2021-01-28 03:57:07

Hi all, so i don't like braille to be oneste.
Sure wen you need it, it's great. but i just don't like reading it for long times. then my finggers just fiel all meh, there's something about having abunch of little dots just reading that makes my finggers say, oi, why, are, you, reading this wen you have an ipad with audio books on it, go, now, or i will. not, work.

Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man."
― Frederic Chopin.

2021-01-28 04:03:32 (edited by Jeffb 2021-01-28 04:05:41)

My fingers get num if I read Braille for to long do to neuropathy from cancer treatment. If I read for to long I get a pins and needles feeling in my finger tips. It also makes my blood run cold a little. I'm more of an audio books person but I like Braille in that it allows me to be litterit and it does help me from time to time. I however hate UEB because you can't just change something like a writing and reading system because it doesn't translate well with computers. If they tried to change print for example it would never work! I do like US Braille although I don't always use it.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2021-01-28 04:19:39

I love braille. Without it, I wouldn't be able to spell. I just got a Canute 360, and it is probably the best braille device I have ever owned. I still like to read audio books too.

2021-01-28 04:31:24


Braille is ok, I can read it but prefer using my screen reader and TTS.

I'm gone for real :)

2021-01-28 04:50:03

i hate reading braille. i preffer tts and screen readers.

if you want to post language resources and see other's language resources, click here in the language learning resources thread: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/826634/#p826634

2021-01-28 08:48:15

I actually need to go to the library again sometime, because the feeling of holding a book in your hands is something that can't be replaced, not even by a braille display, and I'm starting to miss it.

I don't use braille for everything, that's for sure. Generally, TTS is enough to get me by, and faster. But I've found it much more efficient for studying; the information stays in my head better. Math without braille is very difficult. And having a braille display around means that I can actually participate when the teacher asks for exercise examples to be read out, and while that might seem silly and tiny for you, it makes me feel like more a part of the class.

And, as I mentioned above, books. I do read those with TTS sometimes, not gonna lie. But when I want to really take my time with one, properly enjoy it, it's time for braille. And as @swigjr23 said, it is much easier to learn spelling that way. Hell, I frequently have a dictionary open alongside the book to look up words I'm unfamiliar with; if I was reading by TTS or listening to an audiobook, I likely wouldn't even notice those words.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2021-01-28 10:46:51

I wonder how the braille refusers did math in school. Math without braille is the most horrifying thing ever.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2021-01-28 11:56:30


I don't need braille as I don't need maths that much if at all but I can deffinetly see why it's better that way.

I'm gone for real :)

2021-01-28 12:34:57

Hi everyone.
Here's someone that has finished school and has done math without braille. Actually I do think that doing math in braille would be horrifying.
I've done math in my computer, using the same symbols as my partners. Sure, I might sometimes use the symbols dictionary from NVDA to insert some stuff and I should ever use the screen reader in all punctuation mode, but it is actually doable. My grades usually oscillated on the nines and tens. I surely would have like a 7, an 8 or so, anyone's perfect. But I actually loved to do math in my pc, because my partners would be able to see my exercise as well and correct me if I was wrong or all that jazz. When I left the school, I felt like an enormous bag was leaving my back, it was quite nice because yeah, it's easy and more reliable than doing the things in braille, but it is quite hard, especially because I do not use the blind method when doing maths, I do so with the sighted method. That is, all the símbolos, all the parentheses, all that stuff like a sighted kid would do it. It actually would look like mathematic code for screen readers, but it is indeed doable.
About braille itself, well, I love it and hate it the same way. I am a musician and I usually do my charts in braille. I'm not that rich to have an iPad everywhere, so I have my ruler or I don't know how you guys call the thing where you write stuff in braille, but not the typewriter, not the Perkins thing. I've read lots of books in braille, but I still prefer the tts. Actually when there's a word that I don't understand, I do pause the thing, and go search it in an online dictionary. It's not that hard.
That's what I do. If you want to see some of my mathematical code, please tell me in the comments below. Give it a thumbs up and share with everyone. OK no.

Take care.

I don't play games as much as I wish, but you can know that it's me if there's a John Weed over there. Ha ha!

2021-01-28 12:53:54 (edited by Aron Leppik 2021-01-28 12:55:07)

I need math basically daily so I use braille daily. Reading on a braille display's pretty cool too. I haven't read a phyzical braille book in ages.

"Hello Jerry."
"Hello Newman."

2021-01-28 14:24:24

Not very fond of it at all. Good for learning and such, but not good for daily use imho. Oh and I currently do math without braille. Not terrible, just need a good memory

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-01-28 14:34:06

well i was using braille every day like 9 years, then pandemic happend.
we started online studying, so my usage of braille rapidly decreased.
I really love braille, especialy for reading but, When i have  computer or even phone for typing even faster than braille, also read even faster and search anything more quickly, I prephere to use technology instead of braille.

Yours kindly

2021-01-28 14:39:27


@john_weed,  so yeah, 2+2 =4, is fine but how about 20 divided by 10?  Is that called times in the US? Or fractions?

I'm crap at maths and don't need it but I'm interested in how you'd write it.

@Aron Leppik, what do you do where you need maths every day?

I'm gone for real :)

2021-01-28 15:16:30

@john_weed I'd be interested to see some of your maths code.
@brad I use Microsoft Word to insert properly-formatted maths symbols, such as ÷ or × or °, and those get me by.
I personally think that Braille is just too darn big!

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2021-01-28 15:29:35

@brad, uh? Devide isn't times, multiplication is times. Devision is just called devision.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-01-28 23:56:08


@JayJay, I told you I was bad at maths smile

I'm gone for real :)

2021-01-29 00:58:15 (edited by titan_of_war 2021-01-29 01:00:09)

@6 i just ordered the first book of hairy podder from wolfner, i've red percy jackson, finally got my hands on the tower of nero, finish that and all of the stuf that he's rote. so excited for that.

Bach is an astronomer, discovering the most marvelous stars. Beethoven challenges the universe. I only try to express the soul and the heart of man."
― Frederic Chopin.

2021-01-29 03:17:20

I've had a love hate relationship with braille my entire life honestly. I like reading it, however I have never been able to get above a 70-80 words per minute reading speed on a good day; so reading with it has always been slow for me. Right now I'd say my reading is far slower than that actually, it's been a while since I've used it for anything more than reading a menu.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2021-01-29 04:02:37

I like Braille. At school I just had Braille, and currently, in the theater course it's easier to make notes using the ruller, I do not know the term for that in English ... but it's easier to use the ruller than turning on a notbook, we have many physical exercises, and we do not have tables or chairs in the studios

2021-01-29 05:25:45

IDK, I never liked brailing in a classroom environment simply because I never liked the loud noise it made, plus its heavy. Not ridiculously heavy, but more an inconvience than my laptop. Plus my bag is already a  heavy mess, I can't imagine if I had to carry a brailler plus braille textbooks and braille notebooks.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2021-01-29 08:18:57


@nala, I think the words you're looking for are, slate and stylus.

I'm gone for real :)

2021-01-29 09:37:07

I prefer Braille because I understand things easier if I read them.

2021-01-29 14:39:47

amir tajik wrote:
brad wrote:


Braille is ok, I can read it but prefer using my screen reader and TTS.


"But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what
made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?"

2021-01-29 14:40:43

sory for the messy post

"But did you, in your three-piece psychology and 1950's technobrain,
ever take a look behind the eyes of the hacker?  Did you ever wonder what
made him tick, what forces shaped him, what may have molded him?"

2021-01-29 16:33:49

For studying, I prefer Braille. For reading, both audiobooks and Braille are fine. For just randomly surfing the web, playing games or doing other stuff, I prefer speech.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW