2021-01-13 16:12:10 (edited by Quin 2021-01-13 16:12:27)

A) TW Blue started as a clone of CN, actually.
B) it has huuuuuuge memory management issues (over 2 GB on a good day for me).
And C) try opening a huuuuuuge conversation. It will freeze literally everything but WX, because WX forces it's own thread down their throat.
I certainly see why people aren't that willing to fork over money, and it's actually quite understandable. But TW is not better in compareson imo.

2021-01-13 16:44:17

Actually TW Blue is a fork of the qube, which is a fork of qwitter. Chicken Nugget most likely uses adapted qwitter code, which may or may not even be legal under the terms of the GPL come to think about it due to the thing's closed source and proprietary nature, but no one can prove it.

2021-01-13 16:50:18 (edited by Minionslayer 2021-01-13 17:12:45)

Why the hell can't I bind a key to something including space or enter?
Edit: And not even the function keys work?!
Edit 2: I also don't like thus far that no Twitter client has shown DM by user, not just by one buffer for received, one for sent.
Edit 3: My mistake. You can actually do those things, you just need to type out eh key for some reason.
Edit 4: Okay it's fine, but $15?

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2021-01-13 17:15:41

@27: if you want to get into illegally used code, I don't think TW Blue is the hill to do that on. It uses NVDA's language handler, with all copyrights removed, and slight modifications. See languageHandler.py
@28: because he is literally giving you access to paid OCR and image description services.

2021-01-13 17:21:30

Every Twitter client will have the buffer lag bullshit until the new streaming endpoints for api v2 are ready. AT this point, version 4 of Tweepy will enable use of those new endpoints.
Incidentally, TW Blue has already begun the migration to Tweepy about a week ago. I sure hope Q has done the same thing for Chicken Nugget. It looks like he has, considering it's back to using oAuth which was shut down along with streaming 2 years ago. Better still, if CN is still using Twython, that would be laughable. Twython might be the reason TW Blue has the memory issues and instability that it does. Python3 made it a lot better, but it still has threading/conversation issues.

2021-01-13 17:27:36

I didn't read the entire topic, but does this use the new API? Is the streaming back?

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2021-01-13 17:31:46

It does use the new API AFAIK, as otherwise it wouldn't work. And no, I think Twitter nuked streaming for good.

2021-01-13 17:43:24

Not really. Streaming is supposed to be back with api v2. Tweepy just hasn't been updated to enable the new endpoints yet. You can tell it's not entirely v2 ready because of the holes that weren't in previous iterations of Nugget.

2021-01-13 17:54:35 (edited by haily_merry 2021-01-13 17:55:06)

@turret, no no, I was talking about chicken nugget being as it's A, close sourced, and B, proprietary, both going very much against the GPL which original qwitter was released under.

2021-01-13 18:01:23

@34: where is your source on it using Quitter source though? Just because it took the idea doesn't mean it used code.

2021-01-13 18:16:52

Like I said, it’s kind of hard to prove unless you have a copy of qwitters original source code, which I don’t, because it’s no longer on github, and you’d probably have to know the original code base quite well in order to notice anything anyway. It is the same developer though, and they’re similar enough to at least be suspicious.

2021-01-13 18:19:25

@29, so, paying 15 $ for a streaming service that google can do for free? no thanks. You can open images in your browser and let google identify them. Not paying 15 bucks for image description when I can get it for free. Also TWBlue has the same features as CN as far as I can see.

kind regards and have a nice day,

2021-01-13 18:19:51

Correction, it never was on github. He hosted it with, something. I don’t even remember what it was called, but some sort of database system. If you go to the wayback machine, they have some interesting archives for qwitter-client.net.

2021-01-13 18:27:21

@marro, Yeah not the same OCR and image services. Don't expect to see the same results.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2021-01-13 18:45:15

I use the twitter websight it works fine for me

2021-01-13 19:11:54

I don't think these clients have memory management issues in the conventional sense. As in, I believe it's quite intentionally consuming that much RAM to cache past tweets and avoid lag when trying to load them from disk when browsing.

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2021-01-13 19:25:43

Yeah, CN will do the exact opposite, it will literally save your entire session to disk, barring timelines you don't flag as being persistent across restarts. Unless, of course, you configure it to write nothing to disk, in which case it won't.
The problems with this system are that A, assuming streaming ever becomes a thing, if you're following a lot of users, oof. That's gonna suck for your hard drive, and probably your CPU as well. Also it apparently lags at startup for some systems with a lot of tweets cashed, though I haven't experienced this yet myself.

2021-01-13 21:46:31

My thoughts in four words: too little; too late.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2021-01-13 21:51:27

Exactly. Although I wonder if this is an interim update while we wait for Tweepy to adopt the new api v2 endpoints. THis thing can't possibly be using Twython due to Twython's deprecation.

2021-01-13 22:10:36 (edited by Lucas1 2021-01-13 22:11:14)

I saw that Q was back to Twitter a few weeks ago or whatever. It figures that as soon as he comes back to the platform, he'll update the client he made for it. I remember he ragequit not only CN development, but using Twitter as a whole when the API thing happened. Both TWBlue and CN will get streaming when it happens, so I see no need to switch.

2021-01-13 23:00:48

CN saves to disk, but if you let it do that for about a year it starts randomly freezing, so if you're going to try it maybe don't use that feature.

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2021-01-13 23:50:33

Or at least clear the cue from time to time. IN fact, plan on clearing the cue after every update for a while, as version 4.71 fixes some miner but nagging issues with link rendeirng. HOwever, past tweets stored with older versions will still have this problem, thus clearing the cue is necessary.
And speaking of saving to disk, it appears tha tChicken Nugget does not yet have support for the new Twitter archive format.

2021-01-14 00:05:05

TWBlue is still being updated? I never get the prompt to update when I check. Does he plan on updating it? He hasn't updated any of his projects in a while

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2021-01-14 00:15:44

dont think so

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2021-01-14 00:21:27

Neither do I.

73 Wj3u