2021-01-11 17:01:56 (edited by Dark Eagle 2021-01-11 17:03:08)

So, on the khanacademy, I learned about the coordinate planes, (basically, I only dipped my feet in the water to get an idea,) but their exercises are not very accessible in this topic.

Then I went to math is fun, tried to use OCR there, and still didn't have any better result. Though their explanation of the both site is good enough to understand the topic, I am really looking whether you guys know a place where I can do some exercises regarding this?

2021-01-11 17:47:05

If you mean things like the xy plane, you really need to try to get your hands on tactile graphics.  Things like OCR will not help.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-11 19:33:10

*sigh* I was really afraid of that answer.

2021-01-11 20:46:31

What do you want to learn specifically? I may be able to work with you depending just what we're talking about.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-11 20:53:16

american printing house for the blind may sell tactile graphics explaining this concept.

2021-01-11 22:08:39

I never had any tactile graphics and this is why I suck at math, which I love BTW. So yeah.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
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2021-01-11 22:10:22 (edited by omer 2021-01-11 22:10:33)

this may sound weird  , but try the games such as 2d platformer

2021-01-11 22:28:51

Yeah, if you understand coordinates in BK3 you understand the very basics of the xy plane, because that is the xy plane.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2021-01-11 22:43:53

Camlorn, I want to practice with the x and y coordinates, I understand the theory and the explanations, but I wish to apply them in some exercises.

Playing a game would work fine for that as well, if you do have some recommendations.

Also, I can't purchase anything from American orgs, I live in India. And as far as I know, the organizations don't offer anything like tactile here for purchasing.

2021-01-11 22:53:42 (edited by Ian Reed 2021-01-11 22:56:31)

+1 to Camlorn for his offer of personal assistance to Dark Eagle in post 4.
My math skills are not great, though I wish they were.
I find it difficult to improve them as a blind adult, so it makes me happy to see people with math skills offering to help others.

~ Ian Reed
Visit BlindGamers.com to rate blind accessible games and see how others have rated them.
Try my free JGT addon, the easy way to play Japanese games in English.
Or try the free games I've created.

2021-01-11 23:14:08 (edited by omer 2021-01-11 23:15:41)

as i said, we have quite of few map building games, To  be honest. 2d platformer is the easyest that you can try
or s b y w game, if you want something more advanced and online.
but let me explain in verry basic terms
draw a pluss sine if you dont know how it is done, its similor to a cross. The mittle point represents the starding point, or origin.
when you slide your finger or hand toward the right side from that point you are going pozitive on the X-Axis , i you go up rom that point, your going pozitive at the y axis
hope this helps

2021-01-11 23:38:08

Saying you want to practice the XY plane is like saying you want to program in terms of how general you're being.  You'll have to be more specific.  If you're hoping to just plot points or something, you'll have to have something tactile for that, but you won't really spend more than 5 minutes figuring out how that works before moving on.

I don't know what resources are in India, but I know there are some.  Also, just because APH is American doesn't mean they won't ship there.  It might cost you an arm and a leg, and APH specifically may not, but being in America doesn't rule it out.

There are lots and lots of better options, but the easiest thing you can get for tactile graphics when it comes to "I don't have access to blindness-specific resources" is something like these: https://www.amazon.com/WikkiStix-WIK804 … B0011E2S7C

I used those when i was a kid and as soon as I had proper braille graph paper and, later, the draftsman, I hated them.  But you can get them at normal craft stores in the U.S. and can probably find something similar over there.

There are also some forms of paint that you can get, possibly also at craft stores, which are designed to make raised lines when you paint with them.

You'll still have to have someone sighted involved and in the long run you'll have to sell your soul for braille, but this kind of stuff can work as a decent workaround and was state of the art in the 1990s or so.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992