2024-05-19 06:19:27

Hello everyone,
I do want to first say, what a year it has been! I was for a year working and taking identity theft reports, until Last Friday, when I was let go. However, I do have plans, and this post says it all. They are dependent on how finances are in July. My goal is to being you two daily blitzes this year. The first is a new one for EA sports college football 25, which is set for an early access release in July around the 16th. The second is Madden 25 which is slaighted for sometime in august. I look forward to bringing you all  the best daily blitzes that I can make.
Also, I would like if anyone is intrested to come along for the streams that I am going to be doing over the next couple of months. The more viewers the more support I can get. Plus, new followers means new people added to the community!
Thanks for reading, and I'll have more information when it is released!

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2024-05-19 08:48:58

I can't tell if this is a shit post or nah, but I"m curious what you mean by daily blitzes? never heard of the term before.

2024-05-19 09:48:29

It seems perfectly clear to me. Obviously he wants to sure up national morale by bringing back that Dunkirk spirit and declaring war on Germany. I think it's a great idea, personally. Let the bodies pile high, as someone once said.

2024-05-19 10:17:01

The  Daily Blitz is a series of tutorials for both games, covering how to play and what settings to change. He perhaps should have clarified that, but that is what they are and that is what he has done every year since I believe Madden 2019.

2024-05-19 16:21:48

Okay, I needed that.  So, Yes, the daily blitz is a set of tutorials that I do each year for Madden, and I did them since 2019.
This year I'll hopefully be adding NCAA to the mix.  I can tell you that NCAA will have narration, but to what extend, I do not know. It/s in the list of accessibility features for both games.  No, we're not going to go after Germany, at least, not yet. muhahahahahahaha

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2024-05-19 16:41:25

Quite right, obviously we should prioritise our nearest enemy first, that being France. That’s why we have Trident, after all. That’s why we have the English channel as well. God gave us a moat for a reason, and that reason is to keep those garlic chewing, frog swallowing, cheese loving, surrender prone people out. It’s God‘s way of saying, you guys, you’re something special. You’re not my chosen people, you’ve come along too late for that, but you’re my first reserves. And you know, I have nothing against the Australians, but let’s face it, they had their chance to live here and they blew it!

2024-05-19 17:13:21

lmfao yes. ALso, thanks for the clarification. I was never one for those types of games but i might take a look at those tutorial and see if it sounds like something I might want to play.

2024-05-19 18:24:42

As much as I want to see things improve with NCAA and the new Madden, I'm not getting my hopes up given EA's track record with accessibility staying where it is.
Not sure if things have changed, but they screwed something up with the screen reader in Madden 24.
If this NCAA game doesn't have good accessibility, I'm canceling my EA Play.

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2024-05-19 18:43:32

Okay post 6 I think it was, I'm  laughing over here. Post 8, I am not getting my hopes up, but this is a series that I have continued, and I hope to do so. We'll find out though for sure.

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2024-05-19 18:53:42

I plan to watch the series.

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2024-05-19 19:50:13

Lol @3, cracked me up. The Germans bombed our chippy!

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2024-05-19 19:52:36


I mean NHL 24 is on both old and new gen just doing the absolute bare minimum. It reads the setup menus and main menu and....nothing else at all. And yet you have their golf offering reading the menus and not the text though, and I mean all the menus. Makes me wonder jut where NCAA is going to fall in that category, I know it's using the Frostbite engine, and their trailer and blog for it makes me cautiously optimistic but, it is EA and their track record on A11Y across all their varying franchises is all over the place, there's not one consistent standard

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2024-05-19 20:05:04

@12, I thought the golf menus didn't speak.
Apart from the main menu and team selection in NHL, the only thing that speaks is the Accessibility icon in the Settings menu and all the accessibility options.
Even with as limited as it is, Mortal Kombat 11 has more spoken options than NHL.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2024-05-19 21:44:34

There’s a hole in my chippy, dear Eliza, dear Eliza.

2024-05-20 00:10:05

@Jace at the same time though the NCAA trailer states that images shown in this trailer might not be in the finished product, it's simply a trailer rendered in the engine, not gameplay footage. Knowing EA, that sign is bad.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2024-05-20 01:11:27 (edited by SirBadger 2024-05-20 01:16:17)

then fix it dear Haily, dear Haily, dear Haily

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2024-05-20 08:48:22


Right, but looking at the features it apparently has, I was all oh this is gonna be good, up until NHL 24 dropped. It seems there's no consistence in EA Sports for what menu narration actually means.

PGA: Talking menus but no text speaking (like challenges information)

NHL 24: Nothing speaks but main and setup menu and half the accessibility menu

I just, you know, want some actual consistency with how EA Sports handles accessibility in their games really. And yes @15, I just want some raw gameplay footage honestly so I can judge how good or bad the game is vs my NCAA 13/14 PS3 memories. That always felt better than Madden for some reason. I have EA Play...so hoping I can join in the early access on Gamepass tbf

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2024-05-20 15:21:44

So guys, I do understand. I want to see gameplay. I will keep you posted on anything that I find out for sure. Yes, I agree that there is not any consistancy.  Again, we'll find out as soon as I know something.

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2024-05-21 04:38:37

I also wish we had consistancy.
When they first started with the human narration during the first Madden and NHL games that included this option, I get it.
As limited as it was, I realize it was their first time trying to implement accessibility, so you can't expect perfection.
Even when Madden 20 came along, we were made aware that while we had access to more screens, we still didn't have everything.
Just like with Madden 19, a lot of people understood that it was their first time using this type of system, so they couldn't expect things to be perfect.
After adding playbook narration and open player announcements to Madden 21, the accessibility has continued to stand still.
As much as I don't like being negative, I've learned that when it comes to EA products, you can hope to see improvements, but don't expect them.
I don't remember if it was the playbook or open player narration, but they broke one of those in Madden 24 and apparently it's still not fixed.
Even with as limited as the Madden narration is, there's no reason they can't implement that into NHL.
They know how the system works, so why not carry it over to their other titles?
I'd like them to improve it, but apparently that's asking for too much.

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2024-06-02 05:33:33

Hello to all, while there is no discussion of accessibility for EA sports college football, there are some cool things coming to the gameplay of this game.
Here is the link to the deep dive.
https://www.ea.com/games/ea-sports-coll … -deep-dive
Look particularly at the kicking meeter and passing mechanics.
Let me know what you guys think!

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2024-06-02 08:37:51

I loooked at SoftDrinkTV's breakdown of it among others and I actually like what I see, but...

I'm cautious, I'm cautiously optimistic. They have former NFL 2K5 devs and others working on this and seem to have put actual effort in....aaaaand then they shove Ultimate Team in. I'm somewhat bummed about not being able to start in HS in Road to Glory and missing some positions, but dynasty mode sounds a lot, a lot like the PS3 era which sounds great. The fact we get actual licensed music as well, celebrations and the fact CFB games have typically felt somehow better than Maden back in the PS3 days when both were on the same engine gives me a bit of hope, but this is EA we are on about. I want to see raw gameplay, not a carefully curated marketing machine, which is why I look to NTE and SDTV for their breakdowns since they are not affiliated with EA and can be fair and balancedStill,

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2024-06-02 08:42:20

Yeah I am cautiously optimistic as well, with the same doubts as 21. It's still EA we are talking about and given their history with trailers, I'll wait till we have the game in our hands, shouldn't be that long anymore till release.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2024-06-02 15:07:36

I completly understand how you guys feel.  I am going to bring you guys a stream when it first drops,  and then  start working on the daily blitz series.  College football is back!

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2024-06-10 22:36:50

So, beyond the gameplay we have not heard anything yet, but I make this commitment.  Regardless of how it turns out, a menu guide will be made.

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