter new players just as old. However, a game needs to try and accomidate all sorts of people, or at least all people that possibly play the game.
One of these player types will Always be newbies, it's what keeps a game growing and reenforces it.
I just had a splended idea: when you start out, other players can't shoot you but there's Always the possibility to get "the mark of experience", which toggles a pk flag on you. With that mark, other players will be able to kill you and loot your sorry corpse, and you're likewise able to kick their balls in if they try (should you be able to do so lol).
It is not funny for a newbie to die and struggle with the game (in the repetative boring way). Newbs is also what gives the game it's "reputation". For example, I've Heard that Miriani is full of really horrible moderators and lots of unseemly sexual things (I don't mind the latter one unless it's sex with robots). Get a game's reputation to "frustrating, full of dicks that shoot you all the time" and you're not likely to get a whole lot of new players rushing in.

Rant's over, hope you could make some sense of it. The keypoints is the importants of newbies and the pk flag thing, the rest is just trying to illustrate and enforce.

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2015-04-16 20:52:57

But, also, in the wild, there are tribes!
What do You say to get an option to create one tribe and fight against other tribe, like in real wild?

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-04-16 22:03:22

server is came back!

2015-04-16 22:35:57

Hi everyone. I am first gonna say, according to NS, the transfer to the new server machine has been completed! That's why today had a bit of downtime. But this machine is way better, way more modern, and will be much better and shouldn't go off like a firework on us! Thank you for bearing with us while this transformation took place! And also I must specially thank ns for all of it, from hosting to always supporting the server as much as he can when it's down. And about this killer guy, I will add hints to the readme. Just run. Don't always fight back. Because when I add animals like bears, your gonna have to learn to book out of there as fast as you can. Because you won't easily kill a bear. And is there one person in question that keeps doing it? I know someone who once took advantage of a bad but to kill people, is there some person who's doing it? Or is it just a lot of people.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-04-17 09:24:34

Hi sam. I have question.  Why is it when you're using rockgun, you can shoot a person whose on top of the tree? and when you use bow, what happen is that the bow doesn't hit the enemy? why?

2015-04-17 13:56:18

Hi Sam.
Wow great news.
When you get shot, you die so quickly so you are dead before you notice who shoots you. So that's difficult to answer if it's only a few people who do this.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-17 22:46:27

So, the game has quickly become a PK-game only, and nothing else. That's great for those who like playerkilling games, but other people are quickly staying away from the game now.
It happens all the time that a player randomly steps up to you, shoot you with the bow, and boom, you are dead. That keeps happening all the time, because lots of players are doing this. So what people are experiencing is they get killed, log in, a few minutes later they get killed again before they have got a chance to get a bow and that keeps in loop all the time.
I have seen someone got some very offensive words slapped in his face because he complained about getting killed all the time. People said he was a bitch and other sorts of stuff, and he could just leave the game if he didn't liked it. I was busy running for my life then I saw this, so I didn't joined the discussion.
So, mostly because of the players who makes this game as a PK game only and because of the very offensive tone I have seen sometimes, I'm leaving the game for now. I don't feel offended by someone, but I don't like a pk only game where the only thing people are doing is killing each other.
That's really a shame, because I love the idea of the game so much. I would have loved the game even more, if PK was an optional thing, or if that was in a sepret area, so you could choose if you wanted to enter or not. But for now, I see no reason to play the game, when I'm not into player killing all the time.
I hope that'll change in the future, so the game will be for everyone, and not just for people who likes playerkilling. That's of course up to you, Sam.
I hope the best for the game in the future.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-18 00:32:38

alright, sence everyone is having a hard time with the player killing thing, i'm just gonna add a feature. On next server update, I will mention it here, you have to type /pk in the chat to toggle it. By default it is turned off. I am seeing people have this issue a lot so I will add it. Also, if you type /pk playername, you will beable to see weather that person has pk on or not. I hope this will help.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-04-18 00:52:47

ok, done. Sintax: /pk. toggle for your character between enabled or disabled. /pk playername checks to see if playername has pk enabled or disabled. Enjoy.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-04-18 09:32:35

Wow, Sam. You are really fantastic! I didn't thought you could add this so quickly. I'm sure this will change the game a lot, and this will make more people to join the game. I really like that you can toggle it on and off depending on what you want. Wow man... big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-18 10:25:59

Awesome feature.
In the future, I would like to see many team cooperation features. For example, making a small group of friends, helping each other, everyone having his / her tasks: bringing water to the treehouse (if there will be added one), another player goes hunting, another one collecting wood for fire and so on.

2015-04-18 10:34:20 (edited by JasonBlaze 2015-04-18 10:37:37)

ahh, nice job sam!,
hihi, the killer can't kill me again, wow, its nice!
the killer just can say: jason!, i will report you to the admin if you cheating!, haha
the killer don't know if my pk is disable maybe he don't know how to spell my name, or maybe they don't know about this pk think, hihihi, hihi
bye bye, you killer you can't kill me again,hihihihihi
this is so cool,
thanks sam!

2015-04-18 10:53:12

Oh gush, tree house.
But, what is It?
How to create It really?
About It I heard, that some people lives on a trees. But, this is maybe in Africa.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-04-18 13:20:33

You can't create a tree house as far as I know. smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-04-18 13:21:44

Yes, I know It.
But, for presentation. This is just only for imagination.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.