2021-04-08 15:35:38

Hey Folks.
So the title says it all.
I know that lots of your are not Christians and lots of you are. I myself am a Christian.
But I think we can agree that our liberties and freedoms are falling apart very quickly.
And I commend this Pastor for tell the So Called Cops and Health Official Woman to get out of his church during an Easter Service.
Here is the video of that Below and it is two minutes and nineteen seconds.
And here is the Pastor being interview. It is three minutes and thirty eight seconds long.
I think we all need to fight back against this evil. These people do not care about your health at all.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2021-04-08 15:50:00

Personally I don't think there's any issue with cops being inside a church at all. Everyone's human and needs the opportunity to hear.
I didn't watch the videos, but based on what was said in the post the cops and the health official did absolutely nothing to get kicked out, it was just done for no reason.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-04-08 15:51:09

I'm very much in support of this man.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-04-08 15:52:46

@2 No, they were there to shut down service because of bullshit covid scare tactics. It's hilarious they were in breach of Canadian law. This is what's happening, this is why we need to fight against it instead of lie there and take it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-04-08 16:00:55

Oh, as I said I didn't watch the videos. They're blocked on my current network.
Covid scare tactics are a very real thing right now though, and although we should be protecting ourselves and the other people around us the world isn't going to end if we don't go into lockdown for the next 52 years.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-04-08 16:18:35

What would you suggest we do instead to keep people safe then GCW?

2021-04-08 16:29:18

If this virus is not going to kindly fuck off and go away, then we need to learn to live with it. Those police were guilty of disturbing a religious congregation. Will they be punished? Likely not.

I'm beyond tired of this. If people can't get out of this fear mindset, that's on them, but quit trying to tell us not to live our lives.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-04-08 16:30:08

I don't know, we say the world won't end if we aren't in lockdown for a while, but considering this virus is happily mutating into other strains, that statement might age poorly if covid decides to mutate to become far more lethal.

I think more of a concern is how people's opinions will now be shaped for the next viral pandemic to hit. Considering covid was just spreadable but not "as" lethal, I do have the concern people are going to take the same carefree outlook with the next one, only to find out the next virus will annihilate you and your entire family with a 80%+ lethality rate. Sure, the higher rate might be reported, but people are just going to shout something about scare tactics and government control, weeks before dying horribly via uncontrollable bowel movements and excessive bleeding.

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2021-04-08 16:33:33

Then we die, it is what it is. If that's what's in store for us, then we  should face it on our feet instead of sitting at home too scared to do anything.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-04-08 16:45:05 (edited by defender 2021-04-08 16:49:44)

So you see the aggravated mental health issues of the few and the mild to moderate emotional impact of the many as being worth the permanent  sacrifice of potentially millions.
Lets also not forget the mental health issues suffered by aprox 1 third of long covid sufferers, and the emotional impact of serious injuries caused by it.  If millions were to die, we'd have 10s of millions of long covid cases too.
I understand that the financial impacts of lockdown will also kill people, particularly in poorer countries.  But those same countries also have weak healthcare systems, and the financial impact of dealing with covid aftereffects could be just as bad.
Either way it's a shit show, but this way we can look back on it knowing we at least tried to protect people, rather than throwing them to the wolves on a calculated hunch.  Hopefully we'll be more prepared next time, and actually do lockdowns properly the first time so that we don't have to keep redoing it thanks to the foolishness of others.

2021-04-08 16:45:21

But yeah, I recognize that I shouldn't even be in this thread, because I cannot be sane and rational about this. The feeling that I get is so unbelievably powerful, I can't even put it into words, that's how much I hate this, and these idiots who try to force their stupid bullshit on us. I can't be rational about it because I want to crumple them up and throw them out like yesterday's newspaper.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-04-08 16:47:59

Fair enough, I know that feeling.  Props for recognizing it.

2021-04-08 16:53:46

Religion won't save people from this virus, science will.  So I'm putting my bet in the winning team.
That said, it will help save people's minds.  But if you need a full church for that, you're faith isn't very strong anyway.
If we had done lockdown right in the first place, we'd be out of this by now more than likely.  And you can blame some of the same religious people for that, so forgive me if my empathy is a little stretched.

2021-04-08 16:55:07

I think we should let these people do as they please, if they catch covid and die its natural selection and we'll have less idiots to deal with if another pandemic happens. And who knows, maybe if these donkeys get put down by nature we may be able to get things done quicker, food for thought, isn't it?

2021-04-08 16:55:14

Alternatively, other people can just take cover and let the group of freedom fighters shit themselves to death in this hypothetical situation. Admitedly, covid's lack of lethality rate seems to be the reason we have such a time shaking it off. It's low death rate makes people not respond to it as seriously and complain about minor stuff like wearing masks.

if I recall, when the viral concern of the year was Ebola and it's 90% death rate and horrifying way to die, people were very compliant with quarantine guidelines and withdrawing in places where the virus was spotted to avoid spreading the blood-seaping murder virus.

Though, a far deadlier virus would be a two-edged sword. Sure, it'd suck hiding from that while it cuts folks down. Alternatively, problematic chronic spreaders won't survive their first encounter with the virus. And those who do survive probably won't risk bleeding out of their pores and crapping uncontrollably a second time. It's just unfortunate a virus would have to be that graphically lethal for people to take it seriously. The current pandemic is already life threatening to a good number of folks with preexisting illnesses who rather not suffocate to death on their own mucus just because people can't stay in doors on mass for a few months, restarting progress everytime a super-spreader event kickstarts a new wave and set of mutations because my spring break yo!

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

2021-04-08 17:13:45

@15 See... the problem with that is it's been shown by some countries by example that some people do actually take these things seriously and actually respond quickly. Taiwan, as an example off the top of my head is basically back to normal and has been for a while. Their actual case numbers are in the single digits daily right now. So it isn't nearly as simple as lethality.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2021-04-08 17:16:14 (edited by Lucas1 2021-04-08 17:24:32)

Religious gatherings should not be given any kind of special status. You should not be allowed to limit someone else's thoughts, IE their support of whichever thing they choose to support, but they do not need to gather to support that thing. If a church can be open, so should anything else and if everything else is closed, so should the church. Church should have no special place in government ever.
Edit: Also, the unspeakable fucking ignorance of calling them nazis. SMDH. When this guy gets shipped to a gas chamber, then he can call them nazis before they turn it on. But that won't fucking happen.

2021-04-08 17:48:24

GrannyCheeseWheel this is what I am saying. And lets not forget about how these people in power are basically making rules for the people but not for the Politicians. My Governor in Florida Ron DeSantis understands that Lock Downs do not work. And there fore he has opened up his state completely. And if you where a mask all the time, you breath in your own bacteria. That will also kill you in do time. And Social Distancing equals suicide. SO you my friend are spot on here.
Now all of you hear.
Here is another video of someone who is Waring a mask. She is struggling to breathe as she is talking, but listen to how she wants mask mandates.
The video is 4 minutes and something seconds long.

John Follis
Check out my YouTube Channel.

2021-04-08 18:02:00 (edited by Lucas1 2021-04-08 18:06:13)

So uh... yeah the only way you'll have issues with breathing through masks is if you have preexisting health conditions. In those cases, you can go to doctors to find alternate arrangements. That woman probably should figure out exactly what's wrong. I do exorcise in a mask and it works out fine. Granted you aren't supposed to wear masks during exorcize, that is something that could cause various issues due to sweat, but if you want to abstain from public exorcise due to those issues, you can still wear a mask the rest of the time.

2021-04-08 18:02:24

Based on the things said here I agree with GCW.
Sure, wearing masks is important and we shouldn't necessarily complain about it but after all are we really going to let a virus get in the way of our lives?
If you get sick, you stay home. Ya don't go out and give the virus to other people. Common sense. Have a neighbor or someone close to you get you food if you're too sick to make your own.
I agree that the pandemic is serious, but what's more serious is that nothing collapses around us while we sit at home eating Doritoes because we're too scared to get out.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-04-08 18:50:33

A similar issue came up last year, when one of my favorite pastors, John MacArthur, announced he wouldn't be shutting down Grace Community Church, even though Calefornia's government had restricted the operations of many churches during 2020, and had tried to shut down Grace Community Church 4 times that year.
In August 2020, Paul Jonna, the Special Counsel of the Thomas More Society, a national, non-profit organization who assisted in the vindication of John Macarthur, said:

The court correctly concluded that Los Angeles County’s renewed application for a temporary restraining order was both procedurally and substantively defective. This was their fourth unsuccessful attempt to obtain a court order prohibiting indoor worship services at Grace Community Church. We look forward to fully vindicating our clients’ constitutionally protected rights in subsequent proceedings for this important case.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2021-04-08 18:54:18

I've heard lots of opinions on our current situation. None of them, in my personal opinion, have been nearly as profound as this brief excerpt from a video I'm about to show you. If you want to watch the full video, I'll link it below the excerpt. I don't agree with everything said here because of my tendency to avoid politics as much as humanly possible, but this guy makes a good point. I definitely incourage people to stick around and read this post until the very end if you have the time. Buckle in tight, this is gonna be a long one.

The Mysterious Mister Enter wrote:

2016, just before the 2016 election, I reviewed the Good Family and went into the topic of political prejudice. It was something that was really just starting to boil up at the time in the United States. This was a year before a radical left-wing activist shot and injured several republican congress people at a Baseball game. This was before many, many stories of people being assaulted and shot just because they wore a red hat, and this was 4 years before several people stormed the US Capital Building because they were afraid of a democrat president. As I’m recording this, this is before that particular president swore on domestic terrorism while turning innocent Americans into criminals, destroying innocent lives, taboo good or even important beliefs, and divide Americans even further.
I am cursed with the gift of foresight. Why any of this isn’t painfully obvious to other people, I don’t know. I was alive for the entire war on terrorism. I’ve heard this song before. It never ends. It spins out of control. It ruins lives and tears people apart. I know what McCarthyism is, and I don’t need to be a scholar of history to see where a left-wing version of it leads.
It doesn’t always prevent me from being wrong. I thought that people wouldn’t tolerate a second lockdown, but they did. It’s really worrying to me that being optimistic is frequently the only place where I am wrong. I never thought that people in the land of the free and the home of the brave would tolerate having their rights stripped away because they were scared.
I could tell you exactly what’s going to happen in the future, but you don’t  want to hear it, just like people didn’t want to hear that going to college is not the right path for everyone; that it doesn’t automatically guarantee them a job. Now we have graduates working at Starbucks, hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, wondering where their lives went wrong. I told people that way back when. It’s like one of the first of these battles that I picked, and every time I told someone this, they just stared at me. Possibilities other than college was like the possibility of fish riding a bicycle to them. I got the same reaction when I suggested that the lockdowns might be harmful; and I’m going to get that reaction the next time I go against the mainstream established trend.
You want future? I’ll give you future. The fallout of these lockdowns is going to affect geopolitics for the rest of the twenty-first century. Wars will happen because of our selfish decision to lock down, mostly in the third world as food and resources become scarce there. They relied on a lot of shipments from us they’re just not going to get. But the economic devastation will ravage the developed world as well. Basic cause and effect says economic devastation usually leads to the rise of leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, so you can expect some of those. My bet is currently on Hungary because of what they did at the start of the pandemic, while countries like the UK, Canada, and Australia have already gotten a pretty good authoritarian establishment underway. This is outside of places like China that already basically have this.
The futile lockdowns have destroyed the credibility of the CDC, the WHO, and pretty much all health authorities across the western world, so when (not if but when) a 1918 level pandemic comes along, we’ve used all of our will and ammo to fight this one which will look paltry in hindsight. We will have nothing. People will be hesitant to do anything to fight a virus or a disease, because they’ve already been so scarred by the first time they’ve been through this. Health authorities frequently lied; there’s no reason they wouldn’t this time, because last time they frequently used this to gain more power and control people. Any doctor or politician or medical authority that takes front and center stage will only be accused of trying to further their own career and make themselves a celebrity. And, fighting Covid, they lost so much that didn’t end up being worth it. Jobs, savings, families due to suicide or overdose. People just won’t give a shit, even if they are stepping over corpses in the street. Many would see dying of a grotesque disease a salvation from the life that this lockdown put them into.
It’s the long, long march of history. We see a problem, and we overreact to it; then we end up ignoring a problem of a similar stripe. This happens every single time. Keep in mind, this is if those vaccines don’t have side-effects that made themselves apparent in the oncoming years. If they do end up having some side-effects that prove detrimental, things will be far, far worse. Keep in mind, that is an if. Look up Thalidomide if you want to know why we need extensive testing on medical advancements and why we don’t use experimental medication. “But, but… The medical and science community have advanced far beyond that era! They have protocols and stuff!” Yes, which we decided to throw out to get this one out as quickly as possible.

There's more where that came from, but this is where I'll stop for now. If you want to watch the video in whole, click here.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2021-04-08 19:03:55 (edited by Lucas1 2021-04-08 19:08:54)

So what I'll say about this mentality that people should just deal with things individually, that healthy people shouldn't take precautions to prevent unhealthy people from getting Covid is that that rationality leads to a terrible time for blind people and other disabled people. So saying, "we should be allowed to go out if we're healthy and unhealthy people should just uh, figure it out, right?" Is basically like developers saying, "so I should be able to not pay any attention to accessibility and disabled people should just uh, figure it out, right?" Just that people in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones and whatnot.

2021-04-08 19:04:32

let's not let a virus affect our lives, wow! beautiful thought indeed. but reality tends to be deceptive. no? "

covid cases. U.S. Column 2 cases 30,900,000 + 73,200. Deaths column 4 559,000 + 2,564. Location column 1 button Brazil. Column 2 cases 13,200,000 + 92,625. Column 3 recovered 11,600,000 + 133,000. row 3 Deaths column 4 341,000 + 3,829. so be careful.

meet the eternal legend, accessibility group for games and applications in Brazil. main group to bring accessible games to the blind.
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2021-04-08 19:17:11

Sure it's going to effect our lives but that's not all we have to worry about.
We should protect people we care about, but let's remember that there's a line between going too far and just trying to protect them.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69