2024-03-16 20:08:38

At the moment the site is taking stuff somehow from the forum and placing them on the top of the homepage, please can you all redirect to the top page to check.

My chiptune archive is https://chiparchive.com/files/.
And the new sync key is
Twitter is https://twitter.com/thechiptunearc1?lang=en

2024-03-16 20:11:55

I just looked and now it's gone. What the?

My chiptune archive is https://chiparchive.com/files/.
And the new sync key is
Twitter is https://twitter.com/thechiptunearc1?lang=en

2024-03-17 00:33:09

I think you're not alone, Haven't gotten it, but I remember another user reporting I think? OR was it you? Was a topic made by muhammad hajjar

2024-04-10 12:10:03

It's happening again for me now.

2024-04-10 13:26:02

@shane same here too, I just checked and it's happening again on my end as well.

My chiptune archive is https://chiparchive.com/files/.
And the new sync key is
Twitter is https://twitter.com/thechiptunearc1?lang=en