2012-05-16 14:47:18

i think that would be cool if audio games.net had a public chatroom or a shoutbox.

i'm sure there is a way to bring out an accessible chatroom onto the site.
so this community has evrrything except a chatroom

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-05-16 14:55:00


AJAX Chat would work really well for this. In fact, if many enough would request it, I'd set it up. smile
I've been an admin of a site that features an AJAX Chat for quite a while, so I'm quite familiar with it. Shouldn't take me long. smile

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-05-16 15:45:01

there you go,
people can vote now i believe

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-05-16 18:33:19

I'm not aversed to the idea, however Ajax often causes screen reader issues, at least I've seen a lot of chat sites and programs that don't behave because of it, so if Ajax was used, it would need testing.

More crytically, my one concern with a chatroom is that of who would moderate and administrate it. If gorthalen wants to setup and run this, i'd be happy to make him official chatroom mod for audiogames.net, however just as the forum specifically needs moderators, so would a chatroom, to insure people weren't being generally nasty, passind cracks or anything of the like sinse we'd not really want the site associated with that.

Sinse the only chat I've used is M irc with core exiles, I'd not really myself be confident in moderating such a chat, nor indeed could I likely be in the chat enough to count as a mod (another problem with chat).

So, while it's an idea, it does need thinking about. what would be the bennifits to an official chat for audiogames.net? Could it do anything that the forum couldn't already do? what sort of links or official ties would it have to the site or the forum?

As I said, while I'm not aversed to the idea, methinks it will need some planning and some thought put into it, rather than just a "hay, wouldn't that be nice to have" sort of affair.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2012-05-16 18:36:39

Hi Dark,

The setup I'm used to, and would set up myself, works pretty well with the screen readers I've tried, this being NVDA, JAWS and SuperNova, but the last one not enough that I could confirm it works flawlessly.

I could host the chat on my own server, this means that we would only need a chat link on the front page. However, should the chat be hosted on this server, I'd gladly be a chat moderator. I think I would be around often enough, plus I guess I have enough experience and am polite enough. Haha smile Last one is up to you to judge.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-05-17 08:04:58

Hmmmm, well that sounds sort of possible. On the server issue you'd need to talk to Sander, as indeed you'd need to mention to him about the front page link.

I'm not aversed to you being a chatroom mod or setting this thing up, provided that we could guarantee lack of bad stuff happening in there.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2012-05-17 09:27:06

... well dark i have nothing to say actually, about that how it will goes... well probably we need sensoring and moderating (i could help too, if needed anyway)

but hey, it could be a chatroom, even for beta testing? or something... don't know~

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-05-17 14:08:27

Hi gortholan,
Go go go! I voted the pole for yes, since I certainly want a chatroom. I think a text chat and a voice chat together would be cool really much. I don't think it has a much disadvantage unless some of the people gets impolite and says some things like fuck shit to affend people.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2012-05-17 14:59:44

yes, I want a chatroom. I saw a chatroom extention on the punbb forum, maybe it can work?

This is not a signature.

2012-05-22 14:32:49

yeah, a caht room will be cool, very very very cool indeed!

that's why i voted for it as yes!

He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.

2012-05-22 17:16:22

You could also try:
Its accessible with NVDA, so it should be accessible for any other reader.

2012-05-22 17:43:12

May I ask, why a chatroom? we've got a forum. sometimes chatrooms can really become cuttereed and let's face it we've got msn, skype, and teamtalk for realtime chats, as well as IRC.

2012-05-22 19:06:04

just the same we got Audiogames.net on Facebook.

2012-05-22 19:11:28


Trenton nailed it. big_smile
A chat room would run throguh a web interface. This means that if, for example, you're on the go and don't want to install any IM clients, you could theoratically still chat with users of the forum through the chat room.
And, any IM conversation can get cluttered and hard to read. Thus, I don't see why we shouldn't try it out.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-05-23 13:53:05

If we would try chatting in the forum, then we would have to check it so often to see if there are some answers or not. Pluss, if you have something to add, and if you are too lazy to use the edit link, you can post it there as another message and the forum members may get annoyed, or they may not want to read your posts.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2012-05-23 18:08:52

well, most communities always have either an irc channel or web-based chatroom... you know

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2012-05-23 19:26:51

Actually there are plenty that don't, the mega man network for one. As I said it'd take a deal of running and moderating I think, but it would be possible, albeit that myself I've never really been a fan of those sorts of things, indeed the only chat I use regularly is the irc on core exiles, and that just for in game related matters.

Either way I think we need to first actually considder whether it would be of any bennifit, and whether it would be pheasable to run, rather than just because some other places happen to have it.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2012-05-24 13:17:09

I would enjoy a chat room. That'll be great!

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2012-05-30 10:18:14

any updates or carry-forwards to the idea?

looks a worthy step to do, a chatroom would be really cool, or may be ---  a teamtalk server in which people can actually connect and talk, lol.

He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.

2012-05-30 10:31:00


My offer still stands.
I would happily mod it. I'm around most of the time. tongue
I want to set one up for my upcoming game anyway ... So if need be, I could host it as well.

Wanna play my Games? Listen to my Music? Follow me on Twitter, and say hi~
Code is poetry.

2012-05-30 15:53:28

it would be great gorth if you host one up for this site, carry on with your good work!

He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.