2021-04-07 08:47:05

I would like to play the game...

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2021-04-07 09:03:54

@18: Thanks for the info.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-04-07 09:37:24

I would like to help testing as well. I have tested a lot of games before, and I'm currently testing games under development.
I can test on the following systems: Windows, Mac, IOS, Android, Xbox and Playstation.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2021-04-07 11:42:13

I never heard of this game. But I watched all described seasons of 9-1-1 and loved it! So this is probably going to be good judging alone from the reactions you see from other people who did watch videos about this. IDK if I would test since I don't have lots of time, or at least be willing to invest a lot of it into testing something, but I would buy it and play it if it was accessible.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-04-07 13:07:02

Hats off to the devs for being willing to do this if they get enough interest i just played a few cases with the help of a sighted person and the hole map will need to be labeled in order for us to send units

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2021-04-07 13:51:22

Did you inform devs of the audiogames.net form?

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2021-04-07 13:58:28

Do they have an article or something that tells us how we can reach them?

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-04-07 14:12:50

There is only an email address

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2021-04-07 21:10:47

Im looking forward to it, Ive been wanting games like that for a long time. I hope this continues. after all, how to do to test the player

meet the eternal legend, accessibility group for games and applications in Brazil. main group to bring accessible games to the blind.
official website    
our discord server
youtube channel

2021-04-07 21:28:49

Well I'd be happy to test, as long as it starts in may.
Due to me being on holiday I have had to turn down a test with blizzard because I will be back on the 18th of april and its on the 8th to the 12th.
I don't have my gaming hardware here just my laptop with its weak board.
I don't have 2 hours to test for them in any case and network connections are uncertain.

2021-04-08 05:14:59 (edited by gerech 2021-04-08 05:15:23)

@32, 33. They have a Discord. Seems inactive though.

If you found this post helpful, amusing or funny, please thumb it up!
To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

2021-04-08 07:54:05

My ex and her son play this sometimes, and I'm definitely interested.
After speaking at length with my ex-partner, who is very familiar with the game and is sighted, I think that it would be relatively easy to make the game accessible.
A few issues that she noted:
1. The game can use any map you want it to use, so this can include any city or town you can think of in the world. It adapts. Unfortunately, this means there may be a lot of detail for us to try and parse.
2. Thankfully, you only really need to know which of your units are where. For instance, if you get a bunch of calls in the southeast of your map, you're going to be ill-prepared for a house fire on the northwest side.
3. My ex said that unit placement, while important, isn't entirely vital, meaning an accessible mode or "send nearest available unit" button would not break the game. Since you're competing only against the clock (it's basically arcade style in that regard), adding accessibility options won't totally screw anyone else over.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2021-04-08 08:25:32

I grabbed this on steam for $2.50, and I'd love to see some features added for screen reader accessibility. this would be a ton of fun to play. The fact you can use real city data is awesome.
If anyone has any contact info, pass it along. We should let them know we're interested.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2021-04-08 08:56:28

They also have a website where there is a contact form to contact them.

If you found this post helpful, amusing or funny, please thumb it up!
To get in touch, please email me using the email link below this post. If you prefer, you can also send me a friend request on discord. I'm thetechguy#6969. Please do not send me a PM on here as I don't check those often.

2021-04-08 09:38:09

hi guise
I plan to buy 911 operator today. my question would be whether it can already be played with OCR or not?

2021-04-08 10:43:22

No as it requires right clicking on a map to move units.
I did buy it to support the dev and show strength in numbers, but I currently can't play it.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2021-04-08 11:17:14


2021-04-08 11:32:10

I'm interested.

2021-04-08 12:47:09

I'd play the hell out of this.
I've scene people play this and it sounds amazing

2021-04-08 15:55:54

It would break my heart if this doesn't make it accessible. It seems like a game that would spend a lot of time

i am the best bread in the world.

2021-04-08 22:42:51

I would not only most definitely play this, but I would also help to test it. I've watched gameplay videos of this game and love the heck out of it and it sounds exactly like a game that I could get into.

2021-04-12 02:20:28

hay guys.
so I use the website to contact the diveloper before. you guys should be contact the them, so we can show are interest.

2021-04-12 15:26:15

I’m interested too!!! Sounds good to me.

2021-04-14 01:46:38

I'd definitely play this and even test it!