2024-05-20 17:38:39

I've been wanting to do this for some time now. I'll give a general feedback about the vision I have about every BK game.
Although it has some mechanical drawbacks like the level up system and the battle for those who has zero in speed, this is the game that has the best characters and story. The puzzles are umpredictable, excelent... and deadly. Yamijin and Yokotank have an absolutely great appearance (for obvious reasons) and sometimes they can be scary. Mansion of evil, anyone? The lesson that we learn is "whenever Yamijin laughs, there's problem. allways.". The first time I saw him, I thaught: is that a child from the parc laughing?
This game deserves it's own award. It's the game with the most variety of stage themes. from roads, to forests, to mysterious eerie buildings, with mysterious computers sitting at the end of the playing field, everything related to the scenario is perfect. It has great BK1 references, too.
We start to have a problem when the monster generator discs appear, because it generates chaos and makes everything feel unreal and strange.
This is the one game, the one to rule them all. It's th emost technological themed game I've ever seen. Everything there gives this impression. We even have some elements similar to TDV in some ways.
operation energy blast; the skyracer.
end of spoiler
But after stage 14... it's an audio version of Call of Duty Warzone. We have no variation on stage themes, and stage 20 is where things get better. I will replay the game, of course. once a year. bk2 and 3.

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2024-05-20 20:51:07

I wish the heart weapon would be on bk3 also. And the clone machine.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2024-05-20 20:56:22

we've got a clone generator.

2024-05-20 21:18:38

I wish the psycho injector worked like it was advertised. Some of the weapons and items are outright broken. There are just a small handful that work on that game. Bk3 I mean.

The people who love you the most,   are the people who matter most in your life.