2021-04-20 11:21:00

hi everyone
i'm looking for war muds.
do you know anything about any mud which have commander, armys managing etc let me know.

2021-04-20 14:57:10

only one like that I know of is Iberia.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Psalm 23 4

2021-04-20 16:24:02

Avalon the legend lives has a hole army system, but I have no idea what its like as I never could get that far into the game.
Similarly, i don't know if empiremud has some sort of army system with the empire building?

classic six dragons did have sieges and building city defences, but classic six dragons isn't around anymore, and though there are some six dragons variants kicking around, I don't know if any of them have the system, or indeed are accessible.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-04-20 17:27:09

Never got into ATLL, is it actually good? I've heard mixed things about it. Empire AFAIK does but....I can't confirm. Iberia's one I should check out at some point, too.

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2021-04-20 17:43:38

empire don't have army system last time I play.
and, never know about Iberia's. I am going to check it out.

2021-04-20 20:29:51

Last time I was on Avalon, which to be fair was a couple of months ago, warfare was either disabled or wasn't getting much use. It is only one of the five meta that they've got but my guess is that it's become less popular as it's too complex for most of the current player base to get their heads around. Those who can grasp it don't need to bother with it as PVP combat is already there and these days there are too many novices, pacifists, farmers or cowerds whom you can battle against and kill off and you're in control of half a city. It isn't helping it that you've basically got to pay a fairly large amount if you want to get anywhere after your novicehood ends. Of course, that's only the impression I got and I hope I'm just entirely wrong, but in case it's of interest, there are two entire sections in the Avalon manual on how to become a better military commander and generally how to deal with enlisting, making legions etc.

2021-04-20 20:37:12 (edited by JaceK 2021-04-20 20:47:09)

That kind of helps, but...I'm just looking at their site and I'm lal ...this looks good, but why would I play it, what's drawing me in? Sure, it'd be nice to be in charge of legions, give me Celtic legions yes please, but....

EDIT: Alright, huh. I wanted to make a char on the site, fine, it put my in an Umbra playing.... page, but if I try to log in with a client, no dice? And no confirmation email. Did I do something wrong?

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2021-04-20 23:49:04

@7, I'm not entirely sure. Umbra is their browser client which is fairly ok when you're starting out but as you're incorporating aliases and macros and things it kind of becomes unnecessary in my opinion since there are better options out there. I've managed to make it work with Mush client and I've heard of at least one person who was using the VIP mud setup. I believe if you search enough you'll find the help file telling you the info you need to connect from a client other than Umbra. Also, when you're creating a character, keep in mind the name has to be 3 to 14 characters long or whatever the thing is telling you and of course if another person has named their character whatever you're trying to call yours it won't accept it. Mind this has been up since 1989 so coming up with an original name is sort of a necessity.
There was a github page created by the player Agarwain with a soundpack for Avalon. Nothing fancy but I should think it covers the basics. I would love to work on something like it myself but I don't know the first thing about how to go about it. big_smile

2021-04-21 00:19:30

No what I mean is, I can connect fine via telnet with my client.

But here's the weird thing. I can go to the site and make a character, and get to the Umbra client.

But if I try logging in with that char, I get the 'This char is not on Avalon list' message and told to create a char again?

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2021-04-21 02:32:09

one problem with Avalon is that it has such a tiny player base, it is hard to do anything on it since almost everything is player-driven. I tried to play someone in the city of thackray and it turned out that all the time I played I was the only person in that faction ever on at all.

2021-04-21 05:23:58

Avalon has a db entry the connection info is there.

Unfortunately, whenever i tried the game, I awlays got stuck since everything I needed to do to advance as a novice needed other players, and everyone was always busy.
I believe this has been altered with more quests and npc challenges and the like, but I'm not sure.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-04-21 10:54:18

@9, I'm not entirely sure why that is. I believe that when I had first created a character, I only had umbra at my disposal and it worked reasonably well, except for the random crashes that I would experience, which it is notorious for.
@10, it's true that they don't have as large a player base as other muds but, if you are patient enough, you will run into someone helpful. If there was one thing I was passionate about and reasonably good at in that game, it was helping novices, and that was what kept me interested, but unfortunately there aren't that many of those nowadays that I could find.
@11, They have a badge system now that you have to complete which is pretty neat. Most of it you can actually do on your own but you would need a helping hand or two at certain points

2021-04-21 12:01:58 (edited by JaceK 2021-04-21 13:01:55)

Hm...I can't think of a decentish name...

EDIT: Huh, okay then, I looked at the classes, I like the idea of a seer personally that can sit back, not directly fight people but help and hurt from afar, really. I'm not sure on a good name like I said

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2021-04-21 15:06:10

Seer is powerful if used correctly and it doesn't always require one to be at the front line as you pointed out. Loremaster and druid I have both tried out, the former is probably the best class to go with if you're looking to own some sort of a shop, the latter is really crucial because it has a lot of healing skills but normally doesn't prefer to fight, especially if you're doing rp. Sorcerer is really overpowered in my opinion and there is only one guild in Thakria where you can be apprenticed to learn sorc skills. Night and mage are your standard physical and magical.... Classes, ranger and thief are a bit stealthier types and bard is where you are basically a walking orchestra and you can also do dramatics. There were very few bards last time I was on. A pitty because they can do more powerful types of songs/dramatics when there are many of them in the same place. I hope I'm not forgetting anyone but that was the basic idea I got.

2021-04-21 15:14:31

Right, so give me a name, and if used correctly? I was going off of the info on the site about seer and so forth, not sure how accurate it is though. I do like the idea of sitting back in a nice, comfortable seat and helping with a battle or helping my friends or guild mates out while not being in physical danger. Druid/animist with healing sounds interesting though as well, but...

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-21 16:33:14

By "if used correctlly" I mean if you play it right based on the skills you have.
Naming your character is something that I am not in a position to do since I don't know what kind of names you like. Generally you would want to pick a fantasy-sounding name if you know what I mean but literally anything would work as long as it's not offensive and hasn't been used before. I have seen such weird names as Vvvvvvvvvv and Godoftech in my time but I don't recall seeing either of them again after they were first created.
In case you want ideas for names you may use, here is a random generator thing that I found.

2021-04-21 16:59:25

Oh I'm on there, wanting to work on my fatalism so I can hopefully sit back and screw with my enemies from afar, really...so is it better if I just learn, say, mysticism as a seer then get that to mastr then work on something else, or...? I know where I want to end up. Just not the how bit

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2021-04-21 18:30:01

So thoughts thus far.

Some of the badges are still impossible to get due to missing items. I'm not sure what to do next since I feel like I made a mistake with the seer class, honestly, in that, alright, I know what to do. Buuuuuttttt...........I don't really know if right now, starting out, I can do much with my seer tricks, since I want to focus more on the whole being evil from afar side of it. Screw altruism. I'm all about you piss me off, I'll sit halfway across the continent, and mess with you from my safe little bit of Avalon, thank you very much.

So, basically, I'm kind of unsure what to do, as in, hey, I'm not sure what I should do, aside from working my way through the badges? I've run into a few I can't seem to figure out, though that may be me being stupidly oblivious

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-21 22:13:45

I'm not an expert on seer repertoir but I guess farsight is going to help given the approatch you are taking. Fatalism and mysticism as well. Screw charming, I mean it is nice but you can get enchanted items that do those same charms but require to be recharged on a fairly regular basis. Turn to loremasters for those.
The only generic piece of advice that comes to mind regarding missing items is either talk to players who might be able to provide them or go to your city centre ("zoom home") and use "DIR <item>", so if you were looking for a cloak you would do "DIR CLOAK". I'm not exactly sure what you are struggling with specifically but I hope this helped.
As for what you might want to do, I guess making a bit of money wouldn't hurt (refer to your goldquestor badge for possible ways to do so). If you get stuck, you might be able to find useful info in either your chelp (cityhelp) or ghelp (guildhelp) files. These are hand-written and different for each guild or city so I don't know how good the ones for your city/guild are.

2021-04-21 22:39:36 (edited by JaceK 2021-04-21 23:49:50)

No what I mean is...the items that some of the badges need simply are not there at all, however. It's not the city ones. I've run into some of the badges

Also lol, I like the Seer guild help files. I guess I'll get charming sine it's needed apparently? Hm. As for what I'm struggling with, mostly just wrapping my head around the whole idea of Avalon. Seer looks like it'll be a ton of fun really once I understand it more and morebeing unable to be progressed with

EDIT: Okay that's weird. I managed to barely survive, and charming seems actually useful....but....no matter what I do. I just baabble random things. I'm not sure I understand how casting and magic works at all? What am I doing wrong. Like if I follow the help file.

chant healhand
Nope, just babbling syllables. Trying the actual chant doesn't do it either, and my charming skill is up to the third rank however. Alright, setting things on fire is kind of hilariously good fun though. I may well work on my swords skills too just so I can have that as a nice backup method

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-21 23:55:41

You need to get charming up to respected for your badges. That level will allow you to use the locate charm, which might be pretty useful, but after you do reach respected it's not worth investing in it further until much later in my opinion.
I'm not sure what you mean by "some of the items are not there" but if you're referring to quest items the reason why they might be missing is because somebody else is doing the same quest as you. They take half an hour to reset I believe. I would suggest either using your locate charm or asking Mallibett the profit about the location of items you are trying to acquire.
Avalon does have a pretty steep learning curve and it usually takes time to acquaint one's self with all the different fascets of it. That's what drew me in in the first place, along with the surprisingly friendly novice helpers, most of which are less active nowadays, unfortunately.

2021-04-22 00:01:21

Oh it's drawing me in. I'm just not sure if yo ucaught my edit wrt chants and failing them. The only one I can do reliabley is equilibrium, every other one fails spectacularly. I'm using the stuff in ghelp as a this is what I should do first and go from there. It's just bugging me why farsight focus is way, way after the other farsight things I get at lower levels. I'm just trying to understand the whole chant system, so what am I doing wrong?

Don't get me wrong. I'm enjoying it, I'm just all ...okay now how do I do this?

Its not quest items. I'll explain without trying to spoil things....well aside from one that I'm struggling with.

One of the badges is the repair thin since I'm not a high enough level for that with the charming skill, at all.

And I'm struggling with the msg player text thing. It may just be me typing it wrong, but when I copy/paste it in, I get the not quite right text and to try again, which bugs me since I'm copy/pasting it. Also going a tiny bit nuts exploring for geographer badgeg. Which no matter what, isn't there at all, and I can't use my locate charm on it (see above about the babbling when chanting every single time),

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-22 00:37:57

please don't waste your time on  avalon. all the players there have developed  scripts and bots to farm xp and to pvp. IT also has  ridiculous pay to win features and finally the staff there has... issues. do google and find out.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2021-04-22 01:43:10

Kilmech Von Korlton, Kelly dooglebury, Ace McFindon, Lingtin, Konvorawitz, Cesil Lemore, Bailey Arima, Arima Prince, Deric Penalton, Debe Forte, Forte22222222, Allandor McDickson, Gregory Bard, William George Lankester Mountbatten Kington.

There, random names

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-04-22 01:55:52

I like all of those names, @JJ. Totally using them at some point

@Hadi: I'm not really trusting reviews saying oh the staff are horrifically bad when I've not had any bad experiences with them as of writing this. I've not interacted with them or seen them do anything publically that's out of line, unlike some muds, really. I don't really care about pay to win either, hosting a server isn't free. Somebody, somewhere is paying and it's fair to want to make money to cover server costs. How someone goes about it? That's their business

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers