2024-02-22 09:18:59

I was wondering what your thoughts were on this. Is it practical, or are you better off using speech. Is it one of those things where you could potentially do things faster that way, or does having only one line make it pretty much impossible?

Discord: dangero#0750
Steam: dangero2000

2024-02-22 09:21:28

I imagine spaces indentation would make it difficult, since usually you use 2 or 4 space each level and that wastes a lot of space

2024-02-22 12:53:56

It depends.
I found it useful with 40 cells, but I'm currently stuck with 20, and a space budget like that just screws up loads of things. Adjusting pan/scroll settings to avoid getting thrown off seems essential, and figuring out which Braille table works best for you.
And I will again harp on how annoying the 4 spaces thing is from an accessibility perspective. Unless you can get your device / software to replace 4 spaces with something smaller for Braille output, you're still going to spend stupid amounts of time panning. It's better than with a screen reader in that regard, but it's still ... an issue that needs addressed.
... And for me, I like using Braille when making text diagrams for maps and such, and those have plenty of empty space... so 4 spaces can get even screwier, if those use cases ever collide. But that's me.
Overall, I do think it's super useful compared to just notepad. Maybe you can get enough performance advantages from VSStudio and/or screen reader features to nullify the advantage. It really depends on how you work best.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2024-02-22 15:45:02

It'll be fantastic when that multiline braille tablet thing comes out.

Discord: dangero#0750
Steam: dangero2000

2024-02-22 16:35:29

I listen to speech way faster than reading Braille. I also don't like taking my hands off the keyboard if I don't have to, so Braille displays are a hard no for me.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2024-02-22 17:37:08

Yeah, leaving the keyboard is an issue.  SO is a language with lots of punctuation like C++ or Rust.  You can definitely be faster with speech by a lot if you put in the time to raise the speed of your synth.

I'd guess that "noisy" languages like Java also get to be fun here just because of the scrolling up and down, and I'd never ever want to read LaTeX in braille.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2024-02-22 17:37:49

Braille displays are good for checking to make sure indentation is correct. But I honestly can't say that I benefit from using a Braille display when programming. Just turning on all or most punctuation with the screen reader works fine for me.

2024-02-22 17:53:27

Save for indentation specific languages like Python, and employment situations perhaps, you can just get a formatter and run it on your project.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2024-02-22 18:57:59

Turning on beeps for indents if you're using NVDA works wonders for me.

Discord: dangero#0750
Steam: dangero2000

2024-02-22 19:58:58

I use speech because the precision is generally required when in places one is dealing with it raw.  Also our codebase has (I kid you not) tabs and spaces on the same lines.  On purpose.  This isn't exactly as crazy as it sounds, it's actually BSD's style guide (as in the OS).  I don't like it and after much "Austin you got formatting wrong again" reviews someone managed to get a formatter working that could deal with it but...yeah.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2024-02-23 11:49:32

I have absolute pitch plus my solution allows to customize the amount of hz added on every space so I can be precise with that. But since I have chronic headaches I use speech. Braille just doesn't work for me when coding, especially because I have to take my hands off the keyboard.

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