2021-04-22 04:53:06

issue with the Pay to win of Avalon is that there's no cap for certain trinkets. This got to a point where someone roamed around with 14 fire flies, which basically meant the guy could regenerate back to full hp unless you somehow one shotted him from full or with an execution move. The Devs kind of got money hungry at one point, and began to really tilt the balance on the trinkets to the cash payer's favor heavily, and that drove the players out.

  ...Well that or the allegations that the head admin is a pedophile sexual predator who commonly grooms young boys on his mud. Not sure how true that is, but it did ick some people away from the mud when it was posted on r/ muds.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2021-04-22 10:10:46

...waitwhatthefuck. Sources for /that/ one? If there's any truth to that, whoa. On the other hand...it's from r/MUD though so...

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-22 10:36:00

Sorry, I missed your edit. I think charming is supposed to work like this: you chant the name of a spell like healhand or pentacle  and then wait for equilibrium which does take a few seconds and then cast it by typing cast followed by the target. The babbling that you're seeing is probably your character trying to emote which is a bit weird. The only explanation that I can think of is that healhand isn't in your current repertoire  AKA you aren't skilled enough to cast it. Either that or you have the confusion curse which you can get rid of by typing breathe.
The message thing you just type RMSG <player> <Message> and it should send it as long as it isn't way too big and doesn't have special characters. Also I believe it charges you a tiny amount of gold when  you send one so maybe have a handful of gold coins out when you're sending it.

2021-04-22 10:38:10

The thing is I do have those spells. I can pull off equilibrium no problem. Just...nothing else, that's the problem though. Which is what confused me to begin with

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2021-04-22 12:37:16 (edited by randomuser 2021-04-22 12:38:00)

If your charming skill is high enough level and you're not afflicted with something which is hindering casting then I've no idea what it might be.

2021-04-22 16:32:11

So to see what else is out there, I'm curious what other muds have things similar to Avalon but without the acusations of creepiness from admins.

As in, the you can do anything, craft, fight, unique classes type things, with an interesting world and systems. Avalon has an interesting magic system where it's not just type cast X at Y, really.

The whole omg the head admin's a pedo and everyone scripts is kind of off putting, really, though to be fair the game's been around for 30 years so I'm expecting some bad apples in the bunch though.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers