2021-03-08 05:00:07

@77, so the game will be downloaded faster.
I downloaded the sounds from bgt downloader in the morning while playing a MUD. was not that slow, but because no one was connected to internet

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2021-03-08 06:04:13 (edited by tunmi13 2021-03-08 06:08:09)

I am working on removing I believe over 100 sounds from the game, I got an official list.
Please note that this will severely break lots of maps which used these sounds.
However while I was doing this, a player said that they saw a suspicious message. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with Phantom Creations, but it does raise eyebrows, at least for me.
Message below.
ivan: I'm apparently too busy looking at every single sound so I can rage at Tunmi later on. BTW, where's all that money I spent to kill this game? So much for that huh?

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-03-08 06:12:06

Wow, a new low. You attempt to discredit Phantom Creations because they asked you to remove their assets from your game over something that very clearly had nothing to do with them?

Please, from now on, let's follow Tunmi's wish and never post another one of his games on here again. They don't deserve a spot on this forum, and neither does he. As broken and dysfunctional as we are, there is still a line and he just crossed it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-03-08 06:21:02 (edited by tunmi13 2021-03-08 06:22:53)

I did not blame Phantom Creations at all. If you read what I just posted, I said I don't believe Phantom Creations has anything to do with this. Read the post in depth.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with Phantom Creations.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-03-08 06:45:36

so like, what does iven have anything to do with them?. and do you even no if that message was real, i'm sure you have some sort of chat logging systom so.

Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man."
― Frederic Chopin.

2021-03-08 06:51:07

um that's a bit strange. There was, and probably still is a game called 3dyw, which also contains sounds from fantom creations or whatever it's called, and no action has been taken till now, and the game is running for like nearly 1,5 years.
So i'm really surprised that those sounds were found in tunmi's game after 1 day of it's release, but 3dyw contains the same sounds and it's still up.

Hey, if you wanna chat, add me on discord.: VIPPotato#3363
or you can chat with me on telegram: https://t.me/VIPPotato
Regards, and take care.

2021-03-08 09:48:56

@83: If that's true, it's just double standards once again. It's pissing me off.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-03-08 15:40:08

Here's the thing: Stolen sounds won't prohibit me from playing a game anyways. I'm not a sound designer, so I guess it just doesn't matter as much to me. The reason I don't play this game has nothing to do with stolen sounds. So therefore, I don't actually think Crazy Party is different in that way. I play Crazy Party because I like the game and don't care about the stolen sounds. In terms of this forum, by its rules, Crazy Party should be banned yes. As I said, I'm not here to argue about this forum's rules, and not here to argue about my own morality either. Just wanted to clear this up.
That all being said, completely agreed with GCW in post 80. Tunmi continues to do what I called him out for and then furiously back peddle like in post 81 and in post 51 before that.
Imagine you're white, lets just say in an entirely white neighborhood, and you're away from your house and it gets broken into one night. You come back and you say, "I'm not sure if the blacks have anything to do with this, but..." Doesn't that make you a tiny bit racist? It does in my opinion. In the same way, I don't see why Ivan's message has anything to do with an entirely separate claim by phantom creations.
One more thing, regarding 3DYW. This is also a game I haven't played. But I don't think it's a double standard, because phantom creations only noticed the stolen sounds in this game. He already had a connection with Tunmi from before and thus might've been keeping an eye on Tunmi's new releases. He had no such connection with the developer of 3DYW. Sound designers have no obligation to act as police and play every single new game that gets released. They should change them if the sound designers request, however. If Nintendo requested Pragma to change the sounds for CP, I think he should. But since it's Nintendo, it wouldn't be a request, and it will never happen because they are a big corporation and only 2000 people around the world have ever heard of CP.

2021-03-08 16:41:14 (edited by tunmi13 2021-03-08 16:45:01)

When you say that you are not sure of something, you're not saying that you know that they are absolutely involved in what went down.  You are saying that you don't have any high regard for them being involved, or in other words, you do not believe they are involved in it. That is not backpedaling at all, it is simply saying that they don't have any involvement. I do not believe they have any, at all. In fact I know this because I was privately told so by one of their members.
I am not sure if there is some incorrect translation going on here, or incorrect context. But post 80 was reflecting on the sound list, and then I switched over to a different topic about that message. I said I wasn't sure if Phantom Creations was involved. That doesn't mean they are. Did I say that? Absolutely not. Did I blame them? Absolutely not. I remained neutral on the whole thing and said I wasn't sure. I didn't say they were definitely involved.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-03-08 16:44:55

: I'd just like to say anyone who read that and believed it was actually serious needs to reevaluate themselves. Firstly, if Ivan did have a hand to play in it, why would he damn himself like that? You don't think he'd be more covert about it? And you don't think Ivan would be more skilled to the point he could DDOS the server or hack it or something? And if he wanted the game gone already, why wouldn't they have went straight to the moderation team and have them remove it instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt and giving him time to remove the sounds? Now, I'm completely upset that the fact that the legal owner of the sounds came and requested he remove the sounds from a game he played and realise he's suddenly the villain, and Ivan is envious and paid people to go after the game? How ridiculous does that sound? Very, right? Or lets talk about the fact y'all are painting this as double standards when the owner has no idea 3dyw is still up/is using his sounds. How the hell do you expect someone to know their sounds are being used if nobody told them or they played the game? And that goes straight back to Crazy Party. All of you sitting here complaining about how the legal claimant of the sounds requested Tunmi remove the sounds while crazy party is allowed to stay, let me ask a few questions.
1. Did you make any effort to contact Nintendo about CP using their sounds illegally?
2. Did you make any effort to look within the boundary of the law to see whether or not CP would be considered illegal or not?
3. Do you play CP dispite staying on the forum bitching about double standards?
If your answer was No, No, yes, then congrats. You've proven yourself a complete hypocrit and have no room to talk about double standards when you yourself took zero steps to correct the situation. I heard someone in this debate say how this is the reason we don't have good audiogames. I think people with this line of arguing fails to understand that Omar the guy who made a claim to the sounds being stolen is apart of the team that brought you Scarlet Shells, which by most accounts is one of the biggest re es since manamon 2 or even AHC. The team spent hundreds out of their own pockets to purchase the sounds. Now imagine playing Scarlet Shells, then thinking, hmmm? I heard these sounds in GC already. What a rip off. Now, wouldn't that be absolutely unfair to the Scarlet Shells team to shell out so much shillings for people to think they ripped off the sounds when its the other way around? Yep, I find that very unfair as well. Or lets talk about the level of entitlemet regarding this whole sound issue. It is not the fault of Omar and his team that  maps will be messed up. Tunmi used the illegal sounds, and he was called out for it. End of text. He's perfectly within his rights to request his sounds be removed. No matter how many other games you saw those sounds being used because number 1, you have no idea if he had an agreement with Hamad or  whoever the fuck else regarding the sounds. Tunmi did not approach the team about it before the release. And number 2, Omar can't be everywhere at once. Oh and before I sign off, Tunmi, you need a new informant, because it seems as your current one is an absolute waste of time and only wants to push a certain agenda. Because they didn't tell you about how I came on saying Ivan paid me a hundred dollars, when just a few weeks ago they were asking donations for a new server on his game, or the fact they missed the message ivan literally sent where he said he doesn't give a fuck about GC? Hmmm? Hmmm? Well anything to push the, "Everyone is against Tunmi", narrative, right?

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-03-08 16:48:12

Like I said, I'm working on removing the sounds. I removed all of them yesterday but need to re-sort some stuff.
I was actually talking with Omar yesterday on SBYW and I apologized. I hadn't realized that several of those sounds were his, because I've heard them in various places and no one cared. They didn't have any tags on them to identify them, and they seemed legal because they were being used everywhere else. So I did what he told me and I simply warned the players that their maps would be affected by thsi process.

Discord: @tunmi13#1880

2021-03-08 17:02:33

BTW as I said on the game, shut the game down for 24 hours, and change the tiles to Ion your part.t doesn't have to break the maps, and it takes virtually zero effort the nearest sounding tile, or alternatively, give the playerbase 48 hours notice so they can change the tiles.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-03-08 17:15:01

I'm not going to say much on the whole, "Ivan sent a message about how terrible GC is," thing, but what I will say is this.
If that message was sent, Ivan is a terrible person and should be avoided. If not, the person who faked that message is just as much of a terrible person, if not worse, and should be avoided just as much.

Competition is nice, but spending money to Kill a game by doing something you shouldn't is wrong.
As I said, I'm not blaming anyone, because there's really not any proof, other than that message that could've obviously been faked.

OK, so here ya go, my thoughts on the stolen sounds.

They're stolen. Whether he realized it or not, they are. Tunmi did the right thing in removing them from GC.
I can't say for sure exactly what happened, after all I only know so much. And Tunmi or anyone else who has inside info they're willing to share here please do. But from what I can see the guy who's doing the whole copyright thing is on SBYW, and while watching the chat on there I actually did see something where he said he would take action on 3DYW.
He, also, from what I can tell, didn't know those stolen sounds were in there.
So... From what I've seen it's not that they're doing something to Tunmi and not Hamad, it's just that he didn't know about 3DYW having those sounds.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-03-08 19:46:27

When someone asks you why we barely have any active online games to play, just tell them  to read this topic for a few minutes.
This topic, in which Crazy party was mentioned more times than any element or feature of the game being discussed.
I hope CP is gone from here as soon as possible. It got extremely tiring to read about the same thing over and over for a year.
This is  anyway since a long time no longer a central place for new audiogame releases, and I totally get why this developer no longer wants his games on here. Count the number of posts talking about the actual game, and there's your answer to everything, but especially to the online gaming situation.
Why would anyone want to work on an online game for months and get this type of reaction, when they could just make something fun offline everybody will enjoy.
Either it's oh I was unfarely banned unban me PLS, there's lag so I'll scream about it even though 50 people before me already did it so the developer probably knows, and recently, sound X is from here while Y is from there, oh and also CP is still here just so you know.
Well, I suppose it's a lot more fun writing on the forum than playing games, so have fun with that, it might be the only thing you'll have in a few years with this type of mentality.
Unless, of course, mainstream gaming really catches up, and I honestly hope so, because this type of drama will safely be ignored or not tolerated if directly inside a game.

2021-03-08 20:31:27

@87: I didn't say the message was serious, I just said that we'll have to see if it is serious or not. I couldn't be sure at the time.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-03-09 04:20:51

@37, Actually, not all of the sounds are stollen. I know one of the people who recorded some of them.
@41, No lag here

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2021-03-09 10:39:09 (edited by mohamed 2021-03-09 10:40:12)

Message of the Day: I've made my final decision. The sounds are staying. However I will still be accepting contributions to add more sounds. As much as it will probably ruin my reputation and it will probably get my post removed from the AudioGames forum, I think this is the best move, personally for the game and for me. To those who said no, I get where you are coming from. These sounds are probably stolen. But the point is, there's no proof. There is nothing that proves these sounds are actually stolen content, just words without meaning. So I will be keeping the sounds the way they are. Thanks.

2021-03-09 12:24:19

just lol

2021-03-09 12:51:41

Ok, so here's some, uh, constructive, feedback.
The game's wonderful. I've only seen one game like this, SBYW. And I immediately love this even more. It just feels polished, and it lets my creativity shine out much more.
I'm not going to comment on the stolen sounds, as a few of my opinions have already been voiced quite a few times.
Keeping that aside though, the first thing I'd like added would be a restart client option. It just helps sometimes.
Also, it'd be great to have something like a friend list, where you can make private maps that only your friends can play. That'd be fun.
Also, map tournaments should be a thing. In rotu, we enjoyed a lot on racetracks, and if something like that could be officially coded into the game, it'd be fun. I mean, in rotu, there was a racetrack map, but we admins had to manage the whole show. However, what I'm looking for here is that the game automatically have the race event, which would be a lot of fun, adn make admins' work much less repetitive.

Overall, though, I'd rate the concept a 9 out of ten, and the execution would also get a very respectable 7.5 out of ten for me. Definitely much better than tunmi's previous attempts, and just a wonderful work of polish in general. This goes to show that BGT games don't always have to suck.

Founder and Managing director of Vidyadrishti.
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2021-03-09 14:35:26

Wel done on hurting the feeling of sound designers, tunmi. I really feel sorry for you guys, all the sound designers out there.
I'm starting to agree with GCW here.

GrannyCheeseWheel wrote:

Please, from now on, let's follow Tunmi's wish and never post another one of his games on here again. They don't deserve a spot on this forum, and neither does he. As broken and dysfunctional as we are, there is still a line and he just crossed it.

Number 79 might have been a misunderstanding, But this time, He really did crossed the line in my opinion.
I'm not good at wording, So I end this post with this.
That shining light of hope I see on you, Is gon now.

With the hero duty out of the way, I find myself venturing far far away...
And I encounters many allies to share our pays.
In an old land, we build ourselves a shelter...
And we proceeded to call it the kingdom crafter.

2021-03-09 17:23:08

There's no defending Tunmi here.
Stolen sounds are stolen sounds. And how are they not proven to be stolen? I'm confused on that part.
He did get an email, correct? Was the email from an email address that made sense?
I mean, if it was from [email protected] I'd agree in that it's sketchy, but.

On Saturday Morning, the 6th of March, I went on SBYW. There was one guy that seemed to be the guy who recorded the sounds that Tunmi used in his game.
If he didn't record the sounds, he seemed to be at least involved deeply in the company, as some of the things he said indicated. If I had logs on this computer I'd share them for sure. They're on my home computer and I'm at school so I can't for now, but when I get back to my home computer and if conversation hasn't gone in a totally different direction I'll be sure to paste them.

I'd really like it if someone were to share some inside information from this situation. I think it's time we get the whole story.

Also. Tunmi, this question is mainly directed at you, and if you could answer it, and all of the other questions and statements I've made in this post, and really think out your answer first, I think it'd really make things clearer.

1. What was the email address you were sent the message about stolen sounds from?

2. If it was a legit email address, what makes you think that you should just use the sounds anyways without any regard for the email you were sent, or anything inside of it?

3. Before you make decisions that will majorly effect your reputation, shouldn't you think them out properly first, instead of letting your anger decide for you?

4. You have a lot of players in your game at the moment. 15 online at 10PM at night? That's pretty good. Now tell me, why worry about those sounds, if so many blind people have stereo mics and doors, windows, microwaves, fans, etc, to record for you? If you had 25 people that gave you 5 sounds each, that'd be 125 sounds, just like that. The game is already 500 MB. If you get rid of 100 MB of that, and add 125 sounds, where will that put you?

If people like your game enough, they'll contribute to it. As the vote showed, there's 22 people that said to keep the stolen sounds, and 20 that said to get rid of them. I was one of the 20.

I know, personally, that there's several adults that play your game. They, because they have money, may be able to help you afford the sound libraries that you want and need to create a game, on top of the already good amount that could be provided using player-made sounds.
Some of those adults that may have been willing to pay for new sounds for you, heck, the ones that would even make new sounds for you, no longer are. Why? Because you've now used sounds that are stolen and have said you're not going to remove them.

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-03-09 17:27:29

Actually, its 21/21, because lightning casted the wrong vote and it was well documented as such.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-03-09 18:18:32

TRIGGER WARNING: This post turns slightly ranty in the end. I hope I don't get a warning for this.

@97: Yeah, these logs would be very intersting.

Regarding Tunmi's decision, it's just an ignorant and selfish move.
@Tunmi: For you, it's all about you and your game, and you don't give a fuck about others. Not about fellow coders (who possibly put in their spare time to help make the best game possible), as was said earlier in this topic. And not about sound designers, without whom your games wouldn't be worth a second of anybody's fucking time. What I'm trying to say is, as a dev, you should fucking appreciate these people and their work. But instead, you either stab them in the back or steal their work.
I already found your actions questionable to say the least, but now, they really disgust me.
You could have at least gone to the original creators of the sounds, had the balls to apologize and reach some sort of agreement with them.
But after that Message Of The Day/decision, you ruined it all. By the way, in which fucking world was this the best move for you and the game? And how is there no proof that the sounds are stolen?
You finally ruined your reputation on this forum (what was left of it) and you hopefully ruined your playerbase.
Honestly, I agree with Grannycheesewheel here. I would even go so far as to say that I hope you're banned for this. Because people like you just put shame to this community.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2021-03-09 18:39:59

Agreed with this part of post 99 where it said in what world was that the best decision.

How does this help anything? Doesn't it just cause more problems and ruin what was left of your reputation?
If ROTU's lag wasn't bad enough, and if some of the things done on BS / BTS weren't bad enough, now this?

Even more reason to not use the sounds. Does he not get that there's other people who would've helped him out? He's not the victim here.
The poor people who made those sounds are.

Tunmi, it's kind of like how you hate clones. If someone offered to host, and asked if you would help code, a TK game, you'd say no, right?
Shouldn't it be the same way with these sounds? I mean, you weren't given the license to use them. And because you weren't given the license to use them, you shouldn't use them.
What happens if you use copyrighted material in your YouTube videos? They get taken down and you get a copyright strike!
Here, there's this idea that we can use stolen stuff as much as we want as long as we're not caught.
In your case you did it accidentally. After realizing that you used stolen sounds, you should've emailed the people back and said,

I'm very sorry and I did not realize these sounds were stolen. I'd be happy to remove them.
However, I don't know which sounds are yours and which aren't. If I gave you the game sounds folder, would you be willing to delete the stolen assets?


However, after doing this, you were handed a list of the sounds that needed to be removed.
I assume you started to remove the sounds, and after a while you just decided, frick this. It's annoying. So you put up a vote that asked if you should keep the stolen sounds or remove them.
The vote tied.

Long story short, you were told that you had stolen sounds, apologized, went back on your word, kept the sounds, and ruined your reputation in the process.

Allow me to ask...
How does that make you look?
What kind of person does that make you look like to everyone that hears about this and disagrees with you?

Matthew's Horse Needs Your Support!
Discord: misterkrabs69

2021-03-09 18:54:12

@99 the hypocracy in that post is more disgusting than you claim Tunmi's actions.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here