2021-01-20 08:28:00 (edited by bhanuponguru 2021-01-20 08:33:33)

so, as title says, how do you do this? i got to installation screen. i am installing ubuntu 20.04 server lts. using super + alt + s don't work. i need to turn onn orka. i am sure i got to installation screen because nvda ocr says similar to select a language. how ever, i managed to typing in english and press enter. then english is selected. but, it's very difficult to install without orka. but super+alt+s don't work. thanks for any help. again, i am not installing desktop version. i am installing server version.
thanks in advance

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2021-01-20 08:56:01

well it dapends. eather server doesnt have orca because not all linux do. or its a command line installer

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-20 09:00:48

no. i am sure it's not command line installer because on ocr, i can see continue buttonand all that

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2021-01-20 09:10:41

then orca is not in that installer. i can check my self though if you would like

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-20 09:15:54

yeah please.

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2021-01-20 09:31:47

so i can see a little bit and it seems to be a command line. may i ask why you require ubuntu server specificly?

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-20 10:01:06

it's just because i am a learner. i don't wan't to buy. i mean, i can't buy a vps. so, i can learn from this.

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2021-01-20 17:26:49

i get it. but running it in a vm means that all the servers contens are on your pc witch i think you know. the vm has to always be running. i'm not sure what os to use, but try some other options like ubuntu desktop and manualy configure it. not sure how to help you

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-20 17:32:10 (edited by bhanuponguru 2021-01-20 17:33:26)

i don't wan't to use it for production. i wan't to play with it. i am learning how to host stuf. so, but i fixed it. i got ubuntu 16.04 iso file, then, boom. it directly installed with no prompts. after all installation, it just boomed in to login prompt. haha. it did not boomed in to, but it brought me directly to login screen haha.
any way, thanks for the help. now i wan't to install ssh server in to it
and, i can easyly interact with command line by ocr.
after i install openssh-server, i will access it through putty.

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2021-01-20 18:00:32

You should install Ubuntu Desktop instead.  There's nothing Ubuntu Server has that Ubuntu Desktop doesn't, and you want Orca for when things go wrong enough that you can't SSH it.

You can turn Ubuntu Server into Ubuntu Desktop by just installing a bunch of packages, as far as I know.  Might as well do it the accessible way.  In practice if you're using Ubuntu Server for something it'll be through Docker or something like that that's accessible without issue, and you probably won't even ever run the installer yourself.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-21 04:31:15

ubuntu 16 don't have an installaer because i powered onn vm and it directly installed and popped up login screen. so, i could use the server. i use sudo poweroff to turn off and power onned vm when ever i wan't to power onn it.

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2021-01-21 04:38:49

that, just, no. thats a live cd. it doesnt save anything

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-21 04:45:37

If you aren't running an installer you're running a live cd and restarting the vm will probably erase all the stuff.  If you did get it working to not erase all the stuff by formatting the hard disk or something, it'll kind of work until it breaks.  So don't do that.

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Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-21 05:04:53

while i first time power onn, it said a lots of spams like installing open tools, some thing and so on and so onn. it said installing apt, etc.
but from second time, it just prompted login screen without any disterbence
and, i installe dopen ssh. and i rebooted the server. it means i poweroff, then powered onn again. openssh is still there. it means i runed the installer i think

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2021-01-21 05:50:16

i have never herd of an os that just installs

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-21 06:06:26

OK, all of the posts in this thread minus Camlorn's posts are bullshit.

First, the installer is some sort of graphics thing, but it is not using a window manager in the traditional sense. It's using either ncurses or some other library. It's not accessible for us to install it that way.

Second, VmWare has this feature called EasyInstall, and I hate it. It does what has been described in one of the posts, where the OS installs the first time you start the VM with no intervention from the user. Getting around this means you have to disable one extra CD drive and one floppy drive in the hardware settings for the VM in question before you power it on for the first time.

Let's see, what other rubbish have I encountered while skimming through here. Oh yeah, the bit about Ubuntu 16 not having an installer. yep, welcome to the future, where OS's magically install themselves and start themselves almost instantly. Just umm... don't pull out that flash drive... trust us.

@rings2006 You have this habit of answering questions when you have a half-assed idea of what's going on, which really doesn't help things. It just means there's liable to be more confusion. It's really not the way to be.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2021-01-21 06:22:00

i'm trying my best

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-21 06:23:48

OK but like, it doesn't show. Why would you want to be giving out misinformation to people. I mean, I'm sure I've done it, although unintentionally. Now though, I either don't answer if I don't know, or see if I can find out. But what I don't do is act like I know when I don't.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2021-01-21 06:27:11 (edited by bhanuponguru 2021-01-21 06:31:45)

i am not sure if it have an installer, but i will explain step by step what i did
first, i opened vmware and press ctrl + n to get to new virtual machine dialog. then i selected disk image file. then it autodetected the os as ubuntu 16.04 server. then i click next
then it asked for full name, user name and password and of course confirm password.
after that, i customized some hardware and clicked finished. of course i check on power onn when finished. then the machine powered onn and start to display some text like installing open, some thing that starts with open, then it said installing software, etc. it said installing... not only that, but lots of text like installing software, configuring some thing, so on and so on, i don't remember, it showed a lots of text
then finally it said configuring apt. then it said, and when i say said i mean displayed, starting serveces... then it said starting login service, then after few mins, i couldn't read any thing. mey bee i thought it's restarting. it was just a blank thingy in ocr
so after few seconds i runned ocr again and it prompted for login. i entered the credentials that i entered previously on vmware screen.
it logged in and i got welcome to ubuntu 16.04 bla bla bla
then i got a $ sign. i entered clear command. so every thing got cleared.
then i did sudo apt install openssh-server
then is said sudo password for bhanu. btw my user name was bhanu so,
i entered the password.
then it said it's going to use so and so space, do you wan't to continue? i press y
then it's installed. then i ran same command again. that is sudo apt install openssh-server. it said 0 upgrade, 0 installed and bla bla bla
then i ran sudo poweroff
then vm powered off and vmware got  closed. then i opened vmware and powered it onn again
then this time it brought me straitly to the login screen without any installing messages as i said erlyer
i entered my credentials and logged in to the server
then i ran same command to test if my vm is arraised or not.
sudo apt install openssh-server
then it said 0 upgraded, 0installed, bla bla bla
so, then i came to a conclusion that it got installed.
please correct me if i am wrong
thank you

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2021-01-21 07:08:50

Yeah, you did this via the VMWare autoinstall thing.  I still really suggest throwing it out and doing it via Ubuntu Desktop for Orca etc. though, and also doing it manually.  I know you can get orca by installing a bunch of stuff through apt instead, but I don't know what.  The version of the installer that comes with Desktop is accessible.

You need a screen reader in the vm to edit config files, both for when things go wrong and potentially for initial setup.  I don't understand why I have to point out that trying to read highly technical information that needs to be accurate character for character through OCR isn't ever going to work, but apparently I have to.

I always forget how to check/edit hostname on Linux without just Googling it, but if you can work out the hostname of the vm, then Windows may already be able to see it if you ssh myuser@hostname.  I have that working here, but I don't remember if I did anything special to set it up.  Windows 10 implemented mdns which I think is what does it.

Now, the next thing is VMWare networking configuration.  You want to just leave that as NAT.  If it's not working and you think it should, then open an admin command prompt on the Windows side and do:

net stop vmnetbridge
net start vmnetbridge

Which can sometimes magically fix it.  Yet another reason to have Orca on the vm is so that you can find out whether the mvm can reach the internet, because "the vm can reach the internet but Windows can't talk to it" and "the vm can't reach the internet" are very different problems with very different solutions.

If that's not good enough to get you access, you can put VMWare in whatever they call their network configuration that gives the VM a MAC address and direct access to your router (bridged, I think).  Then you can go play with dhcp settings in the router and get it a fixed IP.  There's a couple other ways to do that as well, but I don't remember them.  Be aware that screwing up the router's dhcp settings will take the entire network offline.  You'll have to reset the router to factory defaults and reconfigure from scratch.  There's ways to fix it that don't require doing that, but they're probably beyond you and they're potentially router specific.  "I screwed up my DHCP settings" is beyond my level of networking troubleshooting knowledge.

If all of this is confusing, you can go get Docker for Windows and read a Docker tutorial and every single step of the process will be 100% accessible.  Only real difficulty with Docker is that content gets erased when the container stops by default, which most people just fix by embedding their content in the container at least at the newbie level.  If you can write a bash script to do what you want, docker will work nicely for you as a learning platform and it also looks very good on a resume anyway.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-21 07:41:48

i tryed ubuntu server my self. only saw text. and was unaware

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609

2021-01-21 07:51:03

i successfully SSHED in to my vm. virst, and hey, can i use bridge option on network in vm settings? nat din't work. so i used bridge. using nat, i cannot ping from my windows computer. so, i use bridge. and i use ip in putty and it's connected.
ok, i will try the way you told using nat.
i think nat is the best option. so, i will try restarting nat by the command which you gave

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discord: bhanu#7882

2021-01-21 07:56:51 (edited by ashleygrobler04 2021-01-21 07:57:23)

You can't just run the ISO file and expect every thing to be saved...
Instead of telling you what you should and shouldn't do, i will try and help you to give you instructions to install it the right way, how ever if it does not fully work, you can google it.
You first of all need to create a VM. then add the OS later option, then set the ram size and storage size and click on done. Don't start the virtual machine yet, you then right-click, go to settings, and add the ISO file to the drive and click done.
Then boot the machine up and turn orca on.
Format the drive and let ubuntu creat the partitions automaticly for you.
Then click on install, and you're good to go.
Sorry i can't remember all the options at the top of my head, but those are more or less the steps to follow.

best regards
never give up on what ever you are doing.

2021-01-21 08:12:51

i installed it and i can ssh in to it also
the data saves also. if i restart the server. all i worry is, nat don't work if i restart. but in other distro like vinux, ssh works just by nat. but in this, i should set network to bridge instead of nat. if this causes no problem then i will proceed happyly.

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discord: bhanu#7882

2021-01-21 08:23:53

would you atleast listen to everyone.. they are saying specificly how to install it your just saying but its working. for how long

i am a system, i have headmates, and that is my life, and my discord is rings2006wilson#8609