2024-03-25 11:35:36

Your welcome, let me know how it goes!

2024-03-25 13:22:15

The game is up and running thank you again

2024-03-25 22:44:13

Are there any plans to release a Linux version of this? Currently Wine 9.3 and later refuses to run it giving some system exception in win32 builder, and a Windows VM isn't running it due to open GL stuff. I don't mind if it's just a tarball and a here you go work out how to make it run. I'm on Arch on this desktop, so most things should just work given that I have the right dependencies.

For me, the new coding age begins!

2024-04-01 20:19:47

anyone else been unable to log in today?

2024-04-03 10:23:59

We can always dream but why not add land and air vehicles to this game. I like this game because the sound effects are well done, the only fault is that the rotation of the character is limited to 45� for more direct shooting precision.

2024-05-13 10:04:58


Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2024-05-15 01:24:25

I do agree, either controller or mouse support should be added to at least make the game a bit more unique. Probably some limits on jumping, increased weapon damages and more unique stats for each weapon, limit on how fast you can throw frag grenades, AI that spawn as enemies with less than 3 players online even in the baddlefield, etc. are things that need to be changed to make this even better.

2024-05-21 01:49:11

johanntrm7 wrote:

We can always dream but why not add land and air vehicles to this game. I like this game because the sound effects are well done, the only fault is that the rotation of the character is limited to 45� for more direct shooting precision.

That's precisely what makes aiming almost impossible. The only way to aim is to keep sidestepping while turning, which is not always possible if you have a wall to your left or right. The rotation system needs work for sure, as do many other aspects of the game.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2024-05-21 03:49:57 (edited by sneak 2024-05-21 03:52:07)

The developers have the code to make aiming more precisely with the  keyboard, mouse, or anything else possible. It's even written in python ready to go for use in their program and on their Discord. The math is all there. I honestly don't know why they aren't putting it in. Walking and jumping sideways to line up shots is seriously annoying.

P.s. The code even includes vertical aiming.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2024-05-21 15:58:29 (edited by amerikranian 2024-05-21 15:59:47)

@Sneak, I'm curious as to how you know: A, The state of the code, and B, the validity of the math. In particular, why is it on their Discord? That seems strange, unless they're employing outside sources?

Also, regarding vertical aiming, how would you even remotely make it usable in realtime combat? I'm skeptical--it would seem like the angle of your shot would be hard to effectively communicate without making it downright annoying or adding cheap mechanics like pings on all weapons to let you know you've locked onto something. Furthermore, how would you communicate this to whomever you're aiming at? You can (usually) see someone aiming at you before they can take a shot. If you let them know *exactly* when you're about to get hit, you're giving advantage to the attacker, as they have full control of when they are gonna initiate the notification. Notify the defender too soon, and you've flipped positions with the attacker being at a disadvantage. It seems like a lose lose situation.

2024-05-21 17:18:05 (edited by sneak 2024-05-21 17:20:27)

Well because the code was uploaded to the discord as a file. Anyone could use it if they wanted to.
In fact, here it is.
It has a function to calculate points along a given trajectory, then generates a list storing all of those points along the trajectory then returns them. You can decide how many points between the start and end location. For example if you are aiming east and want to check 1 unit, it can do that, or it could do .001. This is important for hit boxes. After the list is generated, you would just create a loop that checks each of those points if a player or anything else was there and then proceed to damage them or whatever else. I'm not familiar with the code they're using, but this is made in such a way that it shouldn't be hard to integrate.
Anyway, as I said, anyone is free to use this code.
import math

def calculate_trajectory(X, Y, Z, hDegrees, vDegrees, startRange, distance, range):
    # Convert angles from degrees to radians
    hRadians = math.radians(hDegrees)
    vRadians = math.radians(vDegrees)
    # List to store the trajectory points
    trajectory_points = []
    # Calculate direction vector components in 3D space
    # Note: In spherical coordinates, x = r * sin(phi) * cos(theta), y = r * sin(phi) * sin(theta), z = r * cos(phi)
    dx = math.sin(vRadians) * math.cos(hRadians)
    dy = math.sin(vRadians) * math.sin(hRadians)
    dz = math.cos(vRadians)
    # Calculate points along the trajectory
    currentDistance = startRange
    while currentDistance <= range:
        # Scale direction vector by current distance and add to origin
        newX = X + dx * currentDistance
        newY = Y + dy * currentDistance
        newZ = Z + dz * currentDistance
        # Append the new point to the list
        trajectory_points.append((newX, newY, newZ))
        # Increment the distance for the next point
        currentDistance += distance
    return trajectory_points

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2024-05-22 13:26:12

Dude, about 10 months ago, upon the request of a customer, I designed a small game in Python, including a server and a client, a source with a weapon system, an NPC system, and a map. These people probably don't know much Python, it looks like the person I sold the source code to sold this code to others. But, I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's really sad if they can't bring the aiming deck. I've never played this game, but as I saw from my friends, there is no feature in the game other than weapons and a few items.
