2021-02-07 06:34:18 (edited by zkln 2021-02-08 07:56:08)

Greetings Everyone!
I am a user experience designer currently conducting a game experience survey as part of my Master's project. The goal of my project is to gain better understanding of the current state of existing audio games in order to create future accessible games.
This research mainly focuses on the game experience of the game "A Blind Legend" among sighted and visually impaired individuals.

If you have not played this game yet, this game can be accessed for free in the app store or it can be purchased on the steam engine (not free).

If you agree to be part of the research study, you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires.
Link to the questionnaire https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp … sp=sf_link

Participating in this study is completely voluntary. Even if you decide to participate now, you may change your mind and stop at any time.

For further question or information, please feel free to contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or via facebook
Thank You!!

2021-02-07 06:53:17

404 not found

2021-02-07 09:46:11

Not Found
Error 404

"But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what
made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?"

2021-02-07 11:36:53

Oof. We are currently creating a survey for a school project as well, so I can definitely sympathize with this technical issue. neutral

I think you may have copied this URL from the wrong place. See, URLs generally are not supposed to have "..." in the middle of them. Try opening the surveys you have created, pressing control+l or F6 or using your mouse to get to the address bar, and copying the URL you get there. That should work, hopefully! smile

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2021-02-08 11:37:55

@Mayana @amir tajik @AlirezaNosrati
Sorry for the inconvenience, I have updated the links please try again.
Thank You!

2021-02-08 21:41:42

I filled it out but I feel that this survey would be better for a game like A Hero's Call. Just my thought. A Blind Legend is a good game but it's too story driven in that there's no room for exploration.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2021-02-09 11:13:36

I just filled it out. That survey took a weird turn in the middle. smile

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2021-02-09 11:35:51

Finished the survey, though I confess all the "how did you feel" and questions about "empathising with the others", felt a bit odd to me, I mean, which others are we talking about here?

Then again, the inequities in a blind legend's story and gameplay might be nice to highlight some of the problems in which sighted developers approach writing both story driven games with blind protagonists, and audiogames in general (all that hear and react combat and the business of having to follow your daughter around constantly), so maybe in that sense a blind legend is a pretty good example, or at least I answered as much, since if this study could lead sighted devs to writing more active audiogames, both mechanically and in story terms, that wouldn't be a bad thing.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-02-09 12:01:44 (edited by Mayana 2021-02-09 12:29:37)

I was just about to comment on that, but Dark beat me to it.
@zkln, could you please explain what exactly you are checking for in the Social Presence part of the survey? At the Core part I was already unsure what you wanted from me, since it felt like you picked several random adjectives, many of which were synonyms, and figured "Yes, I'm sure these will apply to this one specific game very well!" Even though it would be very odd to say someone is feeling content while playing a game about sword-fighting, or that they feel time pressure when there are, if I recall correctly, no timed events.

But Social Presence is where you completely lost me. A Blind Legend is not a multiplayer game. There are no people whose actions depend on mine. Nor are there any companions who fight alongside my character. Yes, there is his daughter, but she is just there to helpfully lead her father around and get slapped if she ever dares disobey him (ah yes, such great writing! /sarcasm) She does not assist him in battles -- not that I blame her -- nor does anyone else.

The only one who will feel the consequences of their actions is the player. If they, for example, do nothing during a battle, they will lose a life. However, if they stand still during one of the "exploration" segments, apart from perhaps louise calling out to them at programmed intervals, nothing in the game's environment will react.

If this is a survey specifically about the game A Blind Legend, then why are the questions so general? Tell us which characters you want us to provide opinion on, which parts of the story you want us to analyze, which gameplay mechanics. What are you trying to find out with this survey, and is this really the best way to gain that information?

Sure, you kind of answered that in your first post, with "The goal of my project is to gain better understanding of the current state of existing audio games in order to create future accessible games." But if you wanted to gain an understanding of the current state of audio games, why is this survey about a game released in ... *checks Steam* 2016? Huh, could've sworn it was older. But that is still ancient in internet terms.

Edit: "I found it hard to get back to reality" "I felt that I could have done more useful things" Say ... how high an opinion do you have about games and the people who play them? Because given the many questions checking if we are unable to distinguish games from reality, and if playing ABL made us more violent, and if we are OK with spending time playing instead of contributing to making capitalists richer by working more, I can't help but wonder ... neutral

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2021-02-09 12:31:42 (edited by Dark 2021-02-09 12:34:46)

@mayana, I sort of interpreted the "others", referred to in the survey meaning characters in the game's world, IE persons other than the protagonist, but being as the game didn't particularly do a good job at making you empathise with those others apart from on a general level, there wasn't much to say, so most of my answers there were in the negative, because yes, having Caroline kidnapped by random evil dudes did sort of make me want to rescue her, because that is how those stories work, but it didn't really make me consider "her", specifically as a person as opposed to "insert damsel here", and the less said about the rather worryingly codependent relationship between Edward and his daughter the better.

Not that any of this was stuff I really minded in game terms, since I generally took A blind legend's story as more a framework for it's exploration and combat, since damsel rescue gives a motivation for the journey (albeit a heavily hacnied and cliched one), and the daughter was basically a walking set of audio cues, which was oen reason the game didn't really have much effect on me over all beyond being a fun excuse to hear some cool audio and wollop some monsters boppit style big_smile.

As to all of that "distinguishing reality", and "how did you feel", I couldn't entirely get where the survey was going there, particularly because I didn't really take A blind legend that seriously as a game anyway.

Still, as I said, if this study helps sighted devs get away from some of the stereotypes that cinematic audio adventures always seem to use, the  blind character constantly reliant on vocal cues from someone else, the so called "exploration" sequences basically just involving turning and following those vocal cues and footsteps, and the combat always involving the player just waiting and reacting to incoming swipes in a fairly standardised boppit like fashion, in short, playing a character with very little agency or effect upon the world, all the better.

Btw, I'll also say I did actually enjoy A blind legend as far as it went, I bought it last year on steam and have played through it twice, well aware of it's inequities going in, but just treating it as a fun audio experience, and though I wish it had gone father, that didn't stop me enjoying what was there.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-02-09 14:20:01

I left the whole other(s) thing unanswered since the text said I could. I didn't get it at all. For example, did your mood influence the mood of the other(s)? Ingame, that question makes not the slightest sense, and if we assume the other(s) are other people in the room with you, there weren't any for me when I played and I don't get what this has to do with accessible games.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2021-02-09 14:35:59

@targor, since I assumed "the others", meant other characters in the game, I answered that question in the negative, since basically the entire game had me walking around behind someone else dealing with things as they occurred, not really able to influence much that was going on, but I might be interpreting the intentions of the survey extremely wrongly hear.

I tried not to skip any questions, even the ones which to me seemed silly.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2021-02-09 14:38:05

I think its often forgotten ABL, while mostly just seen as a time waster to most of us in the community, in sightedworld its the benchmark. And that's a testiment of its own, honestly. Going to take the servey now

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-03-24 07:18:48

So to answer some of the questions posted above:
part of the questionnaire (especially the 1to4 rating section was taken from the GEQ questionnaire. I agree that some questions may not be as clear as it could be but since it's taken from the GEQ questionnaire which was developed by other experienced experts, I simply did not change anything.

And I chose the game A Blind Legend simply because it is free on some platform and is easier to access plus it does not take too long to finish.

I know this survey could have been better but still, THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH everyone for helping me complete this!!!!!!