2020-06-16 09:33:22

snowmonno is busted.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2020-09-30 16:11:08

Hi, I have been playing Manamon for a while now, i've completed the game, would anyone be able to help me trade to complete my Manapedia. I would be very thankfull. Also, is it posible to self trade with one computer, I only have one and i would like to be able to trade manamon that have exp pals. Thank you.

2020-09-30 16:45:06

Technically, you can trade with yourself on the same computer, but you have to have a second license, and run it under a second account. Then you'd alternate between the two accounts to do the trades. For most people this would probably fall under the category of doing too much.

2020-09-30 17:29:22

lmfao, no second licence needed.  Their is a way to make it possible for manamon to have 2 instances of the program running at the same time. Use your saved file on both, but be careful wich instance you save to.  Always make a back up of your save, as i learned the hard way. lol.  And this is nothing new i am saying, all this inffo can be found somewhere on this thread, so those of you looking to start something can bite me.

Their is no such thing as a master.  One is never done learning, and those who claim to be a master at something are far from becoming one!!

2020-09-30 17:34:24

Oops, I'm dumb. Yes, for manamon 1 you can self trade and even run more than one instance on the same account. There's a post detailing how to do this. For manamon 2 though, it's a bit different.

2020-09-30 19:02:00

Yes, for Manamon 2 you will need to trade with someone or just get another computer. I have an old computer running Windows 7, and I use that for trades.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-09-30 20:33:00

Hi, another question. Is there anyone who will be able to trade with me in manamon and manamon 2. I would really appreciate it. I am available most times although i won't be able to host. I would really like to complete my manapedia to do the last fight.

2020-09-30 20:49:06

I have a lot more availability time tomorrow, but I'll post again when I'm available for Manamon 2 trading today. I can also give you a save that has all the Manamon in Manamon 1 so you can use that and Process Explorer to trade with yourself, since I don't have the ports open. If you really want someone to trade with you in 1, you'll have to ask someone who is running Windows 10 which allows them to open ports.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2020-09-30 22:11:18

That would be awesome thank you.

2020-10-02 11:31:13

@boy, can I have that save file as well? Sorry if I sound demanding, but I lost my save file cause my PC was formatted, and I did not got a chance to retrieve or copy the file in some other drive. I want to import some of the manamons in Manamon2 to complete the Manopedia.

2020-10-02 14:58:08

Just like me, hehehehe.
However, my case is worse because I forgot to retrieve the mail containing my unlock information from spam and it got deleted.
Surely it's not worth paying 40 bucks only for such a reason.
I've already pait for the game twice to be able to self-trade.
There will, never be a third time! It's not like me at all!

2020-10-09 17:41:51

Hi, I tried self trading with one pc, I did all the instructions of how to use process explorer. I was able to run 2 instances of Manamon with my old save data and my new save. I hosted a room with my old save, and joined a room with my new save. I put in my IP address. A few seconds later, it says the connection failed. I have no idea what went wrong. Any help would be very apreciated.

2020-10-10 04:45:12

You don't need to type in your IP address. Just type localhost, and you're set.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2020-12-14 16:12:41

Hello. Please is here someone who can trade all online transformable manamons and leefox with flammia? if yes, type me an email, or pm. Thanks soo much.

2020-12-15 04:59:52

hi trying to fight the first gym but i can not get into the art museum. It says i need a ticket. but i don't remember where i got it last time. only played once before.

2021-01-31 06:41:25

Its really great i love this

2021-02-01 00:42:49

thunderfang wrote:

hi trying to fight the first gym but i can not get into the art museum. It says i need a ticket. but i don't remember where i got it last time. only played once before.

I think you're refering to the 2nd manamon.

pika-san, a pokemon fan! skype: luigimax127
Discord: luigimax127#5490
Pokemon show down username: pika127

2021-02-10 23:44:49

if someone can purchase the game for me ti will be good if you can send me an email at [email protected]

2021-02-11 01:05:55 (edited by titan_of_war 2021-02-11 01:41:55)

well. that's, weird, wtf?

Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man."
― Frederic Chopin.

2021-02-11 06:29:54

That's in manamon2. To get into the art museum, just buy a ticket. Even if you don't have the gold, something'll happen and you can get through.

The Certified Altruistic Lexicon is nigh!

2021-02-17 21:12:48

I've having trouble with the speed challenge in Orianda stadium in Manamon.  The walk through gives very general directions.  You really need to know exactly where you are going to get through in 30 seconds. 
    This is my second time playing the game.  The first time, maybe 5 years ago, I was able to find a youtube video that was narrated with good directions on how to go.  I can't find it any more.  Most don't comment, and as I remember Liam said "go here...and there..."  which was no help at all.
     Can someone give me, or direct me to, specific directions through the challenge?

2021-02-17 22:06:20

Oops, cried wolf.  Sorry.  I had so much trouble the first time through on the speed challenges.  This time I just needed a little persistence.  Must be doing it before, even with very dim memories, helped.

2021-02-27 02:04:43

Ah, Now I've hit the speed run I need help with.  It's Shadow Kingdom F3 with the speed boosters and reducers.  After I go north and west to catch the first two speed boosters, I back out 1 east and head south and west.  Here I usually catch a reducer and a booster as I search for the way north.  I fumble northish and east and can't find the narrow west-east path.  I run into walls and backtrack south as I run out of time.  Help!  As many specifics as possible would be appreciated!

2021-02-27 02:26:23

Ah, found the narrow passage - it's all the way north.  Still don't know how to avoid the reducers but now it's just a matter of persistence and luck.

2021-03-02 12:49:25
