2024-03-25 11:35:36

Your welcome, let me know how it goes!

2024-03-25 13:22:15

The game is up and running thank you again

2024-03-25 22:44:13

Are there any plans to release a Linux version of this? Currently Wine 9.3 and later refuses to run it giving some system exception in win32 builder, and a Windows VM isn't running it due to open GL stuff. I don't mind if it's just a tarball and a here you go work out how to make it run. I'm on Arch on this desktop, so most things should just work given that I have the right dependencies.

For me, the new coding age begins!

2024-04-01 20:19:47

anyone else been unable to log in today?

2024-04-03 10:23:59

We can always dream but why not add land and air vehicles to this game. I like this game because the sound effects are well done, the only fault is that the rotation of the character is limited to 45� for more direct shooting precision.

Yesterday 10:04:58


Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.