2021-01-27 16:09:13

Hi everyone,

I’ll try and answer some of the questions below:
@Defender, Just to be clear I’m not saying the new suggestions  definitely won’t make it into this version, just that I don’t want to commit to anything. one thing I’m really cautious of as a developer is  overpromising, so I like to focus on what is already coded in, rather than promising features which aren’t confirmed/coded in yet. I also want to focus on what features will add the most flexibility to the prototype version of Sable and which features will fit better in a second generation of Sable. All that being said I do think they were some good suggestions, it actually got me thinking yesterday as to ways I might implement some of the features from your original post, I think if I did add something like this I would probably just allow for status affects which can be equipped to armour  to be used offensively, so that when attacked the status affect would have a chance of firing on the attacker. I think this would offer lots of potential extra options for creators  and wouldn’t require much coding work to implement either, since I could just make a couple of alterations to the current status affect system to make it work). Again, I don’t want to promise anything , but it’s definitely something I’m thinking about, so we’ll just have to wait and see. Regarding the foot armour suggestion, similar to above I want to avoid committing  to anything specifically, but it’s another good suggestion. I’d need to add in a mechanic to allow characters to attack with their feet for it to work, I could probably just amend the dual weald ability to have an option which when learnt allowed the character to attack with both hands and feet. That way a creator could use it to create something called combo, or martial arts or something  like that to allow the class to attack with both hands and feet (I think entombed monk had something similar where they could learn something to allow them to attack with both hands and feet).  Since the code is already there for armour to do damage, it would be a pretty simple addition, just adding that extra option to dual weald  and opening up foot armour to allow the damage stat to be used.
@Brian P, yeah, that Nintendo game sounds like it would get pretty annoying after a while hahaha. Pleased to hear though that some of the new features will help with the game you want to make
@pates, regarding beta testing,  We’re not looking for beta testers at the moment. The core of Sable is complete and it has everything the game design team require to build Crimson Eclipse. So the main focus is on the game design team building Crimson Eclipse, I’m just tidying up loose ends and adding polish to some of the rougher edges of Sable whilst they work on the game. We do have a small private team of beta testers working on Sable at present, just checking everything is working correctly and testing any new features I add, but it’s only a really small team and at present we’re not looking for additional testers. We want to produce Crimson Eclipse not only to show off what Sable is Capable of, but to also demonstrate the types of games we ourselves as a games company want to produce. An added advantage of creating the game is that it gives us a chance to fully road test sable and make any fine tuning adjustments to Sable before it next goes out to the public.
@both brian and pates, the idea of an item which restricts random encounters has come up a few times. One of the reasons I’m reluctant to add something like this is from a balance and game design standpoint. Getting balance right in an RPG can be tricky, as a developer you need to have an idea throughout your game of roughly what level your players will be at each point in your game. this all factors into how much experience is gained, this can be controlled through things like quests, rewards but random encounters and their frequency plays a big part in this. If you give the player an item which restricts random encounters, and with you the creator having no control over  when and where the player will use this it makes it more difficult for you as a creator to have  an idea of what level a character will be at each point in your game. the other issue is that often in RPG’s there are areas where random encounters play a big part in either grinding, or just blocking off certain areas until a character is strong enough to enter them and not be killed horribly hahaha. Again something like this item would make managing those situations as a creator more difficult. As a work around to this , there is already an event trigger which allows you as a creator to alter the encounter rate when the trigger is fired, this affectively  does the same as what you are asking for, but is more controlled, so you as creators can manage in game balance easier since you know where these are potentially being used. Hope that all makes sense and my answer isn’t too much waffle hahaha

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-01-27 16:20:31


Sorry for the double post, I only saw Brian’s recent message after I’d already submitted my previous post. .

@ Brian, yes in Sable you can set status affects to be either permanent or non-permanent. You set a specific duration  of rounds for Non-permanent status affects , these automatically fade  at the end of a battle. Permanent affects however stay with you even after you have left the battle and you need to find either an item or ability to cure/remove the status affect. The one restriction to this feature at the moment is that if the status affect deals damage , no damage is lost as you walk around, damage is only lost  when you are back in battle again. This is probably one of those areas I’ll need to add a little polish too and allow creators to specify whether damage is lost whilst the character is outside of battle and walking around the map.

    Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-01-27 17:56:46

Yeah that's fair, not overpromising is a good policy to have, and I can definitely understand needing to keep the prototype limited to the most important features.
That does seem to be a smart way of doing the martial arts though.

2021-01-27 19:06:11

I can't wait to get news about Crimson Eclipse

2021-01-28 01:10:45

Actually though, the way the item/spell for negating random encounters would work, assuming it could be implemented, would be something like it used to work in the older Dragon Warrior games, I can't speak to the newer ones because I've never played them. But the way the Repel spell or Fairy Water worked was that it would ward off only weak monsters and the effect would be temporary, say for a certain number of steps or maybe a certain amount of time. It also wouldn't work inside dungeons but only out on the overworld map, so you wouldn't be able to just completely avoid random battles altogether, just the weaker ones. The idea basically would be that if you had a place you'd been to before and wanted to get back there as quickly as possible, you could use that item or spell to ward off any weak enemies on the way there. There could be a level threshold beyond which it wouldn't be effective, say enemies level 5 or below would be warded off but anything above that would still be able to attack you. I'm not sure if that was exactly how it worked in Dragon Warrior, whether it was based on the monster's stats or a straight level check. Either way it wasn't a complete protection against random encounters. But if you had a specific place you wanted to go grind at because the enemies there were stronger and gave better EXP and gold rewards but you had to pass through terrain occupied by weaker enemies to get there, you could protect against those less rewarding encounters until you got to where you were really going.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-01-28 20:43:42

Hi Brian,

Thanks for the detailed follow up on how it works in Dragon warrior, it makes a little more sense now. Its still something I’m a little reluctant to add however, as mentioned to defender I think with new features I add to Sable it’s all about weighing up which new features will add the most impact to Sable and the games it can produce, along with how much extra flexibility, new options and customisation new additions will open up, to coin a favourite American  saying ‘ it’s all about getting the most bang for your buck' smile  I don’t mean actual money, but more how much a new feature will add to the creator/gamer experience. It’s not impossible by any stretch of the imagination to code something like this in, but I think there are other features which could be added which would add more in terms of uniqueness and customisation options to games than a feature like this,  especially when something similar could already be accomplished  using either fast travel points in game, or the event triggers to alter encounter rates if you want players to return to previous areas but with less encounters.    Even though I’m the developer, I’m definitely not judge, jury and executioner smile so if when Sable goes out to the public next if this is something everyone really wants then I’ll happily revisit the idea, but I’d much rather say if I don’t think something is likely to make it in, and at this stage I just don’t see a feature like this getting added. I do appreciate the suggestion  however, along with the more detailed description of how something similar is used in Dragon warrior, so thanks for passing that on.

    Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-01-28 20:55:42

hi, would it be possible to make the battle system of Pokémon? I want to remake pokémon red, I actually got quite far in the alpha, but didn't have the battle system.

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2021-01-28 22:03:50

Hay Gamulation.
I'd like that to, but Sable wasn't made for monster battling RPGs, as that is a vary specialized type of RPG.
Maybe once generation 2 of Sable comes out and makes enough money?
Only at that point would they even consider making some sort of monster capturing/raising RPG plugin, and even that's doubtful.

2021-01-30 13:28:04

Good point Paul, there are some situations in my game where I might possibly want the story to affect the amount of random encounters. In the first town of the game, which is actually a partially fictionalized version of the city where I live, one of the initial quests the player will be able to undertake is to clear a warehouse of an infestation of rats as a favor for the owner if the local inn and tavern. The way I'd thought of having this quest work is that you could encounter random groups of rats inside the building, but once you found and dealt with their central nest, that would eliminate the random encounters because it would effectively clear out all the rats.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-01-30 17:28:38


@Gameulation, as threeblacknoises said in his post Sable doesn’t support a monster catching/breeding  system. However, regarding battle systems specifically, you can have turn based battles (which is I think how Pokémon games do battles, although I’m not 100% sure on that , since I don’t think I’ve ever actually played a Pokémon game, but turn based I think would work well with a Pokémon style battle system). In the last update I added a feature so you could swap characters  in and out of battle, as you do in Pokémon to bring in the character best fitted to the current battle/enemies. So I think from a battle standpoint you could emulate  a Pokémon style battle system in Sable, it’s just there isn’t a mechanic to allow you to capture enemies.
@Brian, yes the alter encounter rate event trigger would allow you to do that, I’ve used something similar in various test maps, For example I’ve had a test map in a graveyard type area with no random encounters, then after performing some task in the graveyard and firing an event trigger, suddenly the area fills with random encounters with undead  everywhere and you have to pretty much run for your life. this I think is similar to what you are suggesting with your rats, just my example is  increasing random encounters, but it could have as easily worked the other way and triggering something in  the graveyard would have stopped the hordes of undead. Actually, I forgot to mention it, but the other day you mentioned in a post here about looking for  music for your game. long before Sable, or Ebon Sky Studios   was formed   and before we had our own sound designer, I tried to write my own audio RPG, I spent ages looking for fantasy style music, I came across the below site which had some really good stuff. Each artist/sound designer on the site has slightly different creative commons licensing rules for what can and can’t be done with their sounds, so if you want to use anything from there be sure to check out the licensing rules for the music you are using and be sure to credit  people where that is required. I liked some of Matthew Pablo’s fantasy stuff on there. Anyway, I’ll put the link below if you’re interested:


Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-01-30 17:35:35

Yeah, I'd need to find a pretty creative composer who could capture the combination of modern era and fantasy I'd want to incorporate into my fictionalized version of Twin Falls and the few other Idaho towns the characters will visit in the early parts of the game. Then it would revert to a more traditional fantasy style when they cross to the other world. But yeah, it'd be cool to have a look at the site you mentioned.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-01-30 22:40:33

Loving the new aditions so far.
I was thinking about races or diferent creatures for the player's party and enemies; would it be posible to add body customization?
Let's say that I have a pet, a dog for example, so I can make it's body with different parts like entombed does; or a lizardman, so I can add a tail along with the rest of humanoid parts.
Those are just some examples. In the dogs for example, make it so you can only equip something at it's neck, or at the lizardman you can add a iron ring into it's tail for tail  based attacks.
The same goes with winged creatures, or maybe monsters with more than two arms. Just blowing up my imagination a little bit here haha.

2021-01-31 04:42:42

@lemm that music sight you shared is epic! thanks for sharing!

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2021-01-31 05:38:50

That touches on a mechanic I've been trying to figure out if it would be possible to add. My main character has a pet cat who turns out to be a faerie creature, a Werecat, whom I was thinking would act in battle at least as long as Luke was in the battle party. She would be something like Interceptor, Shadow's dog from Final Fantasy VI, who will occasionally block a physical attack directed at Shadow and then counter with an attack of his own. Misty, Luke's cat, would theoretically act in a similar fashion. I'm curious if that's something that could potentially be done in Sable.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-01-31 16:09:51

Hi everyone,

@Corona,  it’s a good suggestion, pates emailed me a month or so back with something similar suggesting an option to set custom names for armour slots. I was originally planning to add the feature  just before Christmas when I added the option to set custom names for stats, but just ran out of time  so it didn’t make it into that update. The idea is still on my potential future mechanics list, as with any new feature I don’t want to make any specific promises, but it’s definitely something I’ve been thinking about  and would like to see added as I think  would add a nice customisation option and allow games and enemies/players in games to feel a little more unique (plus who ever saw a dog with rings on left and right hand hahaha)
-@Naruto, pleased you found the site helpful, I stumbled onto it ages ago, but there are some really nice music tracks on there and it really helped add some life to the game I was creating at the time.
@Brian, regarding custom armour/body slot names see my reply above to Corona. Regarding your specific request about characters guarding/protecting allies, there is a status affect called protect which allows one character to protect another like you are asking. At present, when the character casts the ability in battle they can select which character they want to protect, then each time that selected character is attacked in melee combat (either with a weapon or hand to hand) the first  character will protect them. there isn’t currently a mechanic which specifies the chance of them protecting their ally each time they are attacked (its currently each time until the affect fades), but it would be simple to add an option to specify the chance of them actually protecting their ally each time they are attacked. It can also only be used as an ability during battle, so the character has to cast the ability to allow them to begin protecting, but it might be possible for me to alter the code slightly to allow it to be used as a passive ability  possibly, so that the character  automatically protects a specific ally without having to cast the ability to start with. I think adding that as a passive option would potentially allow for  some interesting mechanics.

Paul Lemm

2021-01-31 20:57:29

That makes sense. It's interesting you should mention that because in the Final Fantasy VI scenario I mentioned, Interceptor was actually considered a hidden status effect, although the game obviously never came out and said that. The way you might find out is if Shadow were to be hit with an ability that swapped his status with an enemy that had the ability to do that. I think the spell was called Rippler if I remember right. But if Shadow were to be hit with that spell, then the monster who cast the spell would have Interceptor as a possible counter when they were attacked. The thing that could make my own scenario a bit more complicated is that Misty would be a character the player can't actually control, so she would probably have to be coded to protect Luke from the start.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-01-31 21:48:19


@ Brian, that’s interesting about final fantasy I hadn’t heard of that bug/hack before, I think often in game creation this kind of stuff goes on where the game leads you to think one thing is happening, but in fact behind the scenes its something totally different happening, like with the intercept  meaning to be a natural coded in status affect to the dog, but in reality its just a normal status affect   like any other.  One thing that will help, is Sable already has code built in so you can make one of the players party AI controlled. Simply create an ‘AI controlled’ status affect, then assign it to a passive ability, then assign that passive ability to the party member you want to be ai controlled and they become instantly AI controlled. Since it’s a passive ability it can’t be removed, so that player will constantly be AI controlled throughout the players game, a little like the dog in the final fantasy game or like the Wolf you start with in entombed.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-02-01 02:52:42

and then, any news about it? already available?

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2021-02-01 03:54:46

Hmmm, that does sound like the best way to do it, and it would effectively tie Misty to Luke, even if having Luke in the party didn't automatically mean you had her as well the way it would with Shadow and Interceptor. That also gives me an idea on how I could possibly work the dragon Luke eventually gets as a steed.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-02-01 12:51:28

Morning Everyone,

@ Azure, thanks for the interest in Sable, although the core of Sable is complete (it now has all the required features the game design team need to build our first game title Crimson Eclipse), we want to produce and release  our first game title before we launch Sable. This will give us a chance to show case what Sable is capable of, plus give us a chance to demonstrate the types of games we ourselves as a games company want to produce. From a developer/coding standpoint, Releasing our game title first (which is created entirely using Sable) allows us to fully road test Sable, identifying and fixing any potential bugs and making any required fine tuning adjustments or alterations to Sable before it is released to the public, this way we can ensure Sable runs as smoothly as possible for you all when you begin creating your own games. I don’t have a release date for Crimson Eclipse, but the game design team and sound designer are all busily working away at the game.
@ Brian, pleased to hear the AI controlled player feature function will help with your project/idea.

Paul Lemm
Ebon Sky Studios
email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ebonskystudios/
Twitter: @ebonskystudios
Website www.ebonskystudios.com

2021-02-02 05:33:27

Definitely looking forward to Crimson Eclipse. It'll be cool if/when we can actually hear samples of the gameplay. I also hope there'll be more accessible sound design tutorials since those, while they don't entirely make sense to me since I don't use the software he uses, are nevertheless interesting.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-02-02 09:18:07

Corona, yes, that's great!
Gamulation, In my head, I have complete sable capturing system, hahahahaha!
Lemm, I can't, really can't wait!

ice, fire, water, thunder.

2021-02-18 20:42:57

So this is just a curiosity question more than anything, but can Sable handle what mainstream gamers refer to as "but thou must" situations? LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2021-02-19 11:44:26


Sorry if I’ve been a little quiet  here recently, I’m currently working through Sable doing a complete test of all current Sable features.  This is probably the most detailed testing I’ve done to date, it basically means testing each and every feature in fine detail one at a time, looking at each stat  individually and checking each calculation is working correctly, trying to identify any potential issues  and trying to test all possible combinations of features, stats, calculations, objects, triggers and all options to ensure Sable is running as smoothly as possible, whilst adding final polish to Sable as I go. It’s a pretty mammoth task (and possibly aging me by twenty years and costing me the last of my remaining sanity, not to mention the endless cups of tea such a task requires hahaha). although it’s a slow process, its going well and my aim is to get Sable to my own personal gold standard  of what I would consider a stable and as bug free as possible beta build of Sable. Anyway, I just thought I’d let you all know what I’ve been up to and working on. But the other reason for my post was replying to the last post from Brian: so I have to confess  Brian, I’ve actually never come across the reference "but thou must" situations?, In main stream gaming. It was about 16 years ago since I lost my sight and I haven’t done much main stream gaming since then, so maybe it’s a new term, but you have me intrigued, so what does it mean?

Paul Lemm

2021-02-19 11:59:56 (edited by threeblacknoises 2021-02-19 12:04:43)

Bryan, I'm not exactly sure what you're wanting Sable to do.
The "but thou must" trope simply refers to the fact that the protagonist must do something because they are said protagonist.
Are you wanting Sable to give the player a binary choice of some kind to which their can only be one correct answer and the "wrong" answer simply loops until the player chooses the "correct" response?
As of my testing, Sable cannot generate questions the player can answer.
I have no idea how this could be programmed in such a way that a creator could even feel confident in the process, as this opens up many doors regarding player choice.
Maybe in Sable version 2, as adding in a choice tree is technically possible using a variant of the event trigger system to allow choices to have effects on the game world.
You could; however; write your story text in such a way as to suggest that the protagonist has no choice, as they are literally the only character within the game world who can do said thing; for one reason or another...
Basically what I'm saying is that Paul would either have to go all in on allowing creators to add choices to the projects they produce or not at all.
I can see this being an absolute nightmare to code, so a lot of the Sable user base would have to want this feature.
Again, I'm not trying to burst your bubble, but unless you had something completely different in mind, I can't see any other way for you to accomplish the desired effect other than what I outlined above.
Paul, I drafted the above for BryanP, however I feel this answers your question pretty well.
A lot of newer RPGs make the player feel like the character they control has no choice but to go through with something, either by giving them an on-screen choice, but looping it.
Question; do you want to join the evil gang?
Yes, no.
If yes;
Your heart just isn't in it. Do you want to join the evil gang?
Yes, no.
If no; Battle starts.
Another thing they do; and this is something BryanP could do, is make the other characters in the player's party basically push them into doing said thing because they either don't want to or cant do.
Example; Protagonist must become a singer for plot to progress.
The other characters basically bug the protagonist until they say they'll become a singer, or; in some cases, it's just assumed the protagonist says they will.
This mostly happens in games with silent protagonists.
So the above example would go something like;
You should become a singer!
Either a slight pause once the player advances diologue follows or
"Oh you will? great!
In either case, the game simply assumes that the player agrees with what's being suggested.
The pause isn't neded, but it has the effect of the silent protagonist saying something.
Well, that was long and drawn out, but I feel I've explained the "but thou must" situation as best I can.