2024-03-20 23:59:21

Oh my gosh guys, sense this is the most top teer dating sights, I'll just make my profile. Hi guys, I'm an 18 year old average guy who lives in the most average place imaginable, but I play games and do stuff like that. Any girls interesting pm me on this site that definetly tells me when I get pm's, thanks all.

2024-03-21 00:20:21

@124 Unlike a good chunk of the population, I'm not obsessed with sex. Sure, it's a nice bonus, and the urge is hardwired, but it doesn't totally control me. However, I agree with you that as blind people, we should be able to have the opportunity to experience those hookup experiences. Sadly, it's not feasible, and I'd much rather spend my time getting to know someone than simply jumping in because biology dictates I do so. I'm also nearly certain I don't want children due to my sister essentially being a perpetual child, which makes me take sex even more seriously. It has consequences if not properly prepared for, and it's certainly not a toy, even though many people make it out to be just that. If I knew I created another child like that, it would do something to me I may never recover from.

My experience on dating sites has been exactly the same as trying to find employment. People may talk to me for a while, then they disappear without any warning. If I was more interested in most things most people did I'd go places, but as it is, I'm afraid going anywhere will result in the same kind of treatment. I'll sit there pretending to be someone I'm not, be completely ignored, not know who to talk to, and ultimately feel just as alone. It's a horrible feeling to be surrounded by people, yet feel utterly alone because I don't really have anything in common with them. Perhaps I'll try finding book clubs, since that's about the only social gathering that wouldn't bore me to tears. I still have this crazy idea of finding a woman just as interested in computers as I am, but most don't care, so it's a pipe dream. Hell, most people don't like to read either.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2024-03-21 02:38:29

As much of a joke my last post was, I agree with you @criss. Even the teen that I am, I don't want to do it just because I"m a human and the huge ass number determines the fact that I need to do so. And even then it was protected on both sides and tht was upon my request as well. The accidents and the lack of knowledge some people have is saddening to me about such a serious topic.

2024-03-21 08:35:08

Can it be? After over 20 years of alienation for refusing to play along with the sexity sex sex sex culture, there are finally a tons of people as ready to get away from the xxx bros in favor of, you know, almost anything else?

... Like paranoia over use of "anything" that requires hedging with adjectives like "almost" to leave legal room to argue that does not include things like murder, torment, or demonic possession? hmm
Took you long enough, The West™. Crap, would being in 8th grade in the 2020s be actually tolerable?
... *sigh* Why can't I write something coherent and/or relevant, this week? Eh, this thread is a mess anyway, so might as well...

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2024-03-21 10:05:39

I mean i can tell you that a lot of people are still heavily, heavily in the mindset that it needs to happen because your lacking an experience if you don't do that. And then their are still the people that think no doesn't mean no. Sigh. Alass, I think it goes into how i was raised. I am going to continue this, and i don't want anyone to think I"m singling them out or anything, but when I grew up, I was not a sheltered kid. I went to public schools, but I did join some of those blindness and such groups that did extra activities like go on group trips and such. I was also very heavily raised and taught some of the downsides to going to places, like school parties or anything, and to get everything myself. That on top of my very curiou snature, and growing up learning to use the internet correctly from a yung age, I've just researched anything I didn't know, especially if anyone stressed any form of seriousness, like parents do for sex and protection. My outlook before and after it happened for me was, I've waited this long for it to happen, genuinely it won't hurt me if i have to wait another year, or a few more months, what have you. I hope more people could be like me, and my pures could agree and move out of this "we're teenagers, so let's litterally fuck around and find out" mentality. You'll get your chance if your not an ass hole. Calm down and work on being the type of person people will want to date, or become intimate with.

2024-03-21 21:47:23

@Dark, if we have to handle our moves in life depending on the practical control we have on each involved topic, we couldn't do nothing at all. Indeed, we still would be in a era where we could not manage even our own economy nor access/give information, if not in an even prior era when we were thrown from a mounthain as soon as someone able-bodied realized we had a disability. If we don't fight for progressively getting more control of things, we won't get it. For that reason I say that the blind should not accept so naturally the idea that hookups aren't done for us.

@Chris, it will not be feasible if ourselves, the blind, don't fight for it and buy the idea that it is not possible. While I had good luck with employment and now I have a job which is hard to get even for many sighted people, in the dating xfera I'm tired of analyzing people and be just the good friend with interesting conversation. No philosofy nor whatever other intellectual activities avoid that some girls produce me wild boners and wanting at least a BJ.
I am like you regarding computers and books. Fortunately, the techies I meet with are aware that this is not a topic most girls care about, the same as anime (I'm not in that last one).

@130 boners and resulting urges are boners and resulting urges, regardless of how much one agrees or not on the idea of having various experiences for the only sake of having them. In fact, I am not interested at all in things like being able to drive an airplane, taking pictures or making YouTube videos, to name only a few visual-nature things so many blindies are obsessed with. Having said that, it is likely my brain is wired very similarly to my sighted peers regarding sex, other than the role of the voices.

The more saddest on this perhaps is not the fact that many blind guys aren't interested in hookups; this could be fine. The saddest one is that as a result, those of us who truly want to enjoy hookups can't get help even from other blind peers, which also, as a side effect, tends to reinforce some prejudices on sexuality of the blind in the sighted.

Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Argentina and my level speaking this language is low.

2024-03-21 21:58:33

well, I wonder if there are lots of blind women out there, who are around my age, between 39 and 43 years old, who are really really into horses, who really want a miniature donkey, miniature mule, or miniature horse as a guide animal, and who would want to work with me to train our own guide miniature equine, and then raise the money to train more of them for blind people who want miniature equines as guide animals... I doubt it, my criteria for girlfriends or women to date and marry is probably way too specific and niche. I only know of one who may be interested, and as we all know, she has disappeared and cut herself off from everyone in her family.

2024-03-22 06:45:08

@131 I'm not sure what to say. I want sex as much as anyone else, but going around getting it in casual doses just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. That of course is my opinion only. Most people are very nervous at least initially when they encounter blind, so I really don't think it would work. Interestingly enough, I had someone on Hinge ask me if I wanted to fuck. I kid you not, those were the exact words. Either this person didn't know I was blind, or didn't care. We didn't even have a conversation, it went straight to that. No thanks. I don't want to have casual sex with some random girl, only to wake up alone and feeling utterly empty inside. Communication is key, and I believe you'll be much happier after you've established mutual trust with the other person before committing to something as intimate as sex.

@132 I know what you mean. Perhaps my standards are too high, but ideally, I want someone who's at least as intelligent as I am with shared values. I wouldn't get along with someone that was always partying or in go go go mode, unless we could do activities both of us enjoyed. I don't want to deal with children and I really! don't want to deal with dog owners which makes it even harder. I'm not even going to try, because no one is getting rid of their dogs over me, and I'm sure as hell not getting stuck with them. I don't like them at all. They simultaneously disgust and frighten me. They say there's someone out there for everyone. Perhaps it's true, perhaps not. Either way, I'll wait as long as it takes, because I believe if and/or when the right person comes along, I'll be genuinely happy.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2024-03-23 20:58:44

well, getting a girlfriend is as hard for people that have big requirements that it's almost impossible.
I want, for example, one that knows how to cook well, has good humor, can play games with me, and the hardest thing, can goof around.
I was thinking I don't need a girlfriend until recently, like 2 weeks ago or so.
it would be nice to ultimately get a wife, nope, sex is not too important, I don't want children neither, but that loyalty and that we would live together and we could trust each other.
and maybe do nonsense stuff because sometimes nonsense makes sense, because you can laugh about it, so looking at it, nonsense stuff can have sense, until it isn't funny then it doesn't have sense.

meow meow.

2024-03-23 21:48:39 (edited by SirBadger 2024-03-23 22:06:27)

@132 this obsession of yours is rather wurrying. I've kind of been there when I broke up with a lady about 12 years ago and there were things involved that had me paranoid for her safety too but this behaviour is not healthy. If you did talk to her again, She would not be the person you dream of anymore. By the sound of things you married in your early 20's. People change over the years and if they aren't together during all those things that alter you as you grow older the difference becomes huge. Loosing a partnership is similar in a lot of ways to a death in the family. There are 5 stages of greeff commonly accepted. The last is acceptance. You haven't reached that point yet and it sounds like it's been a long time. I'm not trying to insult you in any way or to tell you you are wrong but I do think you may need counceling to help you accept what has happened and be able to move on with your life.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2024-03-24 09:10:32

Chris wrote:

I don't want to have casual sex with some random girl, only to wake up alone and feeling utterly empty inside.

My problem is that I'm too full in the inside with books, appreciation of music details, playing music with friends, and even growing at job with things such as being offered to write articles about my professional field. But even when I accomplish these things as best as I can, often the lack of casual sex makes me think "What am I doing here?" or "Congrats. I have a job, I was offered to write an article, but at the end..."; especially when I can't find a given citation for a needed footnote big_smile.
I can agree a bit with you on not wanting random. Even when I love technology, I can't fantasize so much through a screen or a TTS if not on a tale. A real party, however, would be a different thing depending on a given girl's voice, if that voices makes me want to know more or not about the physical aspect. But back into more reality, while not random girls, I often want to have something more with some girls that I see in meetings with friends in common, although not a serious or long-term relationship; that is, girls I managed to fantasize about and know more, but which I don't want to get married nor even to get informally compromised (aka being her boyfriend).

Chris wrote:

I don't want to deal with children

I assume you are referring to girls that already are moms, and not to the possibility of getting a girl pregnant.
About this last point, while it can be worked out, there should be more attention on the blind community about the unavailability of placement information provided by charts on condom boxes in accessible formats.
About not wanting to deal with girls that already are moms, you made me to remember an Asimov tale. I don't remember the English name (I read it translated), but one day a programmer working on programing Multiback gets tired of programing it to solve world problems, and instead starts programing it to find him the true love. The first two prompts he gave to the computer (the computer had data about everyone in the world) were "Remove to all males" and, the most ilarious and the one that you made me remember, "Remove all females with alive childrens".

Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Argentina and my level speaking this language is low.

2024-03-25 09:39:24

Would anyone willing to propose to the admins to create a sub domain for dating.audiogames.net so that topic like this won't ever exist again on this forum?

2024-03-26 01:51:50

@137 if these topics annoy you, just move on. These will continue to exist as long as humanity exists and there's an Off-Topic Room.

Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Argentina and my level speaking this language is low.

2024-03-26 02:19:22

It doesn't annoy me in the slightest. I found this topic amusing.

2024-03-26 04:35:00

@136 I mean both. I don't want to deal with kids that aren't mine, and I don't think it's a good idea for me to go making babies that might have severe mental issues. I have a stutter, and as I said before, my sister is essentially a perpetual low IQ child. I completely agree that blind people need better sex education. Sadly, it's a taboo subject in society. For the record, I have no problem talking about it, because it's important to know these things. Sure, it's amusing to joke about it, but it really is a serious thing.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2024-03-26 06:34:23

Funny how some people lament about not being considered purely on the basis of being blind and expressing that in a sort of pejorative tone, then go on to list very high and in some cases ridiculous criteria for a spouse. Interesting how that works.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2024-03-26 08:03:07

@141, agreed. There's people out there who will look at you passed your blindness. They might not be easy to find, but not everyone will look at you like, oh my god he's blind! run! Some people see passed your disability from the start treating you as an equal. Then again a lot of it has to do with how you are around people, tbh. I myself do the same things sighted people do as far as talking, socializing etc, so I've never had a problem with this, as 95% of people around me have been sighted and i've never been a member of a complete blind group of friends, but yeah. I get it. Some people will see your blindness and you'll have to proove yourself to them, or they'll treat you differently, however there are also people who your blindness won't even matter, as they'll see passed the surface. Yeah I'm probably not getting my point across that  well, but its late as shit and i'm about to get some shuteye so yeah.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley

2024-03-26 08:17:01

@140, if you say about childs with severe mental issues as a joke on your sister it is right. If you say it seriously, as far as I know, actually the possibility is not as absolute as we may believe in case of a children of, lets say, a blind-sighted partnership. Rater, the likelyhood of fault results increases as more and more generations with a same characteristic get involved, since genetic variability is increasingly reduced. So no, don't be afraid of making a child with mental issues just because we are blind.

@141 I agree.

Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Argentina and my level speaking this language is low.

2024-03-29 01:35:33 (edited by Angel 2024-03-29 01:44:00)

Everyone is talking about hookups here and while I agree it might be harder to do as a blind person, I don't think it's as bad as some people might think.
Yeah, you can't just grab someone and dance with her, yeah, you can't just make eye contact, sure, but you can for sure sit at a table and interact with people, see who peeks your interest and start conversing with them.
I get it, some times it's awkward, I am not gonna deny that, but as a blind person in a sighted world I learned that being talkative and adaptating to what people want to talk to, do a quick google if need be, our screens go black for a reason and enjoy a good conversation that can and will if you play it right get you in a girl's panties.
I am not the type to hookup like I said before, but if I was single and interested, I totally could, it ain't hard if you look towards the person, have a nice soft smile and talk into what ever she is into.
Flirting is also key, if you know you know, if not you just need to have your words with you and talk her into you, don't be bragging with your monster cock, but don't just talk only about tech or books or what ever, steer it a bit sexually too, without being a pervert or a creep.
As for me and my amazing girlfriend here next to me, who will probably see this post, smile we became good friends first and we were pretty open in every way, both sexually and nonsexually and everything just came naturally, as it really should.
And yes, you can totally find a techy girl or a book worm, mine is not necessarily into tech but she does play games with me a lot, we read together, go out, have all sorts of fun and yes, we are still as open as before, advantages to dating your best friend, what can I say.
What I am trying to say either way is, what ever you are interested in, as long as you are cool about it and know how to be yourself without pushing to much, you are good, there is a girl for you, all of you, wether she is blind or sighted.
The conclussion is, don't be to much in your own buble, learn to open up and still be gentle about it and the most important part, don't be a creepy bitch and you will be able to find someone.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2024-03-29 03:11:41

Online dating sites. Obviously depends where you live how far you can travel etc, but I met nearly all my girlfriends that way, sometimes went on 2 or 3 dates per week. It can be done. Met my wife that way as well. I got ghosted a lot yes, but you just gotta move on and leave those idiots behind.

2024-03-30 07:00:12

@144 you expressed the balance every blind should have regarding this topic of relationships, either serious or casual.
A perhaps side question, is your girlfriend blind or sighted?

Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Argentina and my level speaking this language is low.

2024-03-30 08:13:31

@144: "Be talkative and flert" — and just like that, you lost me.
@145: Dating sites give almost no information and using them is, if the internet is to believed, a full-time job, even without the blindness penalty. It kinda seems like anyone who is desperate enough to scrape that barrel ... probably reeks of desperation and thereby repels the majority of potential dates.

@thread: So what I'm saying is, 144 and 145 might be helpful for, like, one or two readers, but probably antihelpful for everyone else.

To paraphrase Katie Lucas, most social skills advice contains a section best summarized as "do magic here." And that applies to dating advice as well.
I'd really like to end this on a more positive note, but most of the obvious stuff is kinda broken in The West™.
(CAE tangent™: My pedantry cannot stand the term "The West". It refers more or less exclusively to Europe and descendant cultures, like the Commonwealth and the US. But Australia and New Zealand are definitely more south than west, most of Africa is in-line with Europe on the east/west axis but is not generally included in "The West", and I really can't tell if Latin America and the Caribbean are included or not, the way people use the term. If we're going to be so Eurasia centric, would be nice to be more clear about that. /rant)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2024-03-30 14:00:29

Idk, dating sites seem to be just like everything else in life. Some people tell me they found totally wholesome longterm relationships on them, most others just use them for casual sex and contribute to the overall commodification of society. I find the whole thing pretty meh myself. Call me naive but I just can't imagine this whole swipy lefty righty bullshit is the primary way people find each other these days.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2024-03-30 23:05:04

@146, my girlfriend is fully sighted.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2024-03-31 00:40:27

@149, same here.

sound designer for mental vision, and Eurofly3.
take a look at
My freesound pageWhere I post sounds I record. ps: if you use my sounds, remember to credit me smiley