2021-04-07 06:10:01

I know, that It is not good place to share those things. It is just warning to be carefull. Maybe You'll have also those problems, or You just have those problems, like me. So, in this case You must be careful.
If You would like to know everything, just click on this link:
https://tanukispaceen.wordpress.com/202 … in-e-mail/
If You have encountered those things please, don't hesitate and share this article with Your friends. My blog is not monetize and those things just started with My friends and me. If It is bad to share those things here please, delete It, but I don't want to be in situation, like I am.
Thank You for understanding.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2021-04-07 06:40:13

Russian hackers? *snorts*
Don't worry dude, i have this on my old email too. Useless spam shit, yeah. Just ignore.

2021-04-07 06:55:25

why are all hackers Russian? that's like saying that all Hindi people are scammers or that all Americans are lazy and fat. Aren't stereotypes beautiful? /s

2021-04-07 07:30:44

The third one is actually mostly true though, speaking as an American.

2021-04-07 10:34:51

Regular spam, I keep getting it in my email, in almost every email service, for many years. And yes, Russian, Chinese and North Korean hackers are everywhere, in any other country no one does this smile

2021-04-07 14:14:44

Stereotypes have some truth to them though.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-04-07 14:53:36

Ofcourse, that's true.
But this thing with e-mail is also true and I don't know, how It happened and not just to me.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2021-04-07 16:04:35

6, Not always. There are many examples of stereotypes that do not have anything real under them, only the ignorance of some people, misinformation, distortion of facts, propaganda and so on.

7, Perhaps your email got into some email database when used on one of the sites, eg., for registration. Unfortunately, this happens, just like with a phone number, Because even if the site says that it does not collect your personal data and does not transfer it to the third parties, this is not necessarily true.

2021-04-07 16:21:30

For example the Americans being lazy and fat isn't necessarily true, although there's a lot of food here, making some people who live here fat and lazy.
You'll find lots of people who aren't, but then again you'll find the group who are.
It really depends on what stereotype it is, and if it's got facts to back it up. Again with the Americans being fat and lazy thing, there's facts to back it up, but those facts never said anywhere that Americans are 150 pounds overweight and only take 50 steps a day.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-04-09 15:03:51

Giovani, you are probably subscribed to some slovak or czech mailing lists? Many users there report this issue. I can not reproduce it actually.

check out my instrumental music at http://ondrosik.bandcamp.com

2021-04-10 13:38:49

Ondro, this is not problem just of Czech and Slovak mailing list.
I have noticed those things before subscribing again to one Czech and Slovak conference for the blind people.
So, this is not problem just of Czech or Slovak conferences. This is maybe problem of those, who are registered to not very secure conferences hosted for example on freelists, lists.sourceforge.net ETC.
Maybe I'll write another article, because maybe We just know, what is point of issue, but We don't know everything.
And I'll stand on this point, that It must be work of some hacker.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2021-04-10 13:48:10

Article has been updated. You can read It from the first post.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2021-04-10 16:23:36

what is interesting, that thei subscribe you to various services but also confirm your e-maill address. So maybe many people don't use two factor authentication or strong password. I have twofactor enabled for my gmail we will see if this prevents me to get subscribed everywhere. Currently my mail is nice and organized.

check out my instrumental music at http://ondrosik.bandcamp.com

2021-04-10 16:50:20

Bleh! 30 mails a day is nothing!

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.